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I am quite bothered

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My husband put on the Hunger Games which I have seen books here and there.


He said it was some kind of girl power movie.


So far I am pretty grossed out by it.


It is so violent and it doesn;t seem right.


I think I might just have bad nightmares of it never mind my poor kids.



Am I the only one here bothered by it?

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No, I'm sure you're not the only one here bothered by it. But I really enjoyed the movie, but that is primarily because I loved the books. If you are at all interested in the Hunger Games, I would suggest that you try the books first.


(Although I do know plenty of people who have just watched the movie and enjoyed it as well).

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You have to read all three books to fully understand the "power" of the books. Movies, as we all know, never really capture the essence and true meaning of a book.





The movie misses so much of the important background and political stuff that it loses a lot of meaning. You really need to read the books to get a complete understanding. They are definitely not meant for most kids under middle school (at the lowest) or high school level. They are great if you like dystopian fiction, which is always disturbing; they are meant to disturb.

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You should. It is not a movie for the under ten set, IMO. It only gets worse.

I hope you did! My dh watched it this weekend with the 12 and over set. The 10 and under set, and I, stayed out of the room! He said it was just so-so...you really had to have read the books to understand the depth, etc. Our dds read it when it came out but weren't interested in it enough to continue.

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My kids read the books and saw the movie in the theater. They understood it and seemed to have gotten a lot out of it. But they are teens.


The movie is rated pg-13 for violence. Did y'all not notice that before putting on the move? We use imdb.com to check out movies we are not sure about letting our kids watch. The parental advisories can be helpful (not always).

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Had no idea what it was about...husband just put it on saying it is some kind of girl power ra ra movie.


Watching it with my 10yrs and under group. Ready to have him turn it off.




The Kid has it on right now. He also read the books, The Giver, and Lord of the Flies before getting to see the movie.


It's a complex story that film can't capture. I think it's great for the teen years and as a springboard for deeper life/political/moral questions.


There's no way I'd stick a 10yo in front of it without a LOT of family discussions and evidence of maturity beforehand.

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Depends on what age you are watching it with. I read the books first and read them as dystopian novels similar to 1984, Fahrenheit 451, and Animal Farm. If you watched the movie blindly with no background information and with young children I could see why you would be bothered.


:iagree: I'm teaching a class on the book at my co-op this fall, and we will also be reading 1984 and Fahrenheit 451. Violence aside, the themes involved are meant for an audience older than your kiddos.

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We've watched it twice since its release yesterday. We've all also read all three books and have discussed them a great deal. We knew what to expect and some of it was still hard to watch, but we think they did a great job with the movie.


:iagree: Exactly.

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My teens read the books and are looking forward to the movie. But even so, this was a series we decided to read with them (dh took this one, I took Twilight, which teen dd wanted to read) . ait sounds like a good story, but not a movie to probably even show my 11 year old, especially without reading the books.

Edited by higginszoo
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My kids read the books and saw the movie in the theater. They understood it and seemed to have gotten a lot out of it. But they are teens.


The movie is rated pg-13 for violence. Did y'all not notice that before putting on the move? We use imdb.com to check out movies we are not sure about letting our kids watch. The parental advisories can be helpful (not always).


http://www.commonsensemedia.org/ is much better for parental ratings and info.


We loved the books and the movies. My 10 year old son read it with us when he was 9. Loved it. But I only took my girls to see the movie.

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I watched it with my 11, 10, 10 and 7 year old the other night. I did know what it was about and was prepared to have a discussion with the kids afterwards.


We really liked it here, but did need to have a long talk afterwards.



Most of it went right over my 7year olds head. ;)

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You should. It is not a movie for the under ten set, IMO. It only gets worse.


:iagree:My dd7 probably could(as far as reading level) read the book but I will not let her and I definitely will not let her watch the movie. I think dh thought about watching the movie as a family and I gave him a heads up about how violent and disturbing the book is. It would bother both him and dd.

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My husband put on the Hunger Games which I have seen books here and there.


He said it was some kind of girl power movie.


So far I am pretty grossed out by it.


It is so violent and it doesn;t seem right.


I think I might just have bad nightmares of it never mind my poor kids.



Am I the only one here bothered by it?


It's supposed to be a great discussion starter with your kids. But then, I'm one of those who will wait until my kids are teens until we learn about the Holocaust. I guess it's a matter of temperament. :001_huh:

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We watched 7 days to Utopia instead.


My kids have watched all kinds of movies and shows being that they come from a blended family with teenagers and the other parent does not limit shows so they have watched horror flicks and the like.


