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Little things that drive you insane?

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How do you handle your own personal reaction to certain things that just set you off? For example, lately I've really come to feel absolutely disgusted by the sound of chewing, even with the person's mouth closed. I just hear it. Eww.. And a particular person in my life says the word 'so' after everything said. I don't know why, but it drives me batty. I don't think it's important enough to say anything aloud. I believe this is my issue but I just can't get past it. Egads! There are other little things too. It's like a barrage of uncomfortable feelings all day long. It's so weird!

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WET TOWELS!!!! ON THE FLOOR IN A HEAP!!!!!! I honestly don't know how my kids are not terrified of wet towels. I have tried yelling and screaming, fining them $5.00 for each wet towel. I would actually like it if they had to see a shrink later in life to talk about their fear of leaving a wet towel on the floor. BUT no - every time I look there is a wet towel somewhere. Even now there is wet towel outside to dry... but is it spread out nicely, no it is folded up over itself in a heap...


I hate wet towels.

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Noise and Criminal TV shows!!!! My dh needs background noise. When he isn't working he watches TV while doing surfing online. Then he complains about commercials. :lol::lol:


I sit in the classroom most of the time doing my own thing. But it's right next door. GGRRRR!!!!!


Then it's the Criminal TV shows. One can only take so many Criminal Minds, The Closer, and Without a Trace. Plus it seems like every episode is about missing children, which is really bothering me lately.


If it's not that it's Ghost Whisperer or Charmed. :ack2: Please enough!!!!!


How do I deal? I leave the room. There was one episode I just couldn't watch and got up told him, "I love you, but I can't watch that." He's having fun playing TV detective so he kept watching.

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How do you handle your own personal reaction to certain things that just set you off? For example, lately I've really come to feel absolutely disgusted by the sound of chewing, even with the person's mouth closed. I just hear it. Eww.. And a particular person in my life says the word 'so' after everything said. I don't know why, but it drives me batty. I don't think it's important enough to say anything aloud. I believe this is my issue but I just can't get past it. Egads! There are other little things too. It's like a barrage of uncomfortable feelings all day long. It's so weird!


My mom making noise as she inhales through her teeth, my mom burping though her teeth ... other things my mom does ... These used to bother me until my daughter started expressing her annoyance at things *I* do! I realized that something mean in me allowed me to be exasperated at my mom and I love her and need to be grateful she is alive and with me.

So, I guess changing my perspective helped.

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Spills. But spills are a part of life. The part that is driving me nuts is the way all the male members of my family stand around and look at it instead of getting something to clean it up. :glare:



People not thinking my time is valuable. We tried to buy a car this week and the guy didn't finish his part of the paperwork though we'd told him well in advance when we were going to get our end done.


Noise and Criminal TV shows!!!! My dh needs background noise. When he isn't he watches TV while doing surfing online. Then he complains about commercials. :lol::lol:


I sit in the classroom most of the time doing my own thing. But it's right next door. GGRRRR!!!!!


Then it's the Criminal TV shows. One can only take so many Criminal Minds, The Closer, and Without a Trace. Plus it seems like every episode is about missing children, which is really bothering me lately.


If it's not that it's Ghost Whisperer or Charmed. :ack2: Please enough!!!!!


How do I deal? I leave the room. There was one episode I just couldn't watch and got up told him, "I love you, but I can't watch that." He's having fun playing TV detective so he kept watching.



Can I send my DH to your house to watch with your DH? I am currently plugged into Napster and blasting music in a futile attempt to drown out the Military channel. Again. Or Clint Eastwood who I can. not. stand.

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The fact that my husband says 'drive safe!' every. single. time. I leave the house without him. I don't know why. I just can't stand it. And I've told him, but it's such a habit for him that he quit for a while, but he's doing it AGAIN!


I always say that to my loved ones! I am letting them know I love them and care about them and my thoughts and prayers are going with them even if it just around the corner :001_smile:

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I cannot stand when someone is talking and they list a few things but they make their voice go high at the end like the list is going to continue. It's hard to explain.


