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How did you meet your husband or wife??

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I love hearing stories of how couples meet.


My dh and I grew up together in church. We became good friends in the youth group and had lots of mutual friends. When I was a junior in high school and dh was a freshman in college, a mutual friend of ours found out I had a crush on dh. Our mutual friend had a crush on one of my good friends. So our mutual friend suggested we all go out for 4th of July to see fireworks and the rest is history. Our mutual friend and my friend dated a little while but decided to just be friends. I thought dh was super sweet when he thought to bring an extra Coke for me that night. Our parents have also been friends for as long as I can remember.


We dated for 2 years, then became engaged, and married a few months after that.


Laura in NC

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we met at his sister's wedding. he was an usher, i was the minister. i usually sit with the families at the reception, and i offered to switch seats with him so he could see the head table and his sister. then, we talked for three hours. we lived in different countries, so became friends via phone and email until the year he came back to celebrate an anniversary. and that, as they say, was that :001_smile:.


still smiling after all these years,


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I just love reading all of these stories!


My husband sat next to me during one of my college classes. He would not. stop. talking. to me. I even tried to find a different place to sit each time, but the class before that one was in the science building on the other side of campus...so, I was basically late to this class every day with this one seat - next to HIM.


He even tried to talk to me during a test once...Dude, seriously!


Halfway through the semester, I didn't have the gas money to drive to school most of the week, so I was walking home (keep in mind this is Chicago). So, he started giving me a ride home after school. The rest is history!


4 kids later...


Couldn't get rid of the guy, huh? :D


We met in college.


I met him on my first day as a transfer student and thought he was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen and completely out of my league. He spent that semester abroad while I ended up making friends with all of his friends (I pledged to a sorority that did a lot of stuff with his). When he got back, I was dating a friend of his and we became good buds.


For the next two years, we dated pretty much all of eachother's friends while we just remained pals - almost brother/sisterish. But our senior year, we went on a motorcycle ride alone one day and that was pretty much that. We told all of our friends who said "It's about time".


We went on our first date on Oct 1, got engaged Jan. 3, and got married May 18th. Not a single person raised an eyebrow at the time frame, everyone just said "Yep, that sounds about right!"



And he still is the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen



Prove it. Post a pic. :001_smile:


JK...you don't have to.


Awwww...so many cute stories. Ours is kinda boring. It was the second semester of my Freshman year. I had just returned from Christmas break. There were three new returned missionaries (RMs) in our ward. DH was one of them. He had just gotten off his mission three weeks earlier and was in that awkward re-entry phase (there are very strict rules regarding LDS missionaries and romance). The first time we talked was at a dance. I asked him to dance during one of the slow songs and the conversation was brutal. It went something like:

Me: So where'd you go on your mission?

Him: France.

Me: Oh that's cool, what part of France?

Him: Paris.

Me: Fun! What was it like?

Him: Big.

Me: So where are you from?

Him: New York.

Me: What part?

Him: Upstate.

Me: Where upstate?

Him: Small town you've never heard of.


I remember thinking he needed a lot of help. I don't remember all that much about him, I had a crush on another guy. Me and the other guy went to the Valentine's Dance together. The next morning I woke up and decided I didn't like that guy anymore. Later that night I started crushing on DH, for a reason I still can't explain. But forever and for always, there was something different about him and I just knew we'd get married. My heart was literally broken in two when he said he didn't like me like that. The pain was unbearable. 9 months later we started dating and I was so, so happy!


That's hilarious! :lol: Hopefully by now he's more of a talker.


We were introduced by mutual friends. I had known these friends for close to 30 years...before they were married to each other even.. and my husband- to -be had known them for about 10 years.


We were invited to our friend's house for the purpose of meeting each other. We exchanged numbers and began texting back and forth that night. The next day he drove to my city after work and we met for dinner. We were married less than 11 weeks later.


You must be young or not married for very long. When I met my dh texting wasn't even invented yet. Actually, I'm kinda glad. I still have a box full of handwritten notes from him. He also made word searches with words that described me. Corny, I know....but sweet.


