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How old is your current third-grader?


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How old is your current third-grader?


Only asking because I contemplate if I made a mistake by starting DS8 when I did, in "schooling". Really, the mistake of adding that grade level label.


Thinking now, for his own benefit, if I had "held him back" a year (you know, started him in K at age 6 instead of age 5) when we started, labeling-wise, instead now of feeling like he is behind his grade level peers, I would feel like he is more on par.


I know, it's a stupid concern, but nevertheless that self-doubt is nagging.

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My daughter is 8 1/2 and just started 2nd grade. We held back from enrolling her in preschool when it was "time", because she wasn't ready, emotionally. She will be almost 9 1/2 when she starts 3rd grade next year. (But academically, things just "click", she's never had any issues and last year she scored very highly on her 1st grade standardized test.)

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I was interested in reading your thread because my ds could be in 3rd grade. He is a summer Birthday, and is actually the same age as your son. He turned 8 this past summer and then started 2nd this fall. He was only a few weeks before the cut-off so we decided to wait until 'just turned 6' instead of 'just turned 5'.


It looks like from your academic list for him he is doing 3rd grade work. I am familiar with MFW, have used some of their programs, and they don't recommend ECC until 3rd grade. So I would say he is where his peers are at.


We only use grade levels though for activities. Academically he is actually beyond 2nd grade, but 2nd grade has worked very well for Sunday school & Awana & any other activities he does.

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My oldest was not-quite-8 at the beginning of 3rd grade (October birthday, cutoff was 12/2 at the time she started). My DS will be not-quite-9 at the beginning of 3rd. He has a November birthday and while he was ready to start K at not-quite-5, he wasn't ready to move on to 1st grade this year. His fine motor skills are lagging, particularly in writing. Also, his attention span isn't yet where it needs to be for 1st grade. So he's doing "transition" this year.

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My ds turned 8 and started third on the second day of September. Here the cut-off date is Sept. 1, so he would have only missed it by one day. One day. For one day, dh certainly didn't want ds held back in any way. For K he was also ready. He's basically on par now except for a few areas, but it shouldn't be too hard to catch up. He's doing MM 2B instead of 3A and WWE 2, but I know many children are using WWE 2 with their third graders. He's also immature compared to most his peers, but I consider this to be a good thing (for the most part). I was always very immature for my age and gender (female), but I was one of the middle ones in class - started K at 5.


Dd4 has a late, late July birthday, and she'll be starting K next year. She'll be ready.

Edited by sagira
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My daughter just turned 8 and when someone insists on knowing her grade, I say she's in 3rd. I try to avoid dwelling on grade level because I don't think it is meaningful for us.


I'm not sure whether she'd have been 2nd or 3rd grade now if she'd gone to public school. I would have been tempted to hold her back a year for social reasons, but I'm not sure I'd have had the guts to actually do it.

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DD has a late June birthday, and was 8 last year for third grade. We have always felt like it was the wrong placement for her, and she has always struggled to keep up with her peers (she was in school for pre-k, K, and 1st).


We have chosen to do a "transition" year this year, rather than moving on to 4th grade. The difference is amazing! Instead of struggling, she is thriving! At this age, a year makes a huge difference, and it's been interesting to watch her easily understanding things that brought frustration and tears a year ago. Also, it's been a better fit for her in outside activities. She's tiny, and even other 3rd graders are much bigger than she is, and her athletic skills are more like 3rd than 4th.


Also, the vast majority of kids graduate at 18, and before DD was going to be 17. Now she'll be 18, and hopefully have an extra year of maturity before taking on the world!


Go with what makes sense for you and your child. Reading through the replies, it looks like there is wide variations in the age of third graders. I noticed that most of the posts mention that, regardless if the child is a young third or an old third, the placement is what is appropriate for the particular child. That's definitely important to think about.


Good luck!

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My dd was a 3rd grader last year and turned 8 in June right before her 3rd grade year started. She is now a 9yo 4th grader...that's what we tell people who ask her grade, anyway, because if she were in public school that is where she'd be. In church she calls herself a 5th grader so she can be in the classes that "teach" more about God rather than just read a little story and play and at home, her curriculum is all over the place grade-wise.

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I go by the state's grade labels and haven't had a reason to redshirt any of my kids so far (though I probably would have redshirted my middle son if he didn't already go past the cutoff).