For example: "I have to do the dishes, I have to do the laundry..." and their voice ends in a high pitch like they're going to continue the list but they don't. I just want to yell "And?! What else???! Finish the sentence!!"

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DD4 punching and kicking her bed. DD4 is in therapy. One of her issues is violence toward others. One of the therapy solutions is to give her a safe place to allow her feelings out. It makes perfect sense to allow her the chance to do this. Perfect Sense! ....... but it absolutley drives me nuts.....I hate it and I don't like her lying there throwing a huge flailing tantrum/fit......with permission.



I know I have to parent her different, I get it, but it doesn't change the fact that my older kids wold have never been allowed to get away with 1/2 of the things she does.

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I feel your pain...


My current top two are;


The neighbors across the street leave their windows open, leave the house and their dogs bark...all day long. One sits in the upstairs window seal and just yips non stop, and their beagle sounds like a troop of hunting dogs.:bigear:


Very loud people inside public spaces who talk during things like...a movie.

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Can I send my DH to your house to watch with your DH? I am currently plugged into Napster and blasting music in a futile attempt to drown out the Military channel. Again. Or Clint Eastwood who I can. not. stand.


Oh, yes, please. I'll come listen to music with you.

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My other big pet peeve, is dh telling me very obvious things. Things I know, he knows, I know.


Our last exchange.....(for reference, when you get tires at Costco you are supposed to return in 25 miles to have your lug nuts tightened again--and we live a mile from a Costco)


DH: "If you go to Costco today, have them tighten your lug nuts on your wheels. If you just pull up outside, they will do it for you there."


Really, I have bought no less than 5 Sets of tires at Costco....I have done this same thing FIVE times! I think I have got it undercontrol thankyouverymuch.




It shouldn't bother me, but it absolutely drives me nuts. He does it all the time. We agree that it comes from him being a boss and needing to tell his employees exact instructions, less they don't do their job, claiming ignorance. BUT, I am NOT his employee and if I need help/answers/information... I simply ask for it.

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Getting unsolicited advice and then people being offended when I don't take it. Right along with this is when other people have to comment on anything I say or do. My MIL is guilty of both of these. Usually there are lots of people even strangers guilty of the first.


I have learned in the last year that I am better off to not offer any advice unless asked. I usually only make any comments about things to my dh now.

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I cannot stand when someone is talking and they list a few things but they make their voice go high at the end like the list is going to continue. It's hard to explain.


For example: "I have to do the dishes, I have to do the laundry..." and their voice ends in a high pitch like they're going to continue the list but they don't. I just want to yell "And?! What else???! Finish the sentence!!"


Oh, the Incomplete List! That drives my husband batty. He'll be listening to the radio and will get himself into quite a state of agitation when people start what sounds like a list but then trail off when they run out of examples. I think he even wrote about it in his last magazine column. So know you're not alone. :)

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Noise and Criminal TV shows!!!! My dh needs background noise. When he isn't working he watches TV while doing surfing online. .


That. OMG. THAT.


I don't mind having the TV on for a little bit, but if DH is home it is on all. the. time. Occasionally I completely lose it and demand that the TV go off for a little bit. That lasts about 30 minutes before I start getting begging looks. He can't function without the noise.


We live in a 600 square foot apartment. There is no escape. Christmas break was the worst (DH is still in school). He watched the entire series of Monk via Netflix instant view in less than a week :blink::svengo:

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Constantly when I tell DH something and his response is "oh, really?" It's not a big thing but it's an annoying thing and he does it ALL THE TIME. It's such a non-response, there's no way to respond to "Oh, really?" with anything except "yes, really" and *poof* the conversation finds itself in left field. It's such a quick little way to swat the conversational ball right back in my court and make me repeat myself and that really is the core of the problem b/c another pet peeve of mine is having to repeat myself.

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The little thing that irritates me lately is dh asking me where something is without ever actually looking for it on his own. A recent conversation went like this: dh: "Where is the phone book?" Me: "I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL SECRETARY!" :tongue_smilie: I'm sure I was hormonal.


