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Do your kids play disturbing made up games?

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Maybe disturbing is the wrong word....weird, strange, etc?


I guess I should appreciate their imaginations, but sometimes I hope no one hears the games/make believe stuff they make up :lol:


DS and DD have this game where DD is a dog named Christopher, and he has some special kind of farting power. It is more bizarre than that, but I'll leave it at that.

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Yep. And my neighbors hear it (very close quarters here). My neighbor came over for another reason and asked about her dog barking bothering us, etc., and I commented no but probably because my kids were louder than her dog in the back yard. She laughed and said she loves to hear the imaginative play they dream up out there. She works from home and her office overlooks our back yard. :D

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Yes. Yes, they do. It's very funny.


Not disturbing, but it cracks me up when they're pretending something, and one of them says "Ok, and I'll pretend to be your brother." Last night the younger two were playing, and I heard the youngest say (while hugging our dog, Jed) "OK, and in the game Jed will be our pet dog named Jed." Way to stretch the ol' imaginator, little buddy.

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I had too much fun listening to a couple of little boys playing with a toy airport. One kid, the most angelic looking little boy I have ever seen, carefully arranged three or four Little People dolls in the air traffic control tower. Then he gently placed his palm on top, rotated his hand, and announced gravely, "Now, we grind them."

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I had too much fun listening to a couple of little boys playing with a toy airport. One kid, the most angelic looking little boy I have ever seen, carefully arranged three or four Little People dolls in the air traffic control tower. Then he gently placed his palm on top, rotated his hand, and announced gravely, "Now, we grind them."


HAHA - I heard DS "Saarrraaaahh," in a sly whisper, DD "mommeeeeeee NOOOooo," I look back, and DS has her beloved smurf hanging by the neck attached to a jump rope, being lowered from the banister and threatened to be dropped. :lol: You don't know how hard I had to try not to laugh.

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My 12 and 13 year old still do this. They have a game where they put a spell on each other that makes them have no bones in their bodies (I think it's from Harry Potter?) and then that kid has to be carried/dragged around until I tell them to get up of the floor because other people at the grocery store are staring at them. :lol:

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My 12 and 13 year old still do this. They have a game where they put a spell on each other that makes them have no bones in their bodies (I think it's from Harry Potter?) and then that kid has to be carried/dragged around until I tell them to get up of the floor because other people at the grocery store are staring at them. :lol:


:lol: I think my kids would like your kids. My big kids play HP and put spells on each other all the time.

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This thread is killing me!


DS and DD have this game where DD is a dog named Christopher, and he has some special kind of farting power. It is more bizarre than that, but I'll leave it at that.


YLast night the younger two were playing, and I heard the youngest say (while hugging our dog, Jed) "OK, and in the game Jed will be our pet dog named Jed." Way to stretch the ol' imaginator, little buddy.


Then he gently placed his palm on top, rotated his hand, and announced gravely, "Now, we grind them."


...and then that kid has to be carried/dragged around until I tell them to get up of the floor because other people at the grocery store are staring at them. :lol:




Yes. And they always want me to be the "evil giant."


I always end up being the mean, evil stepmother :glare:


My youngest is absolutely locked on playing a homeless waif. She'll show up at the kitchen door whenever I'm cooking, with a small bag packed with doll clothes, asking if I have a corner to spare for a poor orphan girl. The answer is always yes, I'll provide good food and clean lodgings in exchange for hard household work, but somehow the work part never materializes!

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Yes. I can't think of anything at the moment, but I know they have played games that left us thinking they were quite disturbed in the head. People dying, blowing things up, etc. :) usually they are super spies or heros or generic bad guys. My 5 yr old is married to both Belle and Rapunzel, and apparently both princesses are ok with that. Apparently they work at a dr office and have any number of children. He has a Spanish cowboy friend names Ocho. He carries on conversations with himself and we have imaginary horses in the living room. He went to his 5 yr well,child visit decked out in cowboy gear from head to toe. The dr asked me if he had a good imagination. I looked at her, then him, then back t the dr and asked her what she thought. :)

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Yes kids sure do. Do you recall my post the other day about my 2 youngest kids playing gun shop lol


Yesterday they played food bank. That one left me more sad than finding it funny though as I hate that even know what a food bank is.