DS1 will be newly 8 when he starts 3rd grade (technically, we will start a few days before his late June birthday, since I school year round). Socially, he'd do better with peers a year younger, but as far as Bible class at church goes (the only place his grade matters), he's perfectly placed.


DS2 has November birthday, so he'll turn 9 during his 3rd grade year. We just started K with him, but I call him "K4". As far as the state is concerned, he will be in 3rd grade at close to 9, even if he's doing higher level work at that time.


DS3 has a May birthday, and so far seems to academically be like DS1 (from what little you can tell of a 2.5 year old ;) ). I don't have any reason to redshirt him at church (he does well in the class he's in so far). So he'll be newly 8 when he starts 3rd grade.


If you think your son needs to be in a lower grade for social reasons or to give him an extra year before graduation, I see no problem with doing that. If he does well with kids his age and it's just academics that are a lower grade, I'd probably just keep him with his age and give him academics that work for him. In high school, it may not be noticeable. For example, if he's one year behind in math now, that might just mean taking algebra in 9th grade, which is perfectly acceptable. If he's doing academics all across the board lower than his grade, I could see giving him a transition year at some point. You know him best!


I notice you are using Phonic Pathways with him, so I am assuming reading is a struggle for him still? Have you checked for vision issues, LDs, etc.? If he's medically ok and is just a "late bloomer", he may catch back up once the reading gets easier. I've seen plenty of posters here with kids that didn't read until later but caught up and even surpassed their grade level later on.


Anyway, as long as you're giving him work appropriate to his level, wherever that is, and he's continuing to make progress, that's the important thing. The grade label is more of an age label usually.

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How old is your current third-grader?


Only asking because I contemplate if I made a mistake by starting DS8 when I did, in "schooling". Really, the mistake of adding that grade level label.


Thinking now, for his own benefit, if I had "held him back" a year (you know, started him in K at age 6 instead of age 5) when we started, labeling-wise, instead now of feeling like he is behind his grade level peers, I would feel like he is more on par.


I know, it's a stupid concern, but nevertheless that self-doubt is nagging.


My youngest is in 4th this year. However, when they were in 3rd:

oldest: started in July, turned 8 in Nov

second: started in July, turned 9 in Feb

third: started in July, turned 8 in Aug

fourth: started in July, turned 9 in Dec


My oldest has graduated and enlisted in the Navy, and I still wonder sometimes if I should have waited a year to officially label him a kindergartener.

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My 3rd grader is 9 years old. She has an early September birthday. In some states (such as California, where we lived when she turned 5) that would put her in 4th grade, but 3rd grade is the right place for my 9 yr old. I am kinda glad I live in a Sept 1st cut-off state now, so I no longer have to justify my decision to anyone. (Because she seems bright/mature - when I lived in a Dec. 1st cut-off state, many people found it strange that I would "hold her back", but for many reasons, I still maintain waiting the year was right for her.)

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My current 3rd grader is 8yrs. old and will turn 9 in Jan. My last three 3rd graders had just turned 9yrs. old in Sept/Oct. My oldest who has a May birthday and started 3rd being 8yrs. old.


My last little guy will be 9yrs old in 3rd grade. So, most of my dc 'started' school when they were 6. Only the two with a Jan. and May birthday started at age 5.

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Mine is 9 and I had him wait a year before going into K'garten. His Birthday is 5/28 and he is probably older than any other kid in this list. I am not going to read the replies b/c sometimes I doubt that decision. But he is FINE and he is also tiny and so I am working at not comparing to others :D

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Mine is 9 and I had him wait a year before going into K'garten. His Birthday is 5/28 and he is probably older than any other kid in this list. I am not going to read the replies b/c sometimes I doubt that decision. But he is FINE and he is also tiny and so I am working at not comparing to others :D


:grouphug: It really is a perfectly fine decision. I'm sitting w/my turned 6 in July Ker. She simply could not have done K last yr b/c mentally she just wasn't ready. So, she will be 9 before 3rd grade. It doesn't bother me at all b/c if she couldn't do it, "making" her wouldn't have made any difference!!

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DS will turn 8 a few days after school starts next year in the PS; this year he turned 7 the day school started here.


If he were in PS, he'd be a first grader due to the cut-off here, but he's second since I started him when he was ready, not when a calendar said he should be K. So next year, he'll start third as a 7yo, when we start school a month and a half before the PS starts, and turn 8 early into the year.

