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Anyone else who doesn't celebrate new year's?

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Anyone else here holding out - for religious or other reasons??? I sometimes feel like MORE of a humbug at New Year's, because while Xmas is unabashedly religious, everyone KNOWS that New Year's is a holiday everybody can participate in, regardless of religious beliefs. :-)


(they're also overlooking the fact that it is the Christian Feast of the Circumcision / Naming... while as Jews, we are well aware that a healthy baby born on December 25th would have his "bris" on January 1st. :-)))


We don't celebrate, for religious reasons, because God said, "THIS should be the first of months for you," referring to what is now called Nissan on the Hebrew calendar, the month of spring (aviv).


(interestingly, Rosh Hashanah, which is known as "the Jewish New Year" is observed on the first day of the SEVENTH month :lol:)


Marking the months was actually the first commandment God gave to the Jewish people, and still a significant one, so we don't participate in any other new year celebrations.

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(they're also overlooking the fact that it is the Christian Feast of the Circumcision / Naming... while as Jews, we are well aware that a healthy baby born on December 25th would have his "bris" on January 1st. :-)))


We don't overlook this! :001_smile: We'll be in church tomorrow morning for the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil, during which we will celebrate the circumcision and naming of Jesus. This is a very old feast in our church.



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We don't.. I just posted something on facebook saying this..


While this isn't the end of the "real" year.. as we prefer to remember when God said the year starts (in the spring) the calendar year of 2011 was an interesting one. Full of new experiences and first, and the biggest test of our will and determination as we made homesteading in a foreign country work. Along the way we've met many amazing people and learned amazing things. For that and so much more I am very thankful for 2011. I pray 2012 is just as amazing.


(we also don't celebrate Christmas, Easter, etc.. so we are quite boring)

Edited by Suzanne M
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We don't celebrate new years eve either. We're lazy and boring :D. Well, really I just don't ever have the gumption to invite people to come party at my house until after midnight :eek: and nor do I want to be out that late. Normally we're asleep before that hour, but lately I've been staying up pretty late.


Oh and what milovany said. We always commemorate the Circumcision of our Lord on Jan. 1st with a service. The fact that tomorrow is Sunday is just circumstantial.


When I was growing up my parents had friends who always had a New Years DAY open house with board games and visiting. I've always thought that was a nice idea, but then - I'd need to get some of that gumption going. :D

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I don't tend to especially, because it just isn't really my thing. This year dh still isn't home because bad weather has kept him at work, so I'm alone anyway - if he were here maybe we'd get a bottle of nice wine.


I think "year ends" are arbitrary for the most part, so it is really kind of a civic holiday, like Natal Day, or the end of the tax year. Even if I celebrated a religious year end, I wouldn't really see it as being related.


We will be celebrating the Feast of the Circumcision tomorrow as well too in our Anglican parish.

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I am celebrating 2011's end. Myself and three of my closest friends have lost their mothers. Many of my friends have lost their jobs or their homes and some other types of hard times. Some have battled cancer and won.


So I'm glad it's almost over. But usually I'm to tired to do anything but crash.

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Yesterday when I went to the store around 3pm there was a teenage girl and her boyfriend getting out of the car and falling over their feet and laughing about being tipsy (for real):glare: Aussies are big drinkers -we don't go out on the road because of the risk. Last year they caught over 200 hundred people over the legal limit in our area in just 2 HOURS :001_huh:


We don't celebrate at home either -the kids are too young and can't stay up - and honestly I am so depressed at the thought of this year (for reasons established in 2011) that I went to bed at 10pm - I just couldn't face wishing anyone a happy new year when for us it will just be a continuation of crap that happened last year but just getting worse.


2012 is going to be sucky year for me - Jan 1 and my breadmaker I got for Christmas and only used once just bit the dust :glare: It's just a reminder of the story of my life :rolleyes:

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Shockingly, the police didn't even have to come to break up the festivities. :tongue_smilie:




Thanks to all you fellow grinches for staying up and keeping me "company"!!!


Dh worked tonight and works again at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Steady work: he's in the funeral business. :-(

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I won't be forced to celebrate this year. It is nasty and wet outside so I don't expect to hear fireworks about the time I'm falling asleep. :glare:


Dd wants to stay up. She is reading and I'm checking the boards, reading, looking for my cat and thinking eating something. We might make it to midnight and celebrate by saying "happy new year."