:grouphug: Your house sounds like a riot :D


I used to think some of the things they play were morbid, such as "cooking smurf," but I realize they do not actually mean cooking a person. This poor smurf though, he always seems to be the target!

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I don't post very often but this reminded me of games my cousins and I used to play. We used to play "Lost Children." We were kids lost in the forest and had to all bump into each other and then we would have to try to survive in the forest. We also used to play "Orphanage" at the dinner table. We had to have very, very good manners and be quiet or else we would get in trouble. (And sorry to all Catholics, there were nuns in this orphanage.) Our parents would eat in a different room from us so they didn't really see this game.


Sometimes I wonder if because we had such good, loving parents, we felt secure enough to play these games? Looking back, I always think we must have been the strangest kids.

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I think I posted about this one once, but it's my favorite. Dd is a detailed player. She was taking a hippo into surgery, and she made a waiver that the hippo's mommy had to sign. It was an indemnity/liability release waiver because she couldn't guarantee that the hippo would make it out alive :001_huh:. I don't know how she even knew about those type of things. It was quite well written out.


Tuesday, ds came out of his room quite stressed out. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he couldn't pay his bill. I inquired further, and it turns out that dd had invoiced him. She wrote up an itemized list of charges for care of his stuffed wolf. It included piercing the wolf's ears and spa services. The total was like $3.60. Although, I must say there was a lot of services listed and they were reasonably priced :tongue_smilie:. She sealed it in an envelope, and had slipped it under his door the night before. :lol: When she woke I told her to let ds know that she was just pretending and that he didn't really have to pay. She stared at me blankly and then said "but mom, I extended him credit and everything. I said I could just bill him. This was last week! He owes me now. It's not my fault that he didn't do his chores and has no money." :001_huh: She was serious!! If your a Star Trek fan then you'll get this, We call her our little Ferengi. :lol: Don't play with my dd, you'll get a bill in the mail :lol:.

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Sometimes I wonder if because we had such good, loving parents, we felt secure enough to play these games?


I think this is true.


I think I posted about this one once, but it's my favorite. Dd is a detailed player. She was taking a hippo into surgery, and she made a waiver that the hippo's mommy had to sign. It was an indemnity/liability release waiver because she couldn't guarantee that the hippo would make it out alive :001_huh:. I don't know how she even knew about those type of things. It was quite well written out.


Tuesday, ds came out of his room quite stressed out. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he couldn't pay his bill. I inquired further, and it turns out that dd had invoiced him. She wrote up an itemized list of charges for care of his stuffed wolf. It included piercing the wolf's ears and spa services. The total was like $3.60. Although, I must say there was a lot of services listed and they were reasonably priced :tongue_smilie:. She sealed it in an envelope, and had slipped it under his door the night before. :lol: When she woke I told her to let ds know that she was just pretending and that he didn't really have to pay. She stared at me blankly and then said "but mom, I extended him credit and everything. I said I could just bill him. This was last week! He owes me now. It's not my fault that he didn't do his chores and has no money." :001_huh: She was serious!! If your a Star Trek fan then you'll get this, We call her our little Ferengi. :lol: Don't play with my dd, you'll get a bill in the mail :lol:.


:lol: OMW, she sounds like my DD9! We have what's called "the business wall" in our front hallway. It's filled with signs for DD9's various businesses--childcare/storytime, B's Back Massage Inc. (I actually had to purchase a coupon book for that one--she makes me use it too!), doll hair repair and care, etc. Of course DD6, who has no sense of the value of money yet, is constantly trying to spend money at one or the other, and I finally had to tell DD9 that she was not allowed to charge her sister money!


Has she ever seen Willy Wonka? That might be where she got the idea for the indemnity/liability waiver.


Mrs. Teevee: I assume there's an accident indemnity clause.

Willy Wonka: Never between friends.



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I think I posted about this one once, but it's my favorite. Dd is a detailed player. She was taking a hippo into surgery, and she made a waiver that the hippo's mommy had to sign. It was an indemnity/liability release waiver because she couldn't guarantee that the hippo would make it out alive :001_huh:. I don't know how she even knew about those type of things. It was quite well written out.


