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Movies that make me cry.....every.single.time.

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What is wrong with me???? I cry at some movies no matter if it's the first time or the 10th time I've seen it. Some movies that make me cry every.single.time........



Moulin Rouge

I'm sure there are more.....but this is off the top of my head.

I just watched Click again this afternoon. I was in puddles (again)! :crying:

What movies require a box of Kleenex for you??

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The last scene in Castaway...when Tom Hanks goes to Helen Hunt's house...it's raining...she's married... aack! I sniffle just thinking about it!


An Affair to Remember...last scene.


You've Got Main...last scene.


Little Women...Beth scene.


I am not a big cryer in real life, but I am a sap with movies!

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This is a weird one too. I always cry watching the newer version of The Parent Trap when Chessy (the housekeeper) realizes that Hallie is actually Annie. If I watched that movie three times in one day, I would cry at that scene every single time.


Truly, Madly, Deeply for me as well.

The Fellowship of the Ring when Sam swims out to Frodo and nearly drowns.

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Everything makes me cry.


Steel Magnolias, for sure. Love that movie!

A thousand scenes from Lord of the Rings make me cry. The whole coronation scene, and when Aragorn sees Arwen, and when he tells he hobbits they bow to no one -- they all do me in.

Cars makes me cry every time too.

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The beginning of Up also gets me every time. :crying:


But the worst for me is My Girl! The two parts that get me are (spoiler alert) 1)

, and 2) when she tells Thomas J's mom that her mom will be taking care of Thomas J in heaven. :crying:


Ok, now I'm sitting here crying after torturing my heart with that youtube clip! Why did I watch that?! And now DH just walked by and asked me if I am getting a cold (I said no, it's probably allergies :lol: ).

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I have a sudden and nearly overwhelming urge to watch all of these movies.


I cry during:


Moulin Rouge

The Land Before Time (the first one.... when his mother dies)

Titanic (like three times??)

Grave of the Fireflies. It's a Japanese animated movie about two children who become orphans in WWII. Very touching...


I was just crying during something just last week. What was it? Oh, I don't know, movies make me a mess!!

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Grave of the Fireflies. It's a Japanese animated movie about two children who become orphans in WWII. Very touching...
It's a devastating film. I'm not sorry to have seen it, but will never watch it again.
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You'll think I'm weird for this....


Armageddon. Every time. The part where the girl's dad tells her he's not coming home, right before he blows up the asteroid. The actress looks just a little too much like dd for me to get through that.


Glad I'm not the only one...see above post :)

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Everything makes me cry.


Steel Magnolias, for sure. Love that movie!

A thousand scenes from Lord of the Rings make me cry. The whole coronation scene, and when Aragorn sees Arwen, and when he tells he hobbits they bow to no one -- they all do me in.

Cars makes me cry every time too.


Oh yes...but I cry at a weird part for Steel Magnolias...I cry when the daughter says she would rather have one moment of wondeful than a lifetime of nothing special. ugh...

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Ones you may not tear up from, but I do:


Secretariat - the last race and real life info at the end. It does not help that I HAVE TO watch this every time I see that it's on! I need to buy it, but I will still stop and watch when it's on. He was born in VA, you know. ;)


The Rookie (the baseball one) when Jimmy gets called up. I love how the manager tells him. :) The look on Dennis Quaid's face is priceless!

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This is a weird one too. I always cry watching the newer version of The Parent Trap when Chessy (the housekeeper) realizes that Hallie is actually Annie. If I watched that movie three times in one day, I would cry at that scene every single time.



You are not alone. For some reason, that's a comfort movie for me, and I pull it out periodically when life isn't going great or I'm having a bad day. I've probably watched it a ten times. That scene gets me EVERY time.

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It would probably be shorter to list the movies I DON'T cry at. Really. If there's anything sad, tragic, depressing, circle-of-life-ish, loving, touching, deep, innocent, beautiful... I cry. I'm just wired to get deeply into the characters and feel things strongly. I actually find a good cry while watching a movie is therapeutic, but there are times I wish I could find the "off" button...

