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S/o poll: in what ways do you maintain your appearance?

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I am sure we all do things to maintain our appearance, but these are different for everyone.


I wear at least a little make-up 99% of days that I leave my house. I make an effort with my clothes and accessories. I am not looking like a professional business woman every day, but I don't wear sweatpants or even yoga pants out and about. DH had a work function yesterday, I bought a new top and wore it with nice slacks and shoes that I have had for years (I have had the shoes at least 8 years). I have a skin care regimine. I get pedicures now and then. I got braces as an adult.


OTOH, I am carrying extra weight. I don't color my hair, plus it is super-curly, so I don't really do anything to it. But, dh likes my hair curly. I have not had plastic surgery, but at some point I started getting really surprised at the number of women I know who have had plastic surgery.


Eta: I am not making it an actual poll since there are too many variables. Maybe I can come up with ideas to narrow it down and do a poll after some discussion?

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I like decent looking clothing (well fitting, flattering, not frumpy, not too outdated).


I don't wear makeup. I won't wear high heeled shoes. I'm not big on accessories.


If I go out I make sure I'm clean and my hair is neat. That's about it.




that's me pretty much exactly.


I do sometimes feel like I missed a window with the makeup thing. I never really learned how to do it, since I was very anti-that sort of thing in high school and college. I still have no desire to wear it every day, but I do kind of wish I knew HOW, for an occasional, special occasion kind of thing (DH thinks it's outright WEIRD when he notices some of my friends wearing makeup to the grocery store or the park or wherever. He can't quite grasp that lots of women do that:D)


I do really like clothes...and I'd like them even more if I lost another 30 pounds or so...

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I'm a minimalist when it comes to appearance. I care how others see me, but I don't put forth a lot of time and effort.


I have a simple hair cut that is easy to fix in the morning. Dry my hair for 5 minutes and it looks decent. I take another 5 on make-up - foundation, eye liner and maybe lipstick.


My clothes always match. I wear jeans/shorts and solid color tops. Sometimes prints or plaids. Simple earrings - usually small gold hoops.


I feel I look put together and good but not a fashionista. I won't turn heads. But I'm not "on the market" so I only need to turn one head and I can do that without a problem. :001_wub:


I also carry a bit of extra weight but I'm working on that. And I run so even though there is extra around my middle, my legs look awesome!

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I straighten my hair daily (it isn't curly but fuzzy).

I wear simple clothes but I always were fun jewelry.

I refuse to show my toes without polish but I almost never polish my fingernails (love the look, hate maintaining it).

I wear minimal make-up but I ALWAYS wear it.

I love heels but only wear them at fancy parties.

Looking like I made an effort is important to me. My DH appreciates it. I feel better if I look nice and the above items are how I define looking nice FOR ME.

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that's me pretty much exactly.


I do sometimes feel like I missed a window with the makeup thing. I never really learned how to do it, since I was very anti-that sort of thing in high school and college. I still have no desire to wear it every day, but I do kind of wish I knew HOW, for an occasional, special occasion kind of thing (DH thinks it's outright WEIRD when he notices some of my friends wearing makeup to the grocery store or the park or wherever. He can't quite grasp that lots of women do that:D)


I do really like clothes...and I'd like them even more if I lost another 30 pounds or so...


I mentioned this on the other thread, but Sephora is a great resource for this. They have youtube tutorials and can do a makeover in the store. Search for their 5 minute face videos. Do *not* go to the MAC counter if you want a natural look, they tend to go overboard. :)

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I wear a little make up on most days (mascara, eyeliner, chapstick).


I try to put my hair in cute styles. This is usually some variation of an on-purpose ponytail or messy bun since my hair is long, straight, and one length. I don't color it at all because I like my natural hair color, even the little gray ones :)


I wear clothes that fit and make me feel cute (most of the time - right now I'm in the only maternity clothes that fit over my giant baby belly :D). I don't keep a lot of clothes and try to buy well-made ones that will last a long time.


I wear some sort of necklace most days. It makes me feel a little more dressed up and gives me something for my hands to fiddle with when I'm bored.



I find that I go through periods of caring more/less about my appearance. Right now, I am mildly obsessed with cute clothes and fashion. It is largely because I'm pregnant and hate maternity clothes that never seem to be in my personal style. Once I can fit back into my regular clothes, I'll probably go back to only paying slight attention again :)

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I try to wear clothing that flatters me and makes me feel good.


