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Is this a new thing?

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It has happened to me twice now. I'm putting my stuff from my full shopping cart onto the conveyor belt and the person behind me decided they know how much room I need and starts putting there stuff up before I finish. Is this new?


The first time was at Target and maybe had enough room, but it hit me as rude and I was in a mood so I didn't scrunch my stuff up and started pushing there backwards out of the way. The second time was at Aldi. That time I really didn't have enough room.


I don't even grab the divider thing until the person ahead of me has all their stuff on the belt.

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Yes this has happened to me! Often when I have a LOT of stuff still in my cart. I just let their stuff ride up until they get nervous because I'm obviously still doing what I'm doing. Sometimes their stuff gets right up into mine and I look at them with this surprised look. Then they have to grab the stuff back.


It's a lot more trouble for them than for me.

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I don't know. I always take up the entire belt, because I put my things in groups of how I want them bagged. I'm a control freak and much prefer self-check--so I can self-bag. I don't know what I'd actually DO if someone interrupted my set-in-stone routine . . . but they'd better watch out!!


(True confessions of a slightly crazed hs mom)

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Yes I think that's wierd -I've never come across it before. All I've ever seen people do is wait till a person fully unloads their cart then grab the divider and the next person starts unloading. It seems stupid to do it any other way :confused:


I mean - just why would you?


The checkouts are quite narrow in Australia so you park your cart at the end and unload from there -I don't see how anyone else could get close enough to unload theirs till you were done. You block off the entire thing and then move your trolley along.

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I guess I should offer you an apology. :tongue_smilie: I actually did that last week and then had to scoot my stuff back. I must have been in LaLa land because I didn't even realize I was doing it until the lady in front of me gave me an odd look.

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This has never happened to me, but I usually only make two big trips a month, so people take one look at my overloaded cart and sidle over to the next lane. ;)


I have had people crowd up in my space when I'm standing in front of the cashier trying to pay (usually men). :glare: When that happens, I stand my ground and slide my foot over into THEIR space, and they usually back off.

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I guess I should offer you an apology. :tongue_smilie: I actually did that last week and then had to scoot my stuff back. I must have been in LaLa land because I didn't even realize I was doing it until the lady in front of me gave me an odd look.


So maybe it's a distracted, "we all have too much going on" thing. I do as Jean and others have mentioned...I get in front of my cart and load stuff onto the end of the belt and let it ride up. I like my personal space and the cart keeps people from encroaching or standing too close. Also, I can group the cold stuff and produce as much as possible.



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I get in front of my cart and load stuff onto the end of the belt and let it ride up. I like my personal space and the cart keeps people from encroaching or standing too close. Also, I can group the cold stuff and produce as much as possible.

That's exactly what I do :lol:

I have a very precise (some would use another word) order to unload my stuff, based on both where it's going to go when I get home and getting the potentially squashable items to end up on top of the pile, as well certain things being kept separate from everything else. It drives me bananas when one of the kids tries to help and puts the laundry detergent next to the milk :glare:

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It doesn't happen to me because I'm at the end of the conveyer, grabbing things out of the cart, which is between me and the next person behind me. They physically cannot get to the conveyer until I am done and have moved my cart.




Plus, my kids are there blocking the aisle and helping me load stuff.


The few times I shop without them, I've noticed that I am kind of slow and often can't keep up with the cashier!


My children sometimes try to put our stuff on the conveyer belt before they should, but I always make them stop and the people ahead of me nod appreciatively and laugh at their eagerness to help out.

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I have had people crowd up in my space when I'm standing in front of the cashier trying to pay (usually men). :glare: When that happens, I stand my ground and slide my foot over into THEIR space, and they usually back off.


yes to this! Sometimes I go around the end to load some bags into the trolley and I come back to find the next person standing in my place in front the cashier. I asked a lady once if she'd like to pay for my groceries.

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I confess to doing this myself; but usually it's when I don't have a cart and have an armload of groceries.


But I do put the divider-bar down in the front of my items, and grab my stuff and slide it back as the belt progresses if the other shopper is still adding items.

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block the belt by parking your cart at the end. If the next person can't reach the cart, they can't really start putting their stuff on it.


See that's the thing, my cart is at the end of the belt when it happens. I'm in the front of my cart getting things out. They reach around the cart to put their stuff on the belt. I guess I'll chalk it up to impatience and glare at them.

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It doesn't happen to me because I'm at the end of the conveyer, grabbing things out of the cart, which is between me and the next person behind me. They physically cannot get to the conveyer until I am done and have moved my cart.


