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So who gets to go?

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Ds has a once in a life time event coming up in June. I really want to go. Dh and I have been really working with him towards for months this and he's so excited. I'm so excited & proud. This is a big deal. I really want to be there (obviously) but can't because of baby. :( So I asked a family member if they would babysit and after a lame excuse of, oh, I have a meeting at ___. Whoops! Wrong, time, function is over 2 hours before then. ;) Then they just flat out said, "no, *I* want to see ____ do _____. :glare:


Then I said the reserved seats are for family only (this is true :)). To which they said, well I am family since you won't be there, there will be a spot. :glare: :cursing:


I'm mad, disappointed and hurt. I know that I have no right to expect family to babysit my kids. I had just really hoped that they would recognize that as the mother, perhaps I would like to be there. :(



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Ds has a once in a life time event coming up in June. I really want to go. Dh and I have been really working with him towards for months this and he's so excited. I'm so excited & proud. This is a big deal. I really want to be there (obviously) but can't because of baby. :( So I asked a family member if they would babysit and after a lame excuse of, oh, I have a meeting at ___. Whoops! Wrong, time, function is over 2 hours before then. ;) Then they just flat out said, "no, *I* want to see ____ do _____. :glare:


Then I said the reserved seats are for family only (this is true :)). To which they said, well I am family since you won't be there, there will be a spot. :glare: :cursing:


I'm mad, disappointed and hurt. I know that I have no right to expect family to babysit my kids. I had just really hoped that they would recognize that as the mother, perhaps I would like to be there. :(



Tell that family member, No.... I want to go. That reserved seat is for me. I am trying to find a way to go. I'm sorry you won't be able to see him. I'll take some pictures for you.

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Just this once? Surely you know someone who knows someone who is safe, reliable sitter. Is it for an overnight or just for a day?


Yes, I'll probably find a sitter. Baby will likely hate it and scream most of the time, but at least I have time to prepare. :tongue_smilie:


I'm just annoyed by this ATM and need to vent.


Again, I know i have no right to expect babysitting. I'm just hurt and mad about it.

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Ds has a once in a life time event coming up in June. I really want to go. Dh and I have been really working with him towards for months this and he's so excited. I'm so excited & proud. This is a big deal. I really want to be there (obviously) but can't because of baby. :( So I asked a family member if they would babysit and after a lame excuse of, oh, I have a meeting at ___. Whoops! Wrong, time, function is over 2 hours before then. ;) Then they just flat out said, "no, *I* want to see ____ do _____. :glare:


Then I said the reserved seats are for family only (this is true :)). To which they said, well I am family since you won't be there, there will be a spot. :glare: :cursing:


I'm mad, disappointed and hurt. I know that I have no right to expect family to babysit my kids. I had just really hoped that they would recognize that as the mother, perhaps I would like to be there. :(




That's awful. Really awful. I can't believe your family member is so selfish. (Is it a MIL?) Is there NO ONE else you can ask to babysit? I know that I would bend over backwards to help a friend attend an event for their child. Even something that was not once-in-a-lifetime. How old is baby? How long would you need to be away from baby? If the event isn't too long, maybe you could hire a teen to carry baby around outside during the event so you could nurse or whatever directly before and after. I don't know- I'm just trying to brainstorm ideas for a difficult situation.


I know this would be a petty and immature reaction, but I would NOT let that particular family member have my seat.....I'd give it to someone else if there was NO possible way for me to attend.


ETA: Others posted while I was typing. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who would NOT let that family member have that ticket!

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Ds has a once in a life time event coming up in June. I really want to go. Dh and I have been really working with him towards for months this and he's so excited. I'm so excited & proud. This is a big deal. I really want to be there (obviously) but can't because of baby. :( So I asked a family member if they would babysit and after a lame excuse of, oh, I have a meeting at ___. Whoops! Wrong, time, function is over 2 hours before then. ;) Then they just flat out said, "no, *I* want to see ____ do _____. :glare:


Then I said the reserved seats are for family only (this is true :)). To which they said, well I am family since you won't be there, there will be a spot. :glare: :cursing:


I'm mad, disappointed and hurt. I know that I have no right to expect family to babysit my kids. I had just really hoped that they would recognize that as the mother, perhaps I would like to be there. :(




Wow!! Rude!!


