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For those who have 3 or more children...

When was your 3rd child born in relation to the first 2?  

  1. 1. When was your 3rd child born in relation to the first 2?

    • My 3rd child was born some time in between my first two children.
    • My 3rd child was born earlier than my first two children.
    • My 3rd child was born later than my first two children.
    • My 3rd child was born approximately the same time as one of my first two children.

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Okay, I clicked on this thread thinking the post was regarding how many years it was between my first two and my third.


I didn't read the OP's post but went straight to the poll. I was racking my brain trying to figure out how my third child could have been born before my first two.


It's been a long day.

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Okay, I clicked on this thread thinking the post was regarding how many years it was between my first two and my third.


I didn't read the OP's post but went straight to the poll. I was racking my brain trying to figure out how my third child could have been born before my first two.


It's been a long day.



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Okay, I clicked on this thread thinking the post was regarding how many years it was between my first two and my third.


I didn't read the OP's post but went straight to the poll. I was racking my brain trying to figure out how my third child could have been born before my first two.


It's been a long day.

To make you feel better, I will admit this was my first thought too. :lol:


For a few seconds, and then I started laughing.

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All of my children were born exactly 3 days past my due date except for number 5, he came three days prior to my due date. He was born on April 1st ( My little April Fools Baby) and I was shocked, since he was my only "early" baby. He was also my only baby in which my water broke at home before labor set in ( all others occured at the hospital after labor began). Labor started 15 minutes after my water broke and it progressed extremly fast ( my other births were all very long 12 to 30 hour labors). He was also almost born on the side of the highway as we raced to the hospital going as fast as possible. When I arrived at the hospital, they put me immediatly on a gurney and hustled me up to labor and delivery and he slid right out of me as they put me on the bed. From the time we arrived at the hospital at 4:31 pm to the time I was holding him in my arms 4:34 pm it was only 3 minutes. He was my most exciting labor and delivery !


All were natural labors and births except number 6 who turned into an emergency c section.

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1dd was born on her due date. (Srom)

2dd was two weeks late. (and after finally reaching full dialtion, decided she liked where she was and wanted to stay. grrrr.)

1ds was one week late.

2ds was one week late.(Arom to induce.)

3ds was one week early.(Srom)

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My 1st was 11 days before my due date (induced though).


My 2nd was 15 days before due date (went into labor on my own) 5:06 pm


My 3rd was 14 days before due date (went into labor on my own) 3:59 am


My second and third were within hours of being the exact same. Technically my 3rd was born in between the time of my 1st and 2nd.

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My third was earlier than my first two, but since he was born at 40w5d, and my first was born at 40w6d and my second at 41w1d, that's only a span of three days from earliest to latest, and I think it's not terribly statistically important. They all fell into the "about a week late" pattern that we expected for baby number four as well.


Baby number four decided to make his appearance at 38w3d. If we have a number five, all bets are off. :)

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I have four children that were due between the 22 and 23rd of the month. Their birthdates in order were: the 30th, the 31st, the 6th and the 29th. So with the exception of the one that needed an eviction notice they all came pretty much at the same time. Child #5 was due on the 9th and came on the 15th so she was a day or two earlier than her siblings. The very last one came a week early. Her water broke and she was not engaged. She settled into a transverse position and then labor would not progress. At pretty close to the 24 hour mark we took made radical efforts to get her born naturally which we managed but she did have some breathing problems and wass in the NCIU for a week.


Traditionally, mothers carry their babies about the same amount of time eash time with perhaps a day or two longer for each additional child. Children also usually get progressively bigger which is why I was ready to stop after the 10 1/2 pounder.

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OB's say things like this. I think it helps give them the illusion of control :tongue_smilie: The poll seems to be telling the opposite story.


#1 late by 8 days.

#2 induced because dates were off. They said 10 days late, I said 3 days early.

#3 right on her due date

#4 late by 4 days

#5 late by 16 days

#6 late by 5 days

#7 late by 10 days

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OB's say things like this. I think it helps give them the illusion of control :tongue_smilie:


:D Yes. I don't think you can predict when any particular baby will be born. My first 2 were born slightly before their due dates. My third was induced after my due date.

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Traditionally, mothers carry their babies about the same amount of time eash time with perhaps a day or two longer for each additional child. Children also usually get progressively bigger which is why I was ready to stop after the 10 1/2 pounder.


:iagree: I think barring other factors this is true in general, but not always. With my oldest my water spontaneously ruptured at 39 weeks with no other signs of labor and we ultimately had to make the decision to induce so, there's no way to tell when labor would have began naturally, but she was 7lbs 4oz at birth. Although she was a very well developed newborn and I've always wondered if they were wrong about her due date. I had been pretty sick shortly before she was conceived and it had thrown off my normal cycle. Younger DD at 41 weeks was 8lbs 9 ozs, but I think genetics can play a big part because DH was also an 8 plus pounder. Then DS was born weighing in at 7lbs 6ozs.

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:iagree: I think barring other factors this is true in general, but not always. With my oldest my water spontaneously ruptured at 39 weeks with no other signs of labor and we ultimately had to make the decision to induce so, there's no way to tell when labor would have began naturally, but she was 7lbs 4oz at birth. Although she was a very well developed newborn and I've always wondered if they were wrong about her due date. I had been pretty sick shortly before she was conceived and it had thrown off my normal cycle. Younger DD at 41 weeks was 8lbs 9 ozs, but I think genetics can play a big part because DH was also an 8 plus pounder. Then DS was born weighing in at 7lbs 6ozs.


Your oldest sounds like my youngest. We were not totally sure on her dates either due to the fact that we were actively trying to prevent contraception and were totally shocked to find out that we had failed. She was also my runt at 8 lbs, 8 ozs. The one that was born in the middle of the month was not only a little earlier but also a little smaller than her sibs at 9 bs. 9 ozs.

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First was 11 days early.

Second was 9 days early.

Third was on the due date.

Fourth and fifth were both induced during the 40th week (a few days shy of the due date). I wonder how long they would have waited if they'd been left alone? Drs were too slow to catch the first two (they both were delivered by the nurses who were on duty while the drs were in route). He wanted to make sure I was already in the hospital when the last two arrived. :D

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