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Outsourcing is OK! Do not be ashamed! What are you outsourcing next year?

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We're outsourcing math and I'm so RELIEVED!!!


I hate math. I'm no good at it. I don't know how to teach it. When they don't get it, I have no way to help them or explain it a different way, and Math is NEVER fun in my house.


My oldest has been using MUS for two years and it's working well so we're going to stick with it. Why is it working well? Because I don't have to teach it.:D I've talked about my oldest and her math issues for years. We took me out of the equation two years ago because I was concerned about our relationship. Things work well now. Her dad checks her work and deals with hiccups.


My youngest is another story. She is turning out to be quite mathy. This should please me! I should be ecstatic to have a child that GETS MATH! However, what she has actually shown me is, I can't and shouldn't be teaching math. She's going into 4th grade and I'm done. I received the books from BJU last month, but finally looked at them yesterday and wanted to pull all my hair out. But then, I noticed a DVD with sample classes, and an offer to join the BJU DLO for only $99 since I had already purchased the books. . .


Can you say SOLD!??!?!?!:party:


All this to say, it's OK to outsource. I wish someone had encouraged me to outsource math years ago. We can't possibly teach everything, and we probably shouldn't. I can't tell you how freeing it is to finally say ENOUGH! I hate math and if had wanted to be a math teacher, I would have gone to school, gotten a degree, and taught math! I. am. done.


What are you outsourcing? Or, what would you outsource if you could? Be encouraged, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Mine is Math. What is yours?




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I'd love to outsource math. I tried hard this spring, but I had 3 tutors back out after being interviewed or a trial session with ds (including a local district math coordinator). All were uncomfortable with a younger math student having a tutor and none seemed to know the sequence of elementary math prior to pre-algebra. I'm going to try and keep at it until pre-algebra and then probably outsource online.


Besides the obvious PE and piano, I did successfully outsource computer programming/robotics/electronics and some engineering thank goodness. We still do additional science at home, but I can not handle engineering, electronics or physics concepts beyond the very basics.


I would love to just outsource my oldest in general :D. I love him to bits, but he is so polar opposite me in learning style that teaching him is really a challenge. I cannot believe how much easier it is to school my younger.

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This is our first year and we are outsourcing a lot at DH's and DS's request. DH wanted to make sure that we were staying on some sort of schedule so as not to fall behind. And, coming out of a school environment after 7 yrs., DS wanted to still have that school experience with peers one day a week so he asked to be in several co-op classes. All of the classes meet on Thursday's back to back so it's actually really convenient while still freeing up the rest of our week to work independently.


Math - TT at home but also going to a co-op once a week to make sure he's really getting the concepts and can get help if need be.


Science - Co-op once a week for labs.


History - Co-op once a week for group projects, games etc. All of the teaching is at home though.


Writing - Co-op once a week for IEW's U.S. History Based Writing Lessons at a slow pace. I wanted to make sure he is accountable to someone who can be more objective. We're also doing WWS at home, also at a slow pace.


Bible - Co-op once a week.


Karate - DS13 is up to get his 2nd degree black belt in Korean Martial Arts so this has always been farmed out.


Photography - Elective class that he wanted to take at co-op for fun.


Drama - An elective class that he wanted to take at co-op for fun.

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Well, second ds will be leaving for college, so I suppose he will be completely outsourced along with his older brother.:tongue_smilie:


For little ds, we will outsource math and of course his extracurriculars- violin, art, and drama.



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The only thing I outsourced last year was Spanish, so we'll do that again. That's the only thing we'll leave the house for (apart from music and phys ed), but I'm still looking at online classes for my older kids.

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I'm outsourcing a lot for my oldest ds, age 12.


He is taking Ominibus I Primary via Veritas Press Scholars Academy. His best buddy is also taking it, same section, so the two of them will have plenty to chat (or comiserate) about.


He is also taking IEW Student Writing Intensive Continuation Course B with a small group and a tutor at my home. Can I just say how AWESOME it is to have someone else teach that course!! (Awesome, awesome, awesome.)


And, we are also continuing to outsource to our wonderful, amazing piano teacher. :)

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We will outsource Math for my oldest DD come spring (continuing AoPS) and maybe for my older DS depending on how far he gets over the summer.