And, my son has just learned to roll his R's, so he walks around the house all.day.long doing it. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

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The little thing that irritates me lately is dh asking me where something is without ever actually looking for it on his own. A recent conversation went like this: dh: "Where is the phone book?" Me: "I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL SECRETARY!" :tongue_smilie: I'm sure I was hormonal.


Oh, my family does this as well! They know if I have to go look for something and I find it easily that I will get upset. Now, I understand if something truly is misplaced and finding it requires turning over cushions and furniture. But don't ask me where the feather duster is when we always keep it in the same place! :tongue_smilie:


Oh, and if my DH decides to make the bed after laundry before I get a chance to do it, he always asks for my help. He says he doesn't do it as well as I do. It's not rocket science! I just run in, make the bed in 2 minutes, and run out. But I try not to get upset about it. I leave the loading of the dishwasher to him. I simply cannot fit dishes in the way he does it. I don't know why. I guess I just don't have that skill! :lol: I wonder if that drives him bonkers. I'll have to ask.

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The little thing that irritates me lately is dh asking me where something is without ever actually looking for it on his own.



My answer usually is, "The same place it has been for the last five years we have lived here..." :confused:

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The little thing that irritates me lately is dh asking me where something is without ever actually looking for it on his own. A recent conversation went like this: dh: "Where is the phone book?"


YES, YES, Yes. this is my life only the dd's do it to.


To make it worse they ask where x is, I tell them, they say they can't see it, I tell them again, I end up going into whatever room and showing it to them and they say 'that's not where you said'. grrrrr

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Constant humming, people who like, say like, you know, like almost every word, just sayin'.


And the fact that no kid around EVER asks their dad something (as in where is the... or can I...) because he might be busy or napping or whatever. Mom, however, can be in the middle of pulling the gross stuff out of a turkey, or in the bathroom or reading or whatever and it's fair game to ask for help or permission or what have you. :cursing: Once, my husband was manning the fort while I was in bed, sick. One of the kids actually came in my bedroom, woke me up and and asked if he could play a video game. My husband was almost as mad about that one as I was.

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And the fact that no kid around EVER asks their dad something (as in where is the... or can I...) because he might be busy or napping or whatever. Mom, however, can be in the middle of pulling the gross stuff out of a turkey, or in the bathroom or reading or whatever and it's fair game to ask for help or permission or what have you. :cursing: Once, my husband was manning the fort while I was in bed, sick. One of the kids actually came in my bedroom, woke me up and and asked if he could play a video game. My husband was almost as mad about that one as I was.



This. I want to cosign on this and why doesn't anyone ever interrupt DH in the bathroom but they all - including DH - feel free to barge in on me?


The little thing that irritates me lately is dh asking me where something is without ever actually looking for it on his own.


I am convinced this has something to do with testosterone. All of the males in this house have at one point and time walked in asking me where their belts or shoes were while staring at the ceiling! Like they're hanging from the fans or something. :banghead:

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Yep, people chewing. Makes me out of my mind crazy as if I just want to start clawing my face. It actually hurts my ears. My problem so I try not to say anything but it's really hard not to, well unless they are eating with their mouth open and then I figure it is fair game. It's actually making me cringe just thinking about it.

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The fact that my husband says 'drive safe!' every. single. time. I leave the house without him. I don't know why. I just can't stand it. And I've told him, but it's such a habit for him that he quit for a while, but he's doing it AGAIN!


My dh did this to me for awhile but I started answering with this every single time.


"Nope, I plan to break every single law I can, tailgate, swerve, slam on my breaks in heavy traffic, aim for pedestrians, put my make-up on and talk on the phone at the same time, and I think I might try driving with my feet today...love you...see ya later."


After about the 8th time he stopped and just started telling me that he loved me everytime - now that, I don't mind hearing.

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I cannot stand when someone is talking and they list a few things but they make their voice go high at the end like the list is going to continue. It's hard to explain.


For example: "I have to do the dishes, I have to do the laundry..." and their voice ends in a high pitch like they're going to continue the list but they don't. I just want to yell "And?! What else???! Finish the sentence!!"


