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Tattoed Barbie

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Has anyone seen this? Thoughts? I honestly think she looks cute and don't see what the fuss is. But 80% think it's "tacky and inappropriate". Seems silly to me. It's a Collector's Doll and expensive and not meant for kids. And even if it were, no one is forced to buy it.


ETA: Oh ick, I meant Tattooed

Edited by meggie
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It's a collector's Barbie, not sold in the kids' department at Target. It's pretty! (Speaking as someone who had hot pink highlights in her hair over the summer.)


I think the Bratz dolls, which ARE sold in the kids' department for kids to play with, are more of a concern.



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It's a collector's Barbie, not sold in the kids' department at Target. It's pretty! (Speaking as someone who had hot pink highlights in her hair over the summer.)


I think the Bratz dolls, which ARE sold in the kids' department for kids to play with, are more of a concern.




Agreed. This lady looks a lot classier than any of the Bratz dolls I've seen.

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it's a beautiful barbie and i want it for me not dd. then again i have three tattoos with the desire for more. my hair has been so many different shades, i'm not really sure what my natural is anymore lol


eta: i buy my almost 4 year old the Monster High dolls because of the fun hair and she likes the costumes

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It's a collector's Barbie, not sold in the kids' department at Target. It's pretty! (Speaking as someone who had hot pink highlights in her hair over the summer.)


I think the Bratz dolls, which ARE sold in the kids' department for kids to play with, are more of a concern.




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Tattoos are mainstream now. My husband is a tattoo artist and has tattooed teens through elderly women.


I personally know doctors, lawyers, police officers and housewives who all have tattoos. They are a personal choice and have zero to do with morals, ethics, or even demographics, really, anymore. They're just not a big deal.


Regardless of whether this doll was for adults or kids (except for the dog named Bastardo bit), I wouldn't have a problem with it. Nor do I get myself worked up over barbies in general or Bratz dolls or any of those things. They're just dolls.

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Tattoos are mainstream now. My husband is a tattoo artist and has tattooed teens through elderly women.


I personally know doctors, lawyers, police officers and housewives who all have tattoos. They are a personal choice and have zero to do with morals, ethics, or even demographics, really, anymore. They're just not a big deal.


Regardless of whether this doll was for adults or kids (except for the dog named Bastardo bit), I wouldn't have a problem with it. Nor do I get myself worked up over barbies in general or Bratz dolls or any of those things. They're just dolls.




..you pretty much said everything I was gonna say.


[except that my husband isn't a tattoo artist!]

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The dog's name is horrible!

I think I would be happy to see a barbie with normal proportions and tattoos rather than the stick figure barbies that are out now.

I have no problem with tattoos - have two of them myself - I do think people should wait until they are at least in their 20's to get them...

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I think it's gorgeous and I would have purchased it for my daughters when they did play with Barbies.


I guess it is disliked by people who dislike tattoos in general. The artical name even says 'Barbie has a tattoo, mom do you?' My answer is YES! But I'm also cool about piercings. I think they should have a Barbie with piercings too. :D


And yes, I drew on my Babies with color pens, and I didn't know anyone who had a tattoo when I was a kid. It just seemed the natural thing to do! We also tried to color the Barbie's hair and give it crazy hair styles. I remember holding the Barbie over a piece of paper, flattening the hair, and coloring it with a pencil. But I can't remember if that worked or not. :lol: I guess we were ahead of the game.

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Has anyone seen this? Thoughts? I honestly think she looks cute and don't see what the fuss is. But 80% think it's "tacky and inappropriate". Seems silly to me. It's a Collector's Doll and expensive and not meant for kids. And even if it were, no one is forced to buy it.


ETA: Oh ick, I meant Tattooed


I have to laugh-- BARBIE, in any form, is "tacky and inappropriate!" :D :tongue_smilie:



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Has anyone seen this? Thoughts? I honestly think she looks cute and don't see what the fuss is. But 80% think it's "tacky and inappropriate". Seems silly to me. It's a Collector's Doll and expensive and not meant for kids. And even if it were, no one is forced to buy it.


