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The fireworks were great... and yay, here's Paul!


But Dark Side of the Moon just doesn't seem very Olympic to me. :001_huh:

I don't think the people in charge of the music knew what they were doing. They asked Keith Moon to play at the closing ceremonies.



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I think the first hour had a Cirque du Soliel feel to it, and the costumes captured the essence of the turn of the century time period beautifully. Well done!


True! We loved the period costumes.


LOL on the "more insults from Americans" tag! I'm American and I'm enjoying it! Our kids are still up watching up (at 10:53 pm)! :thumbup1:

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True! We loved the period costumes.


LOL on the "more insults from Americans" tag! I'm American and I'm enjoying it! Our kids are still up watching up (at 10:53 pm)! :thumbup1:


Me too. I didn't find anyone being insulting either, just rather critiquing it and professing opinions. But the tagger is entitled to their opinion too I reckon. :)

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My kids called me down laughing crazily at the Mary Poppins thing. I don't really enjoy watching sports, but they called so many times, I went down in time to see the doves on bikes. I loved that. Lovely. I enjoyed that very much, and I was touched by who was chosen to carry the Olympic flag, and the final runner to carry the torch. Well done, London. Well done. :)

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Me too. I didn't find anyone being insulting either, just rather critiquing it and professing opinions. But the tagger is entitled to their opinion too I reckon. :)



True enough!


My biggest critique was with our American commentators too! I would have much preferred to listen to a British accent watching that and someone with the right historical and cultural context probably could have done a better job.


A few kilts wouldn't have hurt either, right? :D David Tennant in a kilt popping out of the TARDIS, lighting the torch perhaps?

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I am not getting into this at all. A giant Voldemort? Mary Poppins saves the day? These are the highlights of British culture from the last thousand years?

I am still laughing at the parade of faces of famous Brits: William Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Jane Austen, Charles Darwin, John Lennon and Paul McCartney. What?!


I was furious at how fast the nations went parading by.


I did not like the texting, kissing teenagers bit. Yawn. My kids were fascinated by how utterly weird the costumes were in that segment. And I hate announcers talking over. No, we do not need a crash course in the Arab Spring while the Tunisian athletes are parading by.

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Wynton Marsalis would be good. Maybe reunite the Marsalis brothers. Barbra would be good. Maybe the Eagles. Just not the Boss.



Yeah. No Boss. And no Barbra. Just Jazz.


My kids ended up laughing so hard about the Poppins thing. They thought it was silly, given what they know of history. And yet, the more I think of it, the more I realize that those stories are a huge part of western childhoods, and are familiar to people outsde the UK. I might have skipped Peter Pan, given it's racist "Indian" theme. Yet, PP has so many layers.


Fun to chat about, anyway.

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:001_unsure: We forgot it was on, so turned it on late - just in time for the 70's music, which quickly morphed into ghastly 80's ensembles and scary rockers and then... kissing! Kissing everywhere! :blink:


So we turned it off, sorely disappointed that even the Olympics couldn't be family friendly!


But now that I've seen these comments we'll have to youtube it and watch the beginning.


Kissing isn't family friendly? What do families have against kissing????


If you download the Today app to your Xbox you can watch Olympic stuff (so, my husband tells me. I don't know how to do it. I've got kids for that.)

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I had to leave to pick dd up right when the parade of nations ended so have not yet seen the parts after that (will watch tomorrow). But I really liked the Industrial Revolution, the smokestacks and the lighting were as my ds exclaimed "COOL". He and I were the only ones watching but we enjoyed it. Ds loved the Queen parachuting out of the helicopter.


Really liked the music and the lighting.

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True enough!


My biggest critique was with our American commentators too! I would have much preferred to listen to a British accent watching that and someone with the right historical and cultural context probably could have done a better job.


A few kilts wouldn't have hurt either, right? :D David Tennant in a kilt popping out of the TARDIS, lighting the torch perhaps?

That would have been awesome. Man, does Bob Costas EVER shut up? I'll bet he even talks in his sleep! :glare:


I enjoyed it, but they could have done more for Dr. Who - they could have had the TARDIS appear and one of the torch bearers step out.:tongue_smilie:


Loved it! Way to go London!!


