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It's 950am, what have you accomplished today so far?

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For me not too much. No daycare child today, 1 of my kids has been gone all week, other 3 still sleeping. Scouts Canada instituted some new required training (online) before we can register as volunteers next year. I am working though those trainings, so far finished 2, 1 left to go.


What have you accomplished today so far?


What are your plans for the rest of the day?

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When it was 9:50 here, not much other than consuming a cup of coffee :lol: But since then (It is now 11:56) I have picked a gallon of green beans, and some squash, fed chickens and the cat, popped said green beans plus another gallon, and disposed of some rotten blackberries. Now I'm waiting for the ravenous crowd (i.e. my kids) to get out of the kitchen so I can have lunch and can the green beans.

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For me not too much. No daycare child today, 1 of my kids has been gone all week, other 3 still sleeping. Scouts Canada instituted some new required training (online) before we can register as volunteers next year. I am working though those trainings, so far finished 2, 1 left to go.


What have you accomplished today so far?


What are your plans for the rest of the day?


I got my older son off to his horseback riding lessons and the baby and I came home and finished mowing the lawn.


This afternoon someone should be here to hook up our telephone, which is great because my cellphone broke the other day.


And now I get to pick up all the things the little guy has pulled off of the pantry shelves while I've been typing this!:)


I guess maybe this afternoon I should work on figuring out someplace else to put all these pantry items so that they aren't continually being...rearranged!

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Almost nothing.


Got breakfast for everyone, made lunch/snack for oldest two. Took them to day camp. Talked to some people about day care for the Fornight for Freedom events at my parish. Since then, I've been messing around online.


Oh, I forgot that I cleaned up DD2's puke. That was fun. :glare: She seems fine now. And I have been looking at restaurants at Disney to make reservations for our January trip.


I need to do dishes. Maybe I will get to cleaning out my school cabinet. I should do some packing. But probably I will keep doing nothing. :glare:

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Let's see, slept til 8:00, dh brought me my breakfast drink in bed, got up, had a coffee, talked with the chickens, rented out one of the farmhouses and bought a greenhouse!! Talked dh through many Walmart purchases.


Iow I've been completely useless so far. By the time I got up all the children were gone. I guess I'll make a pot of beans and some cornbread in case someone shows up.

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Started a kale soup (feeding my mom who is recovering from being ill), put chickens out to pasture (in moveable pens today, and only in the shade, with multiple waterers. I can't bear to lose anymore to heat stroke), watered the garden, and it looks like my lettuces got busy. There is plenty for a salad tonight. I should post a picture, because I think garden elves came in the night and made magic.


Forced my oldest dd to take younger kids to beach. It's nice and quite here. :)

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I have cleaned all three floors of the house---vacuumed, dusted and mopped. Cleaned 4 bathrooms and done 2 loads of laundry. Made fresh tea for dinner and have planned out dinner.


I think you should be banned for this post! You are making quite a few of us look bad!


As for me, by 9:50 I fit in Bible reading, supervising a couple of chores, and walking one of the dogs.


Good thing you didn't ask about from morning til noon or I'd have to count how many posts I've written!

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It is 10:09 here. So far, I've been up and showered, had two cups of coffee and breakfast. I started work at 7am and have had two meetings plus completed a few of my tasks for today. The kids are both up and dressed. They made breakfast and ate with me then emptied the dishwasher and did the breakfast dishes. Right now they're playing outside, and I'm taking a quick break before I get busy at work again.


For the rest of the day:

Change sheets on beds

wash sheets and start at least one other load of laundry

I have one more meeting to attend and an expense report to file plus my normal work

I need to run the vacuum before my friend comes over with her kids

The girls will be making spaghetti for dinner

Younger dd has dance and older dd has judo

--that's all Thursdays are actually pretty relaxed here compared to Wednesdays.

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Load of laundry in

Load of dishes running in the washer

I am waiting for my shower (ds likes my shower better than the main one) and then our day will be off and running.


The plan for today:

DD13, Ds17 and I will clean for 4 hours. The plan is 10-2pm. This sounds like a lot but we are shampooing carpets today and making a Goodwill run so hopefully that will be enough time to do some serious work around here!


