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Doing some research about non-exercisers. Chime in please!

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Did you know that housecleaning counts as exercise? I work up a sweat just vacuuming and my house is small.


Check out this article: Calories Burned Doing Everyday Activities


There's an app on the iPhone for tracking your calorie intake and burning that has a whole list of all that stuff - gardening, housecleaning, etc. and you can chose if you did it moderately, strenuously, etc. It kind of cracks me up.

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I don't exercise because I hate it.

I hate the clothes that I have to wear to do it.

I hate packing up the kids to go to the gym.

I hate the time that it takes from other things that need to get done.

I hate being sweaty.

I hate feeling like all of the pretty gym people are staring at me with pity.

I hate actually doing the exercises.


I've tried doing stuff at home, but our living room is small, and the kids keep interrupting. I guess I could get up before everyone else and do it, but the idea of getting up early when I'm already tired all the time to do something I do NOT enjoy is really unappealing to me.

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This may not be the case:




How funny, this is what I am working towards. I want to get to 10 min on the elliptical slow and steady so I can warm up and cool down, and then I am going to try this. I am up to 4 min already. (coming back from a back injury)


For me there are two reasons, one is that I don't get results. That is why I am going to try the above way. See if I can give my body a shock. I did WW and exercised for a year. Good as gold. Trainer 2 times a week, 1 hour on the elliptical 3 times a week and once a week swimming. I lost 20 pounds. I have 100 to loose, if was extremely frustrating. Add to that, everyone thought that the reason that it must not be working was because I was cheating. It was the only possible reason in peoples minds of why this wouldn't work. To have most people in your life think you are lying to yourself and them when you are doing everything you are supposed to do, well, it stinks!


The other reason is that every time I exercise it reminds me of what my body won't do for me anymore, and I used to fly. I was a ballet dancer heading to the Joffrey in New York before my knee injury. In my mind I can still fly, but the reality hits me hard whenever I exercise.


Also, other than dance (which makes me cry when I try) I don't really like most exercises. I do like tennis and in November they are opening a new tennis club down the road from me. I am going to give that a try.

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I think many people don't exercise due to chronic pain. I know exercise actually helps with reducing pain, but it's hard to get started when your body hurts.



Two years ago dh and I went to the gym 3xs a week. We both felt and looked great, tons of energy. Then I ruptured a lumbar disc that caused pretty much everything from my hips down to hurt. I did physical therapy 3xs before having surgery this past Feb. I am now in gentle physical therapy again to try to get my muscles that have weakened and shortened back in shape. Right now I am still in so much pain that pretty much any activity is going to require pain meds to get through. As long as I'm in this much pain I'm choosing to not exercise so I can avoid narcotics as much as possible. I feel the benefits of the exercise does not out weigh the dangers of taking narcotics multiple times a day for what has now become long term. I do my pt as ordered but its very show and gentle NOT aerobic. Kinda sucks since I'm only 30.....

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1. Exercising is really boring if I do it alone. Listening to music doesn't help.


2. I don't mind exercising with others, but finding a class with the right level of intensity is really difficult. Most classess are too hard (I'm old-52).


3. It's hard to justify the time and expense.


4. I have really hard to fit feet, and haven't been able to find a pair of shoes that fits well, even though I've spent over $100. I can't be buying a new pair of shoes to try every few weeks.


5. I hate being out in the sun, and in my house, the only room I could exercise in is directly above MIL, who is seriously disturbed by the noise.

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I don't like to exercise.

I have joint pain.

There isn't a guarantee that I will live longer. It is possible, maybe even probable, but isn't certain.

Because of the above, I would rather spend my time doing other things.

The fact that everyone tells me that I should do it because it is good for me (like I don't already know that) makes me want to do it even less.

I manage my weight with diet.



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I used to be a regular exerciser but there were too many road blocks:

1. Every gym I join seems to go bankrupt so I have lost money with memberships (this has happened 3 times)

2. Exercising at home is difficult due to space limitations and lack of equipment. I would like a treadmill but have no where to store one. I have some exercise DVDs and wii games, but in order to use them I first have to pick up all the toys (our only TV is in the kids' playroom) and move furniture around. It's a pain!

3. Time. I prefer to exercise in the morning but the kids get up so darn early and are in the aforementioned playroom so in order to beat them there I would need to get up at 5am which is not happening (sleep trumps exercise for me every time).

