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If you had a child born in the year 2000...

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Is he/she your wild one? Call me crazy, but it seems like my 2000-born child and all her 2000-born friends are wilder than the rest. When I say "wild", I mean no inhibitions and drama drama drama all day long. Sometimes I wonder if all that y2k frenzy experienced by the pregnant mamas of 1999 did something to those babies. :D

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I think that it is just the age that they are now. My late born 99er is my drama queen and I can't wait until she is through this stage.


I'm sure being 11yo makes it worse, but dd and her friends have always been this way. Several years ago, her voice teacher asked her, "S___, how did you get all the wild genes in the family?"

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No, not really. Though at 11, hormones are kicking in and he's getting much more moody (moodier? nah, that can't be right).


My '98 baby was the one who made me crazy. She was a wild one, never slept, and is still my drama queen, though a lot of times it's more of an improv, stand up comedy kind of drama. :lol: We called her "Hurricane" when she was little.


My 2000 has been a walk in the park compared to her.

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I don't know about "wild", but she's definitely more spirited, outgoing, dramatic, boisterous and animated than my '96. I have attributed that to being a girl, being the 2nd born, and just her personality. But who knows? Maybe the year has something to do with it.

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My May of 2000 baby (total surprise child, we did not plan to have a "millinium" baby - very, very nice surprise!), is my calmest, quietest, most focused, logically thinking child of the four.


He didn't start out that way. He was an easy baby but hit age 1 and became very challenging. He had Sensory Integration Dysfunction and until it was diagnosed and he began therapy, I thought I would lose my mind. But, omega oil supplements, PT/OT, and play therapy solved it. Literally, he was like a new child in six months. By the time we began homeschooling him formally at 5, he ws the easiest of them all and that is saying alot because none of my kids were difficult and dd was, according to most of my friends and family, the poster child for "perfect to parent". So, having him become even easier was just mind boggling.


He's still the easiest. His IQ also turned out to be very high and so once I stopped making intellectual, developmental assumptions about him and tailored the curriculum and schedule to suit him he became VERY calm and studious. He is a very thoughtful child. Before he was old enough to hold doors for me and before dh had begun instructing the boys in this, he would fight with heavy doors to try to hold them for dd and I. He is always the first one to the car and has it open waiting until I get there. He pulls my chair out at the dinner table, always asks to shop with me so he can push the cart and carry the bags, etc. He is constantly thoughtful and helpful. Of all of my children, when this one leaves the nest, he will be the hardest for me to let go. It's really going to hurt because we've become so close.


One of my nephews is a 2000 baby and his has four older, loud, somewhat wild sisters. He's completely calm and easy going. Dh says it's because the women in the house "beat the boy" out of him! :D



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It appears my theory is unfounded...and I have to say I'm relieved. I was beginning to wonder if 2012 end-of-the-world prophecies would come true as 12yo wild children collectively destroyed the world as we know it through pubescent hormone induced chaos. ;)

Edited by Luann in ID
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He was wild when he was little, but has mellowed out now.


He does have lots of emotional swings right now ... but I think that's just from being 11.


We have 3 that are on the wilder side and 2 that are on the calmer side (not sure about the youngest yet ... I can see a bit of both in him, LOL). I think most of it is just personality.

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Is he/she your wild one? Call me crazy, but it seems like my 2000-born child and all her 2000-born friends are wilder than the rest. When I say "wild", I mean no inhibitions and drama drama drama all day long. Sometimes I wonder if all that y2k frenzy experienced by the pregnant mamas of 1999 did something to those babies. :D


Mine is very quiet, somewhat shy, and very tender hearted. He has a very docile personality and is very sensitive. Nothing like the rest of us. If he gets in to trouble, he rarely answers back, but he will sometimes cry if he feels your words are harsh in any way. The wildest thing about him, is that he likes to clown around and make his family laugh. He also has to be moving all the time. (bouncing, hopping, fidgeting/swinging his feet, etc)



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I'm sure being 11yo makes it worse, but dd and her friends have always been this way. Several years ago, her voice teacher asked her, "S___, how did you get all the wild genes in the family?"


Mine also has the benefit of being the youngest which my brother explained to me is so hard. :nopity:

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