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I'm beginning to regret signing up for Amazon Prime.

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I signed up for an Amazon Prime membership in January. Since that time, I've placed 5 orders--all items were marked "Prime" and "free 2-day shipping"--totaling nearly $200, but only ONE item has arrived within 2 days.


[ETA: All items were supplied by Amazon, rather than a non-Amazon supplier, and all were marked "in stock" also.]


On Tuesday of this week, I placed an order for 12 books for our church's Bible study group. We need the books for Sunday, so I told the group that I would order the books through my Prime account, expecting them to be delivered on Thursday. When I checked my account today, I saw that the order has not yet shipped, and delivery is estimated for March 29-April 5. WHY?


I signed up for Amazon Prime just for the free 2-day shipping. We don't use the Amazon Instant Video because it is hard to navigate, and we have Netflix anyway. I think I wasted my money. Items are not arriving any more quickly than they were before I joined Amazon Prime. If anything, they arrive more slowly. :confused:

Edited by ereks mom
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I signed up for an Amazon Prime membership in January. Since that time, I've placed 5 orders--all items were marked "Prime" and "free 2-day shipping"--totaling nearly $200, but only ONE item has arrived within 2 days.


On Tuesday of this week, I placed an order for 12 books for our church's Bible study group. We need the books for Sunday, so I told the group that I would order the books through my Prime account, expecting them to be delivered on Thursday. When I checked my account today, I saw that the order has not yet shipped, and delivery is estimated for March 29-April 5. WHY?


I signed up for Amazon Prime just for the free 2-day shipping. We don't use the Amazon Instant Video because it is hard to navigate, and we have Netflix anyway. I think I wasted my money. Items are not arriving any more quickly than they were before I joined Amazon Prime. If anything, they arrive more slowly. :confused:


I would call them and ask what's up. I've only had a couple items not arrive within 2 days over the last year, and those arrived in 3 or 4 days. And when I've upgraded to next day shipping, those items arrived the next day with no issues.

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I signed up for an Amazon Prime membership in January. Since that time, I've placed 5 orders--all items were marked "Prime" and "free 2-day shipping"--totaling nearly $200, but only ONE item has arrived within 2 days.


On Tuesday of this week, I placed an order for 12 books for our church's Bible study group. We need the books for Sunday, so I told the group that I would order the books through my Prime account, expecting them to be delivered on Thursday. When I checked my account today, I saw that the order has not yet shipped, and delivery is estimated for March 29-April 5. WHY?


I signed up for Amazon Prime just for the free 2-day shipping. We don't use the Amazon Instant Video because it is hard to navigate, and we have Netflix anyway. I think I wasted my money. Items are not arriving any more quickly than they were before I joined Amazon Prime. If anything, they arrive more slowly. :confused:


I've ordered more than I care to admit and have only had an order arrive past the due date two or three times, and it's not been Amazon's fault. Did you contact customer service? It's been my experience that they'll bend over backwards to make it right.

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Not everything on amazon qualifies for prime. It should say on the description at the top of the item's page (check mark and the word prime in blue). Before the order is finalized at checkout, it'll say the estimated ship date for each item.


I live in the northern VA area and always receive shipment within the 2 day timeframe (sometimes even same day), but when I ship to my mother who lives in somewhat rural PA, shipping time is inevitably longer.


Sorry that the membership is not working like you intended. Good luck!!

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Not everything on amazon qualifies for prime. It should say on the description at the top of the item's page (check mark and the word prime in blue). Before the order is finalized at checkout, it'll say the estimated ship date for each item.




Yep, double check that you are searching for Prime Eligible items. Not all items on amazon ship in 2 days.


I've had Prime for a year and a half or so and shop amazon a lot. Nearly everything has come within 2 days unless it was not Prime Eligible.

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I read on their website that all Amazon Prime accounts are automatically renewed at the end of the year subscription so you need to go check your account to turn off that setting, if you wish to cancel Prime after this one year period. I think you can cancel it during the year but I don't think there is any refund once you've placed an order using Prime.


I'm sorry it's not working out. I agree with the pp to contact customer service and complain that you only signed up because of that shipping policy and you want to know why your purchases are not arriving per their policy.

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The first couple of times, I decided it was just a fluke, so I just didn't worry about it. The next time, I griped, but didn't pursue it. But this time, I contacted customer service via e-mail. I haven't heard back from them yet.


You are a much mellower person than I. :D I would have called or hit the chat button right away. Email! That might take another day, and then they can't do any heroics for Sunday...

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Not everything on amazon qualifies for prime. It should say on the description at the top of the item's page (check mark and the word prime in blue). Before the order is finalized at checkout, it'll say the estimated ship date for each item.


