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Who do you know IRL from WTM?

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I've met Jan in OH at the Midwest Convention. She spotted my pink "Going to Grandma's" suitcase that I was dragging around to put all my goodies in.


Another friend from co-op is on the board but I can't remember her name.


By some of the other posts, I know that I'm near a few of you. I've always been a little shy of giving info on the net, though.

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I only know 1 person irl, as far as I know. She doesn't post much, and I haven't seen her around here in quite a while. (She's probably busy teaching her dc, or something. LOL)


I have seen several people from another board that I've been on for years. They can vouch that I'm not a troll.:tongue_smilie:

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I know several of the DFW WTMers. I have met Apryl H, Caayenne, Jinnah, Pfamilygal, Aubrey, and all their sweet kids. Poor Aubrey gets around quite a bit for an introvert! :001_smile: I am really good friends with z_2mom, but she doesn't post that much. I email back and forth with OpenMinded. And I have several more ladies on FB with me. They are all lovely, wonderful, genuine people. Not a troll in the bunch! :D

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Does anyone fear not being liked irl by Boardies?




I have only met Specialmama (i think, lol it was basically in passing at a homeschool used book sale) and Impish (to drop something off), each only once for a very brief moment, so no way to tell if they thought I was nuts or something.


I have not met anyone else, but do worry they would not like me irl if they met me.

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I know *anj* IRL, but met the following at Valley Forge...



Osmosis Mom

nest of 3

Capt Uhura




Jumping in Puddles







I can vouch for them and a few more I am sure :D

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Well, which Karen are you? Do we already know each other?




If any of the NC/SC folks are going to be at the Love to Learn Conference in Charlotte this Saturday, maybe we can find each other.
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ZooRho and I know each other irl. Although, I used to give her a hard time because I only saw her at co-op and never her son (the swimmer) :lol:. I told her I didn't think he existed. So, I guess that would make her an irl troll? :001_huh:








But, then I saw him. Darn, I had almost caught one. :D



yes he did very little there

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Never met anyone from this board IRL.

Ahhh...I guess I should admit it. I'm a troll and I don't really have any kids at all. I just like to make up curricula and schedules and all that. It's my mental illness...*





Well, not really...

But I will admit my son's name really isn't Otter!!!




(*disclaimer: I am just joking around here and not making fun of those with mental illness... and for those of you who have shared things like that, I really admire your honesty and understand it's a serious issue, etc. etc. etc. I hope you all get the idea and no one is offended.)

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Almost got to meet Rosie...and then she moved!

When we returned to Oz, it was near Rosie's neck of the woods,and I was hoping to finally meet her in person, only to find out she moved into Keptwoman's backyard:tongue_smilie:


Yeah! Why do you think I invited you to that SCA camping event? It was over your way! But you were having a baby, which is a good reason not to show. :tongue_smilie:


We'll make it back over there eventually, I hope. Dh is hoping to move to Woodend or Riddells in a couple of years time. That's half way around and should get us playing with that crowd again more often. :) Or maybe I'll win Tattslotto and go 'back to booktown' one year. That's the only circumstance in which I could imagine trusting myself. :D





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I've met Ellie-- I inherited her hermit crabs a few years ago (they are HUGE now!).


I've met Peek A Boo (at Ellie's house once)


I've talked with BUNCHES of WTM people on the phone. I've had several WTM kids in my math classes.


I talk with Newbie several times each week--just got off the phone with her in fact! She is my bestest friend that I've never met!

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JennW lives down the freeway from me; she's rescued me from many Aspie-induced panics and is the nicest, most lovely friend I could hope to have.


Have also met Kay in Cal, but she is no longer in Cal; her family moved back east.


My dd and dh met Cheryl in SoCal at the ranch where her son is doing his knight school training.


I have mailed packages to michele-one-l and Corraleno. Either the goods disappeared into a postal black hole or someone live did get them on the other end. And either they sent me fake pictures or they do have real live children!

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IRL, I've met Jenny in Atl (don't worry, Nakia, she didn't bring AS w/ her, so I didn't get to meet him) & Frankie (who used to be on here, but doesn't post anymore).


I've also met a couple of other folks who used to be on here a long time ago, but aren't now. I also know a couple of lurkers.

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IRL, I've met Jenny in Atl (don't worry, Nakia, she didn't bring AS w/ her, so I didn't get to meet him) & Frankie (who used to be on here, but doesn't post anymore).


I've also met a couple of other folks who used to be on here a long time ago, but aren't now. I also know a couple of lurkers.



Of course she didn't bring him. He dumped her for me. :D

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Talked to ThatCyndiGirl on the phone and she's mailed me stuff.


Stacia has mailed me stuff also.


:001_smile: (And, Negin has mailed me stuff too, lol!) I'm so jealous of Cyndi -- you gals talk on the phone??? :D I wish I knew Negin IRL! (Cyndi too.)


I had no idea. Wow! Are you excited? Is this for real?


I think as real as Alexander Skarsgard coming out of the lake right by her new MI lake house...? Right, Cyndi? (Of course, Nakia would have to take down Cyndi then.... :lol:)

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:001_smile: (And, Negin has mailed me stuff too, lol!) I'm so jealous of Cyndi -- you gals talk on the phone??? :D I wish I knew Negin IRL! (Cyndi too.)

:grouphug: Do you have Skype? If you do, we can call each other for free.

Even if you don't, since I have it, calling you is not expensive at all.

Cyndi and I have only talked once, I think ... but for some reason, it seems like more. :)

Stacia, I would love to hear your voice.

We saw "Midnight in Paris" yesterday and loved it, loved it, loved it. :D

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I have Skype!




:grouphug: Do you have Skype? If you do, we can call each other for free.

Even if you don't, since I have it, calling you is not expensive at all.

Cyndi and I have only talked once, I think ... but for some reason, it seems like more. :)

Stacia, I would love to hear your voice.

We saw "Midnight in Paris" yesterday and loved it, loved it, loved it. :D

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I tried to post last night when the site crashed, but I've met ZooRho IRL, too. And I regularly look up Fedex rates for sending her a now not as small child who seems to have somehow inherited her orneriness via the internet. :lol:

yeap MY CHILD, I created her.


and that was way before we met irl too.


scary what can happen on the internet

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Aliya is my sister-in-law and I know CathyCDK from my homeschool group. I have been close to some others, only via internet, but close enough that I know they are definitely real. Most of those don't post here anymore, though.

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