I wear a little make-up (mascara and lip gloss, usually) most of the time when I go out.


I do wear heels on occasion, but not for every day (not practical).


I occasionally accessorize (necklaces and earrings).


I have a cute bag that I use as my purse.


I have some cute shoes.


I shower daily and wash my hair every other day. I get a nice haircut 1-2 times a year. I almost always just let my hair air dry. It's long, straight hair, so this works.


Dh loves me no matter what I look like, but he does appreciate it when I put the little thought and effort it takes to look more polished. He hates a fake look (colored hair, heavy make-up, plastic surgery "enhancements"), so he likes my minimal approach. :) I feel better about myself when I take care of my appearance.

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I wear simple clothes but I always were fun jewelry.

I refuse to show my toes without polish but I almost never polish my fingernails (love the look, hate maintaining it).

I wear minimal make-up but I ALWAYS wear it.

I love heels but only wear them at fancy parties.


I am similar in all of these things. Notice, I mentioned pedicures, but not manicures! I cannot maintain nice looking fingernails.

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I mentioned this on the other thread, but Sephora is a great resource for this. They have youtube tutorials and can do a makeover in the store. Search for their 5 minute face videos. Do *not* go to the MAC counter if you want a natural look, they tend to go overboard. :)


I didn't know about those tutorials - that's a great tip! Thank you!

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I work out because I feel better and like how I look when I do.


I do my hair before leaving the house. I apply sunscreen, powder, and mascara when I leave the house. Lip gloss depends on how I feel on that day.


I wear clothes that fit me, match, and have no stains or other damage. I do have "at home" clothes and "out of home" clothes.


I save my worn out shoes for home use only. I don't really wear heels because I have a two yr old and he's much faster than I am if I'm in heels. :tongue_smilie:


Jewelry depends on my mood.

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Wear make up when going out. Well fitting clothes with in our budget. I pluck my eyebrows and get haircuts (maybe a little less often than I should due to time constraints, but I do try to keep it up) I bathe every day. I keep clothes and house clean. If my tennis shoes get something on them I wash them. I do not like dirty shoes for me or the kids! I do my toes, but not my nails. I take time to curl my hair for church or other grown up events even if it is mostly pulled back the rest of the week. Even if it is pulled back I will style the front and the pony a little. I wear jewelry if going out somewhere besides running errands. I wear loungy clothes at home, but even with those, I try to wear ones that dh likes. Takes me 10 min. to shower and maybe 10 to get ready.

I consider myself pretty low maintenance. But there is a bar I am not going below :001_smile:

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I don't wear old sweats around the house, and I never wear lounge pants out of the house. I shower and wash every day. When Dh and I go out together (even just to the store), or I have a little extra time, I wear something nicer and a little makeup. I wear perfume a few times a week because it's kind I know he likes.

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I like to look not-unkempt as much as possible. LOL, I can't think of the right word to use there. My dh appreciates it. Nothing fancy - he seems to prefer the classic casual look of like llbean or landsend with my hair & clothes. (Although, it's mostly a Goodwill assortment of those kinds of clothes.:))


I also run & try to keep my weight down. I know he appreciates that, though I know he would love me either way.

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I pay attention to a few things, because doing otherwise makes me feel frumpy. They are:


1. Hair (cut and color reguarly in a current short style)


2. Glasses (I wear them daily, so it's an accessory worth updating at least every 2years)


3. Well fitting clothes in classic styles, although I will run errands in yoga pants if I haven't showered and it suits my schedule better.


4. Zumba. (it's exercise that love and doesn't injure my upper back)


5. Makeup--blush, eyeliner. Foundation and light shadow added in winter.


Trying to do more just isn't me (except special occasions)

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-I wear some makeup every day. I LOVE makeup, LOVE it! I don't wear a lot but I like to experiment, especially with eye makeup.

-My hair is long right now, I wear it up everyday. I do try to tease a little bump at the crown and do a deep side part when I put it in the ponytail so it looks like an actual "style". Or I wear a messy bun. I like the idea of long hair but I'm just not good at it :tongue_smilie: and I'm thinking about getting a really short, sassy cut (DH likes my hair short).

-I wear shorts, capris or jeans with some kind of t-shirt (usually with a little extra touch like a ruffle).

-I wear flip-flops and sandals in the summer and flats or boots in the winter.

-I give myself a pedicure every other week.