I was 28 and had just moved back to Texas after living in Los ANgeles for 5 years. Went back to college, shared a house with 3 other college girls. We threw a party but invited only guys. My dh came with the boyfriend of one of my roommates. We talked that night. The next day, I went with my roomie to watch her guy play basketball. Dh was also playing and he raced off the court to say hi. A couple of days later, we invited him and roomies guy to dinner at our house. Another one of my roomies actually cooked the dinner but first roomie and I pretended we did. Dh was working on his pHD , he was 26.


We have been together 29 years adn I still can't cook.


Ha! I wonder if he ever wondered why you never cook the way you did that one night.


Um, he was one of the other kids playing in the neighborhood...we were 11.


My mil and fil ended up being playground supervisors during my 6th grade year at public school. How can you ever go back and improve on that kind of introduction? I hope I was "respectful" when I was playing!


We were friends through high school and started dating in college.


:lol: Funny!! Did you ever ask them what they thought of you back then....if they thought of you as the cute little girl or the bratty kid? Hmmm....maybe you don't wanna know. :001_smile:


We met in college. He always made smart alec remarks in our mythology class. One day I was in the library and he asked for my help with the computer. The next time we had class he brought me a thank-you card and asked me out.


Well, that was thoughtful and sweet.


Kindergarten. We started taking naps together 50 years ago!


:smilielol5: Priceless!

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We met our first week of college. He was on staff with a Christian group, playing guitar for worship I was a student looking for a Christian group. Had no interest in scoring a boyfriend. He had no thought about potentially dating a student.


Was instantly taken with him. We had a ton in common. Married after my junior year. Weird. I still can't believe it.


I don't know exactly how it's worked out so well. We even lost faith together!


We're sort of kindred-spirits, I think. I adore the peas and carrots out of him :)

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DH1 - I was his boss at work. Scandalous!


Current fiance - I went into the piano store because I was looking to upgrade. He was the sales guy. It was funny because I instantly lost interest in the piano but was definitely interested in him! The wedding is in April. I tease him that he didn't close the piano deal, but he closed a better one instead!

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We met at a church activity. He asked me out the same night we met. 4 weeks and 1 day later we eloped!


Long story: I was avoiding church activities because I didn't want to meet a guy. I was leaving on a mission for my church in a month, already had my call to Argentina, and I didn't want anything to ruin it.

I finally got tired of having zero friends or things to do (living with my married sister and her 5 children to save money... I needed to get out). So I went to a Family Home Evening (church) activity for single adults. Dh was the "dad" and made it his sole purpose to help me feel welcomed. I tried to sneak out after the activity, but he caught up to me and asked me out on a date.

Didn't take long before the blue-eyed hottie stole my heart. We eloped because he was headed to flight school in another state at the same time I was supposed to be leaving on my mission, and I couldn't very well follow him across country unmarried & with no money, nor could I stay longer with my sister. In addition to a previous failed marriage of his and the cold feet associated with it, we eloped at the county courthouse and solved that problem. ;)

I called the mission home two days before I was supposed to report and let them know that I had got married. The lady said, "oh it happens all the time." I thought... "I doubt it." I think usually girls get engaged first. :tongue_smilie:


He is the most attractive man I've ever met, a gentle and sweet husband, and an adoring dad. I have been truly blessed!

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Hmm, I could say ”we were introduced by a mutual friend,” or ”he was a friend of my younger brother,” or ”we met in the university marching band,” or ” we ran with the same crowd” and they'd all be equally true. We usually go with ”marching band,” though we didn't start dating until a year later.


The truth is, I was really shy, especially around marriageable guys, and he was too young for me to see as a threat (four years younger), so he felt ”safe” to hang out with!:lol:


We celebrated 19 years last May. (Yes, our children are young!)

Edited by Maus
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That's hilarious! :lol: Hopefully by now he's more of a talker.

