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Netflix: An explanation and some reflections - have you read this?

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I took the Netflix money and started buying a new video every month. So far I have bought GWTW, Amazing Grace (Wilberforce/slavery), The King's Speech, Father of the Bride and a few more I can't recall.


In our area, I think Redbox is a poor option for family movies. Mostly "R" and "PG13" movies that are non-family-friendly features.




This is what we have started doing as well. We will take the $$ we would have spent on Netflix and spend it on our family movie library...a few friends have been amazed at our collection and one even asked if they could "sign out" a few movies. LOL

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This is what we have started doing as well. We will take the $$ we would have spent on Netflix and spend it on our family movie library...a few friends have been amazed at our collection and one even asked if they could "sign out" a few movies. LOL


I don't see us doing that.

I wouldn't buy it unless I had already seen it. It is rare we feel a movie is worth watching twice. Even more rare for it to be worth watching enough to want to own it.

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This is what we have started doing as well. We will take the $$ we would have spent on Netflix and spend it on our family movie library...a few friends have been amazed at our collection and one even asked if they could "sign out" a few movies. LOL


I don't see us doing that.

I wouldn't buy it unless I had already seen it. It is rare we feel a movie is worth watching twice. Even more rare for it to be worth watching enough to want to own it.


To each his own... :tongue_smilie:

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Guess DH and I are the only Blu-Ray nerds! We'll keep the DVD option (w/the Blu-Ray upgrade) and ditch streaming. I will miss streaming for TV series and educational programming, but we can easily get most things through our library.


I think the whole thing was poorly handled. We're shopping around for other options...

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I'd go back to their DVD service and would be extra thrilled if they offered Wii games. I didn't care for their streaming. I don't think it had enough of a selection.




I've no use for their streaming with our internet connection (less than 1 mbps at it's best). I'm glad they're not ignoring the part of the population that does not have (and won't for the foreseeable future) high speed internet.

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I explained the situation to ds, without emotion, and asked his opinion. His first statement, "That's stupid, you'll lose business doing that." I told him his schooling days were over, he was now smarter than the CEO of Netflix. :tongue_smilie: :lol:


My assumption is:


1. There is more going on behind the scenes and there is a business reason to split the companies (ie: bankruptcy, sell off, only way to get more streaming)


2. No one in the company pointed out what a bad idea this was. (which means there are morons or non-critical thinking employees at Netflix)


3. Someone pointed out this was a bad idea, citing already troubled client base, and they were shot down by the CEO. (which shows he doesn't care about client concerns)


As one of the comments on the blog pointed out, this may go down as one of the stupidest decisions of digital era.

Edited by elegantlion
correcting statement
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Dear Customers,


Thanks for not leaving after the price hike. We know that was controversial and not well liked. We'd like to offer an apology. Srsly srry! Kthnx!


Guess what! Now we're going to make the service we just made more expensive less convenient. We know many of you use Netflix for one stop entertainment. We're excited to tell you that will be changing. Now you get to manage two accounts, have two queues, and two bills. Think of the extra time you get to spend online! Time spent at Netflix and now, Qwikster.


We think this will improve the quality of your service in some nebulous way that we won't fully explain. Except to say that we as a company aren't capable of meeting the wants of Netflix members without splitting into two. I know that doesn't make sense or give you much confidence in our abilities to provide great custimer service, but hey what can you do? Did I mention Qwikster will still be coming in our signature red envelope? That's exciting and important.


Thanks for your continued business on the streaming side, since I no longer have to care about the DVD by mail portion.


Reed Hastings




We got the same e-mail...my first thought was that he didn't know the meaning of the word apology. My second thought was pretty much what you said, but not as funny!


That being said, we do like their streaming and find we are spending less money with that then when we were buying movies through iTunes. We are also using less hard drive space.

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Guess DH and I are the only Blu-Ray nerds! We'll keep the DVD option (w/the Blu-Ray upgrade) and ditch streaming. I will miss streaming for TV series and educational programming, but we can easily get most things through our library.



