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Good lookin' OB

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Oh! For a moment there I thought you meant OB t*mp*ns! (Are those even still around anymore?) Ick, how could one of those be good-looking?


And THEN I saw the gorgeous photo you posted. Very nice. I think lots of young doctors are cute. I think med school admissions offices screen for cuteness or something.

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I once had a serious episode of prolonged bleeding and had to be seen at a major university medical center. The gyn who saw me was model-gorgeous and the father of 6. I could see why :lol:


It was a teensy bit awkward :tongue_smilie:


I usually see MWs for my care, but I had just moved and needed to see someone ASAP. I usually prefer the care of MWs, but in the past have had male OB/GYNS and male REs, and never gave it a 2nd thought. I did that day!

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Oh! For a moment there I thought you meant OB t*mp*ns! (Are those even still around anymore?) Ick, how could one of those be good-looking?


And THEN I saw the gorgeous photo you posted. Very nice. I think lots of young doctors are cute. I think med school admissions offices screen for cuteness or something.


ME TOO! I was very confused.


My perinatologist looked like a soap opera doctor. He also had a great sense of humor and was incredibly squeamish. We had a lot of fun messing with him. :D

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I saw the nurse practitioner for several years before I met the doctor--when I was pregnant. I only saw him the two times I was pregnant, and he delivered one of my babies. I ran into him at Dairy Queen later that year. "Oh, hi Dr. _______!" He looked at my blankly. I blurted out, "I'm (my name). I guess you don't recognize my face!"




I wonder how the OBs feel if they think their patient is especially good looking.

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I saw the nurse practitioner for several years before I met the doctor--when I was pregnant. I only saw him the two times I was pregnant, and he delivered one of my babies. I ran into him at Dairy Queen later that year. "Oh, hi Dr. _______!" He looked at my blankly. I blurted out, "I'm (my name). I guess you don't recognize my face!"




I wonder how the OBs feel if they think their patient is especially good looking.



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My OB with my oldest then another OB with my two youngest are both very good looking! When I was in labor with my oldest my SIL was sitting against the wall in my hospital room and when the dr came in her jaw dropped! She sat up straight and ran her fingers through her hair. I mouthed "He's married" to her and she laughed!


A friend of mine referred to my OB with my last two as her "baby daddy"! :) He is good looking too.


It doesn't phase me. I was referred to my first OB when I was having problems and we just clicked. I loved him. My second male OB became my dr when I was trying to get pregnant with my third and I refused to see anyone else. He is awesome and he got me through 2 difficult pregnancies.


My OB with my second baby was a woman and I honestly didn't love her. I've found that a lot of female OB's don't have great bedside manners. I don't know why.


I do refuse to friend my OB on FB. He has just seen too much of me! :D

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I don't think I could have a good looking OB! I don't know. I would probably get over it I guess. My kids' ped died a few months ago and they recently got a new ped that is younger than me and looks (and dresses) like he's straight off the set of Grey's Anatomy. That was a little weird for a minute, until I found out he's a fantastic physician who is great with kids. In the end, I guess I just want a good doctor. I don't care what he/she looks like.

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I wonder how the OBs feel if they think their patient is especially good looking.


I'm a nurse. I've found that I see an awful lot of unclothed people with varying levels of attractiveness, and no particular one is likely to stick in your mind to any significant extent.

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Did anyone see the episode of Up All Night when Regan was in labor and she freaked out at the hospital when her OB, he must have been the on call or something, turned out to be young and really good looking? I saw a male OB for the first half of my first pregnancy, but his opinions about interventions and episiotomy's freaked me out more than his looks, so it's been midwives for me ever since.

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Sort of off topic, but I find it fascinating how many women will tell me they just LOVE their OB. I don't hear it about their optometrists, or their dermatologists, or what not. Just OB/Gyns. Some women will insist how wonderful the OB is even while telling me the rude things the person has said. The theory I've read is that women HAVE to feel a little 'in love" with their OB to justify in their own head that it is ok for this man to be touching them so intimately. Makes sense to me.