Yeah, we got to be really good friends that semester and I remember thinking, "I could spend the rest of my life talking to him and getting to know all about him and never get bored." And 8 years later, it's still true. We talk so much. I still love learning new things about him.

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I love hearing stories of how couples meet.


My dh and I grew up together in church. We became good friends in the youth group and had lots of mutual friends. When I was a junior in high school and dh was a freshman in college, a mutual friend of ours found out I had a crush on dh. Our mutual friend had a crush on one of my good friends. So our mutual friend suggested we all go out for 4th of July to see fireworks and the rest is history. Our mutual friend and my friend dated a little while but decided to just be friends. I thought dh was super sweet when he thought to bring an extra Coke for me that night. Our parents have also been friends for as long as I can remember.


We dated for 2 years, then became engaged, and married a few months after that.


Laura in NC


Awww...that's sweet. I love thoughtfulness.


DH1 - I was his boss at work. Scandalous!


Current fiance - I went into the piano store because I was looking to upgrade. He was the sales guy. It was funny because I instantly lost interest in the piano but was definitely interested in him! The wedding is in April. I tease him that he didn't close the piano deal, but he closed a better one instead!




Wow.....good thing you thought about upgrading your piano.

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We met at a church activity. He asked me out the same night we met. 4 weeks and 1 day later we eloped!


Long story: I was avoiding church activities because I didn't want to meet a guy. I was leaving on a mission for my church in a month, already had my call to Argentina, and I didn't want anything to ruin it.

I finally got tired of having zero friends or things to do (living with my married sister and her 5 children to save money... I needed to get out). So I went to a Family Home Evening (church) activity for single adults. Dh was the "dad" and made it his sole purpose to help me feel welcomed. I tried to sneak out after the activity, but he caught up to me and asked me out on a date.

Didn't take long before the blue-eyed hottie stole my heart. We eloped because he was headed to flight school in another state at the same time I was supposed to be leaving on my mission, and I couldn't very well follow him across country unmarried & with no money, nor could I stay longer with my sister. In addition to a previous failed marriage of his and the cold feet associated with it, we eloped at the county courthouse and solved that problem. ;)

I called the mission home two days before I was supposed to report and let them know that I had got married. The lady said, "oh it happens all the time." I thought... "I doubt it." I think usually girls get engaged first. :tongue_smilie:


He is the most attractive man I've ever met, a gentle and sweet husband, and an adoring dad. I have been truly blessed!

:lol: I hear so many funny FHE stories.

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He was my co worker for two years (one of which I was dating my ex). When I broke up with my ex the LP officer at the department store noticed how gloomy I was and asked why...


He then ran and told his best friend (My husband now) that I was single. My future husband asked my out for a month before I agreed...


I'm glad I did :D


come to think of it though...I still owe him a couple red bulls and shrimp burritto that I promised to pay him back for when we worked together... :001_smile:

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I worked at a big bank and he was an electrician on site. I met him 4 years before I actually started dating him. I got married very young and had a son and then divorced all in about 2 years so I was VERY gun shy about dating "good" guys. I spotted him one day at the office and thought he was cute and asked one of his co-workers what his name was. Said co-worker then went to my DH and told him I said he was cute.


evidently my DH had had a crush on me for the entire 4 years including but not limited to walking into glass doors because he was watching me (as he told me later).


We started dating in Feb moved in together in June and married in Sept. It will be 6 years on Sept 17! :D

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You must be young or not married for very long. When I met my dh texting wasn't even invented yet. Actually, I'm kinda glad. I still have a box full of handwritten notes from him. He also made word searches with words that described me. Corny, I know....but sweet.



Met one year ago. Middle of August. We exchanged phone numbers while still at our friends' house and then I excused myself to use the restroom. He texted me while I was in the bathroom! :tongue_smilie:


Oh and he walked me to my car and kissed me. That nearly freaked me totally out.

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Spring semester my senior year in college we were both taking a Sr. seminar: Prophets, Rabbis, O.T. teachers. He's the only one who got an "A" in the class. I was the only female who stuck with the class.


