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I want to cry...

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We are struggling so hard to get out of debt. Last November dh was having pain and went to our dr. They wanted an ultrasound of his gallbladder, thinking it might be gall stones. During the ultrasound, they saw this mass on his liver. They immediately wanted to do an MRI because if it was liver cancer that's nothing to mess around with. They did it the same day and found that it's just a benign mass that some people have since birth and don't discover until they're tested for something else. So, yes, thank God, my dh is not dying of liver cancer!!!


But...we just got the bill. It's $2354.25. Yes, we have insurance. That's after the insurance discount (it's not actually covered because we never meet our deductible.


We're still paying off the MRI I had last April because of severe back pain. We pay $350 a month for health insurance that doesn't actually cover anything. It's so discouraging, and I have no idea how we are going to pay this bill off.


Thank you for listening.

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I understand. For the last three years we have had several large medical bills that have made it hard to not add to our debt. At times we have had to charge things because of medical needs. We do have insurance, but our part always ends up being more than I think it should be. We have met our deductible the last 3 years.

God bless,


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:grouphug: Same boat here...when we were making headway the van broke down, I cracked my root canal tooth (that I just paid $1000 for...we have no dental insurance) and go back friday to see what all needs done to it and I have ongoing gallbladder issues because my gallbaldder is 70% functioning and I cant get it removed until its under 50% functioning and so I am nauseous 24/7 and it hurts. Then we get a bill from when our vans air conditioner broke in the summer that says they forgot to charge us for over $100 worth of work (we paid them $900 and something already) Couple that with a 15% hike in our electric service and my DH getting all raises and bonuses taken away from him and barely getting 40 hours........


Every time we try to get out of debt this happens. And every time we get out of debt we somehow have a bunch of bills thrown at us to set us back. Have gone through this 3 times now.


Sorry for the vent.....Just know there are people here who understand how bad it sucks!!!!!!!!!!

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:grouphug: Same boat here...when we were making headway the van broke down, I cracked my root canal tooth (that I just paid $1000 for...we have no dental insurance) and go back friday to see what all needs done to it and I have ongoing gallbladder issues because my gallbaldder is 70% functioning and I cant get it removed until its under 50% functioning and so I am nauseous 24/7 and it hurts. Then we get a bill from when our vans air conditioner broke in the summer that says they forgot to charge us for over $100 worth of work (we paid them $900 and something already) Couple that with a 15% hike in our electric service and my DH getting all raises and bonuses taken away from him and barely getting 40 hours........


Every time we try to get out of debt this happens. And every time we get out of debt we somehow have a bunch of bills thrown at us to set us back. Have gone through this 3 times now.


Sorry for the vent.....Just know there are people here who understand how bad it sucks!!!!!!!!!!


:grouphug: I'm sorry! My dh needs dental work done too. Sigh.

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Medical debt is rough. I know how it feels to be paying a lot in insurance premiums and still have lots of medical bills.


Don't give up. I'm guessing your latest bill will be easier to handle because of the progress you've already made.

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The worst thing is, on that day when for several hours I didn't know if my dh had liver cancer or not, I kept thinking, "If he's sick, how on earth will we afford copays and medicines and hospital stays and..." I hate living in a country where the news of a loved one's problem is coupled with financial panic.

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So sorry...


We too pay about $300 for insurance that doesn't cover anything under $10000.


I keep considering dropping it and putting the $300 in a savings account for health costs instead. Everyone says "No don't do it!" (I know....in the event of something horrible 10 grand is nothing).


But it's so frustrating still to pay so much for insurance and still have expensive medical bills. You always think, if I wasn't paying $300 a month I would have money to pay that bill.


Don't you just love living with "the best healthcare system in the world!"...:glare:

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I have a Health Savings Account. It has been cheaper than insurance and yet has protected us despite a number of ER visits. You have to be financially responsible to have one though because it absolutely depends on you funneling money through a dedicated bank account. I did tons of research before deciding that this was a good thing for our family. I'm happy with it but I know that for some people it has been a very bad thing because they were not able to keep up with the responsibilities that go along with it.

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We are struggling so hard to get out of debt. Last November dh was having pain and went to our dr. They wanted an ultrasound of his gallbladder, thinking it might be gall stones. During the ultrasound, they saw this mass on his liver. They immediately wanted to do an MRI because if it was liver cancer that's nothing to mess around with. They did it the same day and found that it's just a benign mass that some people have since birth and don't discover until they're tested for something else. So, yes, thank God, my dh is not dying of liver cancer!!!


But...we just got the bill. It's $2354.25. Yes, we have insurance. That's after the insurance discount (it's not actually covered because we never meet our deductible.


We're still paying off the MRI I had last April because of severe back pain. We pay $350 a month for health insurance that doesn't actually cover anything. It's so discouraging, and I have no idea how we are going to pay this bill off.


Thank you for listening.




it sucks so bad. I'm so sorry.