Looking like I made an effort is important to me. My DH appreciates it. I feel better if I look nice and the above items are how I define looking nice FOR ME.

This is it for me too. Putting in some effort and feeling like I look good, makes me FEEL good.

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I workout every day to stay healthy and maintain my figure.


I eat healthy foods for the above reasons as well.


I wear make-up every day because it makes me feel better. Light make-up....not stage make-up. :D


I spend a decent amount of money to get my hair cut and colored every 9-10 weeks so that I don't have to mess with it and it doesn't end up in a default ponytail every day.


I wear clothes that are stylish without being "faddish" or "too young". Matronly is not a word I ever want in my vocabulary. :lol:

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Prior to this year, I had struggled with looking put together. As I left my 20's behind, I noticed that I started to feel frumpy and like I really needed to get a clue about how to put outfits together - I have always struggled to know basic fashion principles. I especially struggled in the hair department and just did a basic cut, but it wasn't a *style*.


I work part-time and wanted to look professional for that, and I also wanted to be an attractive SAHM. I found something called DYT (http://www.dressingyourtruth.com) that has really helped with that - especially in finding attractive hair and knowing how to look for basics.


I still wear casual, comfortable clothes - denim, tshirts, khakis, basic work tops. But now they're in colors/styles that are more flattering to me. I have been really shocked at how many compliments I've received about it since I switched - it's been a HUGE difference, even though I haven't had to change my output time much at all.


I put on eye makeup and lip gloss and that's it. I spend ~10 minutes doing my hair in the morning. I put on clothes and I'm good to go :).

Edited by Sevilla
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I exercise at least 4 days a week. I also wear a pedometer and try to walk 3 miles a day.

I color my hair, maintain a cut and straighten it almost every time I wash it (not every day). My hair is frizzy otherwise and I don't like that look.

I wear some makeup every day. I have hereditary dark circles and NOBODY is seeing that on purpose!

Every day, I dress in clean, unstained, undamaged clothing that fits. I usually wear slip-on tennies, but I wear heels to church or out somewhere nice.

I get some pedicures; I maintain teA-room carpeting at the salon. I've given up on my fingernails.

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I wear makeup 100% of the time I go out - you will NEVER see me without mascara! Usually you won't see me without lipbalm or lipstick, concealer, and blush!


My hair is always clean, styled and sprayed when I go out. If I am at home and not planning on going out anymore for the day, I may pin back my growing out bangs so they stay out of my face!


In the summer - always polish on the toes! Never have nice fingernails - I'm a picker and use my hands too much.


My house is usually clean - but, but my cabinets and closets are full (concealed mess?) My yard is maintained (all 6+ acres and all of my GIGANTIC flower beds)

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I wear clothes that are stylish without being "faddish" or "too young". Matronly is not a word I ever want in my vocabulary. :lol:

YES!!! I am NOT going to do matronly.

My Mom got an 'old lady' haircut when she was 40, she wore that haircut for the rest of her life. I am NOT going to go there.

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I really have not wanted to. After the assault I would have been happy, becoming a hermit. After so much spiritual mainpulation "You have to be attractive otherwise your dh will probably step out on you. It will be your fault because you didn't do enough to hold his attention," type crap...I REALLY had no desire to. In a real sense I needed to know that my marriage was made of deeper stuff.


I am just getting to the point that I am considering a diet and moderate exercise. Other than that, I do play with my hair and sometimes where makeup when going out.

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This made me laugh. What's an "on-purpose ponytail"? How do you get a ponytail on accident?




- I do try to tease a little bump at the crown and do a deep side part when I put it in the ponytail so it looks like an actual "style".


Like this :D


I mean that I don't just throw unbrushed hair up in a ponytail with a scrunchie. I try to take a little time so that it looks like I actually meant to have it that way :D.

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I probably don't do as much as I should. The main thing I do is wear clothes that fit. Many of my clothes are sale or from discount stores, but they fit. I think people look terrible in clothes that do not fit. I don't wear makeup most of the time. I wear some make up (lipstick at least) to work--I teach part time. In the winter I wear lipstick most of the time. When dh and I go out I wear more make up. My hair is long and mostly I keep it pulled back. I have think dark eyebrows and lashes and so I can get away with less eye makeup, but I do a lot of plucking (unibrow, etc).

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I mean that I don't just throw unbrushed hair up in a ponytail with a scrunchie. I try to take a little time so that it looks like I actually meant to have it that way :D.