We're keeping the Blu-Ray upgrade. Can't imagine having a Blu-ray player and not getting Blu-rays when available.

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I do not like the spelling of Qwikster but thought that they may have needed it in order to create new accounts and domain names. Guess not.




Wow, they obviously didn't even *check* that! Otherwise, why associate oneself with joint-smoking Elmo guy?:confused:

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I just went to cancel my Netflix since the next billing date is in two days. I can't do it. When I hit the submit button, it says my request cannot be processed. I tried twice. I think the system is overloaded with cancellations today. Or maybe it's their new marketing strategy.


We cancelled ours on Friday and it was due to be billed on Sunday. I'd guess their server might be overloaded with requests.


Can you call them?

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I do not like the spelling of Qwikster but thought that they may have needed it in order to create new accounts and domain names. Guess not.



Quick! Someone tell that Jason dude to trademark his twitter name.

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Dear Customers,


Thanks for not leaving after the price hike. We know that was controversial and not well liked. We'd like to offer an apology. Srsly srry! Kthnx!


Guess what! Now we're going to make the service we just made more expensive less convenient. We know many of you use Netflix for one stop entertainment. We're excited to tell you that will be changing. Now you get to manage two accounts, have two queues, and two bills. Think of the extra time you get to spend online! Time spent at Netflix and now, Qwikster.


We think this will improve the quality of your service in some nebulous way that we won't fully explain. Except to say that we as a company aren't capable of meeting the wants of Netflix members without splitting into two. I know that doesn't make sense or give you much confidence in our abilities to provide great custimer service, but hey what can you do? Did I mention Qwikster will still be coming in our signature red envelope? That's exciting and important.


Thanks for your continued business on the streaming side, since I no longer have to care about the DVD by mail portion.


Reed Hastings


:iagree: What IS the deal with the whole "signature red envelope" thing? I don't care if the envelope is puce green if it brings me a DVD in good condition (which, ironically, our last two DVDs have not been :glare:).


Reed Hastings - September is not a good month for his mouth:

http://blog.netflix.com/2010/09/apologies.html (this, after they introduced streaming to the Canadian customers with different pricing structure from the US, and made comments about Americans being "too self absorbed" to notice...)

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This is what we have started doing as well. We will take the $$ we would have spent on Netflix and spend it on our family movie library...a few friends have been amazed at our collection and one even asked if they could "sign out" a few movies. LOL


This just wouldn't work for us because rarely watch a movie or tv show twice. I stopped buying dvds years ago because I realized the only time anyone watched them was if we were on a road trip with the car dvd player hooked up.

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Okay, yeah, what I meant was I don't see how this helps matters. So I understood correctly then. It was a "sorry we handled things badly... um, okay, now we are making it even worse".

The initial big change that I see for us is that, currently, if I have a movie in my dvd queue that becomes available for streaming, Netflix will automatically add it to my instant queue. This means I don't have to constantly search to see if any of my 200 dvds in queue have by chance become available for streaming. If I understand the change correctly, I will have to move between two sites to manually check for this sort of thing. Also, when I search for a dvd on Netflix now, I am given suggestions for other similar titles which are available streaming, which I doubt will be a service Qwikster will provide. Admittedly, it's going to be a bit irritating.


I wonder if Qwikster will still allow setting up separate queues for different family members/purposes. Netflix had that, dropped it and then brought it back after user protest. I liked it, but we stopped using the feature because it wouldn't tell you if a dvd in a sub-queue was available streaming. That only worked on the main account.


I think they will eventually spin off Qwikster if it remains a viable service.

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I read that Netflix has to pay a fee for their streaming movies according to how many streaming subscribers they have. As it is, all their subscribers are lumped into one boat. Supposedly it will be cheaper for them to seperate out the DVD only customers from the streaming so that way they are only paying the fee for actual streaming subscribers. I don't know if any of what I just said makes sense but I read that explanation in a tech blog!