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Oh, that stinks we went through something very similar 3 yrs ago. They thought dh had some kind of internal cancer due to this large mass and him peeing blood. When he went into surgery they didn't know if he'd be able to have kids again or what they were going to find. His was due to some defect from birth- only one kidney and testicle every formed correctly. It was an emotional time for sure and then the medical bills. We ended up having to pay $7000k OOP nearly wiping out our savings at the time. I cannot imagine the stress if we hadn't had the money at all. It was stressful enough as they told us at first they weren't paying any of the 70k surgery. We are working now on saving up our full OOP amt to put in a separate acct and I'm anxiously awaiting us getting that done and hoping nothing happens before then. I realize we are lucky though as it isn't an every year thing, I have a friend on a high-ded plan and they meet it every year due to hospital visits, dr visits and meds for her kids asthma and allergies. Great news that he doesn't have cancer :) Prayers for a financial blessing for you and some relief from stress.

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The worst thing is, on that day when for several hours I didn't know if my dh had liver cancer or not, I kept thinking, "If he's sick, how on earth will we afford copays and medicines and hospital stays and..." I hate living in a country where the news of a loved one's problem is coupled with financial panic.




I'm so glad to hear that the results of the test were good though. :grouphug:

Praying for you and all who are struggling and stressed over medical bills.

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It's never fun to get those big bills. :grouphug: We don't have insurance and pay everything out of pocket. Good news about medical bills (lots of experience with this):


1. You can make monthly payments, and as long as you are consistent and punctual with your payments, YOU can choose how much you send in. Even if the billing and accounts people try to persuade you to pay a certain percentage, you don't have to. You can pay $20 a month, and as long as you pay on time and don't miss, you're good.


2. Medical bills are the lowest priority when it comes to your credit rating, (except in regard to paying your bill on time.) In trying to get out of debt, remember that medical bills don't accrue interest, so they should get the least amount of attention and the least amount of money. Technically, they should be the last bills you pay off.


Set up payments ASAP, and pay them on time. :grouphug:

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Three things:


1) See if you can apply for charity, we had insurance, but had a large deductible, hospital told us to apply and wiped out the debt.

2) If #1 doesn't work, then see if they will reduce the bill, I have gotten 50% reductions before, but I had to put the balance on a credit card immediately.

3) Last resort, called "intend to pay" is to pay $20/month BY THE DUE DATE, YOU CANNOT BE LATE and write "intend to pay" on the check. As long as you pay on time, you can pay it for years and they can't touch you.

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I have a Health Savings Account. It has been cheaper than insurance and yet has protected us despite a number of ER visits. You have to be financially responsible to have one though because it absolutely depends on you funneling money through a dedicated bank account. I did tons of research before deciding that this was a good thing for our family. I'm happy with it but I know that for some people it has been a very bad thing because they were not able to keep up with the responsibilities that go along with it.



At one point in the past, dh's company offered HSAs, but you lost whatever you hadn't spent at the end of the year. What a deal. So we never did it.

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At one point in the past, dh's company offered HSAs, but you lost whatever you hadn't spent at the end of the year. What a deal. So we never did it.


You are describing a Flex Saving Account. Confusing, right? HSA's carry over the money year to year. FSA's do not.


Have you contacted the hospital (or imaging center) and talked to patient services about applying for a reduced bill? Most hospitals have a dedicated social worker who will help you fill out the application forms and submit the financial information. You can often get a bill reduced or completely written off. You should give it a shot. There's nothing to lose.

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I know how you feel. I wanted to make some serious progress on getting us out of debt last year and had worked out a schedule that would do it in about 18 months. Instead, I was dx with leukemia, had to take 6 wks off work, and I'm working fewer hours since I went back to work. Our credit cards are now about double what they were before. :glare: OTOH, I'm thankful to have incredible health insurance through my employer.

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Three things:


1) See if you can apply for charity, we had insurance, but had a large deductible, hospital told us to apply and wiped out the debt.

2) If #1 doesn't work, then see if they will reduce the bill, I have gotten 50% reductions before, but I had to put the balance on a credit card immediately.

3) Last resort, called "intend to pay" is to pay $20/month BY THE DUE DATE, YOU CANNOT BE LATE and write "intend to pay" on the check. As long as you pay on time, you can pay it for years and they can't touch you.


Regarding #3, don't sign an installment arrangement. If you do, the debt is converted from medical to consumer debt, and it can then be reported to a credit agency if you are ever late with a payment.

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We've been through almost a decade now of constantly paying on medical bills. We have good insurance and good income, but the reality is that you can never get ahead if you have a family member with chronic, complex issues.


In November I was so happy because I finally paid off the last of the bills from 2010. Thankfully our bills in 2011 were pretty routine other than routine colonscopies for both DH and I, and braces for the kid whose permanent teeth were being damaged. We were finally ahead for once.


Then DH lost some ground, and we had to schedule him for three outpatient procedures with a doctor not on our plan. Mind you, this doctor is completely worth it and "gets" DH's case like no other, but I hate going on payments again. And yes, I always call them to negotiate. In 2010, the doctor wrote off a portion of the bills because he's published articles about DH's case. The rest was put on a no-interest payment plan.