Oh, I do it both ways. But only at home.


On-purpose most of the time. But if I get hot while cooking, up it goes usually with no brush.

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I shower once or twice (in this heat wave!) each day. I get up and get dressed every day. I put on make up every day even if I am only staying home. Make-up for me is minimal....mineral powder, mascara and a bit of eye shadow. I color my grey...once every 3 months professionally (cut and color $70) and once in between with $4 walmart color.


I rarely get a manicure or pedicure, but I keep my fingernails neat and my toenails painted. I shave every day. I lotion my skin almost every day.


My hair is long and simple. I have to straighten it though---takes 15 min...I wash every other day and on the off day all I usually have to do is brush.


My exercise routine is non existant at the moment. I have about 10 pounds on me that needs to be gone. I plan to start on that soon.


When I know my husband is about to walk in the door I brush my teeth, my hair, powder my nose and spray on perfume. :)

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I attempt to maintain arched, plucked, threaded, or waxed eyebrows. :tongue_smilie:


I visit the hair salon about every 4-6 weeks. When I worked part-time I would go every 2 weeks (not uncommon for ethnic hair types).


I wear make up to church and/or when going out to dinner or movies.

I add to my wardrobe every season. (I tend to be really into keeping up with style trends. Since being a SAHM I've tapered off a bit).


I would like to get more into accessories as I think a little goes a long way. But I think its a waste of money unless it's expensive jewelry.


I'm on a weight loss journey to thin out the puffiness and attempt to exercise 2-3 times per week. Looking forward to increasing this.


I try to smile more and maintain an upbeat attitude.

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I straighten my hair daily (it isn't curly but fuzzy).

I wear simple clothes but I always wear fun jewelry.

I refuse to show my toes without polish but I almost never polish my fingernails (love the look, hate maintaining it).

I wear minimal make-up but I ALWAYS wear it.

I love heels but only wear them at fancy parties.

Looking like I made an effort is important to me. My DH appreciates it. I feel better if I look nice and the above items are how I define looking nice FOR ME.



ALL of the above (except the hair; mine is poker straight). I have pink & white acrylic nails that I get done every 3 weeks. Can I really afford it? No. But it's something my daughter & I do together, and I decided a few years ago to tomato stake her. We do EVERYTHING together.


Consistent removal of unwanted hair would also be on my list. Hair spray every day, and a squirt of Happy by Clinique too.


Add eat right, exercise, and drink lots of water to the list too!

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I'm actually trying to better my appearance.


Things I do:



  • Eat whole foods
  • I try to stick to natural products
  • I run several times a week
  • I do tai chi several times a week
  • I do just a tiny little bit of weight training a couple times a week (This is a new thing I've not totally figured out)
  • I wear natural fibers more often than not
  • I do color my hair every 6-8 weeks. (I started going grey at 25 and now at 45 I am fully as grey as my grandmother. Not a look I'm ready for.)
  • Since I sweat hideously I do not wear make up when temps are above 75. I am tanned and do not look washed out. I will put on a little eye make up for church or planned indoor excursions.
  • Late August to Mid July I have on moisturizer, foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, and a spritz of scent. This takes me less than 5 minutes to apply.
  • I get my hair trimmed every 2-3 months, depending on how often I get to the bigger city.
  • I buy clothes a couple times a year when I'm in the even bigger city. Shoes too. I do stick to the higher end shops and generally buy on clearance. The quality if much better. I can buy a shirt for $15 and it will last me 5-10 years as opposed to buying one new shirt that lasts no more than the season for $5 every spring. That costs $25-50.
  • I can't do thrift shops. I had my own reasons before reading the bedbug comment. Now I just really can't.
  • I do like earrings. I actually have a deep and spiritual love affair with earrings.
  • I like other baubles. I wear them mostly during the same time frame as the wearing of make up. The rest of the year I'm struggling with the heat/cold thing and they get irritating when I have to swell.


ETA: I'm all over the pedicure. Not so much the mani. I weeded and repotted some things yesterday and still have dirt under my finger nails. It just does no good to do manicures

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In what ways do I maintain my appearance? I wear glasses. The fastest update I've done in the last year was buying a new pair of modern French frames--Face a Face.


After decades of no make up, I've started to wear make up when I go to town. In addition to make up, I recently cut my very long hair to a more stylish shoulder length. Not only do I use less shampoo and conditioner, the hair cut is far easier to manage than long hair.


