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MIL Is Missing

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MIL went to a camp mtg for her religion.


Last anyone saw her, she was sitting w/her stuff, waiting for a ride.


Nobody knows who she was supposed to get a ride w/.


She was supposed to be home yesterday, but apparently hasn't turned up, from what her SIL tells me. SIL fb'd me last night, after I was in bed, so hopefully, she just didn't update and MIL is fine...but she was supposed to be home that aft, and the msg I got was at 10pm.


Her other SIL (the one married to the creepazoid) lives near her, so we're getting 3rd hand info.


I'll try calling at a decent hr, see if she's back yet. We're an hr behind her, so not even 6am yet her time.

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I caught Wolf as he was pulling out to head for work, to let him know.


Being in another province makes it pretty impossible for us to do anything.


I'll have to try and get ahold of the SIL we talk w/, see if she has any up to date info, and take it from there.


Wolf refuses to have anything to do w/the creepazoid and his wife, (creepazoid is convicted of having s*xually assaulted his dds), so we don't have anyone *right there* that can update us.


Fricken frack.

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Can you call the local police and see if a missing person report has been filed?

So sorry you have to deal with this, and hope she's found safe and sound. :grouphug:

That's what I'm going to be asking the SIL about, if she's been reported missing, etc.


Problem I have is that I have NO clue where this camp mtg was (Wolf's familiar, I'm not), when she was supposed to have left, how long the drive should have been, etc. Not a clue at all.

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Guest submarines
I'd be worried that she WILL be found. On your doorstep. :eek:


My first thought exactly. If she's trully missing, I hope she's found safe and sound.

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My first thought exactly. If she's trully missing, I hope she's found safe and sound.


Of course, I do as well.


It's sort of sad that my first thought, though, was drama, particularly after seeing news blips about Cal Ripken's and Michael Jackson's mothers both being abducted / held against their will over the past week. (No idea if that's news in Canada, but I was beginning to wonder if it was some sort of national theme week or something. )


I do hope that she is found safe, and not at your house. :grouphug:

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RCMP won't tell me diddly, b/c the investigating officer isn't in til this eve, and of COURSE, she's the only one w/info.


I asked, "So, does the case just SIT THERE until she's back on duty?!"


God save me from bureacracy.


You know, it wouldn't surprise me if MIL hitched a ride to us to surprise us...but at the same time, you'd figure she'd tell SOMEONE what her intention was.


Really hoping she's just being a twit and didn't bother to inform anyone as to a change of plans. REALLY HOPING.

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