I live in the northern VA area and always receive shipment within the 2 day timeframe (sometimes even same day), but when I ship to my mother who lives in somewhat rural PA, shipping time is inevitably longer.


Sorry that the membership is not working like you intended. Good luck!!


I went back and checked to be sure that everything qualified for Prime, and every item did qualify. :(

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You are a much mellower person than I. :D I would have called or hit the chat button right away. Email! That might take another day, and then they can't do any heroics for Sunday...


Yes, I'm pretty mellow, but since you suggested it, I'm going back to chat with a CS rep. :)

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Items which qualify for Prime also qualify for free Super Saver Shipping on orders of $25 or more - but this is their slowest shipping. Is it possible that when you placed the orders you checked the box for the Super Saver shipping instead of the Prime? I would call Amazon and ask for their help now so they can do something to get the books to you tomorrow - maybe they can ship directly to the church as that's a business address.

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I've had Prime since it first came out forever ago and I've never had my stuff arrive outside the two-day shipping period.


You do have to read the in-stock availability carefully when ordering, some things aren't available for shipping for 3-5 days or just aren't in stock. This happens a lot with the less popular items, like devotional/religious materials.


ETA: And yes, you have to set your defaults to two-day shipping. And Saturday and Sunday generally don't count in the two-day estimates. I think they do Saturday delivery now, but I don't know how it's working out for folks. It used to be that if you ordered on a Friday, you got your order on Tuesday. I do all my school ordering on Wednesdays so I have it before the weekend and can therefore use it on Monday. (UPS doesn't come to our house until around 3pm, which makes the materials useless on a Monday!)

Edited by MrsBrooke
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I've had Prime for almost three years. I've only had maybe two packages not get here within two days. Each time I received an email telling me the package would be delayed.


Let us know what happens.


Exactly the same here. I LOVE my Prime benefits. They have paid for themselves in no time around here. Sorry you're having issues, but I'm with others in suggesting you contact CS by phone or chat.



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I've only had it about 2 months now and everything I ordered (which was way too many things) came within a day or two. I would definitely complain. I could get over one or two items, but that many? Nah, something has to be up.


That's what I said. I'm chatting with a CS rep now. He/she (I can't tell by the name) asked for "2-3 minutes of my time". No idea what that's about, but we'll see...

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Did your confirmation email state you would have it by Thursday? If there is a backorder it will give you the estimated date they will arrive. There have been a few times recently that the books I was ordering wouldn't be here within the 2 days.

Yep, I am thinking because of the quantity ordered, it may have impacted things. Perhaps it would have shipped on time if you ordered one or two of the same book, but I wonder if your larger order created a backorder.

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Okay, here's what I found out. My current order (the books for our church's Bible study) was "not in inventory with us and hence there was a delay with the delivery estimate provided. Once we receive inventory for item, we'll ship your order and the order will be delivered to you in 2 business days from the date we receive inventory."


There was no explanation as to why 4 of the other 5 items I've ordered since joining Prime have been late arriving. :( But they offered me "a $10 promotional certificate to your account which will automatically apply for your future orders for the items shipped and sold by Amazon".


And I did state that if the late orders continue, I will not be renewing my Prime membership next year. I guess that's all I could do.

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Okay, here's what I found out. My current order (the books for our church's Bible study) was "not in inventory with us and hence there was a delay with the delivery estimate provided. Once we receive inventory for item, we'll ship your order and the order will be delivered to you in 2 business days from the date we receive inventory."


There was no explanation as to why 4 of the other 5 items I've ordered since joining Prime have been late arriving. :( But they offered me "a $10 promotional certificate to your account which will automatically apply for your future orders for the items shipped and sold by Amazon".


And I did state that if the late orders continue, I will not be renewing my Prime membership next year. I guess that's all I could do.

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But they offered me "a $10 promotional certificate to your account which will automatically apply for your future orders for the items shipped and sold by Amazon".


And I did state that if the late orders continue, I will not be renewing my Prime membership next year. I guess that's all I could do.


:hurray::hurray: I'm glad your got some small compensation because of the lack of delivery!

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Wow. I've never (in 3+ years of having Prime Membership) ever had an order arrive outside of the 2 day shipping time frame.


:iagree: Except it's been 4 years for me. I've even had it arrive in less time, but never more than the 2 days (unless it's over a weekend, but that is stated). Look at the item page again. Sometimes the item is not in stock and it says it won't ship out until xx date and then it's 2 days shipping from that time.

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I've had Prime since it first came out forever ago and I've never had my stuff arrive outside the two-day shipping period.