Glad they included the TARDIS!


Ugh, I'm so sad I missed the first hour. Dh set the computer to record it since we had to be out, but it didn't take. :( I hope I can catch up on what I missed. I didn't see any Dr. Who references at all. sniff. :(

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Awwww I missed that! :( Does anyone know where to see clips??



This is what I'm wondering, too. I'll keep scrolling through. We weren't able to turn it on until the parade of countries. I'm so disappointed. I wanted to see the SHEEP! Baaaaaa! I hope I can find it on a clip somewhere.

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That would have been awesome. Man, does Bob Costas EVER shut up? I'll bet he even talks in his sleep! :glare:






Him and the other annoying yappy guy talking through the "Come Together" cover while telling us how great it was....apparently show, don't tell shouldn't be limited to authors.



I didn't care for the show portion of the ceremonies, but the NBC Commentators made it more awkward at times.

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We enjoyed it!


Mr. Bean was a hoot!! Crack me up.


Loved the Industrial Era and the molten Olympic rings... pretty amazing.


Not sure about the big baby but whatever.


We liked the music...


We laughed at the exuberance of the Independent Athletes...so want to root for them... just because! :D


And we really liked that the announcers mentioned the queen's great sense of humor and panned to her and she looked like the grouchiest person in the building! LOL


No seriously...I try not to compare Opening Ceremonies because they are unique to their countries and that is what I LOVE about them.


Good job Great Britain!!

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Yeah. No Boss. And no Barbra. Just Jazz.


My kids ended up laughing so hard about the Poppins thing. They thought it was silly, given what they know of history. And yet, the more I think of it, the more I realize that those stories are a huge part of western childhoods, and are familiar to people outsde the UK. I might have skipped Peter Pan, given it's racist "Indian" theme. Yet, PP has so many layers.


Fun to chat about, anyway.


I think they said Barrie donated the rights to Peter Pan to the children's hospital. That is why it was prominent.


That would have been awesome. Man, does Bob Costas EVER shut up? I'll bet he even talks in his sleep! :glare:






Ugh, I'm so sad I missed the first hour. Dh set the computer to record it since we had to be out, but it didn't take. :( I hope I can catch up on what I missed. I didn't see any Dr. Who references at all. sniff. :(

The Doctor Who reference was heard not seen. The TARDIS was heard at the end of Bohemian Rhapsody. I thought it was a nice nod to the show.

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I really enjoyed these ceremonies... :) Loved the bit about all the history, and the way they transformed the "stage." The children's book section was pretty amazing, too, I thought. It was very interesting to me that they paid tribute to their National Health Service.


BUT! You know that Michael Phelps interview? Apparently, at that point during the opening ceremonies there was a tribute to victims of the 7/7 London terrorist attacks - and NBC didn't air ANY of it. Here's a link to that portion online if anyone wants to watch it. http://deadspin.com/5929778/heres-the-opening-ceremony-tribute-to-terrorism-victims-nbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see

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I was seriously underwhelmed. It had a few moments, but overall I thought it was bizarre and disjointed. It will take a lot to come up to the level of craftmanship that we saw in Beijing. This wasn't even remotely close.


The symbolism of the cauldron is awesome and a great idea. The "queen" jumping out of the helicoptor was great. Other than that...weird, just weird.

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That would have been awesome. Man, does Bob Costas EVER shut up? I'll bet he even talks in his sleep! :glare:




Was it him or the other guy that said the Queen was.....spunky??? Um... that word does not translate to over there. Totally different meaning.

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I enjoyed it. It was eccentric and a bit slow in places but enjoyable. I missed a bit at the beginning but really loved the Queen parachuting in. I think the only negative thing was some of the movement by the individuals on stage was too small, it didn't really translate in such a big space and just looked like a crowd surging around.


I really loved the music, we were dancing along throughout it.


To be honest we have so much history and so many high points I think it would be hard to showcase a small number of them in this kind of format and make everyone happy.

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This entire thread has made me giggle. We enjoyed it, save for the music section, all though as an American, I think the Americans had a poor choice of uniform to come out in. Seriously my Aussie children thought they were French athletes. HA!