Tuesday, ds came out of his room quite stressed out. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he couldn't pay his bill. I inquired further, and it turns out that dd had invoiced him. She wrote up an itemized list of charges for care of his stuffed wolf. It included piercing the wolf's ears and spa services. The total was like $3.60. Although, I must say there was a lot of services listed and they were reasonably priced :tongue_smilie:. She sealed it in an envelope, and had slipped it under his door the night before. :lol: When she woke I told her to let ds know that she was just pretending and that he didn't really have to pay. She stared at me blankly and then said "but mom, I extended him credit and everything. I said I could just bill him. This was last week! He owes me now. It's not my fault that he didn't do his chores and has no money." :001_huh: She was serious!! If your a Star Trek fan then you'll get this, We call her our little Ferengi. :lol: Don't play with my dd, you'll get a bill in the mail :lol:.


This is the best thing I've read in forever. Thanks for the laugh! Your DD is amazing!

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I think I posted about this one once, but it's my favorite. Dd is a detailed player. She was taking a hippo into surgery, and she made a waiver that the hippo's mommy had to sign. It was an indemnity/liability release waiver because she couldn't guarantee that the hippo would make it out alive :001_huh:. I don't know how she even knew about those type of things. It was quite well written out.


Tuesday, ds came out of his room quite stressed out. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he couldn't pay his bill. I inquired further, and it turns out that dd had invoiced him. She wrote up an itemized list of charges for care of his stuffed wolf. It included piercing the wolf's ears and spa services. The total was like $3.60. Although, I must say there was a lot of services listed and they were reasonably priced :tongue_smilie:. She sealed it in an envelope, and had slipped it under his door the night before. :lol: When she woke I told her to let ds know that she was just pretending and that he didn't really have to pay. She stared at me blankly and then said "but mom, I extended him credit and everything. I said I could just bill him. This was last week! He owes me now. It's not my fault that he didn't do his chores and has no money." :001_huh: She was serious!! If your a Star Trek fan then you'll get this, We call her our little Ferengi. :lol: Don't play with my dd, you'll get a bill in the mail :lol:.



:lol: Love it! Bet she grows up to be a lawyer one day ;)

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When my oldest two girls were about 3 and 5 years they began creating stories... playing with the dolls/barbies/etc. And the younger of the two almost ALWAYS started the play out with "Hey... our mom and dad are dead and..."!!!!

Seriously, when she sat down to play, the barbies and dolls or whatever were orphans! What was great is that when they were about 10 and 12 they began a nightly whispering ritual... They started what we would call a soap opera type story and continued it every single night, whispering what was happening as they drifted off to sleep and they continued for YEARS!!!!


The oldest is an aspiring author now and the younger of the two is a Junior in college, majoring in journalism...

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:lol:OMG I though my crazy DC were the only ones like this


Yes, they play weird-o games where they are animals (mostly dogs) and actually lick people. LOL


Also the newest thing is to "toot" and thensay "I stick-a-fied you" ???


Yep, they are definitely strange :)


Maybe disturbing is the wrong word....weird, strange, etc?


I guess I should appreciate their imaginations, but sometimes I hope no one hears the games/make believe stuff they make up :lol:


DS and DD have this game where DD is a dog named Christopher, and he has some special kind of farting power. It is more bizarre than that, but I'll leave it at that.

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Tuesday, ds came out of his room quite stressed out. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he couldn't pay his bill. I inquired further, and it turns out that dd had invoiced him. She wrote up an itemized list of charges for care of his stuffed wolf. It included piercing the wolf's ears and spa services. The total was like $3.60. Although, I must say there was a lot of services listed and they were reasonably priced :tongue_smilie:. She sealed it in an envelope, and had slipped it under his door the night before. :lol: When she woke I told her to let ds know that she was just pretending and that he didn't really have to pay. She stared at me blankly and then said "but mom, I extended him credit and everything. I said I could just bill him. This was last week! He owes me now. It's not my fault that he didn't do his chores and has no money." :001_huh: She was serious!! If your a Star Trek fan then you'll get this, We call her our little Ferengi. :lol: Don't play with my dd, you'll get a bill in the mail :lol:.