ETA: Oh ick, I meant Tattooed


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I have to laugh-- BARBIE, in any form, is "tacky and inappropriate!" :D :tongue_smilie:



:D But that's different than just thinking this one is because of the tattoos.


Some of the comments really frost my cookies because they're saying things like: "What's next, Hooker Barbie?" or "Where are the moral values?" They make my heart hurt because really? They want to judge someone by their tattoos? Tattoos do not equal prostitute or lack of moral values. And I say that as someone who has no tattoos and never will. I'm just so saddened that people would be that cruel.

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It's a collector's Barbie, not sold in the kids' department at Target. It's pretty! (Speaking as someone who had hot pink highlights in her hair over the summer.)


I think the Bratz dolls, which ARE sold in the kids' department for kids to play with, are more of a concern.




I hate the Bratz dolls. They look like hookers to me lol...


Tattoos are mainstream now. My husband is a tattoo artist and has tattooed teens through elderly women.


I personally know doctors, lawyers, police officers and housewives who all have tattoos. They are a personal choice and have zero to do with morals, ethics, or even demographics, really, anymore. They're just not a big deal.

Regardless of whether this doll was for adults or kids (except for the dog named Bastardo bit), I wouldn't have a problem with it. Nor do I get myself worked up over barbies in general or Bratz dolls or any of those things. They're just dolls.


:D But that's different than just thinking this one is because of the tattoos.


Some of the comments really frost my cookies because they're saying things like: "What's next, Hooker Barbie?" or "Where are the moral values?" They make my heart hurt because really? They want to judge someone by their tattoos? Tattoos do not equal prostitute or lack of moral values. And I say that as someone who has no tattoos and never will. I'm just so saddened that people would be that cruel.



Um, they think a cute tattoo is bad, but no one is mentioning the dog's name!?!

Funny how it works, isn't it? :lol:

Just from the two negative comments quoted in the article, I thought they showed that the naysayers were kind of silly, really...

Barbies are for children not adults [and] they should not be dressed like they are teenagers or adults. Tattoos are tacky and should not be exposed to kids.

What? Tattoos should not be exposed to kids? Hide that butterfly tattoo on your foot! Or the flower on your ankle! It's hideous! It's terrible! What a crock.

Grrrrreeeeeeeat now kids in grade school and younger will be bugging their parents for tattoos and their parents will oblige .

...and if their parents are that stupid, to LET their grade school and younger kid get a tattoo...if that's even legal... well, we won't even go there.


I personally am neither here nor there about the doll, whatever.

Why do so many not like barbies? :001_huh:

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My cousin was tattooing Barbies back in the 70's. This one looks a lot better than the ones she did. :) Her mom has tattoos, so she wanted her dolls to look like Mom. She also shaved their legs.....with her dad's razor......and didn't tell him......Boy, was his face red....from all the blood. It's funny now.

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Nor do I get myself worked up over barbies in general or Bratz dolls or any of those things. They're just dolls.


If I give my child a toy or any doll that has some real-life counterpart, I am offering my implied approval for whatever look/behavior the doll represents. Would "They're just dolls" apply to "Stripper Barbie with Included Pole and G-String Accessory"? There is a line SOMEWHERE drawn by even highly permissive parents, is there not?


I've made a deal with my daughters involving Barbie. They can have Fairy Barbie or Mermaid Barbie or Magic Princess Barbie - basically any Barbie that is squarely in the realm of fantasy they can have.


But Obsessed-with-Ken Barbie, Rampant Materialism Barbie, So-Consumerist-She-Must-Have-A-Mountain-of-Debt Barbie, Math is Hard Barbie, or, yes, Tattoo Barbie, I do not purchase for my children. I do not claim my line is the absolute right one, but it's the line I've chosen to draw.


But, I have a thing against tattoos especially, I admit. I know they are mainstream. There are people I like and respect with tattoos and occasionally I've seen one I think is artfully done, but 95% of the time I think they are symbols of impulse, irresponsibility, and tackiness. I mean no offense, but that is just how they are perceived by my aesthetic. Additionally this opinion also coincide with my religion (Judaism) which also prohibits getting them (and I admit I do not fully subscribe to every literal teaching of Judaism, here we have a meeting of minds.) I won't even allow my kids to have temp tattoos and I certainly wouldn't buy tattoo Barbie.