I've always been a clothes horse and would never leave the house under dressed. My grandmother always told me, "You never know who you're going to meet." Diamonds and gold in small amounts and a used Rolex on the wrist completes the look.


The make up, glasses and hair cut brought some added benefits of better service when I am out and about in town. I've concluded that after a certain age if a woman does not attend to her appearance people will be less like to attend her and treat her with respect. My attention to appearance sends the message that I value myself and so should you no matter my weight or age.

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I take a shower every day, cream and moisturizer, run a comb through my hair and do SOMETHING with it. Ponytail, clippies, braid. Simple but otherwise I get wigged out because I cannot stand hair in my face. Some natural scent to smell pretty.


Clean shirt, matching bottoms. If it's sweats, then it's sweats, but not stained, with holes and droopy drawers and I won't leave the house in them, it's too easy to put on a pair of capri's or jeans or a skirt. I try to buy clothes that flatter ME. I hate shopping, but over time I've learned what lines to look for so now it's quick. No flowers or stripes on the clothes, Autumn colors look best on me so that's what I stick to.


No jewelry, but to church I wear earrings and a pretty scarf, a simple skirt and shirt.


My toes are always polished, but never my fingernails. My fingernails don't deserve it, they're wretched.


Yes, I take care of myself healthwise, too. Vitamins, lots of veggies and simple exercise-whether that be weeding or in the pool with the kids. Lately it's been weeding. Lots, and lots of weeding. Lots of it. :glare::glare::glare:

Edited by justamouse
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I'm another one who keeps toes polished but can't maintain a manicure. I keep my fingernails neat and buffed, but almost never painted. My toes, on the other hand, are always painted. I do color my hair (at home) to cover grey. I wear it cut in long layers so that it doesn't need to be cut very often, although I pull it back or up every day. I don't own sweatpants and wear my yoga pants as pajama bottoms, never out of the house. I have a very minimal wardrobe of skirts/jeans and blouses. I don't enjoy clothes or shoe shopping, so I try to have nice, classic items that hold up well and work well dressed up or down. I wear earrings and lip gloss all the time, and add a bit more jewelry, powder, and eyeliner when I leave the house.

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I would like to get more into accessories as I think a little goes a long way. But I think its a waste of money unless it's expensive jewelry.


Why is this? I have some expensive jewelry, but I also like fun jewelry. I am *always* getting compliments on some of my relatively inexpensive pieces. For example, my $50 craft show necklace, my $30 eBay pendant, my $25 glass pendant from Hawaii, even a $3 bird necklace I got from Forever21 gets compliments!

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I workout daily (but this is for me and not my DH)

I eat 'clean' (whole foods/ some organic) but this is to control my migraines.


Because of the above, I have lost a considerable amount of weight, which in turn has made DH's attentions increase rather than decrease *ahem*

I wear make-up 99% of the time and have since highschool.

I straighten my hair often but not daily.

I used to color/highlight my hair, but have not in over a year.

I wear heels often. (My mom did as well, and I always thought she was so beautiful... I blame her for this one!)

I keep my clothes classic and this allows me to wear them thru the years. I get compliments often when I am wearing clothes that I have had for over 10 years!

I keep a current hairstyle and switch it up every few years...


Besides general 'upkeep' (shaping brows, painting nails/toes etc.) That's about it. I don't think it's too much, but I'm sure others might consider it to be more than they would want to do!

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I don't wear makeup around the house, but usually always when I go out and about. (Unless I have a tanning appointment. :D)


I color, highlight, and straighten my hair. I get it cut every 5-6 weeks.


I watch what I eat constantly and exercise.


My toenails always have a wild paint job.


I have artificial nails sometimes, sometimes just clear polish.


I own over 50 pairs of shoes and boots.


I don't own a pair of dress shoes that are not high heel.


I like diamonds. Scratch that. Love diamonds. I never take my earrings or necklace off.- I sleep in jewelry.


I wear t-shirts, cut-offs with holes, hoodies, yoga pants, etc. in public.

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I have a shorter hairstyle so I get it cut every 4-5 weeks. I love having it short. I throw some mousse in it and blowdry it, then style it with a palm-aid and it is VERY quick. I do this so that I can get ready quicker in the morning and if I do go out, I always feel put together and that makes me feel better.

I do have it colored and foiled so that is done every 2-3 months

I do get my nails done every 2 weeks, and my toes every month in the summer.

