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best homeschooling curriculum purchases


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I like everything I am using right now, but as for my favorites...


For writing, IEW (SWI-A) and WWW have been great so far. IEW turned my kid who hated writing into one who likes writing (at least regarding the IEW assignments).


For history, (besides all of the wonderful historical fictions choices) I have liked CHOW, Builders of the Old World, and Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans best of all. CHOW in particular has made history the favorite subject at our house. My kids love hearing the Stories of Great Americans book over and over.


ETA: Forgot to add that BFSU has been a wonderful find. The amount of science my kids are learning is fantastic.

Edited by Mrs Twain
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Math Mammoth


I'm pretty happy with almost everything we're using this year, but that's the one that really stands out for me for my oldest (we started last year). I'm not sure I'm thrilled with any math program for K-2nd, but I'm using MM with my 1st grader at this point too.

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For DS it has been CLE Math, The Sentence Family, Train Up a Child Bible Studies, WWW (Winning with Writing) and Logic Safari.


For DD it has been AG (Analytical Grammar), ACE Biology w/ DIVE, PTIW level 2 (Put that in Writing), MUS Geometry and 2 Teaching company sets that she has loved. How to Listen to and Understand Great Music and Understanding the Fundamentals of Music.


We like all of our other choices and they are going well, but those above have been the favorites so far this year.

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This is our first year homeschooling, but our favorite hands down is Alpha-phonics. Short and sweet, no fluff, get-er done, and we're seeing immediate success. We also use the readers that accompany it which my dd loves to read. In addition, the Bob books and the Nora Gaydos readers are a big hit too!

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Some of the best things were free: Blend Phonics, Word Mastery, KISS grammar, CSMP maths and CIMT-MEP maths.


I am also loving dd's progress in Italic cursive handwriting. I used Getty-Dubay's Write First book to improve my own Italic hand and taught it to DD via copywork.

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Everything we're doing this year seems to be going over well with all of the children. That is a first for us. No tears, no fights... school just happens. It's a nice change. That said, there are definite favorites:


Veritas Press Self-Paced History

MCT grammar

Latin for Children (online class)

Apologia Science

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Everything we're doing this year seems to be going over well with all of the children. That is a first for us. No tears, no fights... school just happens. It's a nice change. That said, there are definite favorites:


Veritas Press Self-Paced History

MCT grammar

Latin for Children (online class)

Apologia Science

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FLL3, Getting Started With Latin, and an Evan-Moor science workbook that has sparked ds's interest on several different topics: Read and Understand Science, Grades 3-4. (We do WTM-recommended chemistry on Th and the Evan-Moor units on Tuesday. It has worked really well for us!)

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Spelling Plus was a hit with me this year. It had a great introduction that really taught me how to teach spelling. My Ds finds it a bit boring, but seeing him doing great on the test and seeing less spelling errors in his writing has showed me that this is a great program! He has noticed a change in his spelling too which keeps him from complaining (too much).


Forgot! Apologia Science has been great for my 5th grader!

Edited by kandty
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Another vote for CLE math. I have been having an on again, off again, relationship with Tapestry of Grace. It's on again right now.:D It's a great program. I am just now coming to really appreciate all it offers to the teacher.

I also really like FIAR, but we don't use it much.

Eta: Homeschool in the Woods products and Opal Wheeler stories with CDs for composer study.

Edited by woolybear
forgot a few things
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Our best one for this year is Apples & Pears spelling. We have been using it for about 4 months now, so it is still early on to give a rave review, but I am noticing my DD spelling improve. She is picking up on spelling patterns better and really learning how to visualize a word.


Also, HWOT cursive. It isn't the prettiest, but the amount of work and style are definitely suited to my DD, who gets frustrated very easily.

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Singapore math textbooks to use as a spine for our math studies. (I also add in math games, tons of books from the library...)


HWT. Before this I just printed out the letters from a website, then once that was mastered did my own copy work. Having it all in one book was really nice. I also liked the "Magic C" stuff going on.


Pianimals. We use these every day. I am dreading having to pick out something for my eldest to use next.

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Over the years:


Explode the Code

Story of the World

History Odyssey (K12)

Saxon (at least 6/5 and up so far, didn't use the younger grades)

Shurley English (again, this is our first year with it and I am hopeful grammar will finally stick this time:glare:--I am a bit ambivalent about the writing instruction in it though)

Holt Life Science---she loves textbooks and having the reading/study guide and test generator have been great for us (and this science is actually getting done!)

Discovery Education Streaming---it's new for us this year, but does wonders for my daughter who loves videos

various educational manga/graphic novels/comics (see previous ;))

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Well my DD hates everything we use :glare:


but so far Reading A-Z.com is the thing she hates least and is the first reading program we have tried out of a few that actually works for her.


She has also started being more co-operative with HWOT now she has reached the end of the book and is seeing progress - the Magic C really helped iron out a lot of her handwriting difficulties

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