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I know you all hate FB

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Over 60 of my "friends" are family members. It is such an easy way to share with a huge family and keep up with all my aunts, uncles, cousins, 1st cousins once removed, and even a first cousin twice removed!

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I like using Facebook to keep in contact with family too. The pictures I get to see of my nieces and nephews are awesome. The daily stories are great to read too.


I do so enjoy that.


No technology is without its downsides, but I *love* that I can see the babies in their natural habitat. lol They are so darn cute!!! So cute. And my kids. I so enjoy the bowling alley pix and such. I supposed not having those pix wouild not be the end of the world, but I love that they exist and I can enjoy them.

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Over 60 of my "friends" are family members. It is such an easy way to share with a huge family and keep up with all my aunts, uncles, cousins, 1st cousins once removed, and even a first cousin twice removed!

Dolphin! Thank you.  FB has been such a nice way for me to keep up with loved ones far away! I also enjoy carrying on a 'conversation' with relatives about photos.



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I enjoy Facebook, too.


I signed up at first more or less just to be a good mom. My daughter got an account while she was away at school, and my husband and I figured someone should keep an eye on things. Since I'm the one who spends more time online, I was elected.


But now I really like it.


Through Facebook, we've reconnected with some of our friends from middle and high school. In fact, just today I got a friend request from another member of our group from those days. I love, LOVE being able to keep in touch this way. Sure, it's superficial, but it's more than we had managed in the years before Facebook. So, I'll take it.

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I get ambivalent about it. So I keep two accounts. One for spying without saying hello although they all know it's me there; and one for snip/here/there keeping up live with the other side of the country.


My oldest Dd isn't a huge phone person, so I keep FB on live stream to talk with her. I know she has it constantly glued to her hip even if she's not talking to me. Tonight she said she has 2 funerals this week. One young man 22, and another a lost child, age 4.


It had been nerve wracking all week worrying; her team-mates had been part of the local search crew.


I know I'm in her pocket, somewhere...just a FB post away. On a week like this, it was a comfort for her.


So I guess that's where it's at for me. I'm electro mom I guess.

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What do you mean, electro mom?

I get ambivalent about it. So I keep two accounts. One for spying without saying hello although they all know it's me there; and one for snip/here/there keeping up live with the other side of the country.

My oldest Dd isn't a huge phone person, so I keep FB on live stream to talk with her. I know she has it constantly glued to her hip even if she's not talking to me. Tonight she said she has 2 funerals this week. One young man 22, and another a lost child, age 4.

It had been nerve wracking all week worrying; her team-mates had been part of the local search crew.

I know I'm in her pocket, somewhere...just a FB post away. On a week like this, it was a comfort for her.

So I guess that's where it's at for me. I'm electro mom I guess.

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Nobody I know posts anything all that dramatic. I have a couple of people who are direct sellers and go overboard and one friend who is outspoken politically, but most people talk about their day, their kids, what fun things they are doing, their current challenges, post pictures(sad ones lately, I keep seeing huge smoke plumes), and just general chattiness.


The kinds of things that would go on if we all sat down to one huge Thanksgiving dinner.


Even when someone does step up on a soap box, everyone else just doesn't respond or if they do it's pretty civilized.


I've never seen anyone post nude photos, drunk shots, anything relating to duck face, people watch their language...

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Nobody I know posts anything all that dramatic. I have a couple of people who are direct sellers and go overboard and one friend who is outspoken politically, but most people talk about their day, their kids, what fun things they are doing, their current challenges, post pictures(sad ones lately, I keep seeing huge smoke plumes), and just general chattiness.


The kinds of things that would go on if we all sat down to one huge Thanksgiving dinner.


Even when someone does step up on a soap box, everyone else just doesn't respond or if they do it's pretty civilized.


I've never seen anyone post nude photos, drunk shots, anything relating to duck face, people watch their language...


:) I have one relative who send  forwards via email, but is totally controlled on FB. I have never once seen nudes, drunks etc on FB, either. I also haven't had any drama at all.