Am I "worked up" over this doll? No, but I certainly won't buy one.


I AM worked up over Bratz. Those things are basically gangster whore dolls.

Edited by zenjenn
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Um, they think a cute tattoo is bad, but no one is mentioning the dog's name!?!


My first thought exactly! That name is horrible!!


I personally think her tattoo is gorgeous! I'm not a Barbie lover or hater in general, and my girls couldn't care less about Barbie, so it won't affect us.

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If I give my child a toy or any doll that has some real-life counterpart, I am offering my implied approval for whatever look/behavior the doll represents. Would "They're just dolls" apply to "Stripper Barbie with Included Pole and G-String Accessory"? There is a line SOMEWHERE drawn by even highly permissive parents, is there not?


I've made a deal with my daughters involving Barbie. They can have Fairy Barbie or Mermaid Barbie or Magic Princess Barbie - basically any Barbie that is squarely in the realm of fantasy they can have.


But Obsessed-with-Ken Barbie, Rampant Materialism Barbie, So-Consumerist-She-Must-Have-A-Mountain-of-Debt Barbie, Math is Hard Barbie, or, yes, Tattoo Barbie, I do not purchase for my children. I do not claim my line is the absolute right one, but it's the line I've chosen to draw.


Am I "worked up" over this doll? No, but I certainly won't buy one.


I AM worked up over Bratz. Those things are basically gangster whore dolls.







I don't care about tatts, really. It's the Barbie that I have the most problem with. But I'm not going to get militant over it, or froth over it, it's just one of my lines.

Edited by justamouse
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Grrrrreeeeeeeat now kids in grade school and younger will be bugging their parents for tattoos and their parents will oblige .


Hey Nance - bet your husband just can't wait for the six year olds to start coming into his shop! :D



( :rolleyes: )


Haha yeah I thought that was one of the stupidest comments I've ever read. Like THAT'S really gonna happen.


:D But that's different than just thinking this one is because of the tattoos.


Some of the comments really frost my cookies because they're saying things like: "What's next, Hooker Barbie?" or "Where are the moral values?" They make my heart hurt because really? They want to judge someone by their tattoos? Tattoos do not equal prostitute or lack of moral values. And I say that as someone who has no tattoos and never will. I'm just so saddened that people would be that cruel.


Yep. Ridiculous comparisons.


If I give my child a toy or any doll that has some real-life counterpart, I am offering my implied approval for whatever look/behavior the doll represents. Would "They're just dolls" apply to "Stripper Barbie with Included Pole and G-String Accessory"? There is a line SOMEWHERE drawn by even highly permissive parents, is there not?


Well, obviously there would be a line drawn if it came down to something absurd like stripper barbie. Really, that had to be clarified? It's a silly comparison, just like Meggie said in the comment I quoted just above yours. 1. I said that I don't get worked up over barbies and Bratz dolls because they're just dolls and they don't bother me. I did not say "Therefore I think they should go ahead and make stripper barbie dolls and crackhead barbie dolls and satan worshipping barbie dolls and pregnant 12 year old barbie dolls and so and and so forth and they won't bother me either because they would just be dolls, too!!!" but I guess I should have specified? 2. Comparing a doll with a tattoo to a doll with a stripper pole is ridiculous. 3. I don't really care if other people don't like barbie dolls, or bratz dolls, or whatever other dolls they have something against...but please don't take what I said out of context just because I don't share that feeling.

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Grrrrreeeeeeeat now kids in grade school and younger will be bugging their parents for tattoos and their parents will oblige .


Hey Nance - bet your husband just can't wait for the six year olds to start coming into his shop! :D



( :rolleyes: )


Unless they still have a fear of shots and needles :willy_nilly:

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The thing is, Bratz dolls more or less ARE stripper dolls. It's just not actually written on the box.


I'm pretty sure if you hire a stripper for a holiday party she comes looking like this:



I mean even the name. They're called *brats*. Except not even spelled correctly. What does *that* say?

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The thing is, Bratz dolls more or less ARE stripper dolls. It's just not actually written on the box.