I would love to outsource to CTD for Honors Biology this year but it just isn't in the budget, I am saving up to outsource Honors Chemistry to them for next year. :D

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DS (15):

German II at OSU

Latin II with Lukeion

Geography with Derek Owens


DD (soon to be 14):

German I at OSU

Chalkdust Algebra DVD's (I know this isn't completely outsourced, but it is pretty hands-off for me)


Both will be taking the Constitution 101 course through Hillsdale College for a .5 government credit.

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I hate math also! I will always outsource it We have almost always used BJU DL for math. DD is going into 5th grade and I have thought about using something different (but still someone else teaching it, but I've decided to stick with BJU). She is not mathy at all, and I still have to go over things that she just doesn't get. I can definitely see a tutor in her future when she gets into the harder math.


DS13 loves math and I'm pretty sure I will be using BJU algebra with him this coming year. He is doing pre-algebra (not BJU) online this summer to get prepared.


I have used BJU DL for almost everything until now. I am still going to use them for Science (we really like some of their Science classes), Math, and English (for DD), but going a different direction with the other subjects.

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I wish I could outsource more. One day I'll win the lottery. :lol: (I suppose I should start playing it first if that's my plan..)


For now, I outsource some physical education. DD takes a once a week class at the university with other homeschoolers and dance (this coming year will be 3 classes). Plus we do more at home- stretches for flexibility, lots of cardio activity, and I've just started adding in using her own body weight as strength training.


I also outsource music through violin lessons.


I would *love* to outsource foreign language, either French or Spanish, but the money just isn't there, so it's up to me. :tongue_smilie:


There aren't many opportunities in our area- either for classes and such for DD, or for jobs for me to pay for classes for DD. We will be moving in a year... hopefully to an area with more going on!

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I will have two 1st graders this year and we are outsourcing P.E., Spanish and Art to co-op. They also take music lessons (violin, piano) so we outsource music.


I am especially excited about outsourcing art. I never took art in school when I was growing up and have not been very good about getting around to it. I usually just let our craft type history project be art. So it will be nice for them to get to take a real art class and I will enjoy seeing it also.

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I'm outsourcing a lot for my oldest ds, age 12.


He is taking Ominibus I Primary via Veritas Press Scholars Academy. His best buddy is also taking it, same section, so the two of them will have plenty to chat (or comiserate) about.


He is also taking IEW Student Writing Intensive Continuation Course B with a small group and a tutor at my home. Can I just say how AWESOME it is to have someone else teach that course!! (Awesome, awesome, awesome.)


And, we are also continuing to outsource to our wonderful, amazing piano teacher. :)


We did their Transitions class last year and my oldest ADORED it! I think you will be very pleased.


DS (15):

German II at OSU

Latin II with Lukeion

Geography with Derek Owens


DD (soon to be 14):

German I at OSU

Chalkdust Algebra DVD's (I know this isn't completely outsourced, but it is pretty hands-off for me)


Both will be taking the Constitution 101 course through Hillsdale College for a .5 government credit.


I forgot OSU offered German! I'll have to remember that for next year:001_smile:.


I have the girls on the Homeschool Swim team so we technically outsource PE. Last year, DD did Art classes and I'm hoping her teacher offers it again. It was an amazing class! She learned to draw portraits, something I could never in a million years teach her.


For others that don't have the funds right now, never fear, you'll find other ways. If not this year, maybe next! We had the funds for the last two years, and now we're REALLY on a tight budget. I know it doesn't sound like it with me signing youngest up for BJU math, but I have been selling curriculum like crazy to fund it, so I understand your dilemma. It's one of the reasons I'm going back to Ambleside. I can get the books used, no teacher's guides to buy, and I can focus my money on the other subjects.




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I outsource piano to Musiq


Somehow I just know Miss Melody & Mr Beethoven are better teachers then moi. :tongue_smilie: I sat whatever is in the teachers manual, then plonk her in front of the computer and Mr Beethoven does the rest. About all I can do is play "Hot Cross Buns" and "You are my Sunshine" :D

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We outsource music theory and piano, guitar and violin.

