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Looks like we're losing our dream house

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Two weeks ago we were riding on cloud 9. We had a buyer for our rental complex and we found our dream house, put a bid on it and won over several other would-be buyers. It's a charming older house that fits all of us, but even better it comes with a full acre of land in town - exactly what we wanted. It's supposed to be our "forever house."


And then everything went wrong. I have managed to keep my chin up and remain hopeful/grateful/positive through a whole string of events entirely out of our control, but today I've lost my equilibrium. Watching dh's disappointment is more than I can stand. I'm frustrated for myself, but I'm so much more frustrated for him.


I'm trying not to go into details, but suffice it to say that our rental sale fell through - the buyer couldn't get financing, which affects our ability to get financing for the house we want to buy.


On top of it, dh just spent a month cleaning and fixing one of our rental houses after a nightmare tenant did a runner and left everything behind. (It was totally disgusting - four people living like animals). He put in a new tenant and in 24 hours she'd already damaged the place and worse...it looks like this tenant (a young woman with her young child - had a terrific reference!) is going to be an even bigger nightmare. Unbelievable.


We'll find out about our financing tomorrow, but the loan officer has hinted it's now a long shot.


We have a lot going for us - we're all healthy, we're employed, we're not hungry or anything. I want to stay in a positive, grateful place but tonight I'm having a hard, hard time.


I want to believe in miracles tonight. I want to believe that our financing will come through. I want to believe that there is a way for us to let go of our rentals so dh can focus all his energy on something else; something that supports who he is. He loves fixing things and he keeps on fixing these stupid rentals so other people can ruin them again. Something has to give.


I could use prayers and understanding and...something. Words of advice? I want to wake up tomorrow with enough peace and strength to face whatever happens and remind the whole family that there will be other opportunities. I'm going to have to be the rock tomorrow. Dh is interpreting this as more than a house lost.

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I'm so sorry. I haven't been in this exact position before, but last year we lost what we thought was DH's dream job. I won't thread hijack and go into all the details, but we call it our annus horribilis. It involved thinking we were getting *exactly* what we had hoped for for several years, giving up a lot that we wouldn't have otherwise, dealing with months of unemployment and heartache. But in the end, we ended up in an even better place, with an even better job, and more overall stability. We are still recovering in some ways from all the upheaval, but overall it's been a better outcome for us. In a few years, hopefully I'll feel actually grateful for what we went through. ;)


All that to say, if for some reason this falls through for you guys, then hopefully it is because there is something even better down the road lined up for you. More :grouphug: because I know it doesn't lessen the hurt right now.

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Thanks everyone - I already feel a shift. It IS still possible, and if it isn't - something else is. I am leaning on you all to be someone the rest of my family can lean on, and I really appreciate it.

ALL things are possible to he (or she!) who believes...


I pray it all works out too. Don't take the first "no". There will be a solution, I believe, but I know banks are more spooked these days. But they DO want business.


On the rental side, I have seen a definite increase in quantity and quality of applicants, and heard from Realtors that houses are moving. Something will happen.


And I like what the other poster said earlier, about having a dream and feeling as if she had been spared when she was warned by the police not to move into that neighborhood. I've had that kind of thing happen before too.


Something good is going to happen for you and your husband.

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All that to say, if for some reason this falls through for you guys, then hopefully it is because there is something even better down the road lined up for you. More :grouphug: because I know it doesn't lessen the hurt right now.


:iagree: :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Just remember there are other houses out there. Dh and I put an offer on on about 1 1/2 years ago that we really liked. They accepted a higher bid. We found a much nicer house on a much nicer lot that need work. We both fell in love with it and now have very little left to do on it work wise.

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:grouphug:, sharing some of my peace and strength mojo. I think I have a tiny bit I'm not going to need today. ;)



I was just standing in the kitchen praying for G-d to provide a miracle for our extended family, and in turn, for us. My parents (early eighties) have been "stuck" b/c one of them has been unwilling, and is now incapable, of moving. The one partner who is capable of making a decision to move has finally called the ball, so we children are going to mvove them this summer.


They have a tiny little home on a gorgeous lakefront property in the middle of a major metropolitan area, but the house is in dire need of someone to pump in some cash and fix 'er up. I'm almost certain we'll be selling it as is.