4. Pregnancy. I feel too sick and tired. When I'm not pregnant, I'm breastfeeding and excercising a) hurts my boobs and b) I'm just too tired


Even though I don't have an exercise regime, I am in good shape. I'm at a healthy BMI and I keep pretty darn active with 3 young kids. We do a lot of walks and I do a lot of chasing ;) There isn't much time for sitting around so I stay pretty trim. After this next baby comes out and is a little older, I would like to join a gym again (hopefully one that will stay in business!), I know the biggest challenge then will be time and coordinating my schedule with dh so that I can get the time alone to go.

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I used to be a regular exerciser but there were too many road blocks:


2. Exercising at home is difficult due to space limitations and lack of equipment. .... I have some exercise DVDs and wii games, but in order to use them I first have to pick up all the toys ...and move furniture around. It's a pain!

3. Time. I prefer to exercise in the morning but the kids get up so darn early and are in the aforementioned playroom so in order to beat them there I would need to get up at 5am which is not happening (sleep trumps exercise for me every time).

4. Pregnancy. I feel too sick and tired. When I'm not pregnant, I'm breastfeeding and excercising a) hurts my boobs and b) I'm just too tired


Even though I don't have an exercise regime, I am in good shape. I'm at a healthy BMI and I keep pretty darn active with 3 young kids. We do a lot of walks and I do a lot of chasing ;) There isn't much time for sitting around so I stay pretty trim. .... I know the biggest challenge then will be time and coordinating my schedule with dh so that I can get the time alone to go.



edited your post to show the points that I can relate to. I was so fit in college. Jogged, pilates and yoga class and at home etc. It was like a hobby. And then I was pregnant with my first. I tried to keep up with some gentle routines and bounced back pretty quick and started a routine again. But then two kiddos later and it seems to be time and motivation I'm lacking. To be honest I want to exercise, but I don't at the same time. :tongue_smilie:


It's just after homeschooling, parenting, housework, errands, cooking etc. I just don't want to add one more thing. I've never done well with "shoulds"--tell me I should or ought to do something and it's like a switch goes off in my brain that instantly rebels. :lol:


I'm hoping that the pure desire and interest that I had when I was younger (and less in need of it to be honest) will come back. I also have a hard time trying to do something with kids jumping all over me. I'm a very private exerciser. I preferred a gym at off peak times, I like small classes. I could never see myself doing anything with potential spectators (marathon type stuff) and I'm not competitive in the least.


I'm also a great weight for my build and don't necessarily *need* to exercise for weight related issues. I guess I'm just waiting for something to motivate me.....

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I like activities with a "purpose", not just repetitive motions.


:iagree:Before kids, I loved to hike, ride bikes, etc. DH and I would just find the nearest hiking trail up the mountain and have at it for fun! After kids...not so much. I've always been pretty thin and even after my first two pregnancies, I seemed to bounce back pretty well, except a little less stomach muscle. After my third, I've been battling anxiety/depression and it manifests in the way I've been eating so I have put on weight. I'm uncomfortable with what I look like and how I feel, but I just don't WANT to exercise. I'm too tired most of the time from fatigue and I also suffer from insomnia.


I started the 30 day shred awhile back and made it a week in and then caved because my whole body HURT. I have been toying with giving it another go round just to shed the excess that I'm uncomfortable with having on my body. I'd much rather just do something that was fun like hiking, etc. than to plan to workout.


I also hate working out in front of anyone, including my DH.


I don't believe in exercise. I don't believe God made us such that we must [fill in the blank with whatever you think is important] in order for us to be able to do what we need to do. And I'm not buying any of that stuff about how people a gazillion years ago were more active and so we have to make up for that today. I believe our bodies are made such that whatever level of muscle we need to do our daily life is how muscular we need to be.


It isn't that I think we should be sedentary; I just don't think that we need to schedule any sort of "exercise."


As it happens, I enjoy dancing--Scottish country dance, clogging, hula; and I did fencing for a couple of years. I like doing some sorts of outdoorsy things. But I do them because I enjoy them, not because I'm exercising.


I'd rather stick a hot burning poker in my eye than walk every day. I don't want to swim. Biking? Not gonna happen. Even aerobics--any facsimile thereof--is NOT enjoyable in any way, such that I'd be motivated to continue. Nope. Not gonna.



This is interesting to me. I was just thinking recently about how exercise in its modern form didn't really exist in the past (as far as I know). People just lived their lives. There was much more manual labor then, so people were probably pretty physically fit. I also think that sometimes people can border on vanity and focus too much on how they look if they get into their exercise routines too much(posting their new "bikini bod" on fb, checking themselves out constantly in mirrors, etc).