Shower daily, try to dress in somewhat cute/current clothing (though my daughter would disagree...LOL)

I try to buy items of clothing that are good quality and will last. I love Lands End.

I don't wear makeup (because I'm lazy) but I DO wear it sometimes and look much better with it. I usually though, just use a light bronzer, eyeliner, mascara and some lipgloss.

I go for acupuncture weekly because this is a HUGE part of my self care for wellness, and try to get occasional massages.

I don't wear much jewelry, but when I do, it's pieces that mean something to me..a fun necklace I got cheap when I was in Paris with my mom (at least something there was cheap! LOL) , or a necklace and earrings made by a little villager that we came across in a tiny town in Alaska etc. I don't have gold and diamonds other than my wedding ring, engagement ring and diamond ring my nana gave me.


I REALLY need to start exercising!!!! That needs to be a priority..for my health..physical and mental.

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-I put my hair up in a crown braid or a French twist or something similar most days. I love having long hair but I like it because I love the look of a chic updo.

-I treat my hair well - coconut oil, no heat styling, no damaging hair toys, etc. This keeps it from splitting.

-I wear minimal make-up when I go out (eyeliner, blush, lip gloss - cover-up if needed). I'm lucky to have dark eyebrows and lashes, so I really don't need much. But as I get older, a bit of make-up makes me look less tired some days. And it's fun.

-I wear colors I love - colors that look good on me and make me feel good.

-I work out regularly, which makes me feel good about myself, keeps me slim-ish, and helps me carry myself better. And I count calories (works for me).

-I wear clothes that fit.

-I wear simple, classic jewelry. I'd totally go in for some of the more dramatic stuff, but I'm short, and dramatic jewelry overwhelms me. (Love seeing it well-done on others though!)

-Does smell count? I shower, deoderize . . . and love a little bit of juniper-scented body spray.

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I used to think I needed to wear makeup when I was younger. Now, for some odd reason, in my 'old' age (forties) I think my skin looks great and I don't bother with foundation. I have the pale redhead thing going on with really white skin, a few freckles, and the rosy flush of a well-fed vampire, and I do not tan. I wear lipstick because I like it, and no mascara or eyeliner because that is too fussy for me. I wear glasses and tend to wear the 'birth control' type frames (which seem to be popular right now). I like glaring at DH over the top of them. DH likes it too, the poor man is attracted to viragoes.


I used to wear jewelry, but I don't anymore. It just doesn't seem 'me'. My hair is oddly thicker and curlier than when I was younger and it behaves better so I don't do much with that either. I do color it, I'm not fond of being grey and honestly anything close to my former natural color is a traffic stopper so why bother with further adornment. I like it shorter, so it needs to be cut regularly.


I only own one pair of sweat pants, and I only wear those when I am working out in the winter. Usually I wear calf lenght skirts in the winter (much warmer than jeans with the leggings and thick socks underneath) and shorter skirts and shorts in the summer. I'm not a big fan of jeans since I am short with a lot of curve and it is really hard to find any that even come close to fitting. I can't be bothered to follow fashion. I like LLBean and Lands End for plain denim skirts and plain tops that last. I do tend to wear colors that set off my hair color. I do not wear heels, I get shin splints trying to run and jump and kick things in them.


I've never had a manicure or a pedicure. I chop wood and dig in the garden and handwash my dishes, it would be a waste of time and money. It would also be more difficult to knit or play pvp on WOW. My nails are just short and plain. Actually, if I had longer nails I would probably find it irresistable to claw someone.

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Hmmm... If I had to concisely sum up my priorities, it would go like this:






In the first, I always want to appear clean when I go out. Clean clothes, clean hair, clean body. I wear my fingernails clean, short & natural. My personal preference for my hair would be the same, but in the interest of my dh and item two, I wear it longer and highlighted. But clean and brushed fits here.