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Ones you may not tear up from, but I do:


Secretariat - the last race and real life info at the end. It does not help that I HAVE TO watch this every time I see that it's on! I need to buy it, but I will still stop and watch when it's on. He was born in VA, you know. ;)


The Rookie (the baseball one) when Jimmy gets called up. I love how the manager tells him. :) The look on Dennis Quaid's face is priceless!


You and I could probably go to the movies together. :D I also cry at the read footage of Secretariat. He was one of my all time heros.


I cry every time I watch the Natural. I LOVE that movie.


Steel Magnolias is a given...it's meant to be a sweet/sad story. I cry at the end of Second Hand Lions...'They really lived..."


The Man in the Iron Mask...when the newer Musketeer says all his life, he wanted to be HIM (D'tagnian. Sp?! Sorry.)


Homeward Bound. Every time the old dog comes over the hill....sob.


It's a Wonderful Life.


Momma Mia...when Mom and daughter are prepping her for the wedding...'slipping through my fingers....' Yeah. I get it.

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Hachi a dogs tale. I don't just cry, I sobbed

while watching it.


I bawled for 2 *solid* hours watching this. Such a good movie but a tearjerker.


Ones you may not tear up from, but I do:


Secretariat - the last race and real life info at the end. It does not help that I HAVE TO watch this every time I see that it's on! I need to buy it, but I will still stop and watch when it's on. He was born in VA, you know. ;)


Ditto for Secretariat. :iagree:


Add to those Where the Red Fern Grows. Try as I might, I can't help crying when Old Dan and Little Ann dies.


I'm such a sucker for animal movies. :tongue_smilie:

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This is a weird one too. I always cry watching the newer version of The Parent Trap when Chessy (the housekeeper) realizes that Hallie is actually Annie. If I watched that movie three times in one day, I would cry at that scene every single time.


Truly, Madly, Deeply for me as well.

The Fellowship of the Ring when Sam swims out to Frodo and nearly drowns.


yes yes yes!!! I forgot about that one. I always cry at that too!

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The end of Beauty and the Beast and Wall-E, and Toy Story where Buzz tries to fly and falls. Who would have thought—cartoons.


Erica in OR




I cried the first time I saw Toy Story 3, when Andy leaves his toys with the little girl. I think dh was crying as well. Characters can get you, even if they are animated. Consider - none of them are real anyway, it's actors...

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Cold Mountain -- over and over! I cry when he finally sees her again, when he's talking to the goat woman about Ada, when the baby is on the ground, and of course when he dies. Sigh...I love that movie.


Toy Story 3, too. The whole family cries at the room all packed up for college.

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Yes...Steel Magnolias. I saw that at the theater with my mom and bawled like a baby.


Beaches. I've seen it once when it first came out. I don't even remember it anymore but I know it about killed me....so I haven't seen it again.


I went the the theater to see Titanic with my best friends teenage dd and her friend. They made me sit in the front row with them. The scenes that totally did me in were when Leonardo sinks beneath the sea....and when Kate remembers him standing by the clock on the stairs. I bawled soooo bad. It's really quite difficult to hold in your sobs at the theater so you don't look like an idiot (can a human actually burst?). After dropping the girls home afterwards.....I bawled uncontrollably all the way home; it's a miracle I could drive. I would really love to see the movie again....but it just kills me.


Moulin Rouge....the scene, of course, when Satine dies and Christian is sobbing so hard.


Click....Adam Sandler when he's lying in the street in the rain shaking saying how family comes first.


Pearl Harbor....lots of scenes. Anytime Ben Affleck cries I cry (like in Armageddon).


The scene in In Time when Will (Justin Timberlake....see my avatar ;) )and his mom (that girl from House) are running towards each other and Will is a split second too late to save her.


I Am Sam with Sean Penn and Dakota Fanning. I love that movie. Even my oldest cried watching it.....and she rarely ever sheds a tear.


A few others.....Though None Go With Me.....A Walk To Remember.....Cinderella Man.....The Pursuit of Happyness.....The Champ.


Gosh.....I guess I cry a lot.

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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