That is great. My children just play orphans.:001_huh:

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My 12 and 13 year old still do this. They have a game where they put a spell on each other that makes them have no bones in their bodies (I think it's from Harry Potter?) and then that kid has to be carried/dragged around until I tell them to get up of the floor because other people at the grocery store are staring at them. :lol:



:lol: I love this. When I was a kid, we lived across the street from a school, so there was just one very high chainlink fence down the whole block. My best friend, who lived on the corner, would arrange to meet me between her house and mine. But we'd cross the street and sort of ooch our way along the fence towards each other. The fence had magical powers, and at random times it would become magnetized so we'd get sucked onto it in a spread-eagled position and not be able to move. Sometimes this happened to us at the same time, sometimes not. Much screaming ensued. I still wonder what the neighbors thought. :lol::lol:

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My children also play orphans, but sometimes they take it a step farther pretend to be the only people left on the planet. If I come in the room, I have to be a ghost because no other people exist. :glare:


They also come up with some interesting super powers, including flamethrower farts. :lol:

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Maybe disturbing is the wrong word....weird, strange, etc?


I guess I should appreciate their imaginations, but sometimes I hope no one hears the games/make believe stuff they make up :lol:


DS and DD have this game where DD is a dog named Christopher, and he has some special kind of farting power. It is more bizarre than that, but I'll leave it at that.


Yes. In fact, my dd(15) was reading this, looked thoughtful...and said "You know, I think we've actually played that one." :lol:


Then she said I should post about how she annoys me to no end pretending the colored tiles in the grocery store are lava! :glare:

Edited by Apryl H
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Not disturbing but quite creative, to say the least. :D

They recently have started a new game. They pretend to live in a magical land like Narnia/Harry Potter and they each have different powers, weapons (toys of course) and pets. They build forts all over the house/yard and go on 'quests'. Yeah, pretty interesting. :tongue_smilie: I thought about getting some toys and other stuff to go along with their game as rewards for chores. ;)

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My kids haven't been all that disturbing so far, but my brother's GI Joe used to torture my one Barbie by bending her knees backwards.


I still remember a discussion in high school English class about Lord of the Flies. We were talking about kids' capacity for cruelty, and one of the girls said, "OK, how many of us used to torture our Barbies?" A good two-thirds of the girls raised their hands. Totally freaked out the boys.

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Yes. In fact, my dd(15) was reading this, looked thoughtful...and said "You know, I think we've actually played that one." :lol:


Then she said I should post about how she annoys me to no end pretending the colored tiles in the grocery store are lava! :glare:


Oh ya or you cannot step on a crack! or one foot per square, etc LOL.

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If your a Star Trek fan then you'll get this, We call her our little Ferengi. :lol: Don't play with my dd, you'll get a bill in the mail :lol:.


OMG!!! :lol::lol::lol:


We call DS our anti-Ferengi because he has this weird little habit. If he's playing with a friend and DS is having a good time, he will randomly just pay his friend a dollar. He carries his wallet everywhere we go with friends and I have to get a chuckle out of it because invariably, one of the group will run up and say, "It's my lucky day! E paid me!" :lol::lol::lol:


Every once in awhile I find a random dollar on the kitchen counter, usually if I've brought home some fabulous treat.


My brother and I were Derek and Serena growing up. We lived in the guest bedroom in an elaborate couch cushion/blanket fort with hundreds of stuffed animals. I was the mama and my brother was the warrior father. I basically arranged all our children in the fort while my brother beat the crap out of the cushion-less couch/dragon/Jabba the Hutt.

Edited by Jennifer3141
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Oh yes. My kids frequently play Evil Orphanage, esp. with their cousins. They all dress up in pinafores and wrap strips of cloth around their feet and wander around looking for food. They have to bring the food back to the orphanage or the Evil Headmistress will beat them.


They have a bunch of others too, but Evil Orphanage never fails to crack me up.

