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Tieing shoes?

When could your child tie their own shoes?  

  1. 1. When could your child tie their own shoes?

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DD just learned (she's 7). She probably could have learned earlier, but I had such a miserable experience teaching my son, I didn't bother to teach her. I figured she'd ask me if she wanted to learn. She did, I showed her twice, and since then (it was about 2 weeks ago) she's been tying everything in sight! DS is 8, still doesn't know how to tie, and has no interest in learning.

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My daughter could tie her shoes by the time she went to kindergarten (almost 5yo). My son is 9.5yo and still struggles with it. He can do it if given enough time. He struggles with buttons and other small hand coordination type activities as well.

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I chose 5 and also "other." DD5 CAN tie her shoes by herself, but she'd rather not. She does it about half the time. She also needs help doing the double knots, but I think it's just because I haven't shown her yet. If I showed her, she could probably handle it. But she would still rather I tie them.

Then again...she sometimes "needs" help with her socks still, too. :glare:

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Guest submarines
My 9 year old still can't, but I have yet to buy him shoes that tie so it just hasn't come up yet.




It hasn't come up yet. I'm pretty sure anyone 8 and over who wants a particular pair of shoes can master the skill in minutes.

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What does "can tie them, but they don't stay tied" count as? That's where my almost 7 yr old is.


Ugh, this is our house. My girls have been able to tie since 5-6ish but they never stay tied and it drives me batty. Not to mention how many times we've been late because of shoe laces:glare:

Today I just bought more velcro shoes for my 5 yr old son... guess that means I'm in no rush:tongue_smilie:

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At what age did your child learn to tie their shoes and do it on their own without help anymore?


When I taught daycare, most of my class learned to tie their shoes between 4-5yo--because I only let them take off their shoes for nap if they could put them back on and tie them independently.


However, my own kids inherited my poor fine motor skills. They could all tie their shoes more or less at age 7. However, I voted age 8, because the poll said "without help anymore". Truthfully, though, I have tied soccer shoes up through 10ish, because if they tie their own the shoes will come untied during the game, and sometimes come flying off.


As a side note, my nearly 19yo still uses the "bunny ears" method to tie his shoes, because that's the way he learned, and he never bothered to learn another way once that worked.

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I asked this question because my dh made a comment about how we need to work on it.


We tried to get the steps down last year and dd6 was interested for about an hour then never asked again, dd8 could go without knowing how to do it. But since then dd6 has asked to be shown a handful of times, dd8 never again asked.


However while we're on Christmas break it's my goal to get them on the right path to learn the steps and praise them and offer rewards for doing it everyday the entire break. DD6 won't take long as she has the steps down but needs to master them. DD8 will have to have motivation in her terms in order to figure it out...so I might have her making sock monsters with bowties...:lol:

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I checked "other" because we are working on it right now and DD is 5. Funny, I was just wondering about this because I thought we were behind - only because she would be in K at the ps if she went and I imagine that skill would be required since the teacher probably doesn't want to tie shoes for the kids.

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They can both tie knots, but my 7 yos are allowed to pick out their own shoes (within reason) and they've never picked them, which isn't surprising as there are very few options in the store that require tying. I don't think they're avoiding it or anything, but the options are limited.

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I was just thinking about this this week. DD6 doesn't know how to tie laces. She can makes knots though. I don't know how many things I find hanging from the slats in her bunk beds ties with many, many, MANY knots. :glare:


I don't remember when older DD started tying shoes. Must have been really young though...


DD6 doesn't own any shoes with laces. She is partial to shiny slip-on shoes. Her tennis shoes are light up princess ones with velcro.

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Both of mine were 3 when they learned. Dh felt that they should be ready to learn how so he sat them down and by the end of the day they had it down. I have no idea how he did that. I thought everyone learned that early until they got a little older and they kept tying their friends shoes.

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I don't remember how old my firstborn was--maybe 5 or 6? My middle child finally learned at 10. My youngest at 8 cannot yet tie his shoes, but it hasn't been a priority for us and I've never tried to teach him. He current tennies do have laces, so now would probably be a good time.

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My oldest was 6. I was shocked. I took her shoe shopping before day camp and she wanted to try some lace up shoes. I said that we needed to get shoes she could do since I wouldn't be at camp with her to help. She told me that she knew how to do ties so I had her show me. She did them perfectly. I asked who taught her, and she said, "Oh, nobody. I just watched what you do and did that." We haven't tried yet with my young 5 year old. She doesn't own any tie shoes, and since she's a little kid's size 10, there aren't many tie shoes available in her size anyway.

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Both of my kids went to ps kindergarten. It was a required skill to learn to tie their shoes. They both had trouble at this age (5). My dh finally taught them to make 2 bows on either side of the shoe and then cross the bows over and tie them together. Aparently dh had trouble learning to tie his shoes too and this was his solution. My kids are 21 and 19 and still tie their shoes this way. :lol: My ds gets some kidding from his friends for the way he ties his shoes. My dd, no one seems to notice.

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Still trying here. :glare: I've mostly avoided the subject (poor fine motor skills) by buying shoes without ties. I have several sizes of one particular shoe that looks nice with casual jeans and dress pants and stays on when running on the playground. They're slip-on. Love them. The big boys both have tennis shoes right now, and I was going to get laces, but we ended up with fake laces! They're just elastic, and there is a piece of velcro where the tie would be.


DS1 has a pair of dress shoes that tie, and DH and I have both tried to teach him to tie them. He can do the first knot, but can't do the bows at all. I need to work with him more on it. He finally figured out that he could just leave them tied and slip them on and off that way. :lol:

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My oldest was able to do it at 11yo, but it still took her a long time. She's ADHD and Aspie.


My middle dd is 16yo and still can't do it at all. She even has difficulty just tying a knot. She has fine motor delays and is also Aspie. She has difficulty with buttons and snaps and zippers. All of her shorts have drawstrings and I had to put on cord stops because she can't tie the drawstrings and she has to be able to tighten the shorts somehow. Nobody makes the elastic tight enough for her.


My youngest is 13yo. She can at least tie a knot, but she can't tie a bow. She just can't keep the directions in order. She is dyslexic. She can sew. She can play guitar. She can take great photographs. She can't tie a bow to save her life.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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I'm pretty sure my oldest was 10 before she could do it reliably. I'm not sure when she quit asking for occasional help, but she's 13 and it's definitely been long time. Heh, I'm so proud :tongue_smilie:


My youngest is 11, and we nearly always tie her shoes. She CAN do it, but she inherited dh's trait of liking them freakishly tight, which she can't manage.


We live in the south and they don't play sports, so it's slip-on shoes far more often than sneakers, and even those often have velcro for the younger set. It took me quite a while when I was a kid, and we wore laced shoes daily for school. I would never have met the benchmark if it were required in kinder or first grade, lol, so maybe it runs in the family.

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DS was able to tie his shoes when he was just turned 3. Simply because most his shoes has laces (I regret that) It is so inconvenient even he know how to tie his shoes, the shoe untied so many times during the day and become dangerous when he running around.


My younger is 3. ALL her shoes now are velcro and she not yet have the chance to learn. Ad i don't see that is a necessary thing o earn.

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DS is 12; I think he learned to tie somewhere around 9yo, but even now, it's not easy for him. He keeps his sneakers' shoelaces tied, and slides the shoes on and off without ever untying them.


DD1 learned to tie her shoes when she was barely 4yo. A friend in preschool taught her.


DD2, who is 7...er, I don't think she's ever even tried to tie her shoes! Most of her shoes have not had laces, so it just hasn't come up. I guess I'll put that on the list of things to do soon.

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