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you earn it after you've been flamed for asking about:


returning shopping carts to the correct areas


removing shoes before entering a house, or asking guests to



there are several others. The badge only goes to those asking in the most innocent of ways.;)


Maybe we can have a color-coding system for pro, con, and neutral on these controversial issues. Green badge with a crockpot icon? You're for them! Red badge with a jack o'lantern? Thumbs down on trick or treating. Yellow badge with a shoe? Don't have a strong opinion on that one.


Could cause factionalization at any meetups, though.

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I believe we need a WTM badge program, like girl scouts and boy scouts. We could have golden sashes to wear at get togethers.


Here are a few badges I believe would be important. *items could be duplicated, earning extra stingers with each repeat:


I've said "No" to the meat truck

I've been banned*

I've had a thread locked*

I've had a thread deleted*

I've read WTM cover-to-cover at least once

I understand booKs and teA don't always mean books and tea

I've maxed out the number of characters allowed in a signature

I own and use my crock pot

I grow my own food

I didn't threaten my children with public school this month*

I logged out of WTM forums on purpose for more than twenty-four hours (obviously you have to come back to claim this badge)

We've done a chicken mummy

I survived lapbooking

I can multi-quote

I was a member of the old board

I've met Susan Wise Bauer (a most coveted badge)

I have purchased from Peace Hill Press

I once came to WTM to research one item and left after doing just that



What other badges do we need? :bigear:


Would anyone get this badge? :001_huh:


I'm ready to sew my vest and start collecting. :lol:

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Starting a social group

Joining a social group

Remembering you have a social group


Reporting spam

Reporting a post

Just putting someone on ignore instead of going back to get the last word

Successfully ignoring a thread you know you will flame in (I don't think I could earn this one).

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Successfully passing the bean dip


Scoring a *First!* on the old boards (a limited edition badge, that!)


Graduating a home schooled student


Completing a curriculum selling transaction by searching the WTB boards before listing on the FS board



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Graduating a homeschool child, WHO GOES ON TO HOMESCHOOL THEIR OWN CHILDREN.


Knowing what Nanowrimo means.


Child or family member successfully completes Nanowrimo.


Been accused of being a troll.


Outing a troll.


Being a man and making it to 100 posts before being completely run off :tongue_smilie:


Being a man and mistaken for a woman, even with a siggy that clearly identifies you as a man :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


Posting a swan song goodbye.


Posting a swan song goodbye and then coming back :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:

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Starting a social group

Joining a social group

Remembering you have a social group


Reporting spam

Reporting a post

Just putting someone on ignore instead of going back to get the last word

Successfully ignoring a thread you know you will flame in (I don't think I could earn this one).


I would not earn this badge. Actually until you posted this I forgot all about the social groups I joined forever ago.

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How about the:


"I've referred to my husband as dh in an IRL conversation" badge :001_huh:


Special merit pin goes to the wearer of this badge who said it to a complete stranger who then thought you were cuckoo.gif


:lol: I almost did this with teA. :lol: How I wish that wasn't an inside joke!


A custom badge with your avatar on it. How else will we recognize each other?


Oh, I LOVE this!!!

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How about we accumulate little dollar signs in increments of $50 for all the curriculum we have bought, sold, and bought again?


An "I agonize over science" badge


I have and keep WWE even though I don't use it because I feel obligated badge?


Paypal burns a hole in my pocket badge?

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you earn it after you've been flamed for asking about:


returning shopping carts to the correct areas


removing shoes before entering a house, or asking guests to



there are several others. The badge only goes to those asking in the most innocent of ways.;)


Yep...and then get a PM saying they should never ask those things because it is offensive:confused::confused:




I love this!


How about:

I bought and sold the same curricula here multiple times.

I don't use a curriculum that can be abbreviated.

My kids are average

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How about the "I now know all the details of carpet removal" badge.

Or the "I now participate in carpet removal badge."

Finally, "The very idea of carpet removal horrifies me" badge.