If this is true, they should say so. At least it's better than the lack of explanation they are currently giving. As it stands they just appear to be messing with a good thing.


I dropped the DVD plan when they changed their price plans recently. To be honest, I mostly use streaming anyway. Now if I want a DVD I use redbox. Since they've decided to make it into two websites I will definitely not use the DVD plan anymore.


And whose brilliant idea was it to name the new company Qwikster without even registering the trademark? Didn't they check twitter and other places to see if it was being used. Now we have a pot smoking Elmo representing them?!!


How can such a high paid exec make such a huge blunder and still have his job Monday morning?

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We cancelled ours on Friday and it was due to be billed on Sunday. I'd guess their server might be overloaded with requests.


Can you call them?


Yes, you can call them. I did just this morning. The phone number is on the very bottom of the screen on the account page under "contact us". Expect to wait a while. I think I waited about 10 minutes. We dropped back to only streaming due to price increase, yet we were not billed and a dvd was sent out to us today. The CSR explained there has been a "billing glitch" and not to worry. My request to change service was posted well in time and we will not be billed for the extra service we had cancelled. We chose to drop to only streaming when the price for our chosen plan doubled. There were other factors, we recently moved and have cable now (did not have it before) so we are not watching dvds at much.

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If DVD's go away, it will be very upsetting to us. We have the following movie patterns- we see first run movies in theaters, usually. We see indie films, old movies, and foreign films plus some series on DVD. Rarely is anything we want to see on streaming. (Maybe about 3 out of 40 of our picks). Currently, I am the only one of the three people in our current household watching anything on streaming and that is one television show which, when I am done, I will probably stop streaming. We do have cable and I think I would have to spend more timing searching through cable movies if Netflix DvDs go away. I see REdbox or the competitor in the stores but they have movies either I am not interested in or have already seen.

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We cancelled ours on Friday and it was due to be billed on Sunday. I'd guess their server might be overloaded with requests.


Can you call them?


I've had to call them in the past so I knew that would be easy. But this afternoon I was able to cancel online so it's all good now. Except their survey on why I cancelled didn't have 'you screwed everything up' as an option, nor did it have a place for me to manually write in why I cancelled. I kind of wanted to tell them why I left.

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Before this news we planned to keep both streaming and dvd, but now I'm not so sure. If I have to go somewhere else to find the dvd's I want, I can just as easily check Redbox or my library, which has a decent selection. We only get dvd's for current movies or a tv series that isn't available on streaming. As I said, Redbox and the library will fill those needs. Lately we haven't found any movies on dvd that we want to watch anyway. Most of our Netflix viewing has been through streaming. For what we watch, they still have a better selection than hulu plus or Amazon.


I also wonder how the dvd by mail service will be affected if the proposed Post Office cuts go into effect. Dvd's won't come as quickly (oops, those Quikster movies won't come quickly), and there won't be any arriving on Saturday.

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Uh-oh, they have incurred the wrath of The Oatmeal (Oatmeal often=off-color humor and/or some cursing, be forewarned):




My son has decided to write his current events/argumentative paragraph for the week on Netflix's blunder. I shall forward this to him (yes, I read the language). :lol::lol:

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My son has decided to write his current events/argumentative paragraph for the week on Netflix's blunder. I shall forward this to him (yes, I read the language). :lol::lol:


Marketing 101: Never talk to customers about marketing. Hastings' email to every Netflix customer: "Here's our marketing strategy."

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Will probably drop down to one dvd at a time, then, for films not available streaming, but keep steaming at whatever level lets three or more folks watch at once on different machines (one tv and three 'puters). Unless I want to chug through a dvd BBC mini-series, in which case I will get two dvds at a time to fit in stuff for hubby ;-)

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Well, we weren't happy about the price hike but we were will to stick it out because although we use streaming every day there are occassionally things we want to watch that are only available on DVD. However, with the latest anouncement, we have decided to drop the DVD portion and either wait for those items to be available on streaming or simply buy them if we can't wait. In large portion this is due to the arrogance and idiocy of the CEO.