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Can women really workout having their lungs squished like that? Well, at least women like me who find bras in general to be true torture devices designed to keep women quiet and still. :tongue_smilie: Oh, and yes I've had professional fittings so I know I've got the right size. They are just plain uncomfortable and I wear them as little as possible. I'd rather hang down to my waist and feel unfettered. :) There is more than you probably want to know about me. You should see me in tight workout clothing. :D


I think I love you.

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I walk about 5 days a week, with a walking buddy. I didn't really exercise before that because:


1. It was lonely. I think this is akin to boring. That is why I now have a walking buddy. :-) I still don't walk when I can't get someone to go with me.


2. No place to exercise comfortably and I do not want to go to a gym or class. That is too social for me.


3. I'm the only woman in a house full of boys and dh. There is an embarrassment factor.


Sometimes I do stretches in the bathroom after my shower.

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I exercise sporadically. BUt I don't do it specifically as exercise. I like to walk around the botanical garden. I sometimes walk my dog but both he and I have arthritis and the hill we live on is painful for us both. I do garden and that is some exercise. I also do some other sporadic exercise.


Why not more often?


Because I hurt or it is too hot. We have a treadmill but I haven't really used it lately mainly because I am scared of getting hurt on it.

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I probably could work it in, but I just don't want to. My time is so very limited. I have 5 children ages (almost) 1 year to 9 years old. They're still so small, it's very hard to get them all ready and out the door if I choose to exercise with them all in tow. It would take half of our morning or more. By the time evening comes around, I'm run ragged from all the busyness of the day and am just too tired and selfish to go exercise. And my day doesn't really end until I have the kids in bed. It's just one long marathon all day long between homeschooling, house chores, changing diapers, talking to children and cooking homemade meals. By the time they're in bed I want to sit and watch a show with dh. Mornings don't work too well because DH is military and is off to exercise by 5:30 every morning, back by 7:15, and out the door by 8. Whenever I've tried to do video exercise, dh always walks in the door, coming home early from PT, or the kids wake up earlier than I expected and they walk in on me. And truly and honestly, I don't want people watching me follow a silly video. We don't have a way for me to watch a video and workout behind closed doors. I know that's a lame excuse, but that's what I'm sticking with.


BTW, you'd have to make the article title very compelling for me to read it. Just being honest. Since it's your goal to get non-exercisers to read.


Whenever I have tried to workout, I find myself just getting past that hump of where it's really hard, and then DH goes out of town for his job for several weeks and I have no one to help watch the kiddos while I work out. By the time he gets back and I get started again, it's like starting from scratch. And last time (daily running 2-3 miles), my knees bothered me so much I was in tears every day. So I gave up again. I have also tried walking, but my hips end up in so much pain I can't even walk around my house.


I really do desire to work out, I just don't know how to overcome all these hurdles. The biggest being that my husband is military and often is out of town for extended periods.

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Time and space are my main limitations. I am not a morning person, so getting up early is not an option for me. So that leaves evenings, since my days are jam-packed and I have no space in my house where I can exercise without being watched (I *HATE* being watched while I'm exercising, and my children don't understand this). Well, once evenings come, DH is home and... guess what? He can't leave me be while I'm exercising, either. Our budget currently doesn't encompass a gym membership, and we don't live in a neighborhood where I can safely walk. So I don't exercise often at all. Which is frustrating, because I'd really like to get in shape but just don't have the time or space!

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Exercising to the point of endorphins kicking in, makes me feel sick.

I also have a back injury that makes most exercise harmful to me.


I can walk for.ev.er. Miles and miles are no problem. I could shovel rock for hours, as long as I keep a steady pace and don't go too fast. But I can't do aerobic exercise for 10 minutes (before my back injury) or I feel like I have the flu. LOL





My physical therapist has only ok'd certain exercises and has especially forbid standard classes, physical trainers (hard to know how knowledgeable they are), Yoga, and anything that encourages bending over during exercise. LOL I have a complicated medical issue, she is not just being over protective. The exercises I am allowed to do are monitored by her for precise posture and position, extension and weight bearing load. She has been a God send and saved me from surgery.

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I've never been an exercising kind of person. Even as a child I hated running around, didn't like sports, and would rather spend my recess sitting against the wall reading a book rather than joining in with kickball. I'm about as uncoordinated and unathletic as a person could possibly ever be.


I do yardwork, I like hiking (although don't have the time for it often) but any exercise for the sake of exercise or any sport? I really just don't like it. I don't enjoy it one single bit. I'd rather go get a Pap smear or my teeth cleaned. Lame excuse, but it's the truth.

