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Okay, so what's your least favorite word?

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His credentials? :D


Hmmmm, ok. I'm picturing a boy that has been taught this. He is now older and at a job interview. They ask to see his credentials. :001_smile:


Sorry. I can't stop giggling as I picture this. Poor boy. What to do, what to do?

Edited by Katia
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Hmmmm. What words makes me cringe......probably the names of "private" body parts, I can't seem to say them without a strange feeling.

I know you asked for a word but, I can't stand the use of redundant phrases like, "That's what she said", or "That's what I am saying". I hear my children repeating phrases over and over and it drives me nuts. Eventually, they drive each other nuts and then that's when the fighting and crying breaks loose! Right now 2 of my children are writing "That's what she said" 50 times because they will not stop aggrivating each other with it. I told them they will write it until they are sick and tired of it!

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"Paradigm". Nerdy, geeky word. I imagine it makes one feel clever to use it.


"Hump". Yuck.


"Passing gas." Well, thanks for telling me.


The word "inundate" pronounced as "oniondate" . By an adult. Really.


"Renaissance" pronounced as "Ren-AY-sance". I just don't like it, even if I am wrong.


I totally agree with the Hive regarding euphemisms for private parts, and breast-feeding. Thanks for your posts everyone~ they are " amazing". Just kidding, just kidding! :leaving:

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"Renaissance" pronounced as "Ren-AY-sance". I just don't like it, even if I am wrong.



In French, most syllables have a similar stress, so both the American REnaissance and the British ReNAYssance are incorrect. I don't see a problem with either one for people who don't have French as a mother tongue.



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Anybody have any suggestions on what I can call those things that hang down under a man's manhood? I hate all names for them. Most recently I came up with the name Jimmies but I'm afraid my kids will lose it when they finally meet someone named Jimmy.





Puppies, as in "you got me by the puppies".

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Anybody have any suggestions on what I can call those things that hang down under a man's manhood? I hate all names for them. Most recently I came up with the name Jimmies but I'm afraid my kids will lose it when they finally meet someone named Jimmy.





What's wrong with testicles or testes?

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My least favorite word is blog. Blahg. Sounds like a man vomiting. (I do so love to blog though.)



That's not how you pronounce "blog!" ;P


I hate the word injure. I don't really like being injured, but I really hate the sound of the word. It's so abrupt it feels like it's been mispronounced when it hasn't.



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"Sweet" and

"You go girl"


Drives me batty when adults to this. It's so imature and trendy. Yuck.


New trendy office stuff that drives me batty:

it used to be "networking", now it's:

"Let's caucus" or

Let's dialogue"


They think they sound smart? Sounds seriously ridiculous.

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I can't stand it when people use the word "utilize" instead of "use." I had a principal who always talked about how we would "utilize" things when "use" would have made more sense. I think she thought she sounded more intelligent using the three-syllable word instead of the single-syllable word.


I also hate acronyms that are used with one or more of the words they are supposed to stand for, as in ATM Machine (Automated Teller Machine Machine??) or For Your FYI (For Your For Your Information??). My former principal used to use the latter all the time (in faculty meetings). DROVE ME NUTS.


I also hate "irregardless" which my sister uses in a way that makes me think she wants us all to see how smart she is to use such a big word...


And my mother taught me that my body parts were "popo" (in the front) and "fanny" (the behind) and was constantly asking if I needed to "tinkle." Now when we visit she will tell us if SHE has to go tinkle...as if we needed to know. Argh.


And last but not least, "effin." Just another variation on the F word...

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My least favorite word is spook. Not because of what it sounds like, but because of what it is. To me, that means broken bones, bruises, trips to the ER and lectures from dh about how dangerous horses are.


And I hate it when people say "simuler" instead of "similar". Gah, did I spell it right? When I think about it too hard I can't spell it OR say it.

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What word do you really just hate the sound of (nevermind the meaning if you can). What word just makes you cringe?


My least favorite word is blog. Blahg. Sounds like a man vomiting. (I do so love to blog though.)


Other least favorite word... Guelph (in Ontario). Sounds like a cat vomiting.


And I think moist, ointment and pustule are right up there too.


My least favorite word is "smegma."



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I have a new least favorite word. It is "absolutely." I've noticed that in this area it is being over used as a substitution for "yes." or "okay". As in we went to lunch at Olive Garden or some such in Augusta a couple weeks ago. Ordering went like this:


Me: "I'll have the pasta."

Server: "Absolutely"

Me: "I'd like a root beer to drink."

Server "Absolutely"

Dh" "I'll have this different pasta."

Server "Absolutely"

Dh "I'll have a Coke to drink."

Server: "Absolutely.'


It went on through dd's entree and drink.


Since then I've heard it used like that quite a bit. It is beginning to drive me batty.

