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Your yard sale stories...

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Okay, today we held our second yard sale ever, and do I have a story for you...


Lady comes with her baby and buys a few things, then asks me if she can use my bathroom while my mom watches her baby. :001_huh: I'm thinking, okay it's weird, but she probably needs to make an emergency wee and doesn't want to take the baby into a gas station or something. So I walk her back to the bathroom inside our house, explaining that I would normally never do this, ha ha ha, and then wait for her to come out. Walked her back out, and then went to clean the bathroom.


So she obviously didn't want to sit on the seat while she did her business, and pooped (!!!) all over the seat and the lid. :ack2: And then left it for me to clean up. So yeah, no more letting strangers use the bathroom.


Who else has a weird yard sale story? ;)

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I don't, but wanted to say

WHO DOES THAT? :001_huh::001_huh:



I will say that we had a humongous gs before we moved from Dallas to VA. We closed down, and then a man came (maybe 45 minutes after we were done, but we hadn't cleaned up yet). I told him we were "closed." He walked away, and I thought, "Wow, that was dumb!" and told him to come back and just take whatever he wanted--somehow my desire to make $ had become greed. He was so happy! It was the right thing for me to do. :D

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:blink::eek::ack2: Are you kidding?! Ack!


Mine isn't nearly as bad. My most irritating yard sale person was the non-English speaker who insisted I was selling a dryer for $1.00 because I didn't put the decimal point and extra zeroes on the sign ($100 instead of $100.00). And she wouldn't let it go. I finally went and got a sharpie and added the extras and then she smiled and nodded like she had taught me something. But at least she felt like she could LEAVE! I swear there was smoke coming out of my ears.

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One year I had a sale with 3 other friends. We each used a different color sticker. One lady came up, with us sitting there, and had changed stickers on nearly item. We knew it because items had wrong color stickers. When we confronted her about it, she threw this big hissy fit and couldn't believe we would dare accuse her of dishonesty.


Another time, a neighbor was having a sale and someone walked off with a baby bassinet when they were busy. No one paid for it.


One of my mom's favorite stories is of a time when a lady was traveling thru from another state and bought a few of my mom's clothes. My mom is quite small and few people really can wear her clothes or at the time wanted her very dressy work suits and such. Anyway, the clothes fit the lady perfectly and after about 30 minutes she turned around, came back,and bought everything else my mom had put out in her size, then asked if there was anything else left in the house that she might want to sell. My mom went inside, brought out more and sold most of her closet for a good price.



At my last yard sale, some guy bought a bunch of junk and then asked for a receipt so his girlfriend would believe him when he said he didn't spend too much money.

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Oh, I have been waiting for this thread! While we haven't too many odd people at our yard sales, people have bought the strangest things.


My mil usually sells her stuff with ours and two years ago she sold off ALL of her 30 year old USED underwear (the panties) at $1.00 a piece!!!

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I am screaming!!! Yuck!!!



My husband got an earful along with my two young ones over a skillet lid that was set to the side for someone. A woman picked it up and was told that it was spoken for, she then unleashed her wrath calling my husband every name in the book. I was out getting change and came home to my kids crying because of what she had called their dad. My husband has pretty thick skin and it didn't phase him other than "people will really do that over a 1.00 lid????"

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So she obviously didn't want to sit on the seat while she did her business, and pooped (!!!) all over the seat and the lid. :ack2: And then left it for me to clean up. So yeah, no more letting strangers use the bathroom.


You are lucky she didn't smear it. There are sick people out there. It wasn't "an accident". Not a chance.

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Ack :eek: OP that is DISGUSTING! EWWWW.


I did a homeschool curriculum yard sale once with a bunch of other homeschoolers. The sale was advertised on our local homeschool yahoo group, it was put into the homeschool email loop and the word was put out pretty much everywhere we could. We sat in the hot sun all day long and nobody came. We wound up just buying things from each other. lol

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You are lucky she didn't smear it. There are sick people out there. It wasn't "an accident". Not a chance.