It was the berets they chose to wear. Shoulda gone with warmup suits. ;)

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I liked it. To me, opening ceremonies always have an over the top artsy flair, which means there's always something spectacular and always something weird. I really loved the first hour. The pastoral scene and transition into the industrial revolution was fantastic. The giant baby was definitely weird. The teen party thing was fun, but kind of dumb. Mr. Bean was the BEST! The nightmare/giant book villain thing I did not like.


As always, I faded out at the parade of nations. I meant to come back to the tv to see the end, but forgot. I'll have to google clips of the lighting of the cauldron. I hate how late it aired here. From 7:30-midnight! My kids would have loved to watch the whole thing, but at 10 we were still on the Germany and I decided there was no way I could hang for 2 more hours.


But overall, I really enjoyed it. While Bejing was fantastic, I had a real hard time enjoying it because I just don't trust China. I'm sure they way outspent other nations that actually have to account to their people. And the thing with the little girl who wasn't pretty enough to sing also rubbed me the wrong way. Also, their stadium looked like a giant toilet seat.

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Just saw this on FB...




Warning: If you post this on your facebook page, you might unintentionally offend your British next door neighbors (who generally have a fantastic sense of humor). I had no idea that people were so protective over the Queen.

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Him and the other annoying yappy guy talking through the "Come Together" cover while telling us how great it was....apparently show, don't tell shouldn't be limited to authors.


Ugh, he drives me nuts. I wish another network besides NBC could air the Olympics so that I wouldn't have to listen to Bob Costas. He drives me crazy!! My one consolation is that the soccer is going to be shown on Telemundo. I love their announcers so much better. Especially the "gooooooooooooool" guy. hehehhe He's fun. :)



We laughed at the exuberance of the Independent Athletes...so want to root for them... just because! :D

hehehehe Me too! They were so fun to watch. We were cracking up. I hope with all of his flapping of his gums that Bob Costas delves into their stories a bit. I want to know why they don't have a country. :confused:


Good job Great Britain!!
Hear! Hear! :hurray:


The Doctor Who reference was heard not seen. The TARDIS was heard at the end of Bohemian Rhapsody. I thought it was a nice nod to the show.

Bummer! I totally missed it. Did they show any Monty Python?

Was it him or the other guy that said the Queen was.....spunky??? Um... that word does not translate to over there. Totally different meaning.


lol Oh boy!


This entire thread has made me giggle. We enjoyed it, save for the music section, all though as an American, I think the Americans had a poor choice of uniform to come out in. Seriously my Aussie children thought they were French athletes. HA!


It was the berets they chose to wear. Shoulda gone with warmup suits. ;)

I really didn't like them either. Ralph Lauren should be ashamed of himself. He made them look like the French, but with worse fitting clothes. :confused: The ones from Barcelona, Sydney and Athens were much much better.

Warning: If you post this on your facebook page, you might unintentionally offend your British next door neighbors (who generally have a fantastic sense of humor). I had no idea that people were so protective over the Queen.


I love the Queen too and I'm not even British, but that picture was funny. I didn't find it insulting to the queen at all. Obviously the words in the caption were not her words.

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Warning: If you post this on your facebook page, you might unintentionally offend your British next door neighbors (who generally have a fantastic sense of humor). I had no idea that people were so protective over the Queen.


I'm Canadian so she's my Queen as well and I thought it was hilarious. I've got no sympathy for those offended.

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David Beckham can feel free to help me carry my torch! :tongue_smilie:


Amen to that!!!!! That is one fine looking man. If he were a better actor and didn't have such an odd voice, he'd have made a great James Bond. You know, in a world were Daniel Craig doesn't exist.


Beijing was really good, but IMO nobody beat out Spain for the lighting of the torch. :)


There will never be a lighting like the arrow. Best.Lighting.Ever. I looked it up for Indy and he watched it about 10 times.