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She is 8, but will be 9 in January. Her brother was 7 going on 8 (Nov. birthday.) Although he was/is gifted in reading and math his writing was "behind." Although I always reminded myself that it didn't matter, he'd catch us, it was still stressful. I sometimes wish I'd "held him back" instead of starting him in K at 4. Academically it wouldn't matter at all (I'll always teach him at the level he needs to be taught) but I think the writing and spelling would have been less of a stress on both of us.


My friend whose has 2 sons who have some level of LD just decided, with her husband, to go "ungraded" in their school. Of course, for reporting purposes she needs to report them as a grade (and did hold them back), but at home they have stopped using grade labels. She puts them with age mates at our enrichment co-op.





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My DS is 9, he misses our state's cutoff date by 10 days so I opted not to start him and that has been the best thing for him.



I thought ECC was recommended for 4th grade unless your child has already completed Adventures, just asking because that's what I see recommended on the site and I want to make sure that we're on par when my 4th grader is using it next year.

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My ds turned 8 in June and is in 3rd grade. I wish I would have started him in K one year later bc he has some speech issues and is struggling with some eye problems as well. For what it's worth, the majority of boys around here (KY) are held back one year for sports (a 13 year old has a better chance making the basketball team in 7th grade than a 12 year old)!

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How old is your current third-grader?


Only asking because I contemplate if I made a mistake by starting DS8 when I did, in "schooling". Really, the mistake of adding that grade level label.


Thinking now, for his own benefit, if I had "held him back" a year (you know, started him in K at age 6 instead of age 5) when we started, labeling-wise, instead now of feeling like he is behind his grade level peers, I would feel like he is more on par.


I know, it's a stupid concern, but nevertheless that self-doubt is nagging.


My current 3rd grader is 8 (will be 9 in May) and I really do think he is a 3rd grader, academics seem to come so naturally to him.


I feel the same as you about my younger ds though. He's 6 and I've been saying he's a 1st grader, but sometimes I think he should really be a K-er. He struggles more.


I don't put a lot of stock in grade levels though. But my boys like to talk about their "grade", lol. :)

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My DS turned 9 right after we started 3rd grade. He has some SN and just needed the added maturity time so it is definitely the right decision for him. His twin is in the 4th grade this year (and is actually several years ahead in math, I just haven't told him:D). 4th grade is the right choice for this kid. You have to just do what you think is right for your child.


In the end what difference does it really make whether they graduate at 17, 18, or 19? By the time you're our age one year seems like the blink of an eye. :)

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My current 3rd grader is 8 (will be 9 in May) and I really do think he is a 3rd grader, academics seem to come so naturally to him.


This made me smile. Because this is the age of my eldest, who is 7 in grade 2, and will be 8 in May.


For grades I just go by the cut off age. So my youngest is considered grade 1. But I don't think he is doing any of the subjects except math at a grade 1 level. (grade level can even be all over the map in brick and mortar schools. So he can likely read at the same level as some other grade 1 students. Print as well as the worst printer in any class. He understands SOTW book 1 with no problems... )


Neither of my kids care about grade level at all.

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My current third grader turned 9 in July of this year. He could be a 4th grader by our town standard, but we decided to hold off with him for social reasons. My first grader, we did the same. He is 7 and turned so in April. We held him back for academic reasons (late with alphabet and number recognition).


My kids are in a good place for them and I'm glad I made the decision.

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Thanks for all of the replies.


So my DS8 will turn 9 in Feb, of his 3rd grade year. So that seems on par with the "average" age. But sounds like he could've waited a year too, and just been on the older end of the group. But the thing is, now that he "knows" he's a third grader, it will be hard to take that label away, and use it again next year, in his mind, he wouldn't understand. In my mind, it would be completely fine, and give us that ability to not have to rush things, to be "on par with grade level".


It's not MFW ECC that concerns me at all, that's completely fine, as it is geared to multi-ages, so he does the things that are appropriate for him, and doesn't do the things that aren't. (He did Adventures last year, btw).


It's more the CORE things, the reading (still struggling quite a bit), the math (he does fine where he is at, but he is not working at a 3rd grade level), that type of stuff.


I know it will be fine, it will work out, all of those positive thoughts. But just sitting here thinking last night about the future, and how he's only 2-3 years from being into middle school, and how we really need to revv up to be up to speed on some things. But you can only rev as fast as their brain will allow, ya know?

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