How about I killed the carpet removal post (amazing feat of thread killing)


SWB responded to one of my threads


My children and I watch the poor public school kids trudge to school while in our PJ's and thinking about starting breakfast badge


My first scrapbook project was the teA bOOks quote for beside my dh's side of the bed.


Has a dh who wants the teA bOOks t-shirt to wear to a homeschool event.:lol:


Ok, and from the first, what is saying no to the meat truck.

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Along with the crock pot class, I think there should be a special class for baking too. Here's a couple that come to mind:


The "Ground the Wheat & Baked the Bread" badge.

The "My Whole Family Loves Quiver's Cinnamon Rolls" badge.


Surely there would be more.



And then there would be the Best of category:


"Best Blog Article on Socialization" badge.


"Best Frugal Dish Recipe" badge


Any others?



Then how about these for those of us that are into history TWTM way:


Completed Round 1 - 4-year History Cycle


Completed Round 2 - 4-year History Cycle


Completed Round 3 - 4-year History Cycle


Completed Round 4 - 4-year History Cycle


And then there should be the, "I Survived Mummifying a Chicken" badge.


Oh, and finally, the "I Thought Before I Posted" badge.




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I can recognize and refer over a dozen curriculums by their initials only.


I have debated the value of Gone With the Wind, Swiss Family Robinson, Island of the Blue Dolphins, and Grapes of Wrath.


I have patiently answered the same question at least a dozen times. i.e. "What do you recommend for microscopes?"


I believe Ken Ham is a doodie head.


My Amazon wishlist is a mile long and made up of books I learned about at the WTM forums.


My family knows the hive and asks for their opinions.


I had an illness diagnosed by the hive when a doctor had no clue.


I planned a trip with the hive as my travel agents.


I was named customer of the year by any of the following: USPS, UPS or FedEx.



Ok, this totally made me laugh out loud!:lol:

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How about . . .


"I stopped what I was doing and went back to edit a post" badge.


"I was accused of being a troll" badge.


"I posted in a homosexuality/spanking/election thread" badges.


I definitely get the "I own every edition of the WTM" badge. Can I get one for my two copies of LCC, too?


Also, there should be number badges that show how many times we've re-bought and re-sold Saxon Math, Oak Meadow Kindergarten, and Writing Strands.


Can I have a badge for editing the Wikipedia entry on Mike's Hard Lemonade to include mention of this board?

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Maybe we can have a color-coding system for pro, con, and neutral on these controversial issues. Green badge with a crockpot icon? You're for them! Red badge with a jack o'lantern? Thumbs down on trick or treating. Yellow badge with a shoe? Don't have a strong opinion on that one.


Could cause factionalization at any meetups, though.




Being a man and making it to 100 posts before being completely run off :tongue_smilie:



That would be a limited edition badge! What? You, Bill, and tntgoodwin? ;)




:lol::lol:I can't believe there are no comments on the Zazzle page!


Can I have a badge for editing the Wikipedia entry on Mike's Hard Lemonade to include mention of this board?


Definitely badge-worthy!

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Some more suggestions:


I've argued with the grocery checkout clerk about homeschooling badge

We done Visual Therapy badge

Car-schooling badge

I posted a TMI thread badge

I have a strong opinion about Austen vs Bronte badge

I always include an "Other" option in a poll badge

I've misused tags badge

I haven't misused tags badge

Edited by OrganicAnn
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Hive Mind Queen Bee: I don't know what TeA stands for, too lazy to find out, and too brain fried to figure it out.


I've changed my core beliefs thanks to TWTMF.


WORKBOXES: Tried, failed, knew I would fail, but tried anyway.


Religious Thread Junkie


Recovered Curriculum Junkie


Easily Influenced by TWTMF

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Level I: "I blog about homeschooling" badge

Level II: "I post on Wordless Wednesdays" badge


Level I: "I own a wheat grinder." badge

Level II: "I make bread with wheat I grind." badge

Level III: "I make bread with wheat I grind that my family can eat."

**I'm still working on Level III.**

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