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We don't. Our first child was born and died on January 1, 2002, so it's not exactly a day we want to celebrate. At DD's suggestion several years ago, we started celebrating the Lunar New Year in February and going to the events the local Chinese cultural group does-which I like and can handle MUCH better (and my 7 yr old was able to do a really good presentation for our co-op's "Winter holidays" celebration :) ).

Edited by dmmetler
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We don't. The tree comes down before New Year's Day, and I celebrate that event instead.


The kids have friends over tonight, so I will be up. Usually DH and I are asleep before midnight. Tonight, besides having a gaggle of teenagers here (who are spending the night), I have to make cream puffs.


Apparently I told a friend I would bring them to her party tomorrow. She asked about them tonight, and that's when I remembered that I had offered, even insisted. Senior moment for me. I'll celebrate by making cream puffs.

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My son was born at 11:30pm on December 31st. Typically, we have a birthday party and let any guests spending the night (we usually have at least one) stay up until midnight. They watch TV and/or play Wii until then.


That's what we are doing again this year.

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The only year we stayed up till midnight was 2000, to see if our computer was still operative.


Ha! I love it!


We don't 'celebrate' it, either. Tonight, we're staying up working on a floorplan for a 99.99999% dilapidated fixer-upper we just bought. It's kind of fun!

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It's never been a big deal to me. In fact, I'm quite annoyed at the ding dongs who are doing fireworks in my area. They must be some massive fireworks because they sound like explosions.


My dd19 went to a friends house. She promised they weren't going anywhere. As morbid as it is, I told her that drunk people would drive tonight and people will die. It's a fact. And I really don't want her to be one of those sad statistics. With the new commercials on drunk driving, how police seem invisible because they see you before you see them, she totally understood what I meant.

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I didn't realize anyone had religious objections to New Year's Day.


Name something, anything, and I'll find you folks who have religious objections to it. :lol:


But seriously... I don't think I object to it, any more than I object to Christians celebrating Xmas. I also don't celebrate Valentine's, Thanksgiving, Mother's Day, Hallowe'en for most of the same reasons. They don't bother me, they're just not MINE. I will sometimes sneak in some fireworks for Victoria Day but that's just because of loving fireworks, not Queen Victoria. :-)


(curiously enough, I started celebrating Canada Day right around the time we decided to move to Israel, because this country has been such a fantastic, welcoming home for us)


Fun trivia: in Israel, the Hebrew date is also legal for banking and business. So you could technically write "7 Tevet 5772" on your cheques or letterhead and get away with it. Very much looking forward to that!

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It is another excuse to get together with DH's siblings. We had munchies, played games, and some had a few drinks. The kids played until after 1 am. One year, we went downtown. We were a smaller group then, but still 10 adults and 10 kids....we could not agree on where to go amd what shows to see! Now.....it would be a nightmare.



We have a good time, watch the ball drop and kiss our spouses. We had champagne and sparkling grape juice this year. :)

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I am just as happy to go to bed at my regular bedtime on NYE. We usually order in Chinese and watch a movie together. I normally fall asleep and dh will nudge me at midnight to see the ball drop. These last couple of years the kids have been staying up with him. However, last night we broke with tradition and went to a friends house. A good time was had by all and I even managed to stay awake.

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It's never been a big deal to me. In fact, I'm quite annoyed at the ding dongs who are doing fireworks in my area. They must be some massive fireworks because they sound like explosions.


My dd19 went to a friends house. She promised they weren't going anywhere. As morbid as it is, I told her that drunk people would drive tonight and people will die. It's a fact. And I really don't want her to be one of those sad statistics. With the new commercials on drunk driving, how police seem invisible because they see you before you see them, she totally understood what I meant.


We had this last night too. My neighbor's college kids had a party. I'm SO tired because the fireworks went on for a long time and then (since its unusually mild) they partied outside until well after 1am. Ugh. I need my sleep.

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It's never been a big deal to me. In fact, I'm quite annoyed at the ding dongs who are doing fireworks in my area. They must be some massive fireworks because they sound like explosions.
We had this last night too. My neighbor's college kids had a party. I'm SO tired because the fireworks went on for a long time and then (since its unusually mild) they partied outside until well after 1am. Ugh. I need my sleep.


Me, too! Our was a single j@ck@ss with an air horn and what sounded like cherry bombs. He hauled out of the house onto the otherwise quiet, dark street just as I was falling asleep.


And then one of the members at work texted me. :001_huh: Dude. 5:00 am, text away. Midnight? Better be an emergency.

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