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What time of day do you take a shower?

When do you shower?  

  1. 1. When do you shower?

    • Morning
    • Afternoon
    • Night
    • I don't have a set time that I shower

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Depends what's going on that day.


If I'm planning on doing any grody or heavy-duty cleaning, I wait till after to shower.


Other than that, pretty much whenever I get around to it before needing to leave the house. Dh doesn't have the same schedule every day, and what I do kinda revolves around getting him off to work. So I'm flexible.

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I started taking my shower at night when firstborn dd was about 18mo. Mr. Ellie is home in the evening; he takes care of the dc while I'm in the shower. I can get up and get dressed first thing in the morning, before I leave my bedroom for the day.


Oh, and I wash my hair in the morning in the kitchen sink. Yes, my grandmother would be horrified, but I've been doing this for 37 years and no one has died yet. :lol:

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Depends what's going on that day.


If I'm planning on doing any grody or heavy-duty cleaning, I wait till after to shower.


Other than that, pretty much whenever I get around to it before needing to leave the house. Dh doesn't have the same schedule every day, and what I do kinda revolves around getting him off to work. So I'm flexible.


:iagree: Similar. Usually in the morning, but not necessarily every day. Sometimes in the evening. I usually don't shower in the morning of the day I have an evening dance class, because I get pretty sweaty. I shower after that.

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Taking a shower at night after the day's chaos is how I relax. I love getting into bed clean, especially when my sheets are clean too!


When I work out during the day, I stay gross until my nighttime shower, unless we have an afternoon/evening event. In that case, I shower before the event. There is an advantage to feeling icky all day, by the way: I take fewer breaks on the couch. :tongue_smilie:

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I voted afternoon because 4 days a week that's when I shower. The rest of the week is mornings. I don't bother showering first thing if I have a house to clean that day. There's no point. Sometimes I take 2 showers a day, especially this time of year. It's supposed to be 110 by Sunday. Joy. I keep telling myself, "At least we don't have bugs. At least we don't have bugs."

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every night of my life, without fail. I can't imagine going to bed without taking a bath/shower. Goodness, I"m so sweaty, stinky, and sticky by the end of the day a good bath is what I need to feel human again, winter or summer.




If I'm going somewhere I also take a bath in the morning. I like to feel fresh before I leave the house.

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I'd really love to shower every morning like clockwork. But I'm a night-owl and have to drag myself out of bed in the morning. I end up taking showers at all different times of day. Sometimes morning, afternoon, but mostly at night. Most kids are in bed, I don't have to hear fighting while I'm trying to relax, and I can dye my hair or other things that need to be done as well.


Try shaving your legs while two kids are bickering outside the bathroom door. Yeah.

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Night. When the children are in bed and won't bother me. :D


I shower in the morning if we are going somewhere and I want to do my hair earlier. Otherwise, I wet it in the sink after breakfast, put in some gel and pin it up. By lunch, it looks good! Good thing I homeschool.

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Definitely night. Baths relax me, but I need quiet. There isn't any way that is happening in the morning. I want to shower in the morning, but the children have a way of waking before me. If I so much as breathe differently in the morning someone else is awake and you can bet it is the child that needs the most supervision.

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I've always preferred showers right before bed. I like to go to bed clean and it relaxes me too. However my son has severe asthma related to allergies. So now for much of the year we shower when we come inside to get pollen off of us so it's not in his inside breathing space as much. So now my shower times vary. If I've not been outside on a particular day I just shower before bed like I used to do.

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Morning. My hair is completely tangled upon waking, and then I cannot forgo a shower after working out (which I do in the morning). Even if I don't exercise in the morning, a shower wakes me up, and if I were to shower at night, I would have to wait two hours before going to bed for my hair to dry. :tongue_smilie:

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Usually at night. Mostly because my hair is super thick and takes forever to dry. I hate blow drying it (takes a good 45 mins), so I shower at night and let it dry overnight. It's still damp, but much less work to blow dry!


Does it not bother you to have a wet pillow? I would prefer showering right before bed, but I have super-thick hair too, and I don't like sleeping on a wet pillow all night. Plus, my hair is curly, and it will be sticking straight up in the morning if I sleep on it wet.


Morning. My hair is completely tangled upon waking, and then I cannot forgo a shower after working out (which I do in the morning). Even if I don't exercise in the morning, a shower wakes me up, and if I were to shower at night, I would have to wait two hours before going to bed for my hair to dry. :tongue_smilie:


Yes, this is my problem too. I usually end up showering right before I go somewhere, so my hair is always wet when I go out. :tongue_smilie:


I grew up in the desert, and my hair only took an hour to dry. When I go out to visit my dad in AZ, I'm amazed at how quickly my hair dries and how much nicer (less frizzy) it looks. Here in FL, I usually pull my hair back into a ponytail while it's still wet, and it's not uncommon for me to go to bed with some of my hair still damp from my morning shower.

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