WHAT???!!! No way. Seriously? Okay, there isn't enough bleach in the world. I'm going to need to gut the bathroom down to the studs and start over. :001_huh:

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So she obviously didn't want to sit on the seat while she did her business, and pooped (!!!) all over the seat and the lid. :ack2: And then left it for me to clean up. So yeah, no more letting strangers use the bathroom.


Who else has a weird yard sale story? ;)


:ack2: :ack2: GROSS!!!



One yard sale I had a man try to buy some bigger rocks that were in my carport. They use to be my granddad's and he kept them in a certain spot in his carport. After he & my grandmother passed away we cleaned out the house. I got the rocks and put them in my carport similar to how my granddad had them. Some man picked them up and tried to buy them. Then just kept holding them telling me they were out like they were for sale. :glare: I took them out of his hands and said "not for sale" then turned to another customer.


A good one was when I was almost done boxing up after a yard sale. A carload of people stopped. I told them they could buy a box of stuff for $1. They got excited and started buying boxes of stuff.

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WHAT???!!! No way. Seriously? Okay, there isn't enough bleach in the world. I'm going to need to gut the bathroom down to the studs and start over. :001_huh:


I have had two smearers in medical offices, and a friend who worked at a gas station had one very tricky smearer who did it in the opposite sex bathroom to throw off the scent.


Now I work with lots of smearers: the stuffer down the shower drain to make it back up, the stuffer of toilet with towels and THEN going, the monthly blood smearers, the urinators in other people's beds, the big teddy bear as love object, but, these are people deemed sick by the courts.

Edited by kalanamak
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I have had two smearers in medical offices, and a friend who worked at a gas station had one very tricky smearer who did it in the opposite sex bathroom to throw off the scent.


Now I work with lots of smearers: the stuffer down the shower drain to make it back up, the stuffer of toilet with towels and THEN going, the monthly blood smearers, the urinators in other people's beds, the big teddy bear as love object, but, these are people deemed sick by the courts.


What is it with that? Is it the power behind knowing someone else has to clean it up?


I can kind of understand when a little kid plays with that gooey stuff in their diaper...but an adult? Why?

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The only odd thing I can remember was a guy who argued with me about taking his personal check. He kept insisting that he would give me his business card to prove he was 'good for it'. I held my ground and said 'no checks'. He then wanted me to hold a $40 item for him. I nicely said 'nope, first one who pays gets it'. Someone bought the item and when he came back at the end of the night with cash, he was soooo pissed that I had sold it 'out from under him'. :confused:


I just wanted to say "dude, take cash to garage sales not your check book or don't stop!".

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Okay, today we held our second yard sale ever, and do I have a story for you...


Lady comes with her baby and buys a few things, then asks me if she can use my bathroom while my mom watches her baby. :001_huh: I'm thinking, okay it's weird, but she probably needs to make an emergency wee and doesn't want to take the baby into a gas station or something. So I walk her back to the bathroom inside our house, explaining that I would normally never do this, ha ha ha, and then wait for her to come out. Walked her back out, and then went to clean the bathroom.


So she obviously didn't want to sit on the seat while she did her business, and pooped (!!!) all over the seat and the lid. :ack2: And then left it for me to clean up. So yeah, no more letting strangers use the bathroom.


Who else has a weird yard sale story? ;)


OH MY!!!!!

There are no words!


I don't have any stories besides once I went to a yard sale that had an empty mayo jar for sale for $3??? CRAZY!

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What is it with that? Is it the power behind knowing someone else has to clean it up?


I can kind of understand when a little kid plays with that gooey stuff in their diaper...but an adult? Why?


IME, it an expression of impotent anger and/or the thrill of being "bad". More than one camp has had a "mad pooper", a pre-adolescent camper who leaves early morning presents in the wrong place.


My mother had a phrase for cats who do this: Carpenter cat: does odd jobs around the house.