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I have a new least favorite word. It is "absolutely." I've noticed that in this area it is being over used as a substitution for "yes." or "okay".


Oh we have a version of that here, except they use "awesome".


Whatever you say, you'll get an awesome! back from the wait staff. Is this meant to make me feel good about my menu selection?

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Oh we have a version of that here, except they use "awesome".


Whatever you say, you'll get an awesome! back from the wait staff. Is this meant to make me feel good about my menu selection?

After a while I'd have to pop off with, "No, it isn't awesome, it is food."

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What word do you really just hate the sound of (nevermind the meaning if you can). What word just makes you cringe?


My least favorite word is blog. Blahg. Sounds like a man vomiting. (I do so love to blog though.)


Other least favorite word... Guelph (in Ontario). Sounds like a cat vomiting.


And I think moist, ointment and pustule are right up there too.



"Huh?" and "ain't." I hate hearing those. IMO, either one makes you sound like a hick. :glare:


More proper would be "pardon?" Or, for the other one, please use the appropriate contraction!

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"Huh?" and "ain't." I hate hearing those. IMO, either one makes you sound like a hick. :glare:


More proper would be "pardon?" Or, for the other one, please use the appropriate contraction!

EVERY TIME I say "Pardon me", my dh says, "That's what Nixon said." Twenty-two years now. I'm weary. ;)



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Hate it. Yeah, buddy. And what word are you making into a contraction?


(I know. I know. I sound like the grammar police. Wanna see my badge? ;))


Oh, and I don't like the word fart. LOL. It seems so Animal House-ish (and I even love Animal House). When my kids were little, both used to say, "Air came out of my bottom." I had to giggle internally every time they ever said that. I never gave them the correct terminology. Alas, they learned 'fart' from their cousin. Guess that's what older cousins are good for... :lol:


My sons learned the word fart from their father, dispite my objections. Although, Lex used to tell Daddy that it wasn't the right word. Lex says that "stinky stinky gas came out his butt". But this is also the child that talks to his poo (ie: "get outta my butt") and counts it.

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... I think she thought she sounded more intelligent using the three-syllable word instead of the single-syllable word.

....in a way that makes me think she wants us all to see how smart she is to use such a big word.....


ah yes.... this was my step mother w/ the word asinine. EVERYTHING she disagreed w/ was asinine. Same reasoning too, lol.

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... But this is also the child that talks to his poo (ie: "get outta my butt") and counts it.


lol! my almost 5yo princess was in the bathroom *encouraging* her poo ("come one-- you can do it!") ;)


My 2d used to sing wbout being done..... yeah.....


and what's up w/ all the ways to refer to poop? excrement, poo, crap, sh*t, BM, #2, etc......



I like credentials, lol. DH has used 'testicles' w/ the Greek pronunciation.....It's usually the twins here.

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This thread is so funny!




I also hate *unt, with a c.


oooh boy.


That's the one that makes me want to scratch out eyes.:glare:


dh rolled that one out back in dec of 2007 during an argument :cursing:in the van :auto: and ended up w/ a juice box sprayed all over his face dripping down onto his leather flight jacket. There are still citrus stains on the headliner of the van. It was only his superb driving skills that kept us from wrecking on the highway.


we've come a long way since then. ;)


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I despise the word "bling." Not exactly sure why, but it just makes me cringe. Amazingly, I don't like those types of sparkly items, either, so...


I also hate the use of the word "awesome." I don't have a problem with the word itself, but so many people use it to describe something which is simply great or terrific, and in my mind, it diminishes the impact of when something truly is awesome or awe-inspiring.


I can't stand when people say they'll "connect" with so-and-so to "dialogue" about something. Turning nouns into verbs is a big pet peeve with me. I "gifted" someone, we "dialogued" about it, etc. UGH!


And the body part stuff: pee-pee, wee-wee, and all that just get on my nerves something fierce! Call it what it is so you don't sound like an idiot.


For what it's worth, I am in agreement with most of the posts in this thread -- I never realized how many words or phrases I hated! Maybe I need therapy. *grin*



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  • 5 years later...

Thanks for the late night entertainment ladies.....


HATE, HATE, HATE  the misuse of "seen," as in "I seen the man go into the house."


I also am very tired of "whatnot" in conversation; a word typically coming from people who believe they sound quite educated.


The constantly mispronounced "real-a-tor" for realtor makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.


Tinkle, sucks and pissed rank right up there as horrible too.

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Panties - I end up using the word much more than I like. Grandma and Nana (and probably daddy) were kind enough to teach dd this wonderful word for her underwear. She is finally starting to say underwear at least half of the time now. Just in time for little sis to learn "panties" :::shudder:::




Rural - because I can't say it! I'm serious! I get stuck on the r's. My mom cannot say aluminum or cinnamon. I used to give her a hard time and then I discovered my word. The harder I try to say it right, the more I butcher it.

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