This fall we will add:

VP history:I LOVE teaching history, but my kids are not crazy about the subject, so I am hoping the self-paced class will kindle an appreciation of history in them. :lol:I can dream, right?

Maybe BJU Science. I do not like science, hence we have never finished a science curriculum. :glare: My boys love it though, so I know we need something we will not throw out 6 weeks in.

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I'm *hoping* to outsource planning by using Memoria Press. Does that count? I'm hoping to get a bit more independence from the boys, and have a little more time to pursue my writing.


Oh, I'm outsourcing handicrafts next year: we are doing 4-H.

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I guess I never really considered it outsourcing since it's through a co-op, but I suppose that's what it is since I don't have to teach :001_smile:. IEW and apologia science labs are taught through the co-op, as well as art and violin lessons.

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I'll be outsourcing more this upcoming year than ever before!


B: Band, Essay Writing (both through a co-op), Marine Biology (local hs class), FIRST Robotics, possibly speech/debate club


T: Band & Essay Writing (co-op), Physical Science/Electronics (local hs class)


D: Art, Drama, Spanish (all through the co-op), Girl Scouts


L: little kid story/craft class at co-op


A local CrossFit place is thinking about offering hs classes next year. If they do, I'd love for all of the kids (except IW--too little :)) to participate. We'll have to see, as funds are going to be tight already. I think I'll have to spend less on curriculum than usual--tough for this curriculum junkie! :tongue_smilie: Still, I'm so happy to be outsourcing Science & writing for he older two this year. B, especially, responds so much better to other-than-parent teachers.

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Well, my soon to be 8yo and 11yo will use TT. I still have to help though because I think my dd doesn't pay attention to the lecture. :confused: Dd will use Home2Teach online for writing. She already uses VP self paced history so I think we'll stick with that. She will also do science online. Still deciding between BJU science 6 and Plato. I will also likely enroll her in some literature classes at our local homeschool "school".


I know it looks like I am really hands off with dd but I really need to work on reading and math with my younger this year. Plus, I have the loudest, into everything, 2yo you have ever met in your life. This year should be a real test!



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I should have outsourced one of dd's math last year.


Next year, older two are going to high school, so totally outsourced. :tongue_smilie:


Younger dd will be home. Outsourcing writing (online classes 1st semester, then in-person class second semester), Latin (online class), and I think I may sign her up for a hands-on science/technology class that a local place is offering, and I think I'll do Plato for main science (still at home, but I'm not teaching). Oh, and German is always outsourced via Saturday School - almost forgot that one. :)


ETA: And I did forget Art, which I've pretty much always outsourced. Not sure what it'll be, things tend to pop up over the year. And Music has always been outsourced - all my kids have had instrument lessons since 5yo, and we did chorus for 7 years (but it disbanded). Older two will continue with instruments, but youngest wants to take a break, so it looks like Music will be at home this year for her (I think we may try learning new piano pieces together - she and I are about the same level now). And whatever PE-type classes she takes - might be tumbling and/or swimming this year.

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DS5: VP self-paced on-line history (NTGR with DD8) & possibly Headsprout Reading comprehension on-line

DD8: VP self-paced on-line history (NTGR) & IEW SWI-A

DS11: VP self-paced on-line history (MARR) & possibly a writing/grammar class on-line (IEW or VP)


All of them have piano lessons weekly.

I see lots of people talking about outsourcing PE?? I just send them out to play and call that their exercise for the day :tongue_smilie:

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I'm outsourcing lab science (although DD does additional reading at home), a distance learning literature class, plus piano lessons (I swap with another homeschooler and we teach each other's child) and PE (I count DD's dance and tumbling classes). We're also doing a geography/cultures co-op once a week.


We're also using software for math practice and typing :)

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Nothing, but I really wish there was a toilet training boot camp I could send ds to. :p




Now THIS I would have paid big bucks for:lol: We use TT for math(love, love, love) and the boys take piano lessons. Our co-op is more extra-curricular than academic (although I do count our time there as school). At some point, I'm sure I'm going to have to outsource science. The upper sciences are just not my thing and I would do my boys a dis-service in attempting to teach them.

They are gifted in art so I hope to find a good teacher for them in a few years.


I see no shame in outsourcing.