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Ugh. People are creepy. I hope you did well on your yard sale, at least :001_smile:.


What is it with that? Is it the power behind knowing someone else has to clean it up?


I can kind of understand when a little kid plays with that gooey stuff in their diaper...but an adult? Why?


I'm sure that has something to do with it. We have a business that requires us to clean the restrooms. We had a smearer for about a week. It was always a one finger smear on the door of the stall and 2 fingers on the opposing wall. A lot of thought apparently went into it :rolleyes:


IME, it an expression of impotent anger and/or the thrill of being "bad". More than one camp has had a "mad pooper", a pre-adolescent camper who leaves early morning presents in the wrong place.


My mother had a phrase for cats who do this: Carpenter cat: does odd jobs around the house.


Carpenter cat :lol:.

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I have had two smearers in medical offices, and a friend who worked at a gas station had one very tricky smearer who did it in the opposite sex bathroom to throw off the scent.


Now I work with lots of smearers: the stuffer down the shower drain to make it back up, the stuffer of toilet with towels and THEN going, the monthly blood smearers, the urinators in other people's beds, the big teddy bear as love object, but, these are people deemed sick by the courts.





We once has a bandit urinal pooper at a school I worked at. We couldn't get anyone to confess until I caught the little guy all relaxed and scrunched into the toilet. :lol:

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A couple purchased $4 of yard sale items with a $100 bill. My dh went inside to get change (we never keep any money outside except for coins) and when he came back he was about to give the man $96 when I asked, "Where is the $100?" My dh realized they guy had not given it to him yet the guy insisted he had. The three of us looked around, my dh and I quite frantically, the guy nonchalantly (the woman he was with had gone to their truck rather rapidly :glare:). After lifting up a few items to see if the bill was there the guy whipped out a WAD of $100 bills from his back pocket and gave us one! We asked him to write down his name and phone # so we could call him if we found the $...the # was fake.


I'm convinced this couple was scamming people, hoping to be given $96 (or whatever) in change then leaving before the seller realized they were not given the $100 bill.

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We once put our old washer and dryer out in the driveway with a free sign on them. They sat there for a week with no takers. Someone told me to assign them some value by putting a sign that said $25 on them. We did and wouldn't you know, that night, someone stole them. LOL I was just happy I didn't have to pay to have them hauled off.


As far as poopers...my mom worked at a hardware store and at least once a month or so, some kid would poop in one of the display toilets. Now how long are you leaving your child unattended that they have time to pull down their pants and pinch one off in the middle of the plumbing aisle?

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I've had some doozies (but they fortunately didn't involve feces!):


Twelve years ago my friend and I had a sale at our church to raise money for a trip to work with orphans in Romania. Towards the end, we told people they could take what they wanted for a donation. Well, the first lady loaded up her truck with a pair of rollerblades, a bike, two pairs of skis, a tent, and a bunch of other great stuff. She then came to "pay" and gave us six one-cent stamps and a handful of trash to throw away for her. Seriously. It was advertised that this was a fundraiser for Romanian orphans! And at a church! It would have been better to give us nothing.


Then a sale we had a few years ago, we were hit by group of senior citizen con artists. I'm not even joking! They hit us 5 minutes before opening and were so sweet and friendly. There were four of them, and the men loaded up two nice pieces of furniture and a few of our nicest items. The women kept looking, then the men came back while the women went back to the vehicle. Before we knew it they started pulling away. My sister actually chased them down and demanded they pay us. I wonder how much stuff they get away with!?


The last story is on me, I'm afraid. My mom, Grandma, daughter and I were headed to our first sale of the season. We were so excited that we didn't check to ensure that the house with tons of stuff in the driveway matched the address in the paper. There were other people looking around, too, sorting through boxes. I had an armful of stuff and went to ask the price, and the guy told me, "this isn't a garage sale." I was so shocked! He started to say that he might be willing to sell some of it, but I put the stuff down and got out of there in a hurry. I couldn't believe that he didn't say anything while all of these people were rifling through his stuff!