But for our family this was too too much. Too disturbing for us.


Besides the lady with the pale white skin and bold make up---reminded them of their flaky mentally unstable bio mom who keeps abandoning and reappearing in their lives. Literally their bio mom looks like that lady in the movie. Perhaps too close to home.



Maybe one day when they are much much much older. My husband learned a lesson. Just because it is popular doesn't mean it is right for our family.

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Am I the only one here bothered by it?


No, you're not.


I enjoyed the books, as did both of my daughters. We were all looking forward to the movies. I could not believe how disturbed I was by the movie- it literally made me sick to my stomach and mentally agitated for the rest of the day (we saw a matinee.)


My dds were not bothered. I think because they don't have children of their own. They wondered why I was so bothered, after all I knew what was going to happen...


The visual stimulation was too much for me. In retrospect, I would not have gone and I would not have taken my kids.

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I would hope people find it troubling. It is a dystopian novel about war its effect on children and society. It is NOT a girl power movie, by a long shot. It does have a strong female protagonist, but there is nothing uplifting about it.


I wouldn't let my under 10s read or watch it, but your family and your choice.


I read the books and saw the movie and, of course, the books were better. The movie wasn't too bad though. It could have been much worse. I loved the books!

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I read the first book and knew I wouldn't want to watch the movie. That amount of violence didn't need to be visualized for me to be overwhelmed by it. Definitely not a "girl power" movie in the traditional sense. I too thought the point was to be disturbed. Sort of like Lord of the Flies. But worse.

Edited by stripe
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Had no idea what it was about...husband just put it on saying it is some kind of girl power ra ra movie.


Watching it with my 10yrs and under group. Ready to have him turn it off.


Glad you turned it off. Diamond loved the books and the movie. SweetChild has no interest in it, and BabyBaby loved the book, but at age 10, we agreed she should not see the movie.

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They did a good job with the movie, but you really need to have read the books first to get the movie. It is a pretty powerful series. It is NOT for the under 10yo crowd. I would stick with 12yo and up. My 14yo and 16yo and I and my dh read the whole series and loved it and thought the movie was very well done. My 19yo only made it about 2 chapters into the first book and lost interest.

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We just watched it on DVD for the first time last night. My daughter read books 1 & 2, and of course she said the books were much better, and less gory. I thought the idea of it was beautiful though, in the midst of a sick and twisted society the young lady responds in a way that honors humanity. She sacrifices herself to spare her younger and weaker sister, she partners with the youngest and weakest tribute, she treats the dead body of her young friend with honor and dignity, she sacrifices her own safety by helping the other boy from her district, and on and on. She is a true example of human beauty, I think. The society for sure was in the abyss. But, she rose up and was a lovely example of goodness. I enjoyed the displays of human goodness in the movie, though it was a very disturbing setting.

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I'm with JenniferB -- I didn't think the movie was especially gory or scary, and the heroine behaved in a noble way. She did not kill unless she was absolutely forced to do so. She was kind to those weaker than herself. She was repulsed at the weirdness in the capital city rather than being sucked in by it.


From some of the comments made by members of the government, it's likely the next movie will be darker. I haven't read the books, so I'm not exactly sure what to expect.


I didn't think I was going to like the movie, but I did.

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My husband put on the Hunger Games which I have seen books here and there.


He said it was some kind of girl power movie.


So far I am pretty grossed out by it.


It is so violent and it doesn;t seem right.


I think I might just have bad nightmares of it never mind my poor kids.



Am I the only one here bothered by it?



It's definitely not for kids. The point is to be bothered by it. I wouldn't call it a girl power movie.

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Depends on what age you are watching it with. I read the books first and read them as dystopian novels similar to 1984, Fahrenheit 451, and Animal Farm. If you watched the movie blindly with no background information and with young children I could see why you would be bothered.


:iagree: I love the dystopian genre, but it's not everyone's cuppa. And I won't let my 9yo see the movie. My 12yo has though. We had a date day and went to see it in the theaters. :) We've both read the books, too. He loves dystopian fiction also.

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I think the violence in the book was far more intense than the movie. I don't like violent movies at all and really it wasn't disturbing to me.


Not that I'm trying to talk you into anything. The movie was ok, but not great. I don't think you are missing anything. I'm glad I only spent $3.99 on it. ;)


:iagree: I thought the book was much more disturbing than the movie. I'll be interested to see how it plays out with the other books though as imo 2 and 3 are much more intense.

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