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I had an exceptionally good looking OB/GYN until I moved here. I didn't mind it one bit. :D


I currently have an endodontist that could be a male model in his spare time. I try super hard NOT to drool even when my mouth is completely numb. My dentist's secretary warned me about how ridiculously attractive he was when she made my referral appointment (had to have a root canal repaired). She gave me this HUGE smile and said, "He is so handsome, you won't care what he does." She was right. :lol:

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I had a male OB that I loved, but he was older and I was not attracted to him. :) Yes, I cared about him more than I would any other doctor and I was very sad when I moved to the next state and couldn't be his patient anymore. He was really laid back and let me give birth the way I wanted. He didn't laugh at me or treat me like I was stupid when I was a pregnant 20 year old saying I wanted to give birth without drugs (which I did, tyvm). Doctors can be real jerks to young moms.


I would probably be uncomfortable with a really good looking OB. I just don't need someone I find attractive poking around doing uncomfortable things with my lady bits.

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I won't even go to a good looking dentist. My kids' dentist is really good looking and I hate it. But it would be much worse if he were in my mouth. No, I wouldn't consider going to a good-looking OB. My gyn isn't a troll; but I don't want to think about someone being good looking AND touching me (hubby not included, of course!).

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I won't even go to a good looking dentist. My kids' dentist is really good looking and I hate it. But it would be much worse if he were in my mouth. No, I wouldn't consider going to a good-looking OB. My gyn isn't a troll; but I don't want to think about someone being good looking AND touching me (hubby not included, of course!).


:lol: :leaving:

Sorry... that just... ahem...anyway.


I've never had a male OB - I always have female residents. :) And every one that I've picked has ended up being chief resident. Do I know how to pick em or what? :D

Their bedside manner was good. I will never forget when I walked in to an appointment with a dr I hadn't seen before, and she was all, 'Oh, YAY! You're having a BABY isn't that SO EXCITING?!' All happy like. I was like :blink: ... :willy_nilly: 'Where's the REAL doctor?!' (No, I didn't actually say that, but I did ask to see my regular doctor ONLY from then on. :D )

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my ob/gyn is really good looking in my opinion he really looks and has the personality of dr drew only not gray much deeper voice. everytime i see him outside of labor i have a hard time looking him in the face :blushing:

i wanna see the pic that was taken down 2 lol:D

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I saw the nurse practitioner for several years before I met the doctor--when I was pregnant. I only saw him the two times I was pregnant, and he delivered one of my babies. I ran into him at Dairy Queen later that year. "Oh, hi Dr. _______!" He looked at my blankly. I blurted out, "I'm (my name). I guess you don't recognize my face!"




I wonder how the OBs feel if they think their patient is especially good looking.


Snort! :D

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I've had 4 OBs. 2 male, 2 female. Both males were quite attractive and no, it didn't bother me. One was my best friend's DH.


No, no, couldn't do THIS! Eek! I know someone whose brother-in-law (sister's husband) is her gyn. I can't imagine eating Thanksgiving dinner across the table from my gyn, no matter who it is!:blink:



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I usually see midwives, but during my 1st pregnancy it was a practice that had an OB also. He was good-looking and it didn't phase me at the time.


Now when I see a doc and I think he's good-looking, half the time I end up feeling like Mrs. Robinson. :tongue_smilie:

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No, no, couldn't do THIS! Eek! I know someone whose brother-in-law (sister's husband) is her gyn. I can't imagine eating Thanksgiving dinner across the table from my gyn, no matter who it is!:blink:




Sounds weird, but it was actually great. We were also in the same small group together at church so they were over for dinner a couple times a month.

