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Everything posted by vansolkema1996

  1. Thank you both so much for the help. We don't speak spanish but I was able to do a computer translation. That gives her alot more to go on. Have a Merry Christmas.
  2. My daughter has been asked to do a presentation to our church about our missionaries in Venezuela about how they celebrate Christmas. Our missionary has not gotten back to us. So we are looking for any info / pictures on Christmas in Venezuela I have found very few things in my google search. If anyone knows of a website that might be helpful that they would be willing to share that would be great. Thank you in advance.
  3. I am making croceht Wire and glass bead braclets. Diaper bag, Baby blanket, bib ect for my 4 & 2 year olds bitty baby they are getting. If time is avalible I am going to also make a quite book for my 2 year old
  4. I also think it would be better for a 3-4 YOD. I am trying to use this at church with 2's & 3's and the 2 year old children don't really grasp it they just kind of sit in. If your dc is almost three it maybe just fine. The program would have worked for my middle child at 2 . We didn't use it until she was 3 1/2 and she was almost beyond that. They have a sample on the HOD web site have you checked that?
  5. Here is what were are doing for my DD 8th grade next year keep in mind this is only my 3rd year of home schooling so nothing is set in stone or perfect My Father's World ECC with 7th & 8th Sup. I realized last year she was not taught much geography in PS She will also be doing an Quest Explorer Bible study to have her own time to dig into the Bible. This will also include Writing Strands 4. English Easy Grammar PLus She will do two Progeny Press guides ( at least she loves to read) Saxon Algebra 1/2 and a typing course Mavis typing I belive that is what it is called. She will be doing Apologia GS for the 1st half of the year and the Physical Science ( she's behind Moms fault) She would like to also do some volnteer work at out local Alpha womens center. I feel that this will be a good work load for us. We will also do extra things ( art, gym ect ) through out co-op. She is very excited to study the counties, cultures and the missionaries. I see some do much more but this is a good work load for our sched. i hope this helps
  6. I am planning on doing ECC with my 8th grade DD next year I am starting to plan. I have the first ed manual and all the books including 8th grade suppliment. The new books are so appealing. I looked at a sample of Ecosystems books on the Answers in Genesis web site and it looks great but would it be to much to do with Apologia? This will be our first year using MFW. My husband has been laid off since last year and we really don't have the extra money but I am working on saving it up. Trust me we have many areas we can use the money but i am not willing to scrape by on my DD education either. Help I guess my question is is it worth the extra money to get the new TM & books? Thanks in advance for your help
  7. I have just purchased MFW K for my 3 yr old DD. I had planned on waiting until Sept to start it ( she will be 4 in April) but she already knows her phonic sounds she is learning to count to 100. She writes her name and many other letters. ( I haven't even been wroking with her as much as i should be. I am trying with my 12 yr old DD to school year round this year and have thought about just starting my 3 Yr old now. I just don't want her to get to board with it if we start it in Sept. but on the other hand I don't want to start her on something more than just playing around to early either. This is only my second year of homeschooling so I need so sug. from all of you pro's :) Thanks, Holly
  8. My DD 12 enjoyed them. She is in to the Civil War ERA ( the is how she chose to decorate her room). My mother lives in Virgina and they have taken her to alot of battle fields and historical places. ( What would we do without Grand Parents.) On the PBS web site their is also a study guide that goes with it but that was to much. She just watched to videos for enjoyment.
  9. We used Discovering Great Artist by Mary Ann Kohl in out Co-op. It gives a short biography on the great artist and then there is a project to do just like the great artist did. For older kids you could learn a bit more about the artist maybe look at more of their work ( the book only show s one sample). For alot of the project if you have paper and tempra paint you can find alot of the other things around the house to use We used this with K-3rd grade but I thought about elaborating abit and using it with my 12YO. Our libray carried it so it might be some thing to check out. I also found it used for around $15.00.
  10. I agree with Ria. I don't know alot about Milk Allergy but my 1YO DD breaks out in hives if she drinks milk has anything with Milk in it But I can make MAc and cheese with rice milk and it doesn't seem to bother her. ( she doesn't cry any more than normal, no hives, and her ezema doesn't get any worse when she eats the mac and cheese.)
  11. I am kind of up in the air about all of this but don't have the money rite now to stock up to much.
  12. These all sound like something my kids would say.
  13. I didn't want to drive and if someone had pushed me to I would have been a nervous which probaly would have been a bad thing. After I had my 1st DD I was sick of hauling her around on the bus/taxi and I finnally went and got my licence. So I think in due time he will want it.
  14. My husband drinks about a 6 pk of Coke a day and one pot of coffee. Way to much!
  15. My DD is 12 and have learned that grounding does not work so I have started giving her extra chores when she does things that are total uncalled for and pray with her and for her. She is 12 so she really doesn't do to much of that anymore.
  16. I have been thinking about schooling year round also. This is my second year of homeschooling, so After 5years in a PS it was hard enough just to get my DD to do school in general. She is now starting to enjoy the freedom of picking what we sudy more. She even picked up school work over our Christmas break and started doing it. That was when I knew it might work to go year round. I plan on just stating with the next year as we finish. Then I figure when she is in high school possibly she can also take some college courses. ( I will see if she is mature enough for that when the time comes)
  17. My DD is going through that time period rite now. She was trying to read the older Robin Hood but it just wasn't working. Thanks for the sug. on other books to read.
  18. I have really enjoyed the different things Answers in Genesis have. They have things for all ages.
  19. In our co-op we all have to do a special event each year. We can either sign up or we get assigned ( so it is better to sign up) We also help clean up each week after we meet. We are asigned and if we can't do it we can trade or hire the kids to do it ( they have to pass inspection by an adult) It seems to work out but then again I have only been part of the co-op for 1 year. ( This is only my second year HS)
  20. Thanks, it sounds like they have made a few nice changes and maybe it would be worth the money to get the up dated version.
  21. I was looking at the Diana Waring web site ands really like what I have seen of the Ancient Civilization & the Bible. I seen that they have just started being published by AIG. What I looked at is the 2008 edition. Is there much difference say from the 2008 ed.and the 2004 ed? Thanks for your help
  22. My DD 12 has been using Saxon math for the last two years. ( We pulled her out of PS after 5th grade) she seems to love it. I also have a 4 year old that will be starting math next year and Math u see looks like a great program but I have never seen the elementary ages of Saxon. I would like any imput on this subject. Thanks
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