Our first date was the Art Museum in Indy and then for pizza. I had 1 slice, he ate the rest. I should have taken it as a sign that I'd be cooking the rest of my life!

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DH and I met on Match.com....and yeah, it still feels kind of *weird* more than a decade later!


same here! it is still a little awkward when we tell people too (reaction: big eyes, mouth drops, really???). but back in 1999 it was even more awkward, at least now it's not a big deal for us anymore. we've been married 11 years now. he's the love of my life... truly, i completely adore that man.

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Met one year ago. Middle of August. We exchanged phone numbers while still at our friends' house and then I excused myself to use the restroom. He texted me while I was in the bathroom! :tongue_smilie:


Oh and he walked me to my car and kissed me. That nearly freaked me totally out.


Spring semester my senior year in college we were both taking a Sr. seminar: Prophets, Rabbis, O.T. teachers. He's the only one who got an "A" in the class. I was the only female who stuck with the class.


Our first date was the Art Museum in Indy and then for pizza. I had 1 slice, he ate the rest. I should have taken it as a sign that I'd be cooking the rest of my life!


I hired him to jack up my house and put in a new foundation. True!


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I met dh on a blind date at age 26. Lots of friends got married and I didn't have a date to bring with me. A friend arranged for me to meet her husband's cousin at a party. I thought he was cute, but didn't think much of him because he was shy and I also didn't trust good-looking guys as I had been hurt too many times. Df invited both of us to dinner a week later. The dinner conversation was going well and we decided to watch a movie. Df had rented two movies. I had seen one so we watched the other one - an "Academy Award winner." It was The Accused with Jodi Foster. NOT a good first date movie. I am not sure there would have been a 2nd date if we didn't hear df's husband yell "Why couldn't you get a comedy?" as we were leaving. It kind of broke the ice. It was several months before I knew he was the one. He was very shy so it was hard to get to know him and I had been hurt so I was wary. He said he knew right away.

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We met while stationed together in the Army in California. I got talked into a double date with a friend & these two guys she'd met who lived in our barracks. She kept bugging me and telling me how cute and funny they were so finally said I would. I didn't even know which of them was my date as we walked out to his car. I had to ask my friend which one was my date. She said she liked the blonde, so I got dh by default. I didn't even know his name until halfway through that date. I knew on that first date that I was smitten. The rest is history. We're celebrating 18 years of marriage in December.

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we met in highschool, I was 15, he was 17 and in the year above me. I was friends with one of his friends. I had just been dumped by my ex and was very angry and broken hearted and on the rebound for sure, I started hanging around with his group of friends because my ex was in my old group of friends (very highschool!)! He was gorgeous, had the most amazing brown eyes that gave me butterflies. He was also very quiet, mysterious, a little bit different and dangerous. Perfect, I went after him! He was pretty oblivious, but he and his friends agreed to come with me to my friends party one night. I didn't know that all his friends changed their minds and decided not to go, but he still came with me. After a couple of drinks of vodka he got up his courage and kissed me mid sentence - that I was speaking to someone else! His friends did arrive a little later with surprised smiles. :D


Little did I know at the time that quiet, mysterious and different = shy, Christian boy! He was like no-one I had ever met before. We got married 3 years later, when I was 18. We've been married nearly 9 years now.

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I worked at a family dining type of restraunt when I was a 16. My husband was a construction worker and would come in after work for dinner. One slow day he came in and sat with a group of us chatting. Later when I went back to work he told those still at the table that he was going to marry me one day. We were married 2 years later. :D

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In an Auslan class at uni. I was aware of him and we often sat in the same group of people at the curry shop during class break, but I didn't really notice him until he grew a goatie and started growing his hair. He is MUCH better looking with a beard and very undistinguished looking without. Anyway, one night he asked me for a lift home because his usual ride wasn't available, so I did, because I'm generous like that. :tongue_smilie: That got to be a habit. Sometimes I'd pick my sister up from work on the way, and she later said she knew he was after me, but didn't see any reason to say so. :rolleyes:


Later a few more details got filled in. He had been having a fling with the girl who was driving him home, eventually telling her he was interested in me, and she encouraged him to ask me out. Methinks that's why she was suddenly unavailable to play taxi. Anyway, their not very subtle ploy worked. :)


My grandmother's story is better. She met her soon-to-be on the train while she was out with a girlfriend and he was with other sailor mates. He was asking her name, and she wouldn't tell him because she was shy, and nice young ladies don't give their names to drunken sailors; so her friend told him. :D Anyway, they both lived on opposite sides of the same town, which wasn't so large back then, so he tracked her down and made it his business to be around when he had a day off, beginning at about breakfast time the next morning, I think. His mother wasn't much of one, and various relatives of my grandmother had been in the army or navy so my great-grandmother couldn't help but feed a skinny, navy waif whenever he showed up. He ended up proposing and told her father he'd marry her when he came back from Korea, but Granddad John said he might as well marry her now as later, so that courtship lasted all of 8 months. :) And most of it seems to have been done by correspondence because he kept getting demerits or something from being back to the ship later when he visited her, and losing his time off.


All his navy mates who could get time off showed up for the wedding, and there were so many they couldn't all fit in the church. (Maybe they'd heard about Nan and Nanny John's cooking?) That didn't matter because half were Catholic so didn't want to come in anyway, and they all loitered around the door, peeking in. The reception was held at my great-grandparents' place, and they fed every one of the scrawny navy guys, and a good time was had by all.




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In an Auslan class at uni. I was aware of him and we often sat in the same group of people at the curry shop during class break, but I didn't really notice him until he grew a goatie and started growing his hair. He is MUCH better looking with a beard and very undistinguished looking without. Anyway, one night he asked me for a lift home because his usual ride wasn't available, so I did, because I'm generous like that. :tongue_smilie: That got to be a habit. Sometimes I'd pick my sister up from work on the way, and she later said she knew he was after me, but didn't see any reason to say so. :rolleyes:


Later a few more details got filled in. He had been having a fling with the girl who was driving him home, eventually telling her he was interested in me, and she encouraged him to ask me out. Methinks that's why she was suddenly unavailable to play taxi. Anyway, their not very subtle ploy worked. :)


My grandmother's story is better. She met her soon-to-be on the train while she was out with a girlfriend and he was with other sailor mates. He was asking her name, and she wouldn't tell him because she was shy, and nice young ladies don't give their names to drunken sailors; so her friend told him. :D Anyway, they both lived on opposite sides of the same town, which wasn't so large back then, so he tracked her down and made it his business to be around when he had a day off, beginning at about breakfast time the next morning, I think. His mother wasn't much of one, and various relatives of my grandmother had been in the army or navy so my great-grandmother couldn't help but feed a skinny, navy waif whenever he showed up. He ended up proposing and told her father he'd marry her when he came back from Korea, but Granddad John said he might as well marry her now as later, so that courtship lasted all of 8 months. :) And most of it seems to have been done by correspondence because he kept getting demerits or something from being back to the ship later when he visited her, and losing his time off.


All his navy mates who could get time off showed up for the wedding, and there were so many they couldn't all fit in the church. (Maybe they'd heard about Nan and Nanny John's cooking?) That didn't matter because half were Catholic so didn't want to come in anyway, and they all loitered around the door, peeking in. The reception was held at my great-grandparents' place, and they fed every one of the scrawny navy guys, and a good time was had by all.





Awwww.....love your stories Rosie. So sweet.

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I was hanging out at a friend's house and had just gotten out of the shower. I had wet hear and was wearing mickey mouse pajamas. She wanted to run uptown and go through the drive thru and promised me she wouldn't stop anywhere else. Well, 20 minutes later she's driving through what used to be our small-town hang out spot. She sees 2 guys she knows and pulls over. I shrink down in the seat trying to be inconspicuous. One of the guys asks my friend why I won't get out of the car. She tells him and so he comes up to me and says "What's your name?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Wanna go out?" I guess he didn't mind my pajamas!


