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Okay so 38 not too old to be PG right?

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I got preggo at 38. Best Friend spent 40th Birthday party BIG -- carrying 2 boys (she also spend her oldest's grad party even bigger :D). Dear mom freind got preggo at 42 for her 3rd (and she says FINAL) child.


38 is 'average"



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I became pregnant at 38 w/ twins. I turned 39 three months after they were born.


I've never been a young mom so I can't speak to that. Always an "old" mom, but I LOVE it. I know I'm wiser, kinder, more fun than I would have been even in my early 30's. It's so easy to keep things in perspective and not freak out over things that just don't matter.


Also, my obgyn is preg. w/ her third baby and she's 38.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so jealous! :party:


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Oh heavens no. One of my friends had a surprise pregnancy when she turned 40 and then had two more - planned! - when she was 42 and 44! She had two kids out the door and gone by the time these three kiddos came along and all five children are healthy, intelligent, and wonderful!

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Well, I'm sure you feel reassured by now, but I'll add my voice to the mix: deliberately TTC my third at age 40 and he was born a month after I turned 41.


I did have gestational diabetes for the first time ever, but that is a risk as you grow older. (I'm heavy, and have PCOS, too.)


I wish more than anything I could have one more...yes, try for that little girl, but welcome a boy gladly if that's what God gave me. DH is convinced we should stop, though, so...anyway...


Congratulations!!!! I am sure you will be just fine!

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