I was underwhelmed and it made me sad because I was so excited. There were elements that I liked, but for the most part it was too busy. There were too many small moving parts that didn't translate well IMO to such a huge show. Rowan Atkinson was hilarious, but unless you were watching on a screen (which I noticed where everywhere), you wouldn't have been able to see it and if you have to watch a screen, why be there? I thought the James Bond and the Queen bit was a big slice of awesome and Macca knocked it out of the park, but mostly I was just....eh. The house party thing was really odd, and they had Voldemort, but not Harry Potter? WHAT?

Indy and I watched it live on German TV, so it didn't start for us until 10pm. Urgh. When the people were moving all the parts off the floor, Indy looked at me and said "Man, I wouldn't want to be one of those guys. They're doing all the work!"

Fortunately for us, the German commentators didn't talk through most of it. They translated speeches and talked about who the flag bearer of each country was, the torch runners, and occasionally a comment about who was who in the stands, but mostly they were quiet. They did get ridiculously excited when the German athletes came out which I thought was funny. I'm still unsure why Germany was wearing pink and blue though. Oh, and they did a split screen to show where the lesser known countries (some I had never heard of) were located. Ha! Geography lesson. Can I count it as school?

The parade of nations is always my favorite part. I especially like it when the flag bearer, and sometimes all the athletes, wear native garb. Mr. Figi deserves a medal for those well oiled abs of his. :D

While I of course root for Team USA, and to a lesser extent, Team Germany, I always really want the little countries with only a few athletes to pull off something amazing and stun the world with a win. It's of course awesome when the big countries win medals, but I think for the little countries it must be a huge deal and I want that to happen. I really want it for the IOC independents. They were my favorites.

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I really enjoyed these ceremonies... :) Loved the bit about all the history, and the way they transformed the "stage." The children's book section was pretty amazing, too, I thought. It was very interesting to me that they paid tribute to their National Health Service.


BUT! You know that Michael Phelps interview? Apparently, at that point during the opening ceremonies there was a tribute to victims of the 7/7 London terrorist attacks - and NBC didn't air ANY of it. Here's a link to that portion online if anyone wants to watch it. http://deadspin.com/5929778/heres-the-opening-ceremony-tribute-to-terrorism-victims-nbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see


That is amazingly lame on NBC's part. But then I suspected during the tribute to the WWI soldiers, that NBC was itching to move on, because it was more than a few seconds long!


I think all in all I enjoyed it and it was a bit strange but nice. I got sick of old Branagh chewing on his unlet cigar, though. I think I want to watch the Mr Bean part again!


I felt kind of sorry for the queen. She is always supposed to look dignified, but sometimes that just looks bored or grumpy.

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I think the Americans had a poor choice of uniform to come out in. Seriously my Aussie children thought they were French athletes. HA!


It was the berets they chose to wear. Shoulda gone with warmup suits. ;)



The USA looked like girl guides. Well, the women anyway...


The British were just as bad dressed like pimps, whoever designed those horrible gold collared outfits.

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The USA looked like girl guides. Well, the women anyway...


The British were just as bad dressed like pimps, whoever designed those horrible gold collared outfits.


And the gold armpits. You forgot the gold armpits.


Canada was in what looked like off-the-rack casual wear. Which it is because their were ads proclaiming where we could buy our own Olympic apparel.:glare:


Anyhow, found this and thought this crowd would enjoy it...


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The house party thing was really odd, and they had Voldemort, but not Harry Potter? WHAT?


Are you talking about the beds? The beds sequence was an appreciation of the National Health Service and Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, which segued (sp?) into a celebration of British contribution to classic children's literature - Great Ormond Street continues to be financed by the proceeds from the sales of Peter Pan, bequeathed by JM Barrie.


I agree with you about the small vs. large scale problem. As a film director Danny Boyle relied too much on close-ups, which only worked on the screens. It probably played better for a TV audience than for those actually present.


So the themes were (from memory): the beauty of pastoral Britain (including passage from Shakespeare), the nations of Britain (choirs in the different countries, plus clips of the different rugby teams) the world-leading Industrial Revolution, tributes to the dead of two world wars, The National Health Service, children's literature, British music and poetry (from the Blake of Jerusalem to contemporary music), popular culture of the 60s and 70s, the British film industry (clips projected on the house plus the Mr Bean and 007 references), tribute to the dead of 7/7, and the invention of the World Wide Web (Tim Berners-Lee).