That's what I do. With a full-sized cart, they have no choice unless they want to start throwing their stuff.

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See that's the thing, my cart is at the end of the belt when it happens. I'm in the front of my cart getting things out. They reach around the cart to put their stuff on the belt. I guess I'll chalk it up to impatience and glare at them.


"Accidentally" shove the cart back while reaching in for something. They'll get the message. :D

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It doesn't happen to me because I'm at the end of the conveyer, grabbing things out of the cart, which is between me and the next person behind me. They physically cannot get to the conveyer until I am done and have moved my cart.


:iagree: This would be me. And Kristine, I'm also putting my things up there in groups of how I'd like them to be bagged. Doesn't everyone? :D And doesn't it make you crazy when they completely ignore your thought process and bag how they want?? The nerve!

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I don't know. I always take up the entire belt, because I put my things in groups of how I want them bagged. I'm a control freak and much prefer self-check--so I can self-bag. I don't know what I'd actually DO if someone interrupted my set-in-stone routine . . . but they'd better watch out!!


(True confessions of a slightly crazed hs mom)


So glad someone else does this!! :001_smile:

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It doesn't happen to me because I'm at the end of the conveyer, grabbing things out of the cart, which is between me and the next person behind me. They physically cannot get to the conveyer until I am done and have moved my cart.


This what I do.


I do think it is weird and rude.

I suppose I do weird and rude things when I am impatient.

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I also stand at the end of the lane with my cart behind me. However, I have never seen anyone do that.


I did it once, by mistake. I had a one week old baby and insisted I was ready to go to the store. I was so tired and brain foggy that I started putting my stuff on the conveyer while the other person was halfway through. It was an older couple and they were very perplexed. They just pointed out that they were in the middle of unloading their cart. I apologized, said I was tired and sort of pointed to the baby. They laughed and said it made sense.


I am still sort of embarrassed that I did that.

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:iagree: This would be me. And Kristine, I'm also putting my things up there in groups of how I'd like them to be bagged. Doesn't everyone? :D And doesn't it make you crazy when they completely ignore your thought process and bag how they want?? The nerve!


I tell them, "Please bag my groceries in the groups I've already put them in!" Some look at my a little oddly, and others just do it, but I've had a few say it's a great idea. Of course, they're probably trained to agree with crazy people. ;)

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I've not really noticed this being a problem, but have had someone position their cart at the end of the conveyor, unload it, pay for their groceries and walk off leaving the cart there so that I couldn't even reach the belt without moving their cart out through the line (it was two women and a preteen boy once, then again, an adult the second time). Both times were at BJ's (a warehouse club store).


My other pet peeve is the person who uses the handicapped parking space as a cart return. I have literally watched a woman parked 3 spaces from the cart return in one direction and 3 spaces from the handicapped space in the other deliberately walk her cart to the handicapped space to leave it there. Seems to be most common at Walmart, even the one in the "good" area of town.

Edited by KarenNC
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I never have this problem, and am having a hard time imagining anyone doing that :001_huh:.


Of course, I always have my cart pushed just slightly into the checkout lane, and I stand beside it, standing in front of/against the end of the conveyor belt, reaching sideways into my cart to remove items. I am physically blocking any access to the belt whatsoever, and my cart is blocking the lane, so there is really no way anyone could encroach on my space. Actually, I don't remember when I started doing this, but most of the time one of my dc is in front of the cart near the cashier unloading from that end, so maybe that's why I do it that way. Even if no one else is with me, though, that's my routine.


BTW, my supermarket doesn't have baggers (most of the "low-end" supermarkets in my area don't), so I organize my items in the categories I want, and *I* (or dc) bag them the way I want. It's annoying and takes time, but at least I have my bags the way I like them!

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I've never had that happen to me. Lately, it wouldn't even be possible. My son unloads from the foot of the cart, and I unload just the front basket, so we take up the whole area anyway.


I think it's rude. The "offender" doesn't get checked out any sooner.

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It doesn't happen to me because I'm at the end of the conveyer, grabbing things out of the cart, which is between me and the next person behind me. They physically cannot get to the conveyer until I am done and have moved my cart.


This is what I do, too. After I finish loading, I usually grab the divider and put it down at the end of my merchandise, so they can start loading. Then, I move my cart up. Unfortunately, some people will end up standing almost on top of you at that point, and I still like my space for running my debit or writing my check.