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Body jiggles: Invest in some cute and well designed workout clothes. Capri compression/tight leggings with an attached sports skirt are adorable and cover a lot of bases. One great outfit is enough to start with!


StephanieZ is absolutely right.

If you don't believe her, it is because you have not tried it for yourselves.

One doesn't have to buy anything skin tight, but getting some good quality, nice looking workout clothes makes one workout harder and get in better shape.

I bought comfortable capri workout pants, a pair of nice Nike shoes I found on the clearance rack, a good fitting sports bra, and comfortable short-sleeved "dri-fit" type of workout shirts. Even if you wear a modest outfit like this, you feel much more athletic and motivated to workout.

Try it yourself and see.

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I have so many reasons that I don't exercise, although I've been working on it.


1. A lack of time. When I have time, I don't have child care. For a long time, I didn't have space to exercise in our house, now I have a big enough living room that I can at least do some videos. Also, DD is old enough now to ride her bike or walk/jog with me.

2. Growing up, it just wasn't a part of my life. Neither of my parents were exercisers, none of my family or friends were really exercisers, I just didn't make it part of my life.

3. I'm easily bored. I'm rarely, as in, almost never, doing one thing at a time. And exercising is just so... boring!!

But one of the biggest reasons I don't exercise is because of my uhm... bOOks. :lol: They are larger than large, so I have to wear a regular bra plus 3 sports bras. Very uncomfortable.

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I hate exercising. Hate it! As others stated, I have very little time to myself. I'm constantly running around with the kids, cleaning, cooking, etc. I want to relax in my free time. I also find it boring. Now if I had time to play a sport, like tennis or softball, I'd be all over that. I like activities with a "purpose", not just repetitive motions.




Because I hate to be hot. I detest being hot. Loathe it. And when I exercise, I get hot.


Again, Amen!


I know you didn't ask for solutions, but I can't help myself for a couple of them. :)


Boobs bounce: Get a great sports bra (yes, $50+) and/or layer TWO sports bras, or a bra under a tank with a built in bra. For D+ cup sizes, it is nearly imperative to invest in a great bra and/or layer two good bras.


Boredom: Walk with a friend. Take a class with a friend or make friends there. The social aspect is reinforcing and also reduces or eliminates boredom.


Me-Time Loss: Make exercise social (see above). Or, make it Meditative (YOU time) by hiking somewhere beautiful or running solo or doing yoga in a beautiful space.


Heat: Exercise outdoors in cool temps. Early mornings are good for summer months. Inside, use an industrial fan ($60-$100 at home improvement stores) aimed right at you, not a wimpy typical fan. Crank up the A/C and/or workout in the basement. Also, wear good quality tech fabric clothes.


Body jiggles: Invest in some cute and well designed workout clothes. Capri compression/tight leggings with an attached sports skirt are adorable and cover a lot of bases. One great outfit is enough to start with!


:) I love to run. I used to hate exercise. For all of the reasons above, and more. Just STARTING was the key, because once I got started, the benefits were so vast that the obstacles above (and more) became smaller and smaller in my mind.


This is so perky and peppy that it actually makes me hostile. As if I would want to waste money on exercise clothes, when deep down I know I will never stick with... (I know you are trying to be helpful, but as a hard core couch potato, I am beyond help.)


I started to write down several reasons that seemed valid, but the truth is that it all boils down to this: I am too lazy to work out and can always find something I would rather be doing instead.


Yup, that too!


I don't exercise because I hate it.

I hate the clothes that I have to wear to do it.

I hate packing up the kids to go to the gym.

I hate the time that it takes from other things that need to get done.

I hate being sweaty.

I hate feeling like all of the pretty gym people are staring at me with pity.

I hate actually doing the exercises.


I've tried doing stuff at home, but our living room is small, and the kids keep interrupting. I guess I could get up before everyone else and do it, but the idea of getting up early when I'm already tired all the time to do something I do NOT enjoy is really unappealing to me.


You are reading my mind!


A few that no one else has mentioned:

1) The mosquitos are so bad here in the mornings and evenings, you have to coat yourself in Deet if you want to have any blood left after your walk. YUCK!!!

2) If it is not prime mosquito time, then I have to slather every inch of myself in sunscreen which I also loathe.

3) I despise the feeling of sweat underneath my boobs. Eeewww!!!!

4) I have a severe allergic reaction to bee stings, so I cannot be outside without an Epipen and a cellphone. Extra things to carry is just a pain in the butt.

5) Procrastination, procrastination and... oh yeah, procrastination!


Only the topic of exercise can make me this negative and grumpy. It is even worse then me getting up early (not a pretty sight).