I do think that the narrative sweep got lost at some points, but I wonder if commentaries could have been more helpful.



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Warning: If you post this on your facebook page, you might unintentionally offend your British next door neighbors (who generally have a fantastic sense of humor). I had no idea that people were so protective over the Queen.


I was wondering if she wasn't well. She normally does a slightly better job of looking like she is enjoying events.



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I agree with you about the small vs. large scale problem. As a film director Danny Boyle relied too much on close-ups, which only worked on the screens. It probably played better for a TV audience than for those actually present.


That was how I felt. There was a whole upper space in the stadium that was barely used. Even when he used big props like the houses in the big musical bit it was still in service of video - either to bolster clips or as a projection screen. I kept feeling a little bad for the folks in the stands.

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I understand the history. I really, really do and I could get behind a very well done musical representation of GB. The problem I have is that it was very, very disjointed. It really was not smooth; it did not flow. It felt as though the ceremony sort of jerked from one topic into the next without continuity. Of course, all this is very sujective. However, the one thing that is apparent is that the film director did not have a clear picture of what it means to design a production for live performance. It sooooooooo clearly catered to the camera and yet, unlike a film in which there is a LOT of editing to make the film flow, to adjust camera angles, to adjust for optimal optics, etc. this was filmed live - a completely different proposition all together. The organizers would have been far better off to have contracted with a well-known producer of Broadway shows than a film maker.


Also, some things were just :001_huh:. The big giant baby, Mary Poppins battling Voldemort - while entertaining to some didn't seem very well planned, and THE CHOICE OF MUSIC WAS.... Okay, yes I get that you want to highlight GB's rock music history, but some of it was just way out there for an olympics and there were NO reasonable transitions. Seriously, whomever chose to run some of those key signatures consecutively without some breaks, key changes, transitions of some kind, needs to head back to music school. It created a "grating" sensation and contributed to the feeling of the production being disjointed.


That said, it could have been AWESOME because at the heart of it, was some pretty sweet raw material. Instead, it was just okay for a lot of us. However, every culture has its own unique flavor and while many, many countries may have found it lacking, the people of GB may be totally in love with it because it is their taste in style, format, flow, and music.


It is memorable for its own sake and I don't mean negatively. It was different, creative, and innovative. It will be remembered for that and frankly, it would have been an act of futility to try to top Beijing...at some point, the one-ups-manship had to end and the GB organizers understood that and should be commended for not "going there".


Still, couldn't there have at least been a few men in kilts?????? :D



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BUT! You know that Michael Phelps interview? Apparently, at that point during the opening ceremonies there was a tribute to victims of the 7/7 London terrorist attacks - and NBC didn't air ANY of it. Here's a link to that portion online if anyone wants to watch it. http://deadspin.com/5929778/heres-the-opening-ceremony-tribute-to-terrorism-victims-nbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see



Thank you for the link! I cannot believe they skipped over that for the Phelps non-interview. That "interview" was completely lame.

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I missed a bunch.


I caught the music, the texting, and the Canadians coming in.


Honestly, I sat there, slack jawed, wondering what the heck?! As much as I wanted to see Mr. Bean after the comments here, I didn't know if I missed it or he was still to come, and just couldn't hack watching any more.


Bizzare. Although, I was rather relieved that they included Queen music...but a scene from Wayne's World?! Seriously?!


Texting teens? Oy.

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I also wish they would ban the athletes and audience members from recording the ceremony as they enter. The sight of people recording someone recording them, and someone else recordingthem, i.e. a bunch of people waving cameras around, is irritating. The videos will stink, can't the Olympics or their country or someone just give them a nice dvd of the whole show?! I am sure it would be much nicer. And the parade of countries would be 1000x better.

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The party thing was supposed to be about modern life and the Digital era. It did seem a bit out of order in places. I also know they had to cut some things due to time so I wonder if that is why it seems disjointed.


A friend went to a dress rehearsal for the ceremony a few days ago and really enjoyed it so I think it may have viewed better for the stadium audience.

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