ETA: Just noticed other people mentioning that they really control how they put items on the belt, and just wanted to say that I do the same thing. I've trained my children to do the same thing since they help me unload the cart. I put all cans together, boxed goods together, soft items, frozen/cold items, and then household and toiletries. I severely micro-manage how the cart gets emptied, but it makes it SO much easier once we get home!

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I've noticed this more and more, as well as people pulling into the spot next to you while you are getting in or out of your car, people driving in the passing lane all the time, people letting doors slam in the face of those behind them, and so on...


I think it's a combination of self-centeredness and lack of parental modeling/involvement. For example, if your mom never takes you to the grocery store and shows you how to be a polite person there, you grow up not knowing all of the niceties we take for granted (not parking your cart across the aisle, giving room at the checkout, etc.) So we will have more and more of this as people who haven't been taught any better come of age. Add that to the "you deserve a break today," "it's all about you" messages in culture, and we are in for a ride, imho. :glare:

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It doesn't happen to me because I'm at the end of the conveyer, grabbing things out of the cart, which is between me and the next person behind me. They physically cannot get to the conveyer until I am done and have moved my cart.


This is what I do. Not on purpose to exclude anyone. That's just how I've always done it.

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I confess to doing this myself; but usually it's when I don't have a cart and have an armload of groceries.


But I do put the divider-bar down in the front of my items, and grab my stuff and slide it back as the belt progresses if the other shopper is still adding items.


:iagree: although I've only had to pick up my stuff once. The lady was unloading very slowly and I didn't notice until I was free of my armload.


And we take up the whole aisle on a big trip. I have had it happen to me on small trips. I'm thikking it must be an aldi thing. The other stores have smaller belts.

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yes to this! Sometimes I go around the end to load some bags into the trolley and I come back to find the next person standing in my place in front the cashier. I asked a lady once if she'd like to pay for my groceries.


I guess I'm usually parked is such a way while unloading that I don't have this problem, but what is it with people who can't wait until you've finished your transaction and put your card or change away before they start crowding the counter?


I think this is just because of poor design. If I want to see the price of stuff as it is rung up (a few stores are bad about ringing wrong prices) I need to be able to see the screen. I'd never stand on top of someone paying, but I do need to be right there once the ringing starts.


Unfortunately, the terminals for cards are way up next to the cashier instead of down closer to where I stand while I'm putting my bags into the cart. I have to either stick my cart into the flow of traffic or climb around the cart to get back to the terminal as the cashier reaches the end of my purchases. I really think it would fix a few problems (for me!) if they were moved down a few feet.

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I think it's a combination of self-centeredness and lack of parental modeling/involvement. For example, if your mom never takes you to the grocery store and shows you how to be a polite person there, you grow up not knowing all of the niceties we take for granted (not parking your cart across the aisle, giving room at the checkout, etc.) So we will have more and more of this as people who haven't been taught any better come of age. Add that to the "you deserve a break today," "it's all about you" messages in culture, and we are in for a ride, imho. :glare:


BIG SIGH. If only those public school kids had someone teaching them how to STAND IN LINE!!! :lol:

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but what is it with people who can't wait until you've finished your transaction and put your card or change away before they start crowding the counter?


Because some people take forever to put their card or money away, mess with their purse, and don't get their cart out of the way while both the checker and the people behind them are waiting.

What's so hard about moving your cart away from the counter, clearing the way for the next person, and THEN starting to stow away all your stuff?

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I confess to doing this myself; but usually it's when I don't have a cart and have an armload of groceries.


But I do put the divider-bar down in the front of my items, and grab my stuff and slide it back as the belt progresses if the other shopper is still adding items.


Don't see what the problem is.

If I wait until the person is done, the checker will scan faster than I can load items and he'll have to wait for me to load stuff. Which means the people behind me have to wait.

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Don't see what the problem is.

If I wait until the person is done, the checker will scan faster than I can load items and he'll have to wait for me to load stuff. Which means the people behind me have to wait.



If someone has just a few items left, I'll start putting mine up--about 3' or so away. I just make sure they have room.


It sounds like the OP is talking about people just being really inattentive to the fact that she still had quite a bit to unload and they didn't leave room.

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I guess I'm usually parked is such a way while unloading that I don't have this problem, but what is it with people who can't wait until you've finished your transaction and put your card or change away before they start crowding the counter?


I've had someone come right up by my elbow while I'm swiping my debit card & entering my PIN. If it's a little old lady, I generally ignore it. Most everyone else gets my best alpha b*tch stare and an "Am I in your way?". :glare:


(Actually it usually comes out more like "Hey, don't be such a space invader okay?")

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