I'm pretty sure if you hire a stripper for a holiday party she comes looking like this:



I mean even the name. They're called *brats*. Except not even spelled correctly. What does *that* say?


I get it. You hate Bratz dolls lol. I understand that you do, and that a lot of other people do. I get it. I'm not trying to change your mind, I am not bothered by the fact that you dislike them. They just don't bother me personally. I don't love them, I don't hate them, I don't collect them or go out of my way to buy them, but I would not get upset if somebody gave my kid one for a birthday present. I just don't have strong feelings about them one way or another. I do not agree that they "are basically stripper dolls." When they come with that stripper pole and tassles on their nipple(less chests) and sequined g-strings or something, I guess I will have to agree with you. But yeah even this picture doesn't really bother me. Then again, I'm one of those impulsive, irresponsible, tacky tattooed people, so take what I say with a grain of salt. :P

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We have very few Barbies, all courtesy of MIL... who has conniptions when she sees stuff like the pic below. I think she'd be happy if the girls stuck to more conventional tattoos. :tongue_smilie:



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It's a collector's Barbie, not sold in the kids' department at Target. It's pretty! (Speaking as someone who had hot pink highlights in her hair over the summer.)


I think the Bratz dolls, which ARE sold in the kids' department for kids to play with, are more of a concern.





:iagree: I'm not particularly fussed about tattoo Barbie. My girls have had temporary tattoos. Just not a big deal.

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The barbie is not nearly as shocking to me as this:



A toy tatoo studio??


Dd14 would have loved that when she was little - she was always sticking those temporary tattoos on her arms and legs and this would have been much more fun than standing around with a wet washcloth. :D


If you disagree with it on the basis of "tattoos are for adults" - then I guess all of the other toys that are designed for kids to pretend they're doing grown up jobs need to leave as well.. construction tools, hairdressing stuff, easy bake ovens, fireman outfits…

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Back in my day, we had to draw Barbie's tattoos with a pen.:tongue_smilie:


Heck, girls in my physics class were doing Sharpie tattoos just last week. Action-Reaction Ken has "-9.81 m/s2" tattooed on his bicep and heart Newton on his chest.


Seatbelt Barbie remains tattoo-less.

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This model does not change my opinion of Barbie.


So deliciously circumspect! :tongue_smilie:


And LOL at Darth Maul barbie!!


I thought the first quote was incredibly inane:

Barbies are for children not adults [and] they should not be dressed like they are teenagers or adults. Tattoos are tacky and should not be exposed to kids.


Uh, yeah barbies are for children (except for those pesky collector's items . . .), but I'm pretty sure barbie is supposed to BE AN ADULT. Seems like dressing her as a child would be wildly inappropriate and venturing down the very path they think they're condemning . . .

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So deliciously circumspect! :tongue_smilie:


And LOL at Darth Maul barbie!!


I thought the first quote was incredibly inane:



Uh, yeah barbies are for children (except for those pesky collector's items . . .), but I'm pretty sure barbie is supposed to BE AN ADULT. Seems like dressing her as a child would be wildly inappropriate and venturing down the very path they think they're condemning . . .


I could be wrong, but I always thought Barbie was supposed to be a teenager. (Not that I've ever seen a teenager that looks like her, except, hey, wait a minute, that 16-year-old that married the 50-year-old actor!)



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I could be wrong, but I always thought Barbie was supposed to be a teenager. (Not that I've ever seen a teenager that looks like her, except, hey, wait a minute, that 16-year-old that married the 50-year-old actor!)




I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be an adult--she's had many careers over the years (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie's_careers). She's even been president, although I'm not sure what age restrictions apply in Barbie world. :D

Edited by Kirch
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I don't care about tatts, really. It's the Barbie that I have the most problem with. But I'm not going to get militant over it, or froth over it, it's just one of my lines.


:iagree: and zenjenn's comment.


I just wanted to say that that's a very interesting picture. It does put it in perspective!


My girls have never played with Barbies (apparently, we're all about Playmobil and Schleich), but Barbie's tattoos don't bother me (I kinda like the dragon - bit big, though). Her dog's name? Egads, that's awful. Dear Mattell: Really? Bastardo?

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