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Who was in the room with you during your deliveries

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#1 DH and all the medical staff involved in a c-section

#2 same as above

#3 doula and maybe the medical doctor (she was born in the bathroom at hospital and they had just checked me at 6 minutes before so were expecting they had a bit more time. DH and nurses were somewhere between the hallway and the actual room as they scrambled to get help fast enough. medical doctor may or may not have actually been in the bathroom at the exact moment, doctor was moving that direction but I don't know where exactly she was.)

#4 DH and 1 doctor and 1 nurse (no c-section)

#5 DH and 1 doctor and 2 nurses (no c-section)

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#1 1st husband, mother, MIL


#2- 1st husband, mother, ds #1 almost SIL (who ended up never being SIL lol)


#3- 1st husband, mother, ds#1 and ds #2


#4- dh, mother, mil, sil, ds1 & 2,dd1, best friend- TOO MANY PEOPLE!!! I thought about selling tickets, but didn't. Swore I would NEVER do that again.


#5- dh only...but only because after 6 hours of labor dd turned and ended up completely breech after my water broke. She ended up born via emergency c-section, but had she not, it would have been all the same people as #4, plus an extra daughter. That's what happened when I wished I could have only dh in the room...careful what you wish for lol.

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other than the medical staff, of course.


For me:


With #1: my husband, my mom, my best friend


With #2: my husband, my mom (best friend couldn't be there because she lived in a different state and was 8 months pregnant herself)


With #3: my husband, my best friend (mom had gone home to take my other girls to my dad and got there about 5 minutes late)


Just curious.


My sister was with me when my 1st was born along with dh, of course. Other than that, it was just the two of us. I had always wanted my mom to be there but she lived too far away for the 1st 5. She could have for the last 2 but then I needed her as my babysitter.


I helped two of my friends deliver. One was quite unexpected. It is amazing being on the other end of a delivery.... Less painful too. :D

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Pigby-DH and hospital staff. A bazillion family members were waiting in the hospital.


Digby-DH, midwife, midwife's assistant mom. Pigby was sleeping in his room.


Chuck-DH, midwife, two assistants. My mom was with Pigby upstairs and Digby was in his room taking a nap.

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With both, just the nurses and CNMs were there. DH left the room for the actual deliveries, and came back in when he heard the first cries. DH had our first child in his care at the birth center during my second delivery.


We didn't call anyone until after the delivery, both times. My mom has some control issues, so I didn't want her there. ;)

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Other than the medical personnel, I only had dh at all my births. For the 2nd and 3rd, I would not have minded a doula/good friend, but things went so fast, there wasn't time to call anyone other than the people I needed to take care of the kids. We discussed having my mom at my homebirth with dd, but we both opted out (my mom and me.)

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For me...


With #1 my husband

With #2 my husband

With #3 my mom, grandma (mom's mom) my aunt (mom's sister) and my 15 year old male cousin (the before mentioned aunt's son)


For the first two it was only my husband because our families all lived 1500 miles or so away.


For the third my husband was in the middle of the atlantic ocean on his way back from deployment, yes he was supposed to be there but they got extended for 2 weeks. My cousin tried his best not to look (I didn't care) but his mom kept saying "Zach this is a miracle" he said it was a bit awkward, but the most amazing thing ever.

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Dh only each time. I had to fight my mother/dhs mother on that, but they are the last people I wanted around when I was in labor.


I would rather labor alone that have any friend/family in with me. I am not that close to anyone to want them there....I would rather it be a stranger.

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This has me trying to actually remember. :)


1 DD - My Husband, Mom, Sister, Aunt, Cousin(2-3), MIL, SIL (maybe 2), Doctor, maybe 2 nurses


2 DS - My Husband, Mom, Sister, Cousin and her 2 year old son, My DD who was also 2, MIL, SIL, Aunt, Doctor, Nurse or 2


3 DS - He came super fast, My DD, DS, Hubby, and Sister were the only ones to make it in time. Mom and the rest came soon after. :) Oh the midwife that happened to be there caught him.


4 DS - Husband, Mom, Sister, SIL?, MIL?, older 3 kidlets, A Good friend, I think at least 1 niece, Midwife, 1 Nurse.


This was pretty much just for Transition and on. I do all pre labor at home with just the hubby and kids present. :)

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#1: DH and a ton of personnel due to complications my DD seemed to show on monitor- but she was fine.


#2: DH, my best friend (I am a photographer and she is one of my assistants- and DH really wanted to be there- not responsible for the pictures), and against my will- my MIL was there. I was fine with she and a few others during labor (I labor really well) But have always been clear that I would like some modesty while my privates are on display. Well, once *that time* came- she pouted to DH "do I really have to leave?"; and DH (not one of his finer moments) actually asked me as I was putting my legs up if it was "really that big of a deal?" And yes- I still remind him every so often of that "finer moment" :D

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#1: DH and mom

#2 mom (DH decided seeing that once was enough!)