First up for me are closets/cupboards.... both pantries, upstairs closet and organizing under the bathroom/kitchen sinks.


Ds17 will be in charge of floors

Dd13 will be in charge of windows, appliances, walls, and making things sparkle!

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It's just past noon here. I half cleaned the bathroom, and did some work for my Coursera class. That's pretty much it!


I guess I plan to finish cleaning the bathroom at some point, and throw a load of laundry in. Otherwise, I'm playing on the internet and/or reading right in front of the AC for the rest of the day. I'm thinking breakfast for dinner!

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Well, by 9:50 here, I had ...

taken the dog out to go potty.

made waffles for 7 giggly girls (sleepover) and 2 teen boys (sons)

cleaned up the kitchen

done a load of laundry

checked facebook, email and here 3 times

had a cup of tea and ate my own breakfast

took a business call

saw one sleep over guest to the door

took a shower and did my make up

nagged my son to get some progress on his 4H project.


I need to do a little more picking up and for the cleaning lady.

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11:22 here

Up a bit late here (6:30 as we were late to bed due to frig issues) wake up internet time

Fixed b-fast- eggs over easy and sweet rice

unloaded dishwasher

internet quick break

laundry on

pork roast on in crockpot

Walked and picked blackberries up the road (gone about an hr)

Home to snack on blackberries

Letting kids watch a show on netflix while I chill a bit

Getting ready to fix lunch, I have premade baked sweet pot and need to roast cauliflower and broccoli.


I need to get the clothes off the line, put new load up, sweep the whole house, clean bathtubs, water garden and then finish supper (and take a shower!!!)

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It is 11:30. I called both my parents. Texted a few friends. Read the boards and fb. Watched tv. Tried to convince kids to go out for lunch.


What I should have done: tags renewed for car, oil change, clean kitchen. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

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It is 11:30. I called both my parents. Texted a few friends. Read the boards and fb. Watched tv. Tried to convince kids to go out for lunch.


What I should have done: tags renewed for car, oil change, clean kitchen. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!



Ack. I know. Tomorrow I have to take the dogs to the vet, and Saturday to the groomer.

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I didn't include the little things I did, so far I have pottied the dogs twice, fed the dogs and cat,and spent ample time here.


Since I posted 40 minutes ago I have also printed off the first 7 chapters of TT Colonial Life cd-rom, nearly finished the last training session I have to do, emailed the lawyer handling ds8's leg case, printed off the forms needed for the family law lawyer handling my divorce, and emailed the scout master about some programming I want to do next year but have to pay for in mid August to secure.


I have looked at my house and thought I should clean, but I actually am thinking we may go to our hidey hole today for school and hiking.

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12:30 pm.


Researched Potassium rich foods. (THanks Hive)

Called Property Manager to check on our rentals and hear what the bad news is as to how much it is going to cost to get the one back on the market.


Sorted out Grandkids lego projects in my front room and consolidated them to one small table. Sorted out the reading basket I keep for the grandkids.

Put away the humidifier. :glare:

Moved the small TV to a spot where DH will find it and put the cable end back on. Don't ask how long that has been sitting there.


Cleaned up my vase of flowers on my dining table. Day lillies are lovely, but they need to be attended to daily.



Vacumned and dusted that room.


On to the kitchen and dining room area. Floors need to be mopped.


Can I read a book then?

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I think you should be banned for this post! You are making quite a few of us look bad!


As for me, by 9:50 I fit in Bible reading, supervising a couple of chores, and walking one of the dogs.


Good thing you didn't ask about from morning til noon or I'd have to count how many posts I've written!


Sorry...just wanted it done in case dd goes into labor. :D

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Cleaned the whole house. :D We are moving in four weeks and had a house showing at 10:00 am. I dragged all the kids out of bed at 7am (after keeping them up until 11 last night cleaning) so we could mop all the floors, clean all the bathrooms, make all the beds and tidy the kitchen. Now that they are gone we are happy that we shouldn't have to clean much this weekend and can sleep in a bit on Saturday.

