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Bathroom doors - open or closed?

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When no one is in the bathroom, is your door open or closed? We always leave the bathroom door open so when it's closed that means that it is occupied. When my kids' friends visit, they close the door when they are finished and leave the bathroom. I really don't like that because a closed door means it's occupied. So we're knocking on the door to see if anyone is there and then you aren't sure if they are not answering because they are stunned silent by the knocking or if you are talking to an empty bathroom! And goodness if I forget to lock the door, someone might walk in on me. I'm nervous to use the bathroom in my own house when guests are over! :tongue_smilie:


This gives you an idea of how strange my worries are.

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When no one is in the bathroom, is your door open or closed? We always leave the bathroom door open so when it's closed that means that it is occupied. When my kids' friends visit, they close the door when they are finished and leave the bathroom. I really don't like that because a closed door means it's occupied. So we're knocking on the door to see if anyone is there and then you aren't sure if they are not answering because they are stunned silent by the knocking or if you are talking to an empty bathroom! And goodness if I forget to lock the door, someone might walk in on me. I'm nervous to use the bathroom in my own house when guests are over! :tongue_smilie:


This gives you an idea of how strange my worries are.


I've had the same experience! I guess it comes down to habit, just like the lid open or closed debate. When I'm in somebody else's house, I try to replicate whatever they do, but I'm not sure children notice that sort of thing.


I wonder if your visitors have young siblings at home? I remember we kept our bathroom door closed all the time when ds was a baby/toddler. Other than that, I'm with you on keeping the door OPEN for all the same reasons.

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When I read your question ~ Bathroom doors - open or closed? ~ I thought you meant while in use. In which case...closed of course. :lol:

But, when unoccupied....open. Unless it's the one day a month the Culligan Man is over, then it's closed because I stash a bunch of stuff in there before he arrives. :001_smile:

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Ours is almost always open even when occupied. I have found I don't get bothered much when I leave it open. Nothing brings the kids AND dh running to me about an "emergency" then the sound of the bathroom door closing!:001_rolleyes:

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Open. Shoot, with the boys, sometimes it's open even when occupied!




We don't have any pets to worry about and we find the heat and A/C circulate better when all doors are open, so we keep all doors open unless there's a reason for privacy.

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Well, other than the bathroom in my bedroom the only downstairs bathroom is a half bath right across the foyer from the kitchen. You can see right in at the toilet and I find that slightly, well, yucky. :) lol I prefer that bathroom door to be pulled but not closed. I prefer it not closed for the same reason the OP said. I don't really ask anybody else in the house to maintain this little quirk of mine so I'm frequently walking by and adjusting through the day. :) I'm probably not even aware of doing it most of the time anymore.


The other bathrooms I don't really care about. The upstairs ones aren't seen and mine is through my bedroom and I certainly hope nobody's visiting and wandering through my room to find a bathroom. :)

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It's complicated.




Generally open for reasons already discussed. However, our hall bathroom is also the laundry room. If the machines are running, we'd rather the door be closed because, well, machines are loud, and it really drives hub nuts to hear them. I'm coming and going so much throughout the day, I hardly notice :p

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Closed. Our cats love to play with the cabinet doors and drive me crazy so keep them closed. When in use, we lock the door. As for the rest of the house, James keeps his door closed at all times whether he's in there or not. Drives me crazy because invariably he leaves a cat behind who wants out a few minutes later. Always leave my bedroom door open.

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Closed, because my cat LOVES to eat the toilet paper off the roll. If we leave the doors open, he will shread the paper all over the place. I would prefer to have them open so we could know when they are/are not in use.

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Open even when being used! Lol. The downstairs bathroom is only closed when guests are here and its in use, or when cooking because its right off the kitchen with a very sensitive some detecter. The upstairs bathroom is only closed if soneone is showering.


Eta: open does not always mean wide open. I mean the doors are rarely latched closed. Dd and i will usually at least swing it closed, but not always closed tight.

Edited by amo_mea_filiis
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We always keep ours closed. Feng shui was a random hobby of mine. I have this thing about closed doors now. Especially bathrooms and laundry areas. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: Ours are closed for better feng shui, especially the powder/guest bath that one can see from the front door.

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Usually open but some members of our extended family insist on closing it.


I have noticed that Europeans (gross generalization) have a tendency to leave it (and a lot of other doors) closed all the time. It freaked me out the first time I went there because I always thought it was occupied and the other doors were closed because they didn't want me in there (which is what a closed door meant in our house.) Since they had doors on ALL their rooms, this was a problem.


I suspect closing the bathroom door is a cultural thing (unless of course, you have a pet/explorer problem!)

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You know, I never thought about the problem with little kids but I do have to laugh at the animal antics in the bathrooms. I too had a cat that would poop in the tub and the cat pan was right next to the tub! My dog has gotten into the bathroom trash only once. His major problem is the kitchen trash can and that's a different post. Ugh!

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We leave the downstairs bathroom closed, because it's really close to the kitchen, and it just doesn't seem right to leave it open. I don't really care about the upstairs bathrooms (one in the hall and one in my bedroom). Those mostly have the door open, though.

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Open. If I leave the bathroom stinky, I'll pull the door mostly shut with the fan on so it can vent out (blush), but otherwise the doors stay open.


In fact our upstairs bathroom has a pocket door to the master bedroom as well as a regular swinging door to the hallway/entry. So both doors are usually open, it helps with ventilation and getting towels dry.


I grew up with bathroom doors open unless occupied so it's very confusing to me to have an unoccupied bathroom with a shut door.

Edited by sarahbobeara
the hive needed more bathroom info!!
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