No. Way. I have a friend who ALWAYS ends all of her sentences on that high note, and it drives me nuts, too! I've never been able to put my finger on it. It's like she's always questioning everything she says even while she says it.

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Family members asking me "What's for dinner?" Drives me crazy!







boys and men who do not clean up their own "splashes."


when something is on the floor and other people just walk around or over it without taking care of it.


leaving messy things in pants pockets and then just stuffing them in the laundry basket.


leaving just a few drops of liquid in a drink container and then putting it back in the fridge.


not replacing the toilet paper roll you just emptied.


leaving wet towels on the floor.


people who speak every sentence with the inflection of a question.




I admit I do not handle several of those things well. Depending on the day, I may just go Southern on your sorry little a_ _.

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When my kids ask me "mom where did I leave my shoes?" Well I don't wear your shoes, so how would I know where you left them.


My brother used to ask my dad that all the time and my dad always responded with "I don't wear your shoes" So one day my brother turned it around on him (because my dad was a guy that wouldn't look for something before asking where it was) My dad came in the house and said "Where I leave the Weed Wacker?" My brother responded very nonchalant without looking up from his book "You don't wear my shoes, and I don't wack you weeds"

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"I don't whack your weeds" :lol: For some reason that just hit me so funny.


For me it's -chewing and other mouth noises

-whistling (my kids just learned),

- "guess what" - guess what? I don't need to hear it five times in the middle of every story!

-being poked to get my attention

-feet on me!!!

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Related to the problem of people asking me where their stuff is, here's my pet peeve:


People who open the dishwasher door, then call out to me in a nearby room or perhaps even upstairs, "Is the dishwasher clean or dirty?" :glare: :confused:



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The fact that my husband says 'drive safe!' every. single. time. I leave the house without him. I don't know why. I just can't stand it. And I've told him, but it's such a habit for him that he quit for a while, but he's doing it AGAIN!


:iagree: My mil did this all the time and it drove me nuts. Then the pastor mentioned in a sermon that saying that exact thing was saying that you don't trust the person you're saying that too. She apologized to us and stopped doing it for a while, but she's started saying it again...


The little thing that irritates me lately is dh asking me where something is without ever actually looking for it on his own. A recent conversation went like this: dh: "Where is the phone book?" Me: "I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL SECRETARY!" :tongue_smilie: I'm sure I was hormonal.


YES, YES, Yes. this is my life only the dd's do it to.


To make it worse they ask where x is, I tell them, they say they can't see it, I tell them again, I end up going into whatever room and showing it to them and they say 'that's not where you said'. grrrrr


:iagree: My dh will ask where it is, I tell him, he "looks" and can't find it, I go over and find it in 5 seconds, exactly where I told him it was.


"You don't wear my shoes, and I don't wack you weeds"



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"I don't whack your weeds" :lol: For some reason that just hit me so funny.


For me it's -chewing and other mouth noises

-whistling (my kids just learned),

- "guess what" - guess what? I don't need to hear it five times in the middle of every story!

-being poked to get my attention

-feet on me!!!


Yep, the I don't whack your weeds line is a now a running joke in our house.

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My dh did this to me for awhile but I started answering with this every single time.


"Nope, I plan to break every single law I can, tailgate, swerve, slam on my breaks in heavy traffic, aim for pedestrians, put my make-up on and talk on the phone at the same time, and I think I might try driving with my feet today...love you...see ya later."


After about the 8th time he stopped and just started telling me that he loved me everytime - now that, I don't mind hearing.


Are you my sister? I do exactly that (give him a long string of outrageous answers) every time dh asks me a stupid question or says something brainless.


Mine hasn't stopped. I'm starting to think it may amuse him. :glare:

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Family members asking me "What's for dinner?" Drives me crazy!


YES!! Me too. I just ranted to my dh for about 10 min. on this very subject.


Oh, and my dd who is very talkative and asks a hundred questions a day has recently begun prefacing her 100 questions with "can I ask you a question?" For each.and.every.question.