At least we still have our house, managed a low cost vacation in 2011, and had enough money for me to go out when Mom died (although I went alone there). We're making plans for another low cost vacation in 2012. So I focus on what we have, not what we don't.


At least we haven't had to file for bankruptcy, DH is still alive and working, and we're making it.

Edited by GVA
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But...we just got the bill. It's $2354.25. Yes, we have insurance. That's after the insurance discount (it's not actually covered because we never meet our deductible.


We're still paying off the MRI I had last April because of severe back pain. We pay $350 a month for health insurance that doesn't actually cover anything. It's so discouraging, and I have no idea how we are going to pay this bill off.



We were in a similar situation the last 2 years, DH's employer was paying a ton for health insurance and we were still shelling out $400-$600 a month for medical bills. It was insane, and then we found out other shady stuff about his church's health insurance plan from a moral standpoint so when he took this new position we asked for a different plan. They were willing to work with us and now we have a much much better plan that has a lower deductible and an HSA and actually covers maternity, thank God. Is there any way your DH could work with his employer for a better health plan, get together with some colleagues and ask?


I agree about the payment reduction and a payment plan though, and :grouphug: I know how much it just sucks even if they reduce it a bit and let you pay in installments.

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Umm... Just an FYI... the hospital is NOT required to accept any payment from you unless they have agreed to those terms. They can and will send the account to collections if they are not satisfied with your payments.


But do call and speak to them about financial assistance. You don't have to be destitute to qualify for huge discounts in many cases. It doesn't hurt to ask.

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I've been there. Fortunately, hospital bills can be paid off with low payments. Immediately, see someone at the hospital or whoever handles these bills, to make arrangements.

I am paying on a surgery bill from 2007 and I will be done in a few months - this is how long it took but you'll get it paid off.

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Umm... Just an FYI... the hospital is NOT required to accept any payment from you unless they have agreed to those terms. They can and will send the account to collections if they are not satisfied with your payments.


True. My husband has always called and negotiated the payment amount, but he rarely budges off a low amount and they eventually agree because they would rather have a small amount than nothing at all. In the meantime, we go ahead and start sending in payments so they have no excuse to turn anything over to collections. You have to be careful about your initial payments, though, because if you send in too much, they will try to make you stick to the initial amount. Better to start low and negotiate up a little bit.


Generally speaking, they aren't going to turn a bill over to collections unless they are particularly nasty and/or a person is late or inconsistent with their payments. I did deal with a medical supplies store that was terrible! They returned our invoice every month with a big red circle around the remaining balance and a hand-scrawled "PAST DUE - PAY IMMEDIATELY!" We paid them off as quickly as possible. They never reported it to our credit or turned it over to collections, though, because we were timely and consistent. They were just being bullies. Ironically, it was one of the smallest bills that we owed at the time. We've had little to no problems with the hospital where my son was in the NICU, and we still owe them over $40K.


But do call and speak to them about financial assistance. You don't have to be destitute to qualify for huge discounts in many cases. It doesn't hurt to ask.


Also true. We've reduced payments by paying them in full, and I do that routinely for doctor's appointments or urgent care. If I pay the doctor's office at the time of service, they cut the bill by 25-50%. The standard office visit fee is already 20% cheaper for people who pay cash.

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Umm... Just an FYI... the hospital is NOT required to accept any payment from you unless they have agreed to those terms. They can and will send the account to collections if they are not satisfied with your payments.


But do call and speak to them about financial assistance. You don't have to be destitute to qualify for huge discounts in many cases. It doesn't hurt to ask.


Does it vary by state? I was told by a medical facility that they could not send me to collections or report me to a credit agency as long as I made a payment of any amount every 28 days. Several of my sisters are nurses, and they have always said the same thing. An article I read a while back said that where the hospitals "get" people is when they sign an installment agreement. That converts the debt from medical to consumer debt.

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My husband and I don't have ANY health insurance coverage and two years ago he had to have an emergency appendectomy. Knowing the "meter" was running, he insisted on checking himself out against doctor's advice only a few hours after his surgery, so he wasn't even in the hospital for a full day, only a matter of hours.


When I totaled up all the bills, they amounted to $20,000.


BUT -- I contacted each of the creditors (the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, the lab, hospital itself, the emergency room physician, etc.) and each of them discounted the bill when they understood that I would be private pay, no insurance company need be billed. Some gave greater discounts if I could pay quickly -- like within 30 days. I gave those bills priority and made the others wait a bit, but we got them all paid off. It was a near thing though.


I suggest you take this approach. Most health care providers I was in contact with were very understanding.


Good luck.

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I don't suppose it was a Catholic hospital?


If so, check and see about their Mercy Care program. Most CHs have them.


I had a friend who broke her neck and it was taken taken care of via Mercy Care.





There are no Catholic hospitals where I live. This wasn't actually a hospital; it was a radiology place.


That's wonderful about your friend!


Everyone else - we haven't done anything about it yet, we just got the bill today. Dh will call and talk to them (once I work up the nerve to show him the bill) and work out some kind of payment plan.

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