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Oh, I have been waiting for this thread! While we haven't too many odd people at our yard sales, people have bought the strangest things.


My mil usually sells her stuff with ours and two years ago she sold off ALL of her 30 year old USED underwear (the panties) at $1.00 a piece!!!

:lol: People are sooooo weird.


Ack :eek: OP that is DISGUSTING! EWWWW.


I did a homeschool curriculum yard sale once with a bunch of other homeschoolers. The sale was advertised on our local homeschool yahoo group, it was put into the homeschool email loop and the word was put out pretty much everywhere we could. We sat in the hot sun all day long and nobody came. We wound up just buying things from each other. lol





This thread is cracking me up.

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I did a homeschool curriculum yard sale once with a bunch of other homeschoolers. The sale was advertised on our local homeschool yahoo group, it was put into the homeschool email loop and the word was put out pretty much everywhere we could. We sat in the hot sun all day long and nobody came. We wound up just buying things from each other. lol
We weren't in the hot sun but this same thing happened in May at our curriculum sale! I got some smoking deals from the lady at the table next to mine...so much so that when another seller purchased my books I told her to just pay the lady at the next table as that is where all my money was going anyway. :D
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We weren't in the hot sun but this same thing happened in May at our curriculum sale! I got some smoking deals from the lady at the table next to mine...so much so that when another seller purchased my books I told her to just pay the lady at the next table as that is where all my money was going anyway. :D


LOL :lol:

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Ack :eek: OP that is DISGUSTING! EWWWW.


I did a homeschool curriculum yard sale once with a bunch of other homeschoolers. The sale was advertised on our local homeschool yahoo group, it was put into the homeschool email loop and the word was put out pretty much everywhere we could. We sat in the hot sun all day long and nobody came. We wound up just buying things from each other. lol


Oh no...I'm hosting a multi family hs curriculum sale today and am afraid of this! I've only heard from a few people who are coming to shop!!! I'm hoping shoppers just didn't feel the need to tell me they were coming and will just show up.

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Oh no...I'm hosting a multi family hs curriculum sale today and am afraid of this! I've only heard from a few people who are coming to shop!!! I'm hoping shoppers just didn't feel the need to tell me they were coming and will just show up.


I hope it goes well for you. I have to say I was completely surprised by how no one came to ours. I've shopped at used curricula sales and they were always packed full of people. I really don't understand why no one came to ours. The only one who really made any sales was the one lady whose children brought a grill to make hotdogs. People in the neighborhood were coming up and buying them. I learned something though, if I ever have a yard sale again (not likely :tongue_smilie: ) bring a grill too! :p

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I don't, but wanted to say

WHO DOES THAT? :001_huh::001_huh:





You are lucky she didn't smear it. There are sick people out there. It wasn't "an accident". Not a chance.


Oh, yuck! I guess I'm thankful I never knew this until now!

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First of all........I love the first tag! :lol:


OP...that is just sick! I can.not believe that someone would do this. I'm almost thinking maybe she went in there and was shocked that there was poopoo on the seat....that some little kid was in there before her. Really??? An adult woman doing this? It just boggles my mind. :eek:


I have had two smearers in medical offices, and a friend who worked at a gas station had one very tricky smearer who did it in the opposite sex bathroom to throw off the scent.

:confused: OK....I don't even wanna know what that means.


Now I work with lots of smearers: the stuffer down the shower drain to make it back up, the stuffer of toilet with towels and THEN going, the monthly blood smearers, the urinators in other people's beds, the big teddy bear as love object, but, these are people deemed sick by the courts.


Now I understand the name of your location.


IME, it an expression of impotent anger and/or the thrill of being "bad". More than one camp has had a "mad pooper", a pre-adolescent camper who leaves early morning presents in the wrong place.


My mother had a phrase for cats who do this: Carpenter cat: does odd jobs around the house.