I told him no way and that I didn't even know him! Well, he insisted on giving me his phone number. My friend called it later because she was interested in the other guy and before you knew it, we were all on a "redneck date". You know, the kind where you just ride around together because you live in a small town and there's nowhere to actually go? That was it. We've been together ever since. The funny part is my hubby is actually kind of shy. That was totally out of character for him. I was 16 and he was 21! I would have a heart attack if my daughter started seeing someone that much older than her at such a young age!!!


Funny story-I have terrible night vision and I wear glasses 24-7 as well. Of course I had to look cool so I wouldn't wear them in public. When he came to pick me up for our first real date, it was so dark that I walked right off our front porch which stood about 4 feet off the ground! After years of being married, I told him that I couldn't believe he still went out with me after that. He replied that he wasn't dating me for my brains anyway!

Edited by Melanie32
forgot something.
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Second day of marching band camp my junior year of high school. I had been informed that the "stud" freshman trumpet player (who missed the first day due to a family illness) would be taking first part and I was bumped down to second. I was determined not to like him.


But dang he was cute. And quiet. It took two whole months to get him to say hi, even though we were in three bands together. My mom picked up on our flirting at band competitions and football games. He dropped my mouthpiece down the bleachers once, which convinced my mom that he liked me (:confused:).


On the way to all-state auditions that December, he was sitting on the bus seat across from me reading, and another guy caught me staring.


"You want a piece of that, don't you?". I was too embarrassed to say, "Actually, I want the whole thing!" After auditioning we walked around together, went to Taco Bell, and sat together on the ride home, where he experienced his first kiss (and lips too swollen to hide what he had been up to from his dad!).


We made it official the next Tuesday. And are living happily ever after!

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The first time I saw my DH it was the final month of our senior year of high school. We were at the same science competition and I saw him when we went to accept an award. I told my friend I thought he was cute but that it was too bad that he lived almost an hour away. Over the summer I hung out with a guy friend that was debating about going into the priesthood. We had a great time semi sort of dating and left things hanging when I went off to college.


The first weekend there he came over to hang out with friends that lived on my floor in the dorms. He had made the last minute decision to come to the state school after his funding fell through for him to go to a different college so he was stuck in the worst dorm on campus.


I recognized him right away but didn't say anything. I was still trying to figure out where things stood with the summer fling. We had a class together so I saw him a few times a week in class and then in the evenings when he came to visit the guys on my floor. A few weeks later I had ended things with the fling but heard through the rumor mill that he liked someone else (found out later this was just to keep the guys from giving him trouble and give him more time to ask me out). By late September we were dating and by the spring we both knew that we would eventually be married. We ended up dating all through college, got engaged the Christmas before I graduated and got married 18 months later when he finally finished his degree.


We've been together 13 years next month and have been married for 8 years.

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We were both 17 when we met at the National Young Leaders Conference in Washington, DC. I was representing my high school in FL, he was from NJ. We ended up in the same group because of our last names. I thought he was the most handsome guy I had ever seen, then soon realized he was kind and intelligent and funny too. :) We both knew halfway through the week that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. :001_wub:

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Belize, Central America. He was working with a relief/development organization in agriculture, and I was teaching math at a boys' school. Celebrated our 20th anniversay this year. He's my best friend and I miss him as soon as he walks out the door in the morning (IK sappy, but true).

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I walked up to him in a college bar and "picked him up." :D I was with a big group of people, including several other possible romantic interests, but I saw him and something in me said, "You need to talk to him." :001_wub: I sat down with him and started talking, and it was like we'd just known each other forever.

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I was introduced to him my first night at college (a Christian college). A girl I met across the hall had grown up with him. We met in 1985, but didn't start dating until Oct 1990. We had been out of college a year and half. I wanted to go out with him our first year there, but he never asked. He says he was too intimidated to ask me then.