All that whining being said, I do want to start exercising and finding a way to put all my excuses and complaints behind me because I know I should. I would be healthier and more fit. If I only I can over come the procrastination... I'm sure I'll start exercising tomorrow... or maybe next week or...

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I used to exercise quite a bit in my younger years. As I got older I didn't exercise as much, then after dh and I were married we would take frequent long walks together. So walking became pretty much the only exercise I was getting. After the kids came along, my exercise was limited to walks around the block with baby in stroller. I was always so tired, and really had little desire to exercise. As the kids got older, I wanted to start exercising more and get myself in shape. I found myself struggling with what my docs believe to be an autoimmune disease of some kind and now my ability to exercise is very limited. Most of my daily exercise is climbing up and down the stairs of my home, which I do many times everyday. On my better days, I try to waste steps just to get in a little more exercise. I guess it must count for something. :confused:

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I started to write down several reasons that seemed valid, but the truth is that it all boils down to this: I am too lazy to work out and can always find something I would rather be doing instead.




I'm trying to figure out solutions to my exercise wants.


Ideally, I would like to include my family in being active. It is difficult to find something everyone can do together. The only idea I can come up with is buying bikes for DH and I and a bike trailer for the littles to sit in. That's going to take money, and we have other priorities that must come first.


I have to be careful what I choose to do because I have a heel injury from Cipro. The other day I jogged from the car to the living room (about 30 feet) and was in pain for two days because of it. I can't do any running/jogging, long walks, jumping, bouncing, dancing, etc.


Once my heel gets better, I will be able to do more but I've found that heavy exercise that makes me breathe hard and my heart beat too fast makes me very grumpy and angry...irrationally so. I had joined taekwondo with my son and was reminded of that about myself. I had to quit because I found myself speaking inappropriately to the instructor in front of the kids. It's weird.


But I have the motivation I need now to do something about my weight. I will begin exercising in some form tomorrow even without finding the ideal that I would like.

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I've been overweight my entire life. I used to exercise obsessively to keep the weight down. After babies, meds that make you gain weight, and PCOS the pounds piled on. Now exercise is something to do to lose weight; not for fun. It's really hard to exercise when you are carrying so much extra weight. I always say that I'll exercise after I lose some weight. I'd love some advice on how to enjoy throwing my fat butt around while huffing and puffing while my kiddos laugh at their silly momma.

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Coming back to add yet another thought FWIW.


If I had the energy to go out and buy the work out clothing and shoes mentioned.


Get them on (complete with at least 2 bras as that is probably what it will take for me to be comfortable).


Get the kids corralled, dressed, all that it entails to get them out the door to go to, say, a pool or a gym. Or even just in my own house after I get dressed to work out and get the kids occupied enough to not be underfoot.


Make sure it is not too hot.


Finally, now it's time to start the work-out.


THEN I need to corral the kids again, come back home, get undressed, take a shower, wash the clothes, etc. Only to have to do it all over again.


See, it's just one more huge chore and not only that but it FEELS punishing as I'm doing it.

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My biggest obstacles are time, and pain. I have pf, so my feet/legs/hips particularly on my left side are in constant pain, it limits my desire to exercise, though the best way to improve it is exercise. The other factor time is a big one, though my kids are older they have issues that prevent me from leaving them home so I can go for a walk, walking with them is not a fast enough pace to make much difference (I would have to walk with the toddlers I watch, walking at the pace for a 2 yr old means almost no real exercise is had). I work all day long and school, after work is extra currics and chores etc. There is just not enough hours in the day to fit in 1 more thing. Getting the dogs has helped with making me walk some, but mostly the kids walk them do to time contraints.

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I don't work out because . . . I don't want to? It's really far from anything I'd want to do. At some elemental level I hate activity for the sake of activity (I won't play video games either). I don't have problems with my weight and my regular life keeps me as active as I want to be -- cooking gardening, lugging gigantic children around until they're ridiculously old because I've never gotten the hang of a stroller.

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For me it's some combination of these:


1. Like PPs, I think repetitive and to my mind, pointless stuff is dull. I include running in this, because I cannot run away from anyone at my speeds, and it is definitely repetitive.


2. I hate being thirsty, and I hate stopping to drink. This is silly, but true. :lol:


3. I have had 5 pregnancies in fairly quick succession, and, well, I leak if I move too fast. :tongue_smilie: Pads are hot, sticky, unpleasant.


4. The sport I really enjoy, tae kwon do or karate, is expensive, and the adult classes are invariably in conflict with actual family life, like a dinner hour. Plus we live 30 minutes from our small city (where dojos and, really, everything else are), so driving an hour round trip and using the gas adds to the cost considerably.