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I started with my best friend back east and built a harem around that. Everyone is sworn to secrecy that it's me and no sharing; but on there I never talk openly, only accept PM's there. That's my old hood spy account.


My mom account is for my daughters entertainment, keeping her in the loop, my local now friends are on it as well, and the WTM joiners. I can only seem to parent her from this distance by electric notes, hence..electro mom.

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I started with my best friend back east and built a harem around that. Everyone is sworn to secrecy that it's me and no sharing; but on there I never talk openly, only accept PM's there. That's my old hood spy account.


My mom account is for my daughters entertainment, keeping her in the loop, my local now friends are on it as well, and the WTM joiners. I can only seem to parent her from this distance by electric notes, hence..electro mom.



Ah! I get it. :)

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I love Facebook for keeping in touch. I periodically weed out or hide people who annoy me from my page. I also keep lists to post to whom I please, when I please. Makes life simpler. My 16 year old's friends have all friended me and I love them. My niece and nephew and the kids they grew up with also are my FB friends and I love that too. I've found it a great way to communicate with my Shakespeare class which I did not expect but it worked out wonderfully.

And some of my favorite WTM folks are there too.:001_smile:

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I dig FB! I keep my profile secret (no one can find me) and I know all my kids' passwords (they know this) to catch the stuff they need to be praised for and cautioned about....I just love finding thoughtful, encouraging posts written by ny son about his faith...had such a tough year for him last year ad now he uses that to help others...there is much more good than bad for our family...but for children who have no moral compass it can be a detriment to their growth for sure.

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My 16 year old's friends have all friended me and I love them.


That, too.


All of my son's best buddies, whom I've known for years and taught in Sunday school, friended me when first got on Facebook. And I love seeing what they're up to and into during the week.


Another Facebook thing in this area, at least, is that a lot of group communication that might have happened by e-mail in previous years is now on Facebook. It's how the directors and stage managers of community theatres post audition notices and communicate with casts about rehearsals and scheduling and costume fittings and everything. I'm not really sure how one could be involved in the theatre community in our area without Facebook.


And, aside from the ease of that, I like that it allows us to keep up to date on what other people with whom my kids have done shows are doing now. I know who's been cast in what and when tickets go on sale.

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Yet. I see the nicest pix of my older kids (over 18) posted there. They also tag me, which I love. I get to see what's happening. The photos are so sweet, and give me a frequent sense of their lives, even as they are away. I know mothers of yore had to wait months and months for word of their offspring, and I know such letters were prescious and the stuff of literature. Yet, I am so glad I don't have to do wait. Is it wrong I prefer the photos over lots of prose? What they do write tickles me. :) I get that the world is changing.




:iagree: My son is vacationing with another family this week. I love that the mom is posting photos so I can see what a fun time he's having.

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I like FB :) I keep my friends list pretty tight. I love keeping up with family and close friends. Beyond that, I view FB as the land of OZ and I'm the Wizard. I have NO problem blocking/deleting/unfriending/hiding etc. :lol: I'm not there for the drama or to continuously read the status' of folks who like to dump their issues there.


I LOVE keeping up with people I care about through PICTURES :)

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I love facebook. I have read complaints about people bragging and one-upping etc but I don't have that experience. I love that my friends share their kids accomplishments and things about their lives. Even though many of them are far away from me, it helps remove the distance and makes me feel more like I am there. I also have more contact with some of my extended family members than ever before and that makes me happy.

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Nobody I know posts anything all that dramatic. I have a couple of people who are direct sellers and go overboard and one friend who is outspoken politically, but most people talk about their day, their kids, what fun things they are doing, their current challenges, post pictures(sad ones lately, I keep seeing huge smoke plumes), and just general chattiness.


The kinds of things that would go on if we all sat down to one huge Thanksgiving dinner.


Even when someone does step up on a soap box, everyone else just doesn't respond or if they do it's pretty civilized.


I've never seen anyone post nude photos, drunk shots, anything relating to duck face, people watch their language...