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DD2 (who, btw, Dorinda, sent your dd a letter today :001_smile:) will be taking two classes with a classical PSP fairly near us:


One is ASL.

The other is called "Christendom" and uses Omnibus 2, so encompasses theology, history, and literature.


I am thrilled to have found this group's classes as a resource! DD was going to take ASL through another source anyway, and I was planning to eventually use Omnibus with her but was really wishing she could take a class IRL. (I know VP offers online classes.) Then this came up. Yippeeeee!


DD also takes piano and plays volleyball.


Next-next year we will be outsourcing her Greek to Lukeion, and I hope to outsource math to the same friend who taught dd1 high school math, but that will depend on friend's plan for teaching. She is also interested in taking Arabic from Potter's School.

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I'm such a loser. I finally outsourced phonics/reading. How pitiful is that?? They just weren't getting it, and I was frustrated, and they were frustrated, so now they go to a tutor for reading 5 days a week! And now they are all reading!!!


It's a summer-only thing, though, so I'll have to pick back up in the fall. But at least the initial hurdle is done!


I just could not bear to listen to CCCCC-AAAAA-TTTTT one more time without going insane...

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We are going to try out a private Classical Christian School that meets all day T/Th for 2nd & K. They do all the teaching of new info (Math, LA, Latin for the 2nd grader) and have a schedule for us to follow for what to cover M/W/F at home (they call it at-home mentoring). They also have Music, Art and Spanish in the afternoons. I think spelling and handwriting and reading through the Bible and SOTW 1 are done completely at home. I think it'll be great for the dc to have other teachers in addition to me, ds particularly. Ds7 will continue weekly swim lessons, dd will continue weekly swim, dance or gym and maybe add a monthly agricultural 4H club. She also wants to do several other activities, but I think I'll be at my current limit for now. :)

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DD2 (who, btw, Dorinda, sent your dd a letter today :001_smile:) will be taking two classes with a classical PSP fairly near us:


One is ASL.

The other is called "Christendom" and uses Omnibus 2, so encompasses theology, history, and literature.


I am thrilled to have found this group's classes as a resource! DD was going to take ASL through another source anyway, and I was planning to eventually use Omnibus with her but was really wishing she could take a class IRL. (I know VP offers online classes.) Then this came up. Yippeeeee!


Hey, I think my daughter might be attending the same PSP next year! Riverbend? We just enrolled our daughter in the 3rd Grade Christendom class. I think they are using a combo of SOTW and TOG for our class - we are very excited! So excited that we are willing to travel from Long Beach. And thankful for this outsource - yay!

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Hey, I think my daughter might be attending the same PSP next year! Riverbend? We just enrolled our daughter in the 3rd Grade Christendom class. I think they are using a combo of SOTW and TOG for our class - we are very excited! So excited that we are willing to travel from Long Beach. And thankful for this outsource - yay!


YES! We are in Orange, so it's a bit of a drive for us, too, but SO WORTH IT! I was thrilled when dd2 and I went to their info meeting. I went only to find out about ASL, not even to join the PSP, because DD had already started her history (History Odyssey modern) in May. When I found out the Christendom class used Omnibus, I silently prayed that dd would be interested but I wasn't going to push it, especially since it would mean a big change to our schedule and a day away from home with the preschooler. But at the end of the meeting, dd2 said she was so impressed and excited about the classes that she wanted to take Christendom! You could have knocked me over with a feather, because she has been wanting to study modern history for about two years now. We are both very excited!


Long Beach is my home town. :)

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My DD 14 will be completely outsourced as she is going to PS for the first time! My DD 12 is taking 4 of 6 'classes' online: TPS English and Spanish, LiveOnlineMath for Pre-Algebra, PrePhysics (fall) and PreChem (spring) via Landry Academy. She'll do history, literature, and Spencerian Penmanship taught by mom. My DD 7 will take enrichments via co-op: ballet, SOTW hands-projects, and state history. DD 3 will be 'outsourced' each afternoon as she attends a Montessori preschool.


Yeah, I'm not afraid to outsource! :)

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We have a "homeschool support" alternative PS that we belong to. DD8 will take most of her day there next fall and I will be basically be afterschooling her. DD10 will have a fashion design and sewing class there (meets 2x per week).

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