So just like that she's gone from asking 100 questions per day to 200. :glare:

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Beth, I actually use the technique at tapping.com to change my perspective on things (like how loud the kids are, or the smell of my mom's hairspray). I will do a round while thinking about the subject and verbally expressing it and I will do a round while being exposed to the irritant.


In case you were wanting suggestions. :)

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How do you handle your own personal reaction to certain things that just set you off? For example, lately I've really come to feel absolutely disgusted by the sound of chewing, even with the person's mouth closed. I just hear it. Eww.
Right there with you, Beth. The sound of chewing sets me on edge. My problem ~ and I do realize it's my problem ~ is that I have such an aversion to extraneous noise. I don't recall that this was an issue when I was younger, but I'm at the point now wherein I notice every. single. noise. Minor tapping. Chewing. Feet shuffling. It's like every noise is magnified hundred-fold and while I try, I really do try, not to say anything, half the time my efforts to bottle my annoyance result in a sudden outburst on my part: "STOP doing that!" or whatever. In other words, I don't handle it very well.:tongue_smilie:
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Something that really bugs me? When my husband "helps" me drive. Every. Single. Time. That he rides with me, he points out the obvious. For example....


The car in front of you is slowing down.

It's clear now, you can go.

Watch out, there's a car pulling out.

Why are you staying in this lane? The other is moving faster.


Drives me freaking batty. Really? I had NO idea they were slowing down...is that what those little red lights mean on the back of their vehicle????


I've said to him, "Wow, I have no idea how I manage to drive when you are not with me." :tongue_smilie:


Of course, then he gets all haughty and upset, saying, "I don't know why you have to be like that. I was just trying to help." AAAAHHHHH!!!!!:001_huh:

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Closets, Drawers, Doors that were opened but never closed. :glare:


Yes! Yes! What IS that??


And the shoes. My word, the shoes! How can you only find one of them? Do you take one off and go one-shoe clinking to another room to remove the other? And then... Where is MY other shoe? Because I know perfectly well I took them both off in the same place.

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Noise and Criminal TV shows!!!! My dh needs background noise. When he isn't working he watches TV while doing surfing online. Then he complains about commercials. :lol::lol:


I sit in the classroom most of the time doing my own thing. But it's right next door. GGRRRR!!!!!


Then it's the Criminal TV shows. One can only take so many Criminal Minds, The Closer, and Without a Trace. Plus it seems like every episode is about missing children, which is really bothering me lately.


If it's not that it's Ghost Whisperer or Charmed. :ack2: Please enough!!!!!


How do I deal? I leave the room. There was one episode I just couldn't watch and got up told him, "I love you, but I can't watch that." He's having fun playing TV detective so he kept watching.


Oh no, you just described me with the tv shows! haha I watch them all of the time. My poor SO!

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The dogs' incessant licking drive me up a wall! There are several others but I'm fed up with this licking today so it's in the front of my mind. They do stop when I say stop at least. Oh, to be serene all day long....

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Beth, I actually use the technique at tapping.com to change my perspective on things (like how loud the kids are, or the smell of my mom's hairspray). I will do a round while thinking about the subject and verbally expressing it and I will do a round while being exposed to the irritant.


In case you were wanting suggestions. :)


Wow, I heard about that a long time ago and totally forgot about it. Thanks! That might just do the trick.

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Something that really bugs me? When my husband "helps" me drive. Every. Single. Time. That he rides with me, he points out the obvious.


Have you ever turned the tables on him? I don't think anyone likes that, yet it seems like it's a common thing. I know I've done it before to my DH just because I feel like I could do it better if I was driving. :tongue_smilie: But I don't do it incessantly. And he's made comments while I drive too. Oh, he uses his horn at people too. I just cringe, wondering if we're about to be the victims of a road rage shooting!

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This thread cracks me up :lol:


When people scrape their silverware across their teeth as they are eating. It makes that "nails on a chalkboard" sound.


I don't like to hear loud chewing either. A lot of times I don't notice it, but if someone is being uncommonly loud, suddenly that is all I hear.


The face my dh makes when he sucks in his snot. He opens his mouth and his lips hang down and it's just gross.


When my very chatty daughter is super talkative first thing in the morning.

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