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My cousin and dh had gone shooting and needed somewhere to store the rifles while they bowled. So cousin said, "Let's try my cousin's house- it near to the bowling alley." So I first saw dh while walking through my mom's door toting a rifle. I was folding laundry and he thought I was my brother's wife. Cousin invited me along for bowling, dh bet against me and won. We had dinner and I paid (had to insist since he won the bet).


Took him 3 1/2 years to marry me. I knew after 6 months. He never did propose - just took me to a park, had a Justice of the Peace marry us - no rings. I cried then just as I cried when we renewed our vows at a Christian marriage retreat last year. We'll be married 19 years in October.

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A couple of days after I moved into my first apartment a guy from the neighbouring block of units came over to introduce himself. He had seen me hanging curtains, I think. On Friday, a couple of days later, he called me, and said that he and a friend were going out to a pub, and did I want to come. It was about 8:30pm, and I was about to get ready for bed, because that's about how sociable I am. I said yes which was very, very out of character for me. Anyhow, dh was "the friend" and we've been together every since - just short of 20 years.

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He worked with my best friend, and she set us up on a blind date. We have been together since that first day, 9 years ago Sept 28th, and have been married for just over 8 years.


Same here. She was his partner when he got out of fire school. I think she had to work on me for a good 6 months before I even considered meeting him socially (we'd met when I would stop by the firehouse to see my friend). We went out together in December '97, he moved in in spring of '98, and we got married (because he finally wore me down) St Patrick's day, 2000.

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I was hanging out at a friend's house and had just gotten out of the shower. I had wet hear and was wearing mickey mouse pajamas. She wanted to run uptown and go through the drive thru and promised me she wouldn't stop anywhere else. Well, 20 minutes later she's driving through what used to be our small-town hang out spot. She sees 2 guys she knows and pulls over. I shrink down in the seat trying to be inconspicuous. One of the guys asks my friend why I won't get out of the car. She tells him and so he comes up to me and says "What's your name?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Wanna go out?" I guess he didn't mind my pajamas!


I told him no way and that I didn't even know him! Well, he insisted on giving me his phone number. My friend called it later because she was interested in the other guy and before you knew it, we were all on a "redneck date". You know, the kind where you just ride around together because you live in a small town and there's nowhere to actually go? That was it. We've been together ever since. The funny part is my hubby is actually kind of shy. That was totally out of character for him. I was 16 and he was 21! I would have a heart attack if my daughter started seeing someone that much older than her at such a young age!!!


Funny story-I have terrible night vision and I wear glasses 24-7 as well. Of course I had to look cool so I wouldn't wear them in public. When he came to pick me up for our first real date, it was so dark that I walked right off our front porch which stood about 4 feet off the ground! After years of being married, I told him that I couldn't believe he still went out with me after that. He replied that he wasn't dating me for my brains anyway![/QUOTE]

:lol: at least he was honest!! Cute story.

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One of my best friends set me up to go on a double date with her and her boyfriend, and someone he worked with. The guy he worked with found out I was only 15 and bailed. My future dh just happened to walk into work at the same time to pick up his check, and my friend's boyfriend snagged him to go instead. (Apparently my age didn't scare HIM, but he was only 18) We went to McDonald's and bowling. My friend got sick, puked all over some guy at the bowling alley, and we ended up sitting in the living room of the friend's house for hours just talking. It seemed like we'd known each other forever.


I think we are proof that love at first sight exists. (or at least very, very big crush :tongue_smilie:) We have been together since that first night.

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In 1997, I was hired as a temp at the law firm where dh is an attorney. At the time, dh was dating the office manager/bookkeeper of the law firm. I got to know dh a little, but didn't have much contact with him. As a temp, I was supposed to be doing a two-week job, but they asked me to stay and I was there about 1 year. Then, I left to work at a place where I could actually use my French degree, and worked there for about a year and a half. I quit that job and was asked by the office manager to come back to the law firm. She had broken up with dh, and was supposed to be marrying some British guy and moving to England. She wanted to train me to take over her job. So, I agreed, and the two bosses who own the firm agreed to hire me on the condition that I never date dh! (It was supposed to be a joke, because the office manager and dh apparently had such a bad break-up that it affected to whole office. Dh says it was mostly due to her loathing of him! :tongue_smilie:) I told them I had no intentions of ever dating anyone I worked with.


