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I just wanted to say....

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Its my dearest friend...it came on fast and hard. They aren't sure what she's actually got and chemo didn't work on much of it. She had bit of cancer here and there in her body. She's got a couple of tumors, one quite large, in her abdomen. It's bad. Hospice came today to deliver her bed, chair, oxygen....that sort of stuff. The nurse is not giving her long. Those of you who've been there know what I mean...her poor husband is just trying to be stoic, but he's just crushed...and it's hard to be sad and just be able to spend time just the two of them, when so many people are coming in. She is loved by many.


We moved here almost 10 years ago and she was so excited when she found out I was into horses and was bringing one with me. We became the best of friends. We have such similar interests and just got along smashingly. I don't have another friend like her or one that is into horses and gardening like we were. This really stinks. I told her she just had to get better because otherwise I wouldn't have a riding partner anymore and quite frankly I was being selfish and didn't want to be left without someone who I could hang out with all the time...she's like an aunt to my kids too.


It just really bites...There is a lot to do tomorrow. He and I are going to be moving some things around before people get there. I'm trying to make sure he eats and gets some rest. His daughter is coming to stay the rest of this week to help. She's a nurse and loves my friend, who was like another mother to her....

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I just went through this with my grandpa a few years ago as well. I helped care for him the last two weeks he was with us...


Thanks ya'll for the hugs and kind thoughts/prayers. Saying sorry is not trite I promise you that.


She is a great friend and things will be harder without her here...

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Cancer is indeed hard to comprehend.


Her husbands dd just wants to know 'when' so she can be 'prepared'. I looked across the bed as we were making it and told her that she won't really know when, but that she needs to just spend time now talking to her while she's still coherent. That's what is really important.


The next week or so is going to really bite.

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Its my dearest friend...it came on fast and hard. They aren't sure what she's actually got and chemo didn't work on much of it. She had bit of cancer here and there in her body. She's got a couple of tumors, one quite large, in her abdomen. It's bad. Hospice came today to deliver her bed, chair, oxygen....that sort of stuff. The nurse is not giving her long. Those of you who've been there know what I mean...her poor husband is just trying to be stoic, but he's just crushed...and it's hard to be sad and just be able to spend time just the two of them, when so many people are coming in. She is loved by many.


We moved here almost 10 years ago and she was so excited when she found out I was into horses and was bringing one with me. We became the best of friends. We have such similar interests and just got along smashingly. I don't have another friend like her or one that is into horses and gardening like we were. This really stinks. I told her she just had to get better because otherwise I wouldn't have a riding partner anymore and quite frankly I was being selfish and didn't want to be left without someone who I could hang out with all the time...she's like an aunt to my kids too.


It just really bites...There is a lot to do tomorrow. He and I are going to be moving some things around before people get there. I'm trying to make sure he eats and gets some rest. His daughter is coming to stay the rest of this week to help. She's a nurse and loves my friend, who was like another mother to her....


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm so sorry - I pray God's peace and comfort for all of you :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Its my dearest friend...it came on fast and hard. They aren't sure what she's actually got and chemo didn't work on much of it. She had bit of cancer here and there in her body. She's got a couple of tumors, one quite large, in her abdomen. It's bad. Hospice came today to deliver her bed, chair, oxygen....that sort of stuff. The nurse is not giving her long. Those of you who've been there know what I mean...her poor husband is just trying to be stoic, but he's just crushed...and it's hard to be sad and just be able to spend time just the two of them, when so many people are coming in. She is loved by many.



I lost a much loved friend to cancer. I was best friends with his wife. They got to a point where they truly needed to LIMIT visitors. He had so many people who loved him and it was constant, round the clock visitors. As he deteriorated, he truly cherished time ALONE with his wife and kids. I decided to set a schedule for visitors. It was fall time and I made a scarecrow. I typed out a lovely letter telling everyone he LOVED visitors but was becoming extremely weak and wanted to make sure he had devoted plenty of time to be with his family. I had the scarecrow hold the note, and in the lap was a guest book for people to sign. I would make phone calls from that guest book to set up a schedule for visitors. Maybe this family would benefit from something like this?


I'm so sorry for your friend, her family, you, everyone. It's awful to lose someone before their time, and ALWAYS hard to lose someone you love.:grouphug:

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I'm so sorry. I just went through this with my mom in April. I agree with the above poster about limiting people's time or making a schedule for visits. My mom got to where a short visit would wipe her out completely, so we asked for no visitors.


But we did tell people that we read every card to her out loud and told her of every phone call. Even if she wasn't able to respond, my dad read every card. It's hard though, because people want to come say goodbye. Friends are also in shock and want to do something. I'm so sorry for your pain. :grouphug:

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that cancer really bites dust....it's been a really long day...that is all....:crying:


:iagree: I lost a cousin to breast cancer in May, then I was diagnosed with leukemia in June. Fortunately, the kind of leukemia I have is treatable; but I will have it for the rest of my life.

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Thank you to everyone for the prayers.


Red Cross got the message to her brother yesterday, who is overseas, so he's on his way home. She had a lot of family there today. I try and visit in the morning and evening when it's quiet. She and I had a laugh tonight about something I told her the other day. I hoped she had heard me as that day she was in and out a good bit. Then she said, 'It's quiet' and I knew what she meant...she is a pretty private person...she likes to visit her family, but short visits really. I also teased her that the next time she wanted her chapstick, she might be getting lipstick instead, :tongue_smilie:. She laughed because she is not a makeup person at all. She'll put a little bit on if she goes to dinner with her husband...but even that is very light. But she knows that I like to get made up when I go out :D and would sometimes tease me about it. I told her I'd be back in the morning and she told me, not too early, lol. I guess she's planning on sleeping in, I told her and she just smiled, :001_smile: .


It was a tough day today for her husband...It hit me more today too...


On to tomorrow....

Thanks again

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