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Favorite preachers/pastors/theologians?

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my new favorite is Fr. Richard Rene, an Orthodox priest in BC. This sermon on the Good Samaritan was excellent:


http://audio.ancientfaith.com/mysterion/mys_2012-01-18.mp3 It's only about 11 min. long but quite powerful. Since then I've listened to several of his other sermons and they've all been quite good.


Another one is Met. Kallistos (Ware). He's a British convert (back in the early 60's) to Orthodoxy. He's a preeminent scholar and quite respected throughout Christendom. Here's a 5 min. interview with him by Christianity Today:




There's lots of free audio/videos from him online if you do a search.


And finally, my favorite author is Met. Anthony Bloom. He has since died but here is a great interview done by the Canadian Broadcasting Co. back in the 70's. This is the first of 3 parts on the subject of suffering.




You just have to get past the schmaltzy music in the beginning ;)

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my new favorite is Fr. Richard Rene, an Orthodox priest in BC. This sermon on the Good Samaritan was excellent:


http://audio.ancientfaith.com/mysterion/mys_2012-01-18.mp3 It's only about 11 min. long but quite powerful. Since then I've listened to several of his other sermons and they've all been quite good.


Another one is Met. Kallistos (Ware). He's a British convert (back in the early 60's) to Orthodoxy. He's a preeminent scholar and quite respected throughout Christendom. Here's a 5 min. interview with him by Christianity Today:




There's lots of free audio/videos from him online if you do a search.


And finally, my favorite author is Met. Anthony Bloom. He has since died but here is a great interview done by the Canadian Broadcasting Co. back in the 70's. This is the first of 3 parts on the subject of suffering.




You just have to get past the schmaltzy music in the beginning ;)


What does Met. mean before their names? I have never seen that before.


Thanks for the links!

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Heather, we have several preachers we listen to.


David Wilkerson for sure.


Paul Washer. He's very straightforward and challenging.


We like Denny Kenason from Charity Christian Fellowship; especially his 'Godly Home' series.


Leonard Ravenhill.


Paris Reidhead.


Rolfe Barnard.


Carter Conlon.


We like Sermon Index; FANSTASIC source for sermons. All the men I listed can be found there. I can't personally vouch for any of the other preachers on there; the ones I listed are the ones dh and I enjoy most.

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Thank you! It wasn't what we intended to do but we don't really have choice. It is definitely growing on us though! :D


You know, perhaps there are other teachers or parents from you school who are in the same situation regarding church, and would like to meet together with you and your family? You could have a nice little fellowship.


Just and idea. :001_smile:

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Grace to You has all of John MacArthur's sermons.


We also like:


John Piper

CJ Mahaney

Paul Washer

David Platt

Rick Holland


Our fellowship group leader, Rich Gregory, is a new, young pastor, but we have been very encouraged and convicted by his messages. Find them here:


http://www.gracechurch.org/ministries/about.aspx?ministryid=28 Look at the bottom of the page under Recent Media.

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Matthew C. Harrison--but you have to look for his videos on Youtube as he doesn't really have a regular broadcast or anything like that. He is the Synodical President of the LCMS. Just yesterday he testified brilliantly before a House subcommittee regarding American constitutional rights to freedom of religion.


Issues, Etc. has excellent Christian speakers and teaching 5 days per week. It's a little adult at times, but I think that you and your husband would like it.


Are you using a religion curriculum? I used Voyages from Concordia Publishing House. It was particularly good for grades 3 or 4 through 8.


Do you have a good hymnal to use for family worship? My favorite remains The Lutheran Hymnal. It is kind of old, published in 1941, but more than the updates it is a self-contained compendium of hymns, liturgies, and psalms. It tends to include more verses as well as more original texts than later hymnals, and all of the hymns and liturgical music include 4 part optional harmonization that is very singable--in the harmonization style of Bach and Handel. The wording is pretty compatible with the King James Bible, which was the only English translation when it was published. If you want something more modern, the Lutheran Service Book is a pretty good update, only about 3 years old; but it does not have as many verses of the hymns and some of them are published without the harmonies printed.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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My husband, of course. ;)


But agree with others that are already listed and you would guess would be my favorites with John Piper topping the list. This one always blows me away: http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/conference-messages/a-generation-passionate-for-gods-holiness


Here's another by George Verwer of Operation Mobilisation:

Part 1: http://www.georgeverwer.com/resources_detail.php?id=702


Part 2: http://www.georgeverwer.com/resources_detail.php?id=711


I'd love it if you would post your favorites - maybe on your blog. Hope you're doing well!

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I'm not Christian, but I had this guy on a flight and he held court! Half of the plane recognized him and asked me to confirm his identity. I asked him, he did, then he spent a good portion of the flight talking lots of everyone around him. He was very much "on" but very dynamic and charismatic. It felt like a pep rally for Jesus; he was very motivating to the people around him. It wasn't my kind of gig, but maybe it's yours.


Another passenger shared with me that he's very big in the American South. I've since recognized him on tv when I'm flipping channels on Sundays, and I now know that a few people I work with attend his church -and love it.



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