:iagree: This is how my facebook is, except I do occasionally see a minor duck face. :lol:


Facebook has been great for my oldest to keep in touch with friends from her old school and now that she's graduated, she'll be able to keep in touch with her school and dance friends easily. There's a facebook page for her college class so she's already met many people she'll be at school with, including her new roommate who she's also met IRL now.

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I find Facebook to be a useful tool. I enjoy seeing pictures and picking up the little tidbits of news that are not enough for a big, general announcement. I use the chat feature to keep up with my adult children. I don't have a huge friend list and I freely use the block and delete features.


My motto for Facebook is, "Other people's Facebook posts are not about me."

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we love facebook. even my 84 year old mother is on every day. she gets to see pics of her grandchildren, to comment on their daily activities, hair cuts, performances, etc, etc. and she plays farmville with some of them, too ;). the only thing better than virtually farming with your grandma might just be going to visit with her....





ps. and i didn't friend one of our older dds til she was past the inappropriate posting phase.... at her request!

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I have a bunch of "groups" and "friend" and "interest" batches on mine.


If I want to assign a person, place or thing and keep it separate, I just "file" them in a category.


The only time I see the updates is when I click on them.


It's basically like setting up channels, you only see what you want. You don't have to see everyone and every post that's out there.


Even within those more narrow category channels, you can still select "only important" updates. So you could virtually have 1000 people on there and see absolutely nothing on the opening page if you wanted it that way and selectively only view what you were in the mood for.

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I love Facebook, because I'm really just that shallow and superficial.


I have never had a desire to block anyone, but then again, I've never put anyone here on ignore either.


I'm the kind of person who is thrilled when my friends brag. I love them, I love their kids, why wouldn't I be happy to hear about their successes?


I'm probably the kind of Facebook poster that many here have disdain for.....here are my feet......here is my food......here is my brag.......


So unfriend me, already.


I have other friends who adore me and my family. I'll keep sharing on Facebook because it makes those true friends so happy to hear from me.

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Another FB fan! Our whole extended family kind of drifted apart after some of the older generation passed away. Now all of us cousins have reconnected. We get to see pics of everyone's adorable kids! We're stretched across the country and I *know* we wouldn't be doing this, if not for FB.


Folks need to remember they're in control on FB. If someone's posts upset you, hide or delete them! Personally, I don't mind "watching" drama I'm not a part of :lurk5:.


All that being said, I do weary of constant electronic communication--so my daughter and I are writing to some other moms and daughters here! There is room for connecting in many different ways!

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lol Amy


I've been doing Kitchen Fairy Adventures for a week while I get this bulk thing down. I'm absolutely positive I've been snuffed by several. I always am posting random from my cell phone, probably 15 times a day..


Last night Kitchen Fairy nearly suffocated due to her lack of magical power with a ruined crock pot of black beans. I threw a measuring cup over her, and she tried to escape and nearly died!


Keeps me entertained, and I've gotten some nice recipes from friends as I bomb my way through the ordeal. :)


I'm with ya on shallow and superficial. :D

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I use FB to spread the good word about homeschooling. :D Well not JUST for that, but I have a lot of teacher friends (and others) who I know are skeptical and I love posting what we're up to, classes and activities my "unsocialized" homeschoolers are involved in, dances and pool parties, that kind of thing.


But most of all, I have friends and family all over the world (I lived overseas for many years and made many dear friends) and FB is a great way to stay connected. So no, you're not alone. :)

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I LOVE FB! I have a diverse group of friends and there's no way I'd be able to keep up with them all every day. This way, it's easy to find out who needs what when.


I'm in a few private groups thare are home to me. We've got a private homeschool group for just my friends and I. And I've got a group of women from mothering.com and we've been together for YEARS. We are currently all about the canning. :D

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I like Facebook very much. It makes our business much, much easier for my husband. I can keep my family updated nearly immediately on pictures of things the boys are doing. I can have a relationship with my brother and his wife that I never had before. I'm in touch and conversation with extended family that I had only seen and talked to once every several years. I can even be better in touch with interest and things going on with my teenagers who live right in my house. :) They and their friends post pictures and conversations they have going on and I can talk and laugh about those things with my guys when we hang out that day.