So when I saw you post about your hubby loving to fix things up, I just had to ask: have you ever had the hankering to live, literally, on the furthest opposite corner of the continent? :lol:


All joking aside, I do feel your pain, for we have been through some similar "death of a vision" scenarios. I'm praying that your family will have the miracle that you need, even though it might not be the one that you see in front of you.


Again, :grouphug:

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:grouphug::grouphug: It will work out, one way, or another. It always does, and often in a way that you never expected. That has been our experience.


:grouphug::grouphug: Dealing with renters. We're not in the exact same business, but we see enough of the destruction and disrespect that people have for something they don't own (heck, property they *do* own) that I understand how it can sap your faith in humanity.

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Well, no answer yet on our financing.


We took the Canucks winning last night as a good sign. At least we had something to celebrate!


Then we went to bed, fell asleep, and got woken up at midnight by one of our other tenants saying new awful tenant was hosting a loud party. Turns out she and her crack dealer friends were partying and playing a game of "Stretch" - in which players throw knives at each other and try to dodge them.




Dh is getting the police involved today.


Continuing prayers are appreciated! :) :lol:

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Well, no answer yet on our financing.


We took the Canucks winning last night as a good sign. At least we had something to celebrate!


Then we went to bed, fell asleep, and got woken up at midnight by one of our other tenants saying new awful tenant was hosting a loud party. Turns out she and her crack dealer friends were partying and playing a game of "Stretch" - in which players throw knives at each other and try to dodge them.




Dh is getting the police involved today.


Continuing prayers are appreciated! :) :lol:




Praying :grouphug:.

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Well, no answer yet on our financing.


We took the Canucks winning last night as a good sign. At least we had something to celebrate!


Then we went to bed, fell asleep, and got woken up at midnight by one of our other tenants saying new awful tenant was hosting a loud party. Turns out she and her crack dealer friends were partying and playing a game of "Stretch" - in which players throw knives at each other and try to dodge them.




Dh is getting the police involved today.


Continuing prayers are appreciated! :) :lol:




Jennifer, I'm sooooo sorry. I have dealt with this sort of thing in the neighborhood, and it is sooooo hard. I would love to see your problem cleared and your dream home a reality, and will continue praying for God's grace.



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So we heard the news - our loan was denied. We contacted the realtor, told him we couldn't swing it, got ready to tell the kids....and the phone rang.


It was the realtor. The owner of the house is friends with a mortgage loan officer and the friend wants to try to get us a loan. She knows our properties, our situation, etc., and thinks it can be done. (small town at work!)


We're heading back to the bank on Tuesday. So....we're not dead in the water yet!

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I'm sorry. :sad:


When we started to look at houses just to get a feel for what was out there in our price range. When we saw our house the first time, my stomach kotted up I wanted it so bafly. In order for us to buy, land which we had on the market for months NEEDED to sell. We also owned a duplex and had to find another tenant for one side. Wen we drove away from the house that night, we kew our chances were slim. If the buyer didn't close on the house in a set time (was it two months?) it was going t go into foreclosure. I wanted this house so bad tht I think I cried as we drove away. It was beyond perfect for us, and it wasn't just ay ordinary ole house. i remember dh asking, "Do you at least want me to try?". I told him no, that it was never goimg to happen. Well, dh DID try and in that short amount of time our land did sell. BUT, the first buyer fell through due to financing. I remember being absolutely CRUSHED.


In the end, it all worked out. We have been here 15.5 years and are SO HAPPY still. We have acreage, built a barn, have a little rescue farm. I am so glad dh tried. I am not so sure I would have.


In the end, if that house doesn't work out, it will be a rotten shame. Still, don't settle. Keep looking untik you find a home you will be just as happy with.

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So we heard the news - our loan was denied. We contacted the realtor, told him we couldn't swing it, got ready to tell the kids....and the phone rang.


It was the realtor. The owner of the house is friends with a mortgage loan officer and the friend wants to try to get us a loan. She knows our properties, our situation, etc., and thinks it can be done. (small town at work!)


We're heading back to the bank on Tuesday. So....we're not dead in the water yet!


Well saaweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!:auto:

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So we heard the news - our loan was denied. We contacted the realtor, told him we couldn't swing it, got ready to tell the kids....and the phone rang.


It was the realtor. The owner of the house is friends with a mortgage loan officer and the friend wants to try to get us a loan. She knows our properties, our situation, etc., and thinks it can be done. (small town at work!)


We're heading back to the bank on Tuesday. So....we're not dead in the water yet!


I hope it all works out for you!!! Thanks for the update.

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