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s/o religious makeup thread

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Ok ~ here's a thread without a poll… and I'm wording this in the best way that I can….


How do YOU identify yourself in terms of your supernatural beliefs?


i think that can cover everyone?? whether you are hindu, scientologist, heathen, christian, jain, hedgewitch, buddhist, atheist, hellenic reconstructionist, jewish, witch, sikh, bahai, druid, taoist, pagan, zoroastrian, muslim, rastafarian, agnostic, santerian, or anything else ---- you should be able to answer. i think. i hope. :laugh:


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I think I get what you are asking, please correct me if I am wrong.


I believe in the Christian God which is the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).


I also believe that there are angels and demons and Satan, however I believe God is more powerful than the three.


I also believe there is a lot we don't know or understand about the spiritual world and I don't try to act as if I know more than someone else just because I hold to christianity. My own beliefs have grown and changed since I first became a christian 15 years ago.

Edited by Michelle My Bell
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I consider myself a conservative Protestant Christian. But... I don't fit in well (at all...) with the general "Conservative" Christian that seems to be the "norm" right now. They consider us much too liberal. However, my very liberal father who is a pastor says I'm one of the most conservative people he knows. ((shrug)) Go figure.

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I think I get what you are asking, please correct me if I am wrong.


I believe in the Christian God which is the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).


I also believe that there are angels and demons and Satan, however I believe God is more powerful than the three.


I also believe there is a lot we don't know or understand about the spiritual world and I don't try to act as if I know more than someone else just because I hold to christianity. My own believes have grown and changed since I first became a christian 15 years ago.


If people want to share like you just did - that's awesome. If people want to share in smaller bits (just the way they refer to themselves, etc) that's also awesome. There are no rules! :D

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I am a Christian who is not in the least bothered by silhouette avatars.


:iagree: LOL


I'm conservative, but beyond that, I don't hang on to any labels. I can't fully embrace protestantism, but I'm not totally sold out to pre-protestant beliefs. I read the Bible, I pray, and hope for the best. ;)

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I sit on a fence where there are more intersections than I like to admit. No wonder I'll probably never get off. If I had to toss in a few labels, though, I'd have to admit that my pendulum has pretty wide swings, going from the aforementioned secular humanist to beliefs that have elements of pantheism, animism, and neo-Druidism. I'd say the pendulum spends more time on the SH side, but I cannot deny that it occasionally swings into those other territories.


Also, I was baptized in a Freewill Baptist church and in college, I converted to Catholicism. ( I still love the Catholic Mass, and I still love to sing/listen to gospel hymns.)


Clearly, decisiveness is not my strong suit. :lol:


Complicating things further, dh goes to a liberal Christian church (UCC), my son is avowed atheist, and my daughters believe in God.

Edited by WorkInProgress
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I think I get what you are asking, please correct me if I am wrong.


I believe in the Christian God which is the trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).


I also believe that there are angels and demons and Satan, however I believe God is more powerful than the three.


I also believe there is a lot we don't know or understand about the spiritual world and I don't try to act as if I know more than someone else just because I hold to christianity. My own believes have grown and changed since I first became a christian 15 years ago.


:iagree:Although I became a Christian nearly 30 years ago. The Jesus I know-the one oft quoted in the Bible-does not resemble some of the Christians I know today. So many seem to be pursuing the American dream instead of the Kingdom of God.

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I opened this because I thought it was going to be about cosmetics in religion. :lol:


When door-to-door religion salespeople come by I tell them I'm an unrepentant heathen. But I'm just undecided and in flux. I was born into one religion, converted to another as a young woman, realized that it was a little hasty and am now pleasantly confused, and married to an equally confused man who is neither of my religions.

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Technically, I am a Presbyterian, which does characterize my theological viewpoint pretty well, but it certainly isn't the hill I care to die on. And there is even a spectrum of conservatism among the Presby denominations. I'm not all the way to the left end of that spectrum, but closer to the left than to the middle. I guess I'm as liberal a Presbyterian can be without losing the centrality of the gospel and the respect for the Scriptures.

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I am an Eastern Orthodox Christian convert who worships the Trinity, knows church is not optional, and has fallen in love with incense, bells, vestments, hierarchy, candles, the sacraments, the feasts, the saints, and the Theotokos. I mess up a lot, but press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me (communion with Him through His body, the Church).

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I don't like the word Atheist because it implies I KNOW there is no God, which is no better than posturing that there IS one. Yet I don't like the word Agnostic because it sounds like waffling to me. I'm just not a lable guy, but I have spent the last ten years as a practicing Zen Buddhist. If you know anything about Zen, you know it's really no big deal either way. :D


I believe a rich tapestry of several beliefs is important to any culture. It's unfortunate how some of these beliefs are based on converting the rest of humanity towards their belief. I'd never subscribe to anything that asked me to impose my beliefs on someone else, especially in the violent manner of which the two largest religions have done for centuries. Shameful really. But that's just me.

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Just plain ole Roman Catholic. Somedays I feel confident saying I believe all of it. Somedays I'm praying like crazy for some faith, just trying to find some sign of God. But come hell or high water or days of no belief, I'll be Catholic till the day die. I'm stubborn.

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