#3: mom, dad and dd (she was born unexpectedly at my parents' house, while DH and ds were visiting family a few minutes away)


Honestly, at the exact moment of birth, I don't really care who's there. I'm in a zone and just focused on getting a job done. I was happy to have both my parents and dh there during my entire labor the first 2 times, but somehow preferred to handle it on my own the 3rd time. I labored alone, in my bed, while everyone else slept, until I couldn't bear it anymore. Hence, the unexpected delivery! That was truly the best.

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#1 - 2 midwives, hubs, mom, mil, friend/nursing student

#2 - hubs, midwife made it after baby's head was out

#3 - hubs, midwife made it 10 min later

#4 - hubs and midwife (my third child with her, her first time to be present for my labor and birth)

#5 - hubs

#6 - hubs, barely

#7 - hubs

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#1 Brian, Mom

#2 Brian (Mom had G at home with her and brought him over to meet his little sister afterwards)

#3 Brian, Mom (until baby started coming), Brian's Mom (once baby started coming). The moms took turns watching G and M. I really wanted my mom to stay but I also wanted to share this experience with my MIL, so... we worked it out.

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#1-5, just dh (and doctor and nurse or two).


I'm one of those people that would rather labor and birth alone or with one other person. Having dr/nurse/and dh in there was too many people. Dh jokes I'd rather be alone in a closet with a bunch of pillows like a cat. :lol:


Now, when I was all alone taking care of the new babies in the hospital because dh had to go home with the other kids, THAT bothered me. Let me labor alone, but I want help once the baby's here.

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Just my DH and midwives each time - the way I like it. I love my mum and MIL, and they both asked with the first, but... just... no thanks!

If I were to have another I would probably allow DD to be there if I homebirth and if she wants to, I'd possibly allow my little sister (but I seriously doubt she'd want to!) - but that would then cause issues of why not mum too, then why not MIL... etc!

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1. dh & Mom

2. dh (Mom was watching #1)

3. dh & sil (Mom was watching #1 and 2; sil had never had dc of her own and had just moved back to town and was very involved with our dc)

4. dh & Mom (guess Mom had slipped away and left #1-3 with my dad just before the delivery :001_smile:)

5. dh & sil (sil knew I was being induced and happened to be visiting at the moment dd arrived -- I told her she didn't need to leave when the dr was called in)

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Just dh and medical professionals with all of them. The number of staff varied from the anesthetist, a student, two nurses, a doctor and a NICU team of 2-3 people with my oldest to just a doctor and nurse with my third. I wouldn't have minded my mom or m-i-l there, but other than that, I never really wanted an audience.

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  1. Dh (& a bazillion doctors, nurses, residents, students, etc.)
  2. Dh and dd, midwife
  3. Dh, doula, dds 1&2, and SIL (watching dds), midwife, 2 assistants
  4. Dh, doula, dd1 (age 6), newspaper photographer, doula, midwife, assistant
  5. Dh, doula, dds 1 - 3 (aged 8, 6, and 3.5), SIL (watching dds), midwife, assistant



This time it will be just me and dh (and midwife). :) My easiest birth was #2. I do better when left alone.

Edited by Veritaserum
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Don't want to be left out of this one!


When DD 1 was delivered, there was a TON of people; lots of other kids, DH extended family and our facilitator.


When DD2 was delivered there were several workers, 2 other moms and their new babies, DH, BF, and our facilitator.


Oh, DD1 was delivered to us in an orphanage in Viet Nam. The extended family was her Birthmother, grandmother and Uncle.


DD2 was delivered to us in an government building in China. :D

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Other than medical staff:


#1 -- DH

#2 -- DH and DD

#3 -- DH, DD, and DS1

#4 -- DH (It was supposed to have been DH, DD, DS1, and DS2, but the children stepped outside for a few minutes to pick some flowers for me, and DS3 came out in one huge push that I didn't even know I was going to have until I did. DH himself almost missed it.)

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#1 & #2 dh, my mom, and my 2 sisters. My dh faints at the sight of blood, so my sisters were there to keep him from being on the ground!


During the birth for #1, I not only had the medical staff, but the President of the hospital and other administrators that were making rounds of the hospital to "be in touch" with the staff. They stayed and watched the entire birth, although I pretty much forgot they were there!

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Dh and the midwife (I was a planned homebirth but transport to the hospital) - my mother was really, really mad that I wanted the midwife instead of her and took it out on me about a week later by giving us all the silent treatment for two days after I got annoyed with her for calling the doctor who caused me to tear just so he could demonstrate a procedure for a student "a god." That was unfun, but I stand by the decision. She trusted the doctors too much and the midwife was my advocate, even if she only had limited power, she was a voice I trusted.

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