Another thing we did was add DVR to our cable plan about three months ago. We are now capable of recording the current shows we want to watch even if we aren't quite ready to watch them yet. We bundled our cable, internet and phone and now pay less overall with more features and less problems. So between that and streaming I think we can manage.


ETA: This was my 8,888 post. Nifty.

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Dear Customers,


Thanks for not leaving after the price hike. We know that was controversial and not well liked. We'd like to offer an apology. Srsly srry! Kthnx!


Guess what! Now we're going to make the service we just made more expensive less convenient. We know many of you use Netflix for one stop entertainment. We're excited to tell you that will be changing. Now you get to manage two accounts, have two queues, and two bills. Think of the extra time you get to spend online! Time spent at Netflix and now, Qwikster.


We think this will improve the quality of your service in some nebulous way that we won't fully explain. Except to say that we as a company aren't capable of meeting the wants of Netflix members without splitting into two. I know that doesn't make sense or give you much confidence in our abilities to provide great custimer service, but hey what can you do? Did I mention Qwikster will still be coming in our signature red envelope? That's exciting and important.


Thanks for your continued business on the streaming side, since I no longer have to care about the DVD by mail portion.


Reed Hastings


Yes! :lol::lol::lol:

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I'm annoyed that I now have to log into two separate sites to manage my queues. I also hate the name Qwickster.




I find this a little irritating too. Also, because I will have both, it is going to be two separate charges, even though it is the same amount.


I like having my ques in one place. :glare:

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I'm okay with it. I think it sounds like good business, when one is expecting to make profits. I've got both services so I don't care if they split them. I still think it's a heck of a service. I've been with them for 6 years and have had very few problems, all of which were remedied by them very quickly. For the price of one meal in a restaurant, or the price of one DVD at Walmart, I have access to many movies and tv shows. And I might have video games too? I'm good to go!!

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I'm okay with it. I think it sounds like good business, when one is expecting to make profits. I've got both services so I don't care if they split them. I still think it's a heck of a service. I've been with them for 6 years and have had very few problems, all of which were remedied by them very quickly. For the price of one meal in a restaurant, or the price of one DVD at Walmart, I have access to many movies and tv shows. And I might have video games too? I'm good to go!!


What the company is doing makes good business sense in the long term; however, the pricing and structural changes are premature and have served only to alienate long-time customers and squander their tremendous good will. What a difference a year would have made...

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I think this is the end of DVD's by mail at least...and very possibly the end of netflix unless they improve their streaming a lot and quickly including getting Starz back.


I understand that Starz wanted Netflix to increase their prices even higher than the price hike they just did. Starz turned down the over $300 million dollars that Netflix offered to pay for Starz. They are quoted,


"This decision is a result of our strategy to protect the premium nature of our brand by preserving the appropriate pricing and packaging of our exclusive and highly valuable content," Starz said in a surprisingly chilly public statement. "With our current studio rights and growing original programming presence, the network is in an excellent position to evaluate new opportunities and expand its overall business."


It looks like they plan on doing some business of their own that will make them more money than $300 million dollars a year.

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What the company is doing makes good business sense in the long term; however, the pricing and structural changes are premature and have served only to alienate long-time customers and squander their tremendous good will. What a difference a year would have made...


Well, I see that point. I don't hold that idea, but I do understand it.

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I understand that Starz wanted Netflix to increase their prices even higher than the price hike they just did. Starz turned down the over $300 million dollars that Netflix offered to pay for Starz.
:iagree: It would be a huge mistake for Netflix to introduce premium streaming options at this time as they simply don't have the premium content to justify it (and Starz' content doesn't come close). I could see it down the road though... a premium option for movies within a certain number of months of a title's DVD release.
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