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Why are you on the computer now?

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It's 8:30am here. I'm having a cup of coffee, checking email, reading a bit of news and visiting my favorite sites for 15 or 20 minutes before I get on with the rest of my morning.

I suppose it's the modern day version of the way my dad used to start his day. He always started with the paper and a cup of coffee.

In fact, he may still do that. :)

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I'm bored and killing time. I'm at school on a "fun" day meaning my last two classes (both College Alg) were canceled so kids can go around having "fun" at different stations from movies to basketball or whatever. From the sound of it, most are wandering the halls.


Since I have a couple of students who are more concerned with their education and grades than having fun, they voluntarily came in for extra tutoring (did that - they left) and I have one who is going to be gone the next two days, so is taking tomorrow's quiz early. I might get more in for tutoring help (those who chose to do the "fun" first) or I might be in for a really boring afternoon. Time will tell.


If it's the latter, I rather hope something interesting comes up here.


For what it's worth, I'm rather opposed to a "fun" day as we miss too many educational days as it is with various tests and other such things. Just call me the grinch I suppose. If our school had high results academically I might not mind, but we are on warning for failing our state standards the last two years... ever wonder why? (Missing educational days is only one reason.)


Oh, and I'm not really the "real" teacher. I sub. The husband of the teacher I'm in for had a heart attack last week, so I'm taking over her classes (since I can do the math) to be certain they cover enough material to get college credit for it. Her classes can't vary from the college syllabus.

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I'm updating SkedTrack because I just don't want to do it in the evenings. I've been staying up too late, though. I need to get back in the earlier to bed habit (I was awake until 1am last night). I'd much rather do this when the boys are still asleep and the house is quiet (and yet in the morning, not at night).

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Bored? Researching? Checking the weather????

I'm waiting for dds to finish an assignment and am avoiding cleaning.


I am majoring in distraction this morning. I am going to get off RIGHT NOW and do some reading.


Yes I am....really....

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I am making a list of Open House dates next week for Catholic schools. DD12 (entering 8th grade 9/12) will be going to Catholic school -- as will her siblings - but they may wait a year. I am researching, looking at test scores, high schools admitted to, etc., so we can visit the schools that we should.


There is a curious (maybe not) phenomena here regarding private Catholic High Schools and homeschoolers. A family who would like their homeschooled child to attend a private Catholic high school would be wise to enroll them in eighth grade as there is a growing trend among the high schools not to admit homeschoolers. And, yes, I've researched, and made phone calls, and talked to principals and teachers.

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School is done for the day.


Laundry is in the washer, waiting to finish so I can put it in the dryer. Clothes from the dryer are folded.


My oldest 2 are outside swimming, my youngest is at the table eating a yogurt.


In less than an hour I should be heading to my first ever Quilt Show, so I'm here killing time until time to get the boys out of the pool and get ready.


Plus, I was w/o internet for 2 weeks, and just got it back yesterday. I'm playing catch up now that I have more than DH's iPad to browse on!

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DS is sick, so he's got the day off. I normally might have had him do school anyway, but DH has been up at 2:30 a.m. the past two days to participate in a conference streaming from Sweden, so he's been both working from home and completely exhausted, and yesterday was my birthday, so I decided today will be a lazy, relaxing day. Right now DH is napping, DS is watching Phineas and Ferb, DD is playing, and the baby is chilling.


I got a sewing machine for my birthday, so I'm checking out patterns, videos, and advice online while I kill time until I go pick us up some pizza.


Hard life, I know. :tongue_smilie:

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I have a houseful of kids still recovering from food poisoning. Took yesterday off school and today did some reading and math with my oldest and called it quits when his brain wasn't connecting to do even the simplest of problems. Now I'm letting them all play computer games while I start lunch.

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It's 11:30 and we've finished a writing assignment, history, science, grammar and a lit reading time. The boys asked if we could take a break until after lunch. It's been a very productive morning, so I said yes. :) I jet hid my room for a few seconds with my iPhone. :)


Adding: I'm also avoiding straightening the kitchen and making my bed. Avoidance is work. :)

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I was looking at websites to help ds16 understand the binomial theorem. Funny how he immediately seemed to understand when he thought "extra" problems were going to be printed off the internet and given to him as "homework."


I also discovered why I never learned it. Once I saw the "sigma notation" formula I realized that I HAD learned that differently than it is being taught in MUS.


Right now, I was checking to see how Pencil Pusher's baby is doing while ds does 9 math problems. :)

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I'm still here and still bored. I did take some time off between this post and my last post on this thread to review what I'm teaching tomorrow (various theorems related to finding all the zeros of a polynomial).


But now I'm back to being bored. One more hour till this school day (ps) ends.

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He has several upcoming writing assignments he's working on today, and it's a delicate balance of my not being so far away that he has no supervision vs. my being too available for questions he needs to answer for himself. And I'm eating lunch. I'll take a quick look through my various messageboards, and then I have some emails that need to be replied to.

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