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How do I keep him from being.... odd?!

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DS9 that is. He always in making the oddest noises, I can't even explain them. Just sounds. He will mimic games, music anything he has heard. He will do this in public too!


He will not sit normally, he will stand on his head on the couch but his feel are still on the couch (kinda like he is folded in half), he will tumble across the bed, he will do the same thing on the bed that he does on the couch. He is always doing that kind of stuff, drives me nuts.


Is this normal? How do I keep him from, at the very least, from making the blasted noises?

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I'm taking it you did not have any brothers when you were growing up. :D


Yep. The boys I have known have all made weird noises at random times. My boys have complete battles with no words, just sound effects. Their favorite place to do this is the grocery store.


I'm constantly having to remind my boys that our living room furniture is not a jungle gym. Ds1 prefers to listen to read alouds upside down, so I feel your pain.


ETA: I forgot their latest trick. They crawl underneath the fitted sheet on our king size bed. Yes. While it is still on the bed. How's that for weird?

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Maybe it's easier because I have two older dds and only one boy, but I have taught my ds not to do those things. We have rules against pointless noises, we sit on furniture correctly, etc. My ds is on a wrestling team and in other sports, and he has plenty of time with dh or other boys to play like a boy, and he is very much all boy, but he has also been taught the appropriate behavior for each time and place.


I would at least try to teach him not to (and it may take a while to break the habits,) and then if you find you can't, seek outside help if you think it is interfering with his life. I would make sure he has another outlet (as a pp mentioned, maybe gymnastics) for his energy.

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I regret to inform you this is normal.


My boys are semi-trained not to make the noises around me.


Our school motto is "Striving to keep our heads above our feet." I'm not sure we'll ever achieve it.




I'm taking it you did not have any brothers when you were growing up. :D




No I was the oldest of four girls. I was around my boy cousins but not enough to pick up on anything. My aunt (my cousins mom) died last year or I would be on the phone with her a lot!




I'm always thinking how strange and dorky my boys are. And I *love* that they're that way, you know?


Let me quality, a lot of times it doesn't bother me, but he makes this one particular sound that absolutely drives me nuts. He just did it again. If he just wouldn't make that one noise....


Have you kidnapped my son? :)


Certainly not! :D Between my pretzel/noise maker son and my youngest who is going to be tested for SPD (*sigh*) I don't need another! :)


Hate to break it to you but it doesn't change. DH and his brother STILL do this when they get around each other and they're 51 and 44.





ETA: Thanks all, at least I know he isn't mental... well not much anyway! Hehe

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My boys use to do this. They had to strip naked first, that way your clothes wouldn't make it difficult. :glare:


Before they started crawling under the sheet, they would just crawl under the comforter. And I believe this behavior started while they were waiting for the tub to fill for baths. They needed something to do while standing around naked. They still do this, as well as climb under the sheet, before baths and call it Naked Adventure.

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Let me quality, a lot of times it doesn't bother me, but he makes this one particular sound that absolutely drives me nuts. He just did it again. If he just wouldn't make that one noise....


My eldest has a teddy named "JigO". He likes to sing "JigO, JigO, JigO" again and again. But it's not him doing it, it's the teddy. So right now JigO is sitting in time out for being annoying. :glare:

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Hate to break it to you but it doesn't change. DH and his brother STILL do this when they get around each other and they're 51 and 44.


OK, this made me seriously Laugh Out Loud!!!!!!



This thread makes me feel so much better............. sometimes I feel like my son is KING of the oddballs.... I had NO brothers growing up and only 2 males cousins who lived states away..... little boys are completely foreign to me.

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May I ask you all when this started? My 3yo DD makes a few noises ... "humming" Jingle Bells by clicking her tongue, for example. I don't know when she started, but I don't remember her being interested in making noises until after she had talking down cold.


This baby in my lap, though ... goodness! He's not even a whole month old and he makes little noises all. the. time. :confused: The weirdest are when he's nursing. He makes "hunting" noises. They remind me of the whistle-y grunting sounds the velociraptors make in Jurassic Park.