Second, I want to appear feminine. Of course there are times and places where athletic clothing is appropriate, but other times I strive to wear pants tops and sandals that are distinctively women's clothing. This one has been difficult lately for several reasons. First, I've had a lot of home improvement projects going on, and that means clothes I can afford to get dirty. Also, I really want to take off a few more pounds before buying any more clothes (and my old ones are starting to wear out!). It's also near impossible to find cute summer dresses that are not sleeveless. I used to live in cute cotton dresses, being in the much warmer south most of my life. But all in all, feminine. I don't like to leave the house looking like I'm wearing dh's clothes unless I am going to Lowe's! If I am going out and will be interacting with others, I will wear makeup. If I am going to be at home or just at the grocery, I will use lipstick. I prefer to save money by stretching my makeup, but I would not go to church, work, or out socially without it. Also, anytime I will be around my teenagers' friends, I try to look nice. Heaven knows there are already enough "you're embarrassing me!" booby traps for parents of teens, I don't need being a frump to be a stumbling block. (my kids love me just as I am, they are sweet, but I figure I should at least try to do my part)


Fashionable - I am definitely no trendsetter, and not much of a trend follower. I do try to keep up with what's "out" from year to year. I prefer a timeless, classic look. I mean, I don't think you can ever go wrong with a crisp white tailored shirt and properly fitting dark denim jeans. I don't think you have to replace your wardrobe every season, but it does increase my confidence to know what is and is not current fashion. Another thing, I want my fashion to be age appropriate. I do not want to dress like an old lady, but I also want to not go too young, iykwim. My teen daughter is a big help there. ;)


Things I need to work on are getting quicker at morning hair and keeping my feet sandal ready. Walking on the beach used to give me that regular sole smoothing treatment, and I need to learn to make time for that. Other things that will help towards my appearance will be succeeding in getting off the last of the extra weight and being sure I get enough nightly sleep. I'm willing to work on these things.

Edited by AuntieM
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I wear clean clothing that fits. I try to wear things that are comfortable and flattering. I'm excited because I found an athletic wear company that makes dresses, so I can find cute comfortable girly dresses that can go hiking or to the park. I can't afford great shoes, so I make do with what I've got. I don't always look "pulled together" because I don't spend a lot of money of shoes and accessories.


I try to stay near a certain moderate weight. For me it's not an appearance issue, though. It's for my health. Plus I hate clothes shopping and don't want to have to buy new clothes. :tongue_smilie:


I get my hair cut when I can afford it. Once or twice a year, I splurge on color if I've got the money. Daily, though, I don't style it. With my lifestyle (gardening, hiking, at the park), it just gets sweaty and droopy anyway, or smashed by my sunhat.


I own makeup. I don't wear it often because I don't like the way my skin feels. I do take care of my skin by washing, moisturizing, etc.


My husband likes to paint my toenails for me, so my feet are usually in good shape. My hands...gardening is not hand-friendly and I don't like nail polish on my fingers. I try to keep my nails clean and trimmed and use hand lotion.


Perfume gives me a headache.


I think that's it. I look healthy and trim and clean. I like the way I look.



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I wear clothes that fit and are appropriate to the function.


I'm clean. My hair is brushed.


My legs are usually shaved, unless it is the dead of winter. LOL.


I exercise regularly.


I don't color my hair and I get a hair cut probably 2x a year. My hair is all one length which is probably out-dated but I like it this way. I wear it pulled back like in my avatar.

I don't wear make-up or scents of any kind.

I don't have long nails and don't paint them.

I don't have pedicures and stuff like that.

I don't wear jewelry.

I don't have a clue if my clothes are actually fashionable or not, but I don't appear to stand out too badly.

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I consider my life at home and my children my "work" and I dress accordingly. If I dress frumpy, I feel frumpy and then I act frumpy....nothing gets done.

So, I generally will dress in nice fitting pants or a classic style dress. I do wear jeans occasionally if I know we are going to go to the zoo or the park or something similar.


The ONLY time I wear sweatpants is if I am sick and know that I am not going to get off of the couch on purpose.


I wear a little makeup everyday. I enjoy feeling feminine and ready for the day.


I do have my hair colored but only because I went gray in my early 20's. shhh....mum's the word! I keep it cut chin length and easy to style in the mornings or I pull it back in a neat pony tail.


Manicures/pedicures..no. I do my nails myself and like to paint them but I don't have it in the budget to have them done.


Exercise...I walk at the park but honestly, that is about it. Running after my son everyday is exhausting and I do find that walking at the park gives me some stamina that I need.

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Prior to this year, I had struggled with looking put together. As I left my 20's behind, I noticed that I started to feel frumpy and like I really needed to get a clue about how to put basic outfits together - I have always struggled to know basic fashion principles for looking put together. I especially struggled in the hair department and


I work part-time and wanted to look professional for that, and I also wanted to be an attractive SAHM. I found something called DYT (www.dressingyourtruth.com) that has really helped with that - especially in finding attractive hair and knowing how to look for basics.