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I saw the nurse practitioner for several years before I met the doctor--when I was pregnant. I only saw him the two times I was pregnant, and he delivered one of my babies. I ran into him at Dairy Queen later that year. "Oh, hi Dr. _______!" He looked at my blankly. I blurted out, "I'm (my name). I guess you don't recognize my face!"




I wonder how the OBs feel if they think their patient is especially good looking.



Oh.My!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I saw the nurse practitioner for several years before I met the doctor--when I was pregnant. I only saw him the two times I was pregnant, and he delivered one of my babies. I ran into him at Dairy Queen later that year. "Oh, hi Dr. _______!" He looked at my blankly. I blurted out, "I'm (my name). I guess you don't recognize my face!"




I wonder how the OBs feel if they think their patient is especially good looking.




I wouldn't care. Hey at least there would be something pleasant about the visit, LOL! "Fantasy...it gets the best of me...la la la..." (Christopher Cross song) Totally kidding!!!

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The OB I saw for most of my pregnancy with DD was very attractive. I didn't give it a second thought.




ME TOO! I was very confused.


My perinatologist looked like a soap opera doctor. He also had a great sense of humor and was incredibly squeamish. We had a lot of fun messing with him. :D

Squeamish??? How does that work? :001_huh: I don't understand how a perinatologist could be squeamish.

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I used a NP/midwife in private practice (no MD in her office) for my younger son. I only pick female providers for any lady medical needs.


I will say that our sons' pediatrician (one the best in the state, top credentials, rave word of mouth, amazing with kids) is downright gorgeous. He is older but wowza. My brother and several friends all go there too and we all agree that he is better looking than a movie star. The great with kids thing and good intellect thing don't hurt. After a few years though, I stopped noticing it. Besides, I still think my husband has him beat, of course.

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Aw, I want to see the pic. Pm me a link! :D


Me Too!


I saw the nurse practitioner for several years before I met the doctor--when I was pregnant. I only saw him the two times I was pregnant, and he delivered one of my babies. I ran into him at Dairy Queen later that year. "Oh, hi Dr. _______!" He looked at my blankly. I blurted out, "I'm (my name). I guess you don't recognize my face!"




I wonder how the OBs feel if they think their patient is especially good looking.


Just spit out my drink!

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Nope, no cute OB's here, but does a one-day-stand with a gyny count? When DH was active dute AF, we had only military care (I was a full time student). With military medicine, at least at this base, you got who you got. When I went in for my annual when I was about 25, I had a very non-descript femail gyn doing the exam. Well, she felt something. She wasn't too concerned but wanted a second look. So, she had me schedule an ultrasound to take a peek. I went back a few days later and after the ultrasound, the tech said, "The doctor will be in to see you in a few minutes." I still had that nasty paper sheet over my lower half and I was expecting the non-descript female gyn to come in. But no, after a quick knock on the door in walks about the cutest male on the planet. Just absolutely dreamy. Gorgeous. And young. Oh wow.


He said, "Great news. We weren't finding the mass that Dr. Ordinary described. I am guessing you just had a hard piece of fecal matter in there during your exam the other day." He reassured me that I'm just fine, shook my hand, and left me there, paper sheet and all.


I could've died...

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My urologist looks & sounds exactly like Ty Pennington. That was a little hard to get used to. Not because I thought he was attractive, but just because the resemblance was uncanny. He even had the uber-tanned skin and spiky hair. It was very surreal the first couple of times he got.. ahem.. up close and personal.

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Sort of off topic, but I find it fascinating how many women will tell me they just LOVE their OB. I don't hear it about their optometrists, or their dermatologists, or what not. Just OB/Gyns. Some women will insist how wonderful the OB is even while telling me the rude things the person has said. The theory I've read is that women HAVE to feel a little 'in love" with their OB to justify in their own head that it is ok for this man to be touching them so intimately. Makes sense to me.


I think it's because pregnancy is so hard but so wonderful with a sweet little baby at the end! I love my OB because he got me safely through two rough pregnancies with months of bedrest and helped me deliver two healthy babies. Babies are a whole lot more fun than a root canal!