A few weeks ago we had a garage sale. We had several big boxes full of older vhs tapes. I had them marked at 25 cents each. One guy was hangin' around a box and I asked if he was interested in the videos. He said he was and was fixin' on making me an offer for one of the boxes. I asked which box and how much he was thinking of offering. He said $10.00. I started looking through the box. There wasn't anything too great in there....but I began counting and I know there must have been over 50 videos because there were 25 on just the top layer. But, I figured we needed to get rid of this stuff anyway. So, I said ok. Then he yells to his wife, who is sitting in a van across the street and down a ways. He yells, "$10.00!" She yells back, "$5.00!" I was thinking: :confused: Then she sends their son (he was probably in his early 20's) to come running across the street. The guy says to the son, "I guess you're gonna have to do some smooth talkin' to get her to go down to $5." I was thinking, "What?? Sheesh...I thought $10 was a good deal"....I wasn't sure what I was going to say. The son runs over to me and he has $8 and says, "Maam...is $8 ok?" I said, "OK". He said, "Are you sure Maam?" He was very nice and seemed apologetic and a bit embarrassed. Oh well, one less box of videos to have to haul around.


My other story is a garage sale I went to early this summer (I posted this before). I picked up some bags of colored popsicle sticks that had price stickers on them (I think 25 cents each). I get over by the lady and she tells me a certain price...higher than what the prices added up would be. I showed her the prices and she says, "Oh, no. Those aren't my prices". Um.........:confused: :001_huh: .

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OK, this thread just confirms for me that I was right to give all those boxes of decluttered stuff to Goodwill last week! :001_huh:


Oh. My. Word.


I have never had a garage sale. I have toomanypeoplearoundmephobia.


Right there with ya, sister.


We helped organize a church yard sale early in our marriage. Someone donated a toilet plunger. :confused: We probably should have just tossed it, but the other organizer put a 10c sticker on it. No one bought it. :lol:


:lol::lol::lol: Someone posted a used toilet brush on our Freecycle loop last week. They said it still worked, it just needed to be cleaned. Um, yeah, I'll be right over!

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Oh. My. Word.


I have never had a garage sale. I have toomanypeoplearoundmephobia.


I wouldn't have one at my home. I don't want strangers knowing where I live. You just never know with people these days and the stories in this thread just reinforce it in my mind. :eek:

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We had one where a customer asked my mom to hold something for a while in order to go home and grab more money. Fine, no problem. Meanwhile my chatty grandma was chatting away with said customer, and kept repeating to everyone -- loudly -- about what the lady was buying and how she was going to come back, on and on. Anyway I was standing quietly and saw a flash of the customer's driver's license. With a man's name. (The person was completely androgynous.) He was very gracious about the whole thing (pretended not to notice), while I tried desperately to whisper to my mom to get her to stop shouting the female pronoun.

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We had a garage sale yesterday. I had a brand new in the box coffee maker, a gift we never even opened, marked for $10. It was a nice brand and easily $40 new, so I thought it was a good deal. We don't drink coffee.


The woman who bought it wanted to open it and test it out to make sure it works. I let her test it with water and she was upset that I didn't give her coffee to test it. I told her we don't drink coffee and she said, "But why don't you keep it in the house for these types of things?" What?!


Then she wanted to give me $5 instead of $10, "because it's opened." I bit my tongue to keep from saying YOU OPENED IT!! I took $8 and she seemed offended that I even negotiated.

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OK, this thread just confirms for me that I was right to give all those boxes of decluttered stuff to Goodwill last week! :001_huh:




Right there with ya, sister.




:lol::lol::lol: Someone posted a used toilet brush on our Freecycle loop last week. They said it still worked, it just needed to be cleaned. Um, yeah, I'll be right over!