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ETA: I forgot their latest trick. They crawl underneath the fitted sheet on our king size bed. Yes. While it is still on the bed. How's that for weird?


My kids did this for a while! It was actually started by my daughter. We would go in our room and the bed would be stripped because they could not get out. They stopped after we made THEM make our bed back one day. ;)

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Before they started crawling under the sheet, they would just crawl under the comforter. And I believe this behavior started while they were waiting for the tub to fill for baths. They needed something to do while standing around naked. They still do this, as well as climb under the sheet, before baths and call it Naked Adventure.



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This baby in my lap, though ... goodness! He's not even a whole month old and he makes little noises all. the. time. :confused: The weirdest are when he's nursing. He makes "hunting" noises. They remind me of the whistle-y grunting sounds the velociraptors make in Jurassic Park.


It was a running joke in my family about the noises my youngest made when he nursed. He's always done that, from his first nursing to his last. We have, finally, taught him table manners and how not to make those disgusting cave man noises when eating with utensils (he'll be six this week).


To the OP: You honestly could have been writing about my oldest son. He makes random (high pitched) spontaneous noises all of the time. And the noise battles in the grocery stores? Oh yea. Every. Freaking. Time.

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I was a little afraid to open this thread, as I have an "oddball" as well, and frankly, I didn't want to ready about getting him tested. *looks around uncertainly*


I am so glad I did open this though! :D My DS8 drives me up the wall with his constant humming, noises, and sound effects. Yes, we deal with the unique body-bending contortions while sitting on the couch. Yes, we've recently discovered the fun of 'hiding' naked under the fitted sheets, and yes! he is a complete massive ball of noisy, dirty, boy. And even better, DS7, not to be outdone by his older brother, is now joining in the chaos of 'boydom'.


I kind of like it. :)

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My boys are odd little creatures who make odd noise and move their bodies in odd ways, and I love them all the more for it!! I am so glad to have them since they keep me young and fun. They like me to sit on them when I am reading aloud. They like to be shoved when I walk by them, and they always ready and waiting for a spontaneous wrestling match.


Even though I don't understand the way their bodies and minds are wired, I must admit that I find them to be far more fun than my beautiful girls.

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I'm taking it you did not have any brothers when you were growing up. :D




I had a brother who made constant noises. Bad jazz, a lot of the time.


I used to hide in a closet when my mother vacuumed, and I'd hum a half-note off from the sound of the Hoover (remember, they were mustard colored round balls?). After a bit my mother would shout CUT THAT OUT. I did it just to get her goat.


I also found a half-nailed in, bent nail in the plywood over the rafters of the kitchen. I was slither back there and spin it. It made a squeaking bird noise. My mother would stop cooking and clamber up to the attic and pop off the lid (which I had pulled back in from the inside) and shine a flash light looking for the "trapped bird". I would hide in the eaves. I never told her, and she went to her grave perplexed at all the birds we had in that house, and how quickly they all got out. :D

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I have good news!


The Noise Guy is a man who was just like your son when he was younger. In fact, he got in trouble in school all the time for being too active and noisy. Now he makes his living making weird noises to the delight of the kids lucky enough to see him perform.


He's pretty awesome! A lot of fun to watch. Throws things into his performances that adults will catch. Had this great "The Star Wars Saga in 60 seconds" routine that throws some Lord of the Rings in there, too.


When my son saw him the first time, he hugged him and ask if he could be his dad. Since then, we've seen him a couple more times. He's written the coolest book about toilets that only

. Edited by joannqn
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Hmm.. well, I have two boys and a brother and they don't do anything like that. But they are plenty odd in other ways.


If he can't control himself, can't stop himself from making the sounds you might want to investigate tourette's syndrom. I have two friends with children who are dealing with this. The verbal ticks show up more when they feel stressed or are in social situations etc.


For both kids there isn't any intervention really. Well, one isn't a kid, but a full grown and married adult. But, it does help everyone to know that the verbalisms and tics are out of their conscious control. They aren't doing it to annoy. Sometimes, that can make all the difference in one's tolerance.

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