I have found Facebook to be a nearly completely positive experience. :) You are not alone.

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I love Facebook! I put up pictures of my kids for my mom and sisters and aunts. That is pretty much its purpose. Perhaps I am annoying to the people who want to discuss the Affordable Health Care Act ad nauseam, but my baby is really cute. Even if I post 10 pictures in a row of him in the same seat with the same silly grin on his face. HAHAHAHA! Every time someone posts an article about how annoying it is to see babies on FB, I post more :D

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Hwin, just a small bunny trail.....


The goat that we dress up in costumes and take to festivals with us is named Hwin.


Last weekend we took a baby goat instead, named Candy Frog. Miss Good was completely bemused that she has to explain Hwin's name to every single person who pets her, but the name Candy Frog went completely unquestioned.


Go figure.

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Even within those more narrow category channels, you can still select "only important" updates. So you could virtually have 1000 people on there and see absolutely nothing on the opening page if you wanted it that way and selectively only view what you were in the mood for.


My question is how FB determines what is "important". I have a feeling it's related to the amount of activity a particular post generates, which could easily mean that someone's inane political rant could be "important", while their post I'm actually interested in that generates little comment is not.


Also, I generally want to see all someone's status updates (the ones they write personally, at least - not games and apps) unless I specify otherwise, but FB doesn't work that way.


That said, I'm in the group that really enjoys FB. I enjoy reading my friends' brags, and haven't seen it in take the form of one-upmanship. I'm in much better touch with my extended family and distant friends than I otherwise would be. I don't find that it eats up excessive amounts of my time (this board does to a much greater extent!).

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I love Facebook! I put up pictures of my kids for my mom and sisters and aunts. That is pretty much its purpose. Perhaps I am annoying to the people who want to discuss the Affordable Health Care Act ad nauseam, but my baby is really cute. Even if I post 10 pictures in a row of him in the same seat with the same silly grin on his face. HAHAHAHA! Every time someone posts an article about how annoying it is to see babies on FB, I post more :D


Yes! The baby pictures. And little dogs in hairbows and dresses. :leaving:

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I like facebook, too. I like keeping in touch with friends and family. I love hearing stories about my friends' children--I don't see it as bragging. I don't get offended when someone does something and I'm not there. I do plenty of things without them, too. I love to see all the pictures and to read updates and what have you. I post plenty of brags on my children, pictures, recipes, when I'm aggravated, when I'm happy about something, the weather, etc. FB and this forum help me keep my sanity most days ;)

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I really like facebook for the same reasons. :) Well... I mean, I don't have adult kids, but for seeing pictures of family and stuff. And friends.

The pictures of family is why I got my Grandma an account when she was here visiting a few years ago. Now she doesn't have to wait to see pictures of the kids, and I often post statuses of funny things they've said or done, so she can keep up to date with all that. I already talk to her once a week anyway (for like an hour and a half at a time :lol: ) but this covers a lot of the little in between stuff that I wouldn't necessarily remember on the phone, kwim?

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Having grown up all over the place, with brothers and sisters-in-law and nieces and nephew spread all over the country and the people I grew up with spread all over the world, Facebook is so nice to be able to keep in touch with everyone. Yes there are nasty things posted by some people sometimes, but I just hide or unfriend people who do that.


I can understand that it causes some people undue stress and that some people still live in the same community where they and everyone that they know grew up, and in those cases, FB might be at best a waste of time, but between my busy schedule and my parents' busy schedules, sometimes it's the only way I keep in touch with them, and I can see the same thing happening as my dc leave the nest.

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I actually joined Facebook because my son -- then 18 -- friended me. How could I turn that down? I'm also Facebook friends with his girlfriend and some of his other friends. I love that he posts photos of me and tags me as well.


I love Facebook.

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