5. I am not especially coordinated, so aerobics-type things, whether classes or videos, are really hard for me. I have to learn slow and steady for physical things.


6. I live in a fairly extreme climate--winters are long, dark, and COLD, while summers are humid, buggy, and hot. This makes outdoor exercise especially unappealing.


7. I'd rather sleep, read, play on the Boards, almost anything thing else.n:tongue_smilie:

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1. My ds can not be left alone...literally. I also can't use the time he's sleeping. He tends to have seizures then. Seizures which are affected by sound/activity. Because of his medical condition I also can't leave him at a gym or YMCA daycare.


2. DH doesn't care if I do. In fact, he seems to dislike it. It takes what little time I have away from him.


3. As the boys have gotten older I feel very self conscious exercising in front of them. They make comments. When they don't make comments they watch the whole time. I feel weird being watched.


4. At the end of the day, when dh is home, I'm completely exhausted. Sometimes I can barely climb into bed.


5. DS is easily exhausted and doesn't follow directions well. Walks and bike rides with him are not fun at all. That's when I have time to leave my house.



Its just not possible right now.

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Pain due to injuries. I have abum hip and ankle. They are tremendously better after chiropractic adjustments, but they will always be weak. So no heavy aerobic workouts. And I'm a klutz. Jogging? Might as well just break my leg now and get it over with.


Time/boredom/accountability/low on the totem - I would be thrilled to have a walking buddy, to reduce bordom and have accountability, but all my buddies are just as or more business than me or they just don't want to do it.


Cost. Exercise clothes? Boob restraints? (I hate wearing bras. I agree with night elf - they're evil contraptions created by some boob hating or envious person. Besides that, I'm breastfeeding which makes them ĂƒÂ¼ber hellish.). Vids, lessons, trainers, gym, or equipment? It all adds up fast. I did buy some new balance shoes to make walking less painful at the suggestion of my chiropractor. And I am trying to walk more often and do the wii or knect fit stuff a bit.


Fear. It's taken me months to years to reach this level of reduced pain. I terrified of doing the exercises wrong or whatever and actually getting worse. I'd rather do nothing and be mostly mobile than risk being laid up for weeks or longer.


I hate aerobics. I liked weights when I did them way back in the day. I can't wear heels or I'd be interested in a ballroom dance class. But dh is never home, so that wouldn't happen anyways.

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I was truly enjoying myself at the start of summer, and even worked up to five miles run/walk.




I gained weight. Simply put, I ate more and felt justified in doing so. If I could ever get down to my ideal weight, I would go ahead and exercise as a way to maintain my weight. But at this point I can'trisk the extra pounds._

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I exercised until my 3rd son's birth. I was very proud at how active I was during his pregnancy- walking everyday, yoga a few times a week or some strength training exercises. I parked far like suggested and never took the elevator at work (ok not never, maybe less than 10 times tops.) Finally he was born... Around week 4 or 5 I tried to get back to exercise and that actually went ok. Then I returned to work and I can't carve out the 30 min I need... Yet.

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I try to exercise more often, but always have trouble sticking to it. I hate working out. I find exercise for the sake of exercise boring & tedious. I enjoy activities like hiking, tennis, and swimming. However, I can't go hiking every day, and don't have cheap, easy access to a pool or tennis courts. I also have several medical conditions which tend to make exercise rather difficult.

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But, here are my thoughts:

I hate to sweat

I have so little time to do anything that I want to do, and exercise isn't one of them

My mind wanders while exercising and I get bored


I'll have to think more about this.


:iagree: If I have free time, I want to read. I don't feel great after I exercise, I'm tired and sore. Also, I'm genetically blessed - I weigh exactly what I did in highschool and am actually 2 sizes smaller because I had more muscle then. It's hard to get motivated when I don't want to lose weight and I don't feel good afterwards.


DH is an exercise junkie and he HAS to exercise or he is awful to live with. He does P90X or Insanity daily - plus runs and his regular army PT stuff. It's exhausting to live with him.

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I like these suggestions :) Any specific reccs for workout clothes that hold, say, the tummy and hips in? I didn't know they had that, I thought workout clothes were always supposed to be loose and breathe-able. Or a good sports bra?

Moving Comfort brand bras work great for me. They even provided plenty of support when I during the new nursing days after ds1 was born. That's sayin something. They are designed around band and cup size instead of just s, m, and l and offer a lot of support for those of us that need it. I buy them on sale so they run me around $35. Fiona is my favorite style and the colors are very pretty.