I still wear casual, comfortable clothes - denim, tshirts, khakis, basic work tops. But now they're in colors/styles that are more flattering to me. I have been really shocked at how many compliments I've received about it since I switched - it's been a HUGE difference, even though I haven't had to change my output time much at all.


I put on eye makeup and lip gloss and that's it. I spend ~10 minutes doing my hair in the morning. I put on clothes and I'm good to go :).


Ohhhh...thanks for that website!! I need help in this dept. I always need a clue:lol:.

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I get my hair cut every 4 months. Sometimes I highlight it. I wear mascara and blush every day. Some days I wear a full face of make up. My hair is usually in a pony tail, sometimes not. (I have 13 month old twins, ponytails are a necessity sometimes)



I have begun dressing cute again, I wore workout clothes the first year post partum.




I work out regularly, mostly because i feel much better, and have more energy when I'm exercising. running is my therapy.:D

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I don't know that I have much of an appearance to maintain, LOL, but I stopped wearing logo T's and sweatshirts (mostly) a while back and try to dress up my jeans a little more with generally something like a mock-neck and blazer of some type (and often a scarf) in the colder months. I don't really wear tennis shoes when it's cooler, either, but generally have on a pair of Clark's of some type. I wear a watch, but not my rings, in general, because my hands tend to swell.


I am pretty good about keeping my hair cut and colored now that I'm getting more gray and I wear foundation daily because I have Rosacea and need to try to even out my skin tone. I don't wear eye makeup, etc. except when I dress up more (I have a secondary Sjorgen's, so my eyes are too dry to have powder, etc. flaking into them daily)....


I'm overweight (after losing weight on Atkin's several years ago), but I've just cut out all gluten, yeast, eggs, dairy, and legumes (and all the joy of life) in order to try to help out my ailing old self, so perhaps I won't be overweight for too much longer....


I don't have braces (but did as a teen), but I did get retainers about a year ago because some of my teeth are getting crooked again as I age. I do use lightening cream on my age (liver) spots, too....


With all the auto-immune problems I have, I would be afraid to undergo plastic surgery (and it would take too much of it to make a difference, anyway, LOL)....

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I never wear make up. I used to wear LOTS everywhere, even to do laundry during my college years. Now, only tinted lip balm and that's just sometimes. Would love to hide my dark circles, but everything I've tried makes it too obvious. My transition glasses (tinted) helps hide them somewhat. ;) I think ...


I make more of an effort with clothes than before. Dd and I love watching shows like "What Not to Wear" and Tim Gunn. We learn a lot and enjoy shopping together when we can.

I'm trying to stop my frumpy clothes at home and while teaching my dc. I tend to wear bike shorts and ill-fitting T-shirts that do absolutely nothing for me. Dd despises this. I need to work on that, rather than freaking out every time someone comes near our classroom or rings the doorbell.


I also have a skin care regimen that's really quite simple. But oftentimes, I'm too lazy. I go for a facial (much cheaper here) every 6-8 weeks.


I have waxing done - brows, underarms, forearms, fingers, toes. I shave regularly.


I seldom get pedicures and manicures. I have little patience to sit still and make small talk. Find it annoying. I only get one about once a year or so and am often scared due to hygiene/infection risks. I need to focus more on toe nail polish. But I do like my nails to breathe. I find that wearing nail polish all the time is not good for nail health.


I almost always carry some extra weight. :tongue_smilie: I'm plump and curvy. :lol: I try to workout and eat right as often as I can. Then again, lately, I've been quite naughty. :D I never want to be skinny. Dh likes my curves.


My hair is very frizzy. I have a keratin treatment done every few months. It helps. I have a CHI straightening iron, but only use it for special occasions. I notice lots of hair loss when I use it regularly. :glare: I will not color my grays.


Not at all in favor of plastic surgery. Never. No way. Dh is against it also.


I wear high heeled shoes, but comfortable wedge-styles, for some places. At the age of 43, I'm big on comfort. I wore pumps for too long. :glare:


I wish I was better with accessories. I got 2 new pairs of glasses this year and I love them. Also have 2 bags that I love.


I wouldn't dream of not showering every single day. Yuck.


I think beauty is very much an inner thing. Be happy. Be content. Eat right. Don't be bitter or angry. I need to work on this. Love your family. Laugh a lot. Enjoy the laugh lines. :lol:


Love this thread. :D

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