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Well, I have posted quite a few comments on various threads so hopefully people feel less left out. This is really a gift you know. Making comments takes a lot of time and mental energy. Especially if you don't want to say the same thing over and over...;)


Mailed back my defunct kindle. Thought about doing my portfolios since I just scheduled the review.


Pretty productive morning all in all I'd say:D

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12:39pm here and I have:


had tea and bible time

visited here

showered/dress/make bed

watered veg and flower gardens

made breakfast (cereal today; easy peasy:)

put in load of towels

had bible time with boys

supervised math while cleaning master bathroom

read book and learned some knot tying with boys

supervise boys in pool with magazine on my lap

made lunch

visiting here as I type:)


easy day so far; I'm trying to recoup from yesterday when all five grandchildren, one nephew and my own two boys were here:willy_nilly:

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Chore wise-

Vacuumed living room, kitchen, and school room.

Mopped kitchen.

Fed animals.

Moved duck and chick pen.

Scrubbed stove top.

Loaded dishwasher.

Stripped all beds and started washing bedding.

Wiped bathroom counters.

Wiped table and kitchen counters.


For School-

Dd1 did half hour of vision therapy.

Read for 10 minutes twice.

Did three sets of sight word flash cards.

Science experiment.


Still need to do-






Finish washing bedding and remake beds

Food a load of clothing laundry

Unload dishwasher and hand wash some pans

Make dinner

Take girls to gymnastics

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By 10 this morning I had given all 3 boys a haircut, pushed them through the shower, trimmed their finger and toenails, emptied and reloaded the dishwasher, and started a load in the washing machine. Then I made my coffee. Typically my answer would be "made coffee" and that would be a good day.


I was especially motivated today as my MIL is taking the kids this weekend and I know she would have made comments about the haircut. I hate it when she goes off and spends money on their haircuts when you can barely tell it has been cut and they are used to me doing it.

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Here goes:


dd13 to pool at 7:30am for swim team practice


dd11 and ds11 to pool at 8:30 for swim team practice


me to WalMart for frosting and piping/pastry tubes which dh didn't get last night -- he thought he did, but he didn't.


Home at 9am to find the FFX Water Company on my front lawn -- putting in a new meter (they are just telling me now) and telling me my water will be off for 30-40 minutes.


Begin frosting 50 cupcakes - using bottled water to wash my hands, the things I purchased at WalMart, wash my hands, wash frosting off my hands, wash more frosting off my hands...you get the idea.


Leave house @10am, drive 3 minutes to deliver cupcakes to pool for party @ 11am.


Go to 7/11, get my kids cold bottles of water as they will be at the pool till 12:45 when a friend drives them home.


Home at 11am - waste, no I mean, spend some time on the computer.


11:30 -- do leslie sansone 3 mile walking workout --


Waiting for kids and back on the puter - when they get in I will shower and get cleaned up.


This afternoon I think I will either begin painting the armoire in the Guest House or I will go get more Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and paint later.


5pm -- ds11 has a Dive Meet.

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It's 12:40 here and so far I've unpacked Dh's suitcase and done his laundry, fed the boys and read to them, took them to swimming lessons, took them shoe shopping, took them to the park, went grocery shopping and made lunch. It's been a long morning.

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By 8:30 a.m. I had ridden ten miles, showered, graded papers, prepared today's math lesson, chatted with my sister, read sixteen pages in I Am the Cheese, and provided second breakfast.


By 10:30, I had also taught math and lit.


By 11:30, I had taken a 20-minute nap and gotten lunch in the crockpot.


By 12:30, I had written two postcards and a short email to relatives.


The alarm went off at 4:30 a.m., by the way. (*wry grin*)

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By 9:50 I accomplished more than I wanted to for the first day of summer. Would be nice to sleep in and be lazy, but I scheduled a PT appointment for my oldest at 9:00 (what was I thinking?). So by 9:50:


Got oldest medicated, changed, etc.

Ordered prescription meds on-line

Changed the litter box

Took out the trash

Half hour on the treadmill

Showered, dressed, breakfast, etc.

Made cream cheese filling and put in freezer for pumpkin muffins to be made later

Sorted some laundry, but not enough time to get a load going

Took dd to PT where we still were at 9:50

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