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They take turns being a puppy (Ruffy Ruff) and its owner. They dress up in costumes and play princess in space, or superhero tea party, or fancy guy and pig, or some other seemingly incongruous combination based on the costumes. One day last week, I went to check on a suspiciously quiet bedroom of kids and found both on the top bunk, wearing costumes, covered in Hello Kitty stickers. "We're Hello Kitty spies. These are our spy watches." They've got spy watches on their foreheads, cheeks, and all over the knight and rainbow costumes. I'm not sure they've figured out that spies are supposed to be somewhat camouflaged, as they'd stick out in any crowd!


The other day, I was on the sofa trying to calm the crying baby and they came out pretending to be zombies who wanted "Mommy hugs and brains."

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:lol: I love this. When I was a kid, we lived across the street from a school, so there was just one very high chainlink fence down the whole block. My best friend, who lived on the corner, would arrange to meet me between her house and mine. But we'd cross the street and sort of ooch our way along the fence towards each other. The fence had magical powers, and at random times it would become magnetized so we'd get sucked onto it in a spread-eagled position and not be able to move. Sometimes this happened to us at the same time, sometimes not. Much screaming ensued. I still wonder what the neighbors thought. :lol::lol:

I'm sure they thought you were lovely children. ;) That sounds like something my daughter would do. :D

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:lol: Great stories! I wish some of your orphan-lovers lived nearby. Dd would be so happy.


One day I went to her room to ask her something. She had on an old, torn shirt, pants that were too short and one sock, which was only halfway on her foot. I asked her what was up. Looking sheepishly at the floor she said "I'm pretending that I'm poor".



After hearing her dad's story of seeing Alice Cooper in the 70s (and having "bad" seats (behind the stage) which allowed him to see how the guillotine trick worked, she likes to act that out when her best friend is over. She also draws guillotine and gallows scenes....If you didn't know her, and only saw that, you would think that she maybe should talk to someone. ;)


My favorite, though, were The Cat Island Adventures. Sometimes they were acted out, sometimes they were stories that she would tell me during our 20-minute walk to town. The very best one was the day she was telling dh how she used to be a cat...until the dogs from Dog Island invaded Cat Island and cut off her fur. Dh pointed out that the fur would grow back. Without missing a beat she replied "No. They used the Fur-Never-Grow-Back Shave-a-tron 2000". :tongue_smilie: (she was reading a LOT of Calvin & Hobbes at the time, and I think that she was inspired by that)

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I don't post very often but this reminded me of games my cousins and I used to play. We used to play "Lost Children." We were kids lost in the forest and had to all bump into each other and then we would have to try to survive in the forest. We also used to play "Orphanage" at the dinner table. We had to have very, very good manners and be quiet or else we would get in trouble. (And sorry to all Catholics, there were nuns in this orphanage.) Our parents would eat in a different room from us so they didn't really see this game.


Sometimes I wonder if because we had such good, loving parents, we felt secure enough to play these games? Looking back, I always think we must have been the strangest kids.


How funny! I was coming on this thread to post about how my dds played orphanage with their younger boy friend when they were about 7--I had never seen anything quite like it...till now.:D

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Absolutely! My kids have me laughing all day long! My dd and ds are married and have a baby named purple baby of which my ds provides the voice for... This is completely hysterical. My fave thing they do though is add "she said" or similar to the end of a sentence. Example: while playing with Little People or lego guys... "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" "She yelled." Never fails to make me laugh.

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They started what we would call a soap opera type story and continued it every single night, whispering what was happening as they drifted off to sleep and they continued for YEARS!!!!


The oldest is an aspiring author now and the younger of the two is a Junior in college, majoring in journalism...


I did this with my sister for YEARS, I went on to be the writer.


Then she said I should post about how she annoys me to no end pretending the colored tiles in the grocery store are lava! :glare:


Oh man, my kids don't just use the red ones.. ANYTHING that's a different color always has something going on with it. They walked an entire city block in a random pattern because of the way the sidewalk bricks were laid in varying colors.




My boys play act as if they are reading a book, "Then ... said, "Oh my I can't believe it! And then ... says.." It's quite funny. Now if they'd stop packing backpacks full of stuff that take weeks to unpack & put away.. ;)

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