I don't believe in exercise. I don't believe God made us such that we must [fill in the blank with whatever you think is important] in order for us to be able to do what we need to do. And I'm not buying any of that stuff about how people a gazillion years ago were more active and so we have to make up for that today. I believe our bodies are made such that whatever level of muscle we need to do our daily life is how muscular we need to be.


It isn't that I think we should be sedentary; I just don't think that we need to schedule any sort of "exercise."


As it happens, I enjoy dancing--Scottish country dance, clogging, hula; and I did fencing for a couple of years. I like doing some sorts of outdoorsy things. But I do them because I enjoy them, not because I'm exercising.


I'd rather stick a hot burning poker in my eye than walk every day. I don't want to swim. Biking? Not gonna happen. Even aerobics--any facsimile thereof--is NOT enjoyable in any way, such that I'd be motivated to continue. Nope. Not gonna.


I agree with the PP that it sounds good in theory. Unfortunately, my ddad's heart surgery is evidence to the contrary. He is a very thin guy who used to walk 10 miles a day at work until he retired. Retirement led to a sedentary life and 7 yrs later he had emergency heart surgery (He never gained weight due to an incredible metabolism). Now my retired mill-worker of a father owns a treadmill on orders from his doc.


I don't think you have to workout to be healthy, but I do think our bodies need a certain amount of activity.


StephanieZ is absolutely right.

If you don't believe her, it is because you have not tried it for yourselves.

One doesn't have to buy anything skin tight, but getting some good quality, nice looking workout clothes makes one workout harder and get in better shape.

I bought comfortable capri workout pants, a pair of nice Nike shoes I found on the clearance rack, a good fitting sports bra, and comfortable short-sleeved "dri-fit" type of workout shirts. Even if you wear a modest outfit like this, you feel much more athletic and motivated to workout.

Try it yourself and see.


:iagree: You don't have to spend a lot either. HEB had tops for $5 the other day. We actually had a morbidly obese woman in my yoga class this week and she looked good in her workout clothes. They fit but weren't too tight. I always feel more athletic in good workout clothes. I do not like jiggling:001_huh:.

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I never feel good after exercise. I hate hearing other people say how good they feel because I do not get any sense of euphoria or accomplishment. I just feel terribly relieved that it's over. I am also crabby for a while and want to just be by myself for a while. I don't want others around me.

Same here.


I do well with exercise that is well-integrated into life. For example, walking/biking as transportation. This is harder here than anywhere else I've lived, though I have started biking home from work, at least.


I do really enjoy martial arts and swimming, but those take time and money that we don't really have at the moment.


Things like exercise videos and weights that I can easily do at home tend not to be motivating enough to stick with for any length of time.

Edited by ocelotmom
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I was an avid exerciser for many years. I did ballet, I did and taught various types of aerobics, I ran, I lifted weights. I exercised 3 hours a day many days (5-6 days per week).


I destroyed my achilles tendon. This created tendonitis in my opposite hip, sa my gait is funny. After ten years, it also led to my ankle being "brittle" due to scar tissue, and I fell and tore all 3 ligaments in my nakle, catastrophically. That has not healed properly, and so my gait is weird again, which led to my developing extremely painful plantar fascitis.


Now, I get chronic, debilitating pain if I walk or do any sort of exercise except riding a stationary bike (boring, and has no effect on me). I could swim, but I am not a great swimmer, and I really hate being wet, so it isn't a thing I would consistently choose. I can do stretches and light weight lifting at home (no access to a gym anymore). I have an elliptical trainer, which I used to be able to use, but since I developed severe the plantar fascitis, doing that for even 10 minutes leaves me in severe pain for days.


We also believe I may have chronic untreated thyroid problems which has led to firbomylagia symptoms. So, mild exercise leaves me in severe pain.


So, we have a person who used to be extremely active, who now has severe, chronic pain and cannot do the exercize activitiees that she enjoys. I am left with choices that are really boring or unpleasant (swimming) to me, and so I don't often remember to make a place for them in my life.



I am not lazy. I am not unaware of the blissful chemical and physical benefits of exercising. I am ill and injured.


What I really want is a surgical solution or stem cell treatments for my foot/ankle, so I can do the things i enjoy again.

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StephanieZ is absolutely right.

If you don't believe her, it is because you have not tried it for yourselves.

One doesn't have to buy anything skin tight, but getting some good quality, nice looking workout clothes makes one workout harder and get in better shape.

I bought comfortable capri workout pants, a pair of nice Nike shoes I found on the clearance rack, a good fitting sports bra, and comfortable short-sleeved "dri-fit" type of workout shirts. Even if you wear a modest outfit like this, you feel much more athletic and motivated to workout.

