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My Neanderthal husband won't use a band-aid...

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He suggested the thread title. :D


Ok, so he's got a couple of small cuts on the palm-side of his fingers, but they're deep. I suggested he put some Neosporin and a band-aid on them, to help them heal faster.


"I've been putting Neosporin on them," he says. :confused:


Um...what's the point in that w/out a band-aid to hold it on?


"It doesn't just fall off," he says. By now I'm getting a man-logic-headache.


He says it's only the band-aid commercials that say you need a band-aid, too, & the Neosporin commercials say it works on its own. I say you've got to be a lunatic to put anything on your hands & expect it not to wipe off if you're USING them. :glare:


He believes you guys, though, so tell me: IS there any point in using Neosporin alone? And can I have permission to put mayo on my hands and then hold his while we're driving somewhere? Because the Neosporing makes THAT MUCH SENSE!! :lol:


Thanks for humoring us. :svengo:

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Superglue. My dh superglued his face back together when he needed stitches on a Friday night. Why? He didn't want to wait in line on a busy Friday night. In his defense, it did work well, but I was all :svengo:.


I'd leave it alone, but I would also tell him he's getting no sympathy from me if the cuts get infected and his hand falls off.

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I don't use band-aids either. I can't stand them.


Actually now that I think of it, I can't remember the last time I bought band-aids so no one in our family must use them.


I don't use neosporin either. We just let nature takes it course.


Keep it clean. Wash with soap and water and call it good.

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The problem is he's complaining about them. I'm the furthest thing from a sympathetic person--I mean, if it's REALLY bad, I'll try not to laugh at you, but that's about the best I've got to offer.


So when he tries to go about normal daily tasks--opening jars, rubbing pregnant feet, winces, and shakes his hands, we're several stages below "not laughing."


But I don't think I could put up with super glue or duct tape. I'd lose my mind.


So it's not that he's whining *in general.* And it's not that they're going to get infected *specifically.* It's that I don't want to hear about it *at all.* (I don't say so.)


Please, though. If you can hurry that healing process along, it would be great.

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My husband never ever has had a bandage on his hands and he works with steel fabrication and shoeing horses every day.


Neosporin won't work on a puncture wound or deep cut except for around the edges. An ER doctor told me years ago that OTC neosporin can barely suppress infection and can't resolve it. It's mostly vaseline. :glare: If he washes and dries his hands on a regular basis it will do as much good. Bandaids are totally annoying, they peel right off! I have used duct tape or vetwrap instead with much better luck!

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The problem is he's complaining about them. I'm the furthest thing from a sympathetic person--I mean, if it's REALLY bad, I'll try not to laugh at you, but that's about the best I've got to offer.


So when he tries to go about normal daily tasks--opening jars, rubbing pregnant feet, winces, and shakes his hands, we're several stages below "not laughing."


But I don't think I could put up with super glue or duct tape. I'd lose my mind.


So it's not that he's whining *in general.* And it's not that they're going to get infected *specifically.* It's that I don't want to hear about it *at all.* (I don't say so.)


Please, though. If you can hurry that healing process along, it would be great.


I had a 7 year old neighbor boy who once told his little sister (when she fell off her bike) to "Buck up and take it like a man". It's become one of my favorite phrases :lol:.

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It's too late to glue them together unless he wants to scrub it out with iodine then glue it, otherwise all the germs will get glued in there too!


DH will scrub out a cut with betadine or iodine and a toothbrush sometimes. Some tape would stop it from hurting so bad when the cuts are messed with otherwise he just has to man up for a few days while they heal enough not to hurt. :D

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I spit my coffee!!!! WOW your dh and my dh are a real pair today.


Man-logic...this is the grammatical equivalent of an oxymoron (you know, the "honest crook" thing), you just can't use those two terms together and have it make a lick of sense! :lol:




You're really stuck on grammar today, aren't you? :lol: I told the kids we were going to restart school today, & you could hear a pin drop. They were scared to say, "Really?"

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It's too late to glue them together unless he wants to scrub it out with iodine then glue it, otherwise all the germs will get glued in there too!


DH will scrub out a cut with betadine or iodine and a toothbrush sometimes. Some tape would stop it from hurting so bad when the cuts are messed with otherwise he just has to man up for a few days while they heal enough not to hurt. :D


Do you mean "man up" like when they give birth? ETCETERA?


You know it was a man who invented that phrase, right? You've seen the Youtube of the Man Cold?



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I say put neosporin with a bandaid on during the day to protect the cuts from dirt and further tearing, and hold the neosporin on. Remove the bandaid at night when he's sleeping to expose it to air when the cut is protected from dirt and he's not using his hands.


Something like that, yes. Something normal & human & sane. With no complaining. :lol:

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I was told by my doctor (I had a surgical wound that got infected...) that an antibiotic cream will kill the good cells too and can inhibit healing. You want to keep the wound clean and dark and a little moist - the way the cells want to grow. So I was told.

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We typically use duct tape at our dojo - when you get sweaty bandaids slide right off anyway. How does one superglue a cut though? Do you just pinch it together and hold it long enough for the superglue to dry? :001_huh:


Yeah, pretty much.


At the dojo people also use liquid skin, there's a bottle in both the men's and women's locker room and another one at the front desk.

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I'm another for the liquid skin and duct tape if needed.


Really, he ought to be using something heavy duty at night for those cuts. And you can get him those cute nighttime mittens. :D


Have him cup his hands, pour some sugar in and then top with olive oil and make him SCRUB his hands with that. Then, use something like Eucarin, and glove him up.

Edited by justamouse
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Well does he at least wash his hands or is he like my cousin that thinks you should never wash your hands because it makes you healthier. If his hands are clean leave him be.


I leave any major medical stuff for dh up to his school nurse. Apparently she knows more than I do. :001_huh: Like when to go to the dr.

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Wouldn't sugar encourage bacteria growth? (Just curious - maybe I'm totally wrong about this)


My children use tape, the kind that gymnasts use, if it is something that they think needs to be held shut so it doesn't continue to bleed, or that is in a spot that is going to get dirt ground into it.


Usually, our strategy is to wash it if it is bad and then leave it out in the air. I was taught that ointment/airless was the way to go to prevent scars, but if you weren't going to be doing that, then keeping it dry was better, and putting a bandaid on kept it from drying and tended to keep in any bacteria and give it a nice place to grow. I find bandaids, even the idea of them, pretty yucky, but maybe that is just the way I was brought up. If it is a bad wound, we tape a piece of gauze or something that lets the air through over it and change it frequently.



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Lavender essential oil and a bandaid. It won't go stinky like it does if you don't use the essential oil.




On cuts? Nice to know. I've only used it on burns...which it works wonders for. It also takes the pain away almost instantly, but you probably already know that.;)

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Superglue. My dh superglued his face back together when he needed stitches on a Friday night. Why? He didn't want to wait in line on a busy Friday night. In his defense, it did work well, but I was all :svengo:.


I'd leave it alone, but I would also tell him he's getting no sympathy from me if the cuts get infected and his hand falls off.




I approve :D



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I've raised my kids to use neosporin and a band-aid at bed time. It keeps the goo off the sheets and they don't have to try and keep a band-aid on all day long. If the cut is bad enough, we use waterproof tape to protect it during the day--this stays on a lot better and water doesn't make it soggy.


I have no idea what dh does. I would not BEGIN to try and convince him to do anything when it comes to cuts unless he asks. LOL!



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