You do have to read the in-stock availability carefully when ordering, some things aren't available for shipping for 3-5 days or just aren't in stock. This happens a lot with the less popular items, like devotional/religious materials.



That has been my experience, as well, and we've also been Prime members since it's been around.

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You do have to read the in-stock availability carefully when ordering, some things aren't available for shipping for 3-5 days or just aren't in stock. This happens a lot with the less popular items, like devotional/religious materials.

:iagree: The two-day shipping applies *after* the ship estimate. Make sure that what you are ordering shows as in-stock when you order.

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I've never had that problem. Was there any indication that the items would not ship immediately on the product page? Sometimes things will take longer to ship, but there's always been a mention of it.


:iagree: We have never had an issue with our Prime shipping unless it said the product would not be available until a certain date on the product page. Even then, they would ship parts of the order as they came in, and often they still arrive earlier than expected.

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:iagree: The two-day shipping applies *after* the ship estimate. Make sure that what you are ordering shows as in-stock when you order.


I almost always get items ordered two days after I place the order. The day I ordered the item is not one of the two days. It is rare anything is later than the two days.

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I'll echo the others who vouch for Prime rarely (or never) arriving past the promised two days. In fact quite a few times I've received the order the very next day--and I live half an hour from the nearest Starbucks (just so you'll know how "in the sticks" I am).


So sorry this first batch of orders didn't work out well, but :hurray: for the compensation! Prime has ruined me for shopping anywhere else.

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I've ordered more than I care to admit and have only had an order arrive past the due date two or three times, and it's not been Amazon's fault. Did you contact customer service? It's been my experience that they'll bend over backwards to make it right.


I have never had things not come within the 2 day time frame either. Also when I do have a complaint, I do the likve chat option and get it taken care of right away. I would at least complain that way and find out what is going on. That is not right...and at the very least, if you are wanting to be done with prime, request that you get refunded your money (all of it) because the main perk of amazon prime is 2 day shipping. I would fight this one. But I am that kind of person.

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My items just about always arrive within 2 days. The only time they don't is when they can't ship it out right away or when something weird happens with the shipping company.


But Prime just means that they use 2 day shipping, not that the item will actually get there within 2 days.

Edited by EKS
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That is so bizarre! I've had Prime for almost three years, and have never had a package not delivered within two days. Even from non-Amazon suppliers...as long as the product is Prime eligible. Sorry it hasn't been a good experience for you.




OTOH, my sil typically has Amazon totally goober up her orders. She rarely orders, she tends to pick odd items when she does (obscure religious books), and then the whole thing goes downhill from there. She doesn't have Prime since she doesn't order many books from ... anywhere, really (trying to remember if they even have a bookcase).

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I've had Prime for almost three years. I've only had maybe two packages not get here within two days. Each time I received an email telling me the package would be delayed.


Let us know what happens.


:iagree: And we are rural far away from big cities. I would be more careful about checking for whether things are in stock and select for things to be shipped as they are available, instead of all together. THAT caused me an issue once when I had something OOS for like 4 weeks! I chatted and fixed that.

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Prime is awesome! But, you do need to pay attention. You need to make sure that there isn't a little disclaimer underneath a specific item that states that it will ship in a week, month or whatever. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes. Also, I wouldn't bother ordering in one big order. If you choose to have everything shipped together, you'll have to wait for the slowest item in order for them to ship together. I pretty much order things one at a time.


Amazon also has wonderful customer service. You want a quick answer, call or do a live chat. I prefer live chat.


Amazon is pretty much my "Wal-Mart". I get packages several times a week.


PS - You could always sell off your family Prime slots to make it more worthwhile for you. I split my Prime with four other gals. So, it's well less than $20 a year for me. HTH!

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PS - You could always sell off your family Prime slots to make it more worthwhile for you. I split my Prime with four other gals. So, it's well less than $20 a year for me. HTH!


I don't think this is allowed. You are only supposed to share your Prime benefits with family members that live in your household, not friends or random strangers.

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I don't think this is allowed. You are only supposed to share your Prime benefits with family members that live in your household, not friends or random strangers.


True. The terms of service do specify this.

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I've ordered more than I care to admit and have only had an order arrive past the due date two or three times, and it's not been Amazon's fault. Did you contact customer service? It's been my experience that they'll bend over backwards to make it right.



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Eww. I've got 3 days left on the trial with a new kindle....and have to choose whether or not to do PRIME.


Don't you get some sort of shipping discount if the order is over 25 bucks?


According to an article I read last week, super saver shipping can now be purposefully delayed up to 4 days.

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