I would tell them that I would find other arrangements and they do not have a seat.

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You have until June right? There must be some way to find SOMEONE!


I think it is pretty lousy your family is willing to snatch up your seat. That's pretty selfish.





Yes, I'll work to find someone. We don't have anyone else currently and this person knows that. But I'm not completely out of luck. It just makes things more complicated. At least I have time to figure it out. :)

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Wow- that's really mean for the family member to say something like that. Can this person attend if you don't allow it? Like, do you have the tickets or something? Because even with a sitter, seeing this person near you is going to sap the joy out of this event.

My extended family members said/done some pretty mean things but nothing like this. So sorry for you!

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Wow, and call me petty, but if for some reason you can't find another sitter, I still wouldn't let that person attend.




Add me to the Petty Club. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY that person would be attending if I couldn't. I would prefer to leave the seat empty or offer it to another family who could use it.


BTW, if you're in a real pinch, could you bring the baby? It's not like the baby would need a separate seat, so taking the chance that the baby might get fussy would still be a better option than not going at all.


I'm so sorry you have such a nervy, inconsiderate family member. They don't have to babysit, but to come right out and say that they won't babysit so they can see your ds do something really special instead of you being there for him... :angry: :angry: :angry:

Edited by Catwoman
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Just get said baby use to an Ergo :) Then... have the sitter wear baby in Ergo.... It'll be really fine... I shared a baby at co-op and since he was use to being worn, after a minute he was fine.... (Never mind the mama and I weren't the same size or anything!! :)) Even if he/she screams for a bit, it's nothing compared to you being able to have the memory. Find someone who'll keep the baby safe... and go :)

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I'll babysit.


Where are you????








That's what I was thinking! If you're anywhere near me or Lara, we have you covered!


I can't believe the nerve of some people. They definitely would not get my seat.


:iagree: Me, three (or four). I don't mind a screaming baby. And I promise not to want your seat if you turn me down.

:iagree: I'll babysit :001_smile:

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You are correct that you can't really expect family to be obligated to babysit.


But you should have the expectation that people will not be a butt head.


Wow, no way would that person be attending. They are like a vulture, swooping in to take advantage of someone's difficulty. Yuck.

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You are correct that you can't really expect family to be obligated to babysit.


But you should have the expectation that people will not be a butt head.


Wow, no way would that person be attending. They are like a vulture, swooping in to take advantage of someone's difficulty. Yuck.


Totally! It would be one thing if that person just wasn't available, it's quite another to refuse so they can have your seat. Appalling.

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Uh, over my dead body would (sorry excuse for) family member get MY seat. I'm proud of you for having enough composure to not rip them a new one. Dang, this makes me so mad FOR you.


You've gotten some great suggestions. You will find an alternative sitter.

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I thought it was nice that the family member wanted to see your DS do whatever it is he'll be doing. Even when they said they wouldn't babysit in order for you to go, because they wanted to go so badly, I could still see how it's nice for your son to have that support. BUT, when they said they were planning on taking your seat :svengo:

I really hope you get to go.

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And as to your family member - I will refrain from typing out my opinion here.


I won't. My first thought was of the evil stepmother and stepsisters from Cinderella, specifically the "Ever After" version. I totally saw the Baroness in my mind.

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In case none of the WTM babysitters work out, there are websites which exist solely to connect reputable babysitters and parents. My mother used them to find babysitters for several graduations. Unfortunately I don't have more details, but Google may be helpful..or maybe my mother will notice this post. ;)


Add me to the list of people who would uninvite rude family member.

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:iagree: This is unbelievably, over-the-top RUDE, self-centered, and really, really inconsiderate. I would be tempted to not extend the ticket to that person just on general principle.



:iagree: I didn't say that earlier but of course that person lost their seat!

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