Not if I get there first! :auto: :ack2:

(in all seriousness... Has anyone ever had a toilet brush stop working? I don't even know what that means. :confused:)


Yeah, I'm really feeling much better about dejunking directly to Goodwill, random friends, and the landfill, and avoiding the swarms of crackpots. Or worse, being completely dissed by the swarms of crackpots because my junk isn't good enough for them.

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THIS THREAD IS NOT HELPING ME! I finally talked my family into cleaning out the basement (shudder) and the garage and having a garage sale. I HATE having garage sales because I don't like to deal with strangers, but we have so much nice stuff. DH was unemployed for awhile and we could use the money. Now all my fears are back.:001_unsure:

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mom2scouts - we did make $400 for about 5 hours of garage saling yesterday, so even though people are weird, it was worth it.


That's how much we made too! And if I'd just said no when she asked to use the bathroom, I'd have no regrets. Moral of the story--no is the correct answer to any can I use your bathroom questions, so don't let my horror story keep you from having a profitable yard sale. :001_smile: On the other hand, if I didn't need the money to buy this year's school books, I would have happily donated everything (which is what we usually do, and why it's only my second yard sale ever) because it's a lot easier. :tongue_smilie:

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THIS THREAD IS NOT HELPING ME! I finally talked my family into cleaning out the basement (shudder) and the garage and having a garage sale. I HATE having garage sales because I don't like to deal with strangers, but we have so much nice stuff. DH was unemployed for awhile and we could use the money. Now all my fears are back.:001_unsure:


Do you have a flea market you could go to? That could be an option if you want to have the sale, but don't want people by your house.

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(in all seriousness... Has anyone ever had a toilet brush stop working? I don't even know what that means. :confused:)


We received a toilet brush from my MIL (along with a nice lake house, so no complaints here). It was about twenty years old and shed plastic bristles everywhere the first time I picked it up. Seriously, the thing basically blew up. Have you ever needed to pick up old toilet brush bristles one at a time? There is no good way to get the job done.


I didn't realize that I could have freecycled it. I could have marketed it as an "assemble your own toilet brush kit." Oh, the lost opportunities.

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Oh! I had that happen once. I put all my Tea/Hannah/MiniBoden etc in it's own area. I had shoes and tights to match the dresses etc. I know it was not this dramatic, but one grandma seemed to hit the brakes as if in a movie. lol She grabbed it all, did not negotiate the prices, and asked what else I had. I went back into the house to search for more. She was giddy. I saw her gd later at the library wearing one of my dd's outfits. lol She also gave me her phone number in case I had other items to sell. It was great fun, and she was so happy!


I've sold Maclaren and Britax right off my lawn (meaning not a yard sale), with people knocking on my door to see if there was anything else. lol I once put out a Maclaren stroller. (Full hood, full recline, large basket.) It was on my sidewalk for about 3 minutes. I asked $150, and a woman handed the money to me -- as if it was no more than a rectangle of Trident. lol I could see the fire in her eyes. lol She got a great deal. It was one of the last made in UK.

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Ok, I am coming out of lurkdom because this thread cracked me up. We had a yard sale at Church and I sent over an opened box of Depends. None were missing, it had just been opened and I taped it shut. (DH bought them instead of pullups for our 4 yr old ..... He thought 40 inches was height not waist ...doh...anyway...). He laughed at me. The door opened at 7 am and the Depends were the first sale of the day!


But OP, Yuk!!! maybe she was sick and was just really ashamed. Although at our pool right now we have a "mad pooper" who climbs the fence at night and leaves his present.

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Years ago, I had people from a single ethnic group, three different people at different times during the two days, switch the prices on fabric. We were clearing out my grandmother's house with an estate sale. She had a huge stash of fabric and notions. We wrapped each bolt wiht masking tape to keep it together and then stapled a small card with the price to the fabric. This particular ethinicity of folks kept switching the prices on the fabric; I knew because I had made a list of the pieces with the prices on them and because it was obvious the staples had been tampered with. And then they would try to pull the "innocent as the newborn day" act.


I haven't forgotten, and that was twenty years ago.

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