So, I started working with the office manager and was being trained by her, all the while she was telling me how horrible dh was and how horrible his family was, etc. She left eventually, and I worked there for a couple of years, all the while getting to know dh, and realizing that he was not quite as horrible as the previous office manager had made him out to be. I still had NO intention of ever going out with him, for several reasons, not the least of which was I thought it would be creepy for him to date 2 office managers in a row! :lol:) Anyway, some friends of mine had met at swing dancing, and they were getting married and were having a swing band at the wedding. I really wanted to dance at their wedding, so I decided to take swing dance lessons. I signed up for a class and they said you didn't need a partner, but you really did. So, I was telling the girls at work about it, and a couple of them said to ask dh. They were pretty sure he'd go to the lessons with me. I felt weird asking him- we were friendly in the office and he would come and chat with me in my office occasionally, but we weren't that close. But, after the 2nd lesson and having to share partners with the mean women who had brought their own partners, I decided to buck up the courage and ask him. To my surprise, he readily agreed to go, and that was the beginning of the end! :lol:


We started going out to eat after the lessons, which led to going out to eat before the lessons, then going to actual dances around town. At one of the dances, we held hands just a little longer than necessary after the song ended, and after that dance, we ended up making out like crazy teenagers on the walk home. This was in June 2001. I was 32 and dh was 42. We kept the relationship secret for a few months. I was not looking forward to telling the bosses about it. :blushing: But, they took it well, and one boss told dh he'd better marry me, or else!


ETA: I forgot to add that on our walk home from that dance, dh said that he knew something would eventually happen between us since the very first day he saw me back in 1997 when I was in the law clerks room working on the temp project. I told him that was ridiculous because he was dating ex-office manager at the time. He said he knew even then that relationship was doomed and was trying to find an easy way out of it. I then said, "Well, you've been broken up with her for 3 years, why didn't you ask me out before now?" He said, "I'm too shy to make the first move." I asked him, "What if I never asked you to swing dance lessons?" He said, "Something else would have eventually happened." To this day, he's convinced that's true.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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I had just left home to live with some friends after graduating highschool...dad was not happy about that. I was dating someone at the time who was out on a naval ship...I ended up throwing him out shortly after he got back.


I met my DH at Walmart. I worked at the service desk. He had just arrived home from the airport to find his apartment building burning. Red Cross gave them vouchers to get new household items which had to be redeemed at a Walmart. He'd never been to that one because there was a K-mart across from his apartment complex.


I saw him walk in with his friend and told my girl friend at the desk that he was so cute. She was the bold one and told him to head over to me that I would 'do him over there' at my register. She didn't mean it like that, but he snickered and she looked at him like :glare:. Navy Boys.... :tongue_smilie:


We talked a little, while I explained the voucher usage. They returned with their items, we talked some more and he asked for my number saying he would call me. To which I joked, 'that's what they all say'. And he replied that, no he really would call, but it would be about a week or so since he was waiting on a new apartment and phone service. I felt a little dumb, lol.


He did call almost a week and a half later, but found out that I was in the hospital. My friend had rushed me there after I was having trouble breathing-I had pneumonia. He would bring dinner and a movie for almost two weeks while I recovered. Tucking me in on the couch when I fell asleep. He would sleep in the arm chair sometimes or have to head off to work. We started officially dating soon after. We married 7 months after we met and he was out on the ship when our dd was born, but returned home a month later on early Christmas morning. It was a surprise to me and our dog (who he hadn't met yet, but knew I had got for him and the dog was not happy that someone was at our door that early, lol).


That was 14 years ago :D...my girlfriend at the Walmart teased that you really could get everything at WalMart, lol!

Edited by CountryGirl2
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