Try it yourself and see.


The buy cute clothes argument makes me laugh. I have awesome workout clothes. I look good in them.

Does it make me want to exercise more? No. :D

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I used to exercise pretty regularly and have been very thin my entire life... but have not since having children. My reasons are:


1. I have so little time for myself, I don't want to spend it on exercising.

2. I seem to be tired all. the. time. I know if I exercised regularly I would probably be less tired but it is hard to get started when I am already tired and also because of No. 1 above. (Just a little perspective: I will be turning 50 years old in Feb. and my two sons are both 6.5.)



This is my story too. I also have a knee injury from playing high school sports and it has given me trouble since then. Even walking around the block or spending 15 minutes on the treadmill makes my knee sore for hours.

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I can tell you why I didn't exercise last year and am exercising this year.

Last November I didn't feel well enough to walk up and down the driveway. I had no wind, no energy and hurt most of the time. I was doped up on Bendryl most of the time too for chronic nasal allergies. I was constantly sick at my stomach after eating.


I went gluten-free. In three days I felt better, and could walk. That was November. I now run multiple days per week and can do a six-mile long run and smile afterwards. But I would not have been able to exercise without that diet change. For me, chronic inflammation was likely responsible for a lot of my allergic symptoms and joint pain. Just knocking that back was enough to get me on my feet again.


Pain or chronic illness is a major limiting factor when it comes to exercise. Ironically, exercise is helpful for both conditions, but there is a level of illness or pain that makes it physically and psychologically difficult to get up and do it. I was fortunate. My inflammation had a root cause that I was able to do something about. I've got THREE coworkers with myofascial pain syndrome who haven't found anything they could do reliably that didn't leave them in agony afterwards. They have things they could do, but there are limits on how often they can do them. One of them finds that he can exercise in the pool, but he doesn't have a pool at home and the nearest pool he can use is twenty to thirty minutes away. That really limits how much he can exercise.

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I know no one cares, but I figured I'd throw it out there in case someone could find it useful.


You know those bands that you can use to support your ligaments and cover the fact that your pants don't zip and your shirt is too short when you're pregnant? :tongue_smilie: They are also good for holding loose stomach muscles and skin in place when you are exercising. I even fold it over and tuck my phone in it. It is so much easier to walk or run when your motion is forward instead of every direction at once. Believe me.


I know no one here wants to use it for exercising, but maybe it will be helpful for the next time the kids are dragging you all over the zoo?

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The buy cute clothes argument makes me laugh. I have awesome workout clothes. I look good in them.

Does it make me want to exercise more? No. :D


:lol: Me too. I have quite a wardrobe of cute workout clothes from Lululemon and Athleta. The outfits don't motivate me to work out though. I have found that I can wear them and look really cute while I sit around the house or run to the grocery store though. ;)

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:lol: Me too. I have quite a wardrobe of cute workout clothes from Lululemon and Athleta. The outfits don't motivate me to work out though. I have found that I can wear them and look really cute while I sit around the house or run to the grocery store though. ;)


Did you just say the word "run"? Is that a Freudian slip? :lol: Or maybe the clothes do have some influence?

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The buy cute clothes argument makes me laugh. I have awesome workout clothes. I look good in them.

Does it make me want to exercise more? No. :D


:lol: Me too. I have quite a wardrobe of cute workout clothes from Lululemon and Athleta. The outfits don't motivate me to work out though. I have found that I can wear them and look really cute while I sit around the house or run to the grocery store though. ;)



There was actually a study somewhere about this. People were able to get in better shape by getting better workout clothes.

I suppose, though, that if you do nothing in regard to exercising, multiplying that by any amount of improvement would still end up as nothing.

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I want to chime in.


I like to run. Even if it's 38 with the humidity, or pouring rain. I consider it fun. I look forward to it most days, and the days I don't I'm glad I went during or when it's over.


When it comes to errands, getting into and out of the car, parking lots, ... :p I'm to lazy for all that so I go by foot or bike.


But strangely at the same time the idea of an workout video or class like some people mentioned - ick. You get hot and sweaty, you work your muscles till you are sore. No thanks.


(Mind you the same thing happens when you run, but running is fun. Perhaps I'm just a little unbalanced.)

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My excuse is time-- between my 18 month old and my newly adopted 4 year old (at a 2 1/2 year old cognitive level) it seems like I always have a child attached to me... I know it's an excuse though. I'm sure I could carve out time somewhere. I feel so much better when I exercise.

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