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It seems odd to me to worry about that kind of thing.


When I'm wearing one of those paper gowns and perched on the exam table, I'm not thinking sexy thoughts no matter who the doctor is. I do prefer to see female doctors, but mostly because they have been (in my personal experience) less likely to pick on me about my weight.


I think it's not about sexy thoughts as much as it is "pooping on the table" during delivery in front of a good looking guy. Maybe it makes it more embarrassing.

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My OB for DS was HOT... and I was single at the time ;) But no, he was very professional (and married, ho-hum!). He did not deliver DS (I was at a practice with a bunch of OB's) and I can't even tell you if the Dr. who delivered DS was at that practice or not. But what struck me about him was he was very kind. After delivery, he came by a couple times and just sat around talking for a bit. I think the long on-call shifts made him a bit more casual at the hospital than he was at the practice. DS was in the NICU, and a couple times after I got discharged I saw him checking on DS.


Is there a polite way to ask a Dr. for their number?????? :D It was a nice fantasy for awhile :tongue_smilie:

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Sort of off topic, but I find it fascinating how many women will tell me they just LOVE their OB. I don't hear it about their optometrists, or their dermatologists, or what not. Just OB/Gyns.


Nope, it's just you see them a lot more frequently and you are emotionally about the care they are providing because it's your child...


I feel the same about my pediatrician ( a woman) and frankly, I REALLY like my optometrist. :) But, with nine kids, I see him ten times a year... About like an OB.


I do NOT have any affinity for dentists, but it could happen I suppose if I saw them enough. But dentist offices give me the heebie jeebies.


I admit I TRULY like my old OB and my (more current) perinatologist. I have high risk pregnancies and I appreciate good care. Both were men, both fairly good looking I guess? Not that you don't notice, but you don't focus on it, right? :confused: So much so that I sent my old OB (midwest) a letter after we had our current baby to let him know he missed out, lol. But, he's delivered about five of our babies and his practice delivered all but three of ten so I think you'd call that a long-term relationship? I sent a letter to my ped. too.


I don't think it's the doctor.

I think it's just the emotional nature of the care (baby involved, very anxious time for mom) involved, and the fact that you see them fairly frequently compared to other doctors!

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Not here. My current doc is a woman at an all women-docs & nurses practice. I really like it there. And they use cloth gowns. :D Prior to that I did have one awkward experience with a GP that I had gotten my gyn-type check with. Nothing bad happened--all very professional. It's just that I realized then how much he looked like a friend of ours. The thought of friend doing *that* sort of icked me out a bit.

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A college friend's wife left him for her (female) OB. They became friends outside of that context, but I still find it odd that she ever thought, "hey, I should hang out with my gyno!" One of the OBs at the practice I used to go to went to my church, and I felt awkward even seeing him in the hall.

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I found the title and original post strange, because it never ever even occurred to me that an OB might be a man, :lol: I was thinking, "Who cares if she's good looking? Why would that bother me?"


I am aware that "back in the day" the only doctors were male, but I really had never given any thought to the idea that women still see male OBs. Just not in my frame of reference, sorry.

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Sort of off topic, but I find it fascinating how many women will tell me they just LOVE their OB. I don't hear it about their optometrists, or their dermatologists, or what not. Just OB/Gyns. Some women will insist how wonderful the OB is even while telling me the rude things the person has said. The theory I've read is that women HAVE to feel a little 'in love" with their OB to justify in their own head that it is ok for this man to be touching them so intimately. Makes sense to me.


I have heard women say this too and I find it incredibly creepy.

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A college friend is my PCP, but he doesn't examine my lady business.


We were discussing the opposite at work the other day - if it affects us to see so many folks' funky junk. One of our OB's turned around and said, "Well, as long as it's not the garage I park my car in, it's all okay." :lol:

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