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Please Pray! A child was ....

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Did they catch the person who did this?


I'm sitting here thinking about the parents. Their lives are destroyed. This will change the children she went to school with. I can't imagine these little children going to school and hearing their friend was murdered. The sick person who did this, has now affected many lives.
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murdered in our neighborhood last night. I'm in shock. I don't know her but I'm in shock. 9 years old was playing and the parents couldn't find her.

Oh, please pray for her family and our town.


How awful! I will certainly pray for this family today, and your community as well.


Yes, I do think the world is worse today than when I was growing up. Tragedies happened then, but they were extremely rare. If this were in my local paper this morning, it wouldn't surprise me.



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How sad! Many prayers. We had a little girl murdered in a neighborhood across town last year, I think. She was walking home from school. It was so devestating. We just recently started letting our kids play in our yard unsupervised. Sometimes you just don't know what to do.

I will be praying for your family and all families involved.

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This makes me so mad, frustrated, and sad. I just don't understand what goes through people's minds to think they have the right to take a child's life. I can imagine that he must have sexually assaulted her and didn't want her to tell so he beat her? Just a thought. It makes me sick. I am holding my kids tighter today.

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The person was caught. He lived in the same apt. building. We have not found out his name yet. There is a prayer vigil tonight. So far we know that she was beaten and sexually assaulted. (tears)


Glad they have someone in custody. I can't imagine what these parents are going through. The thought of it makes me feel ill. My worst nightmare.

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It's this kind of stuff that makes me struggle with letting my 8yo out of my sight even if it's just for a few minutes. I have talks with myself that I need to relax a little and try not to be so paranoid and if I don't back off a little I'll make my son skittish and paranoid too. Unfortunately, the world is not the same as it was 40 - 50 years ago. This is heartbreaking. :crying:

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The person was caught. He lived in the same apt. building. We have not found out his name yet. There is a prayer vigil tonight. So far we know that she was beaten and sexually assaulted. (tears)



I am so lost for words. I am literally sick to my stomach. I have a 9 year old dd and this is just killing me. What kind of &%@*&% sexually assaults and beats a 9 year old? :crying: :crying: What was going through that poor little girls head as this was happening??? :crying: :crying: What is this world turning to???


I swear when he is thrown in prison (and he BETTER be), they better put him in a room with all the prisoners who have little girls that they would do anything to see, and the guards better their backs and let it be. This scum deserves NOTHING better than that. :glare:

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Op, your post gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. Holding all of you in my thoughts and prayers. I am going to have another stranger danger chat with my Dd now.


If it was someone in the same apartment building, it may well have been someone she was familiar enough with not to consider a stranger. Not knowing anything about the situation beyond what has been said in this thread, I would guess that he was able to isolate her because he wasn't a stranger.

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murdered in our neighborhood last night. I'm in shock. I don't know her but I'm in shock. 9 years old was playing and the parents couldn't find her.

Oh, please pray for her family and our town.

Are you in PA? I think we might live in the same community:sad::sad::sad:

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This makes me so mad, frustrated, and sad. I just don't understand what goes through people's minds to think they have the right to take a child's life. I can imagine that he must have sexually assaulted her and didn't want her to tell so he beat her? Just a thought. It makes me sick. I am holding my kids tighter today.


Sex offender registries are only the tip of the iceberg. Those are only the people who have been caught, not the ones who have never been caught, or who have yet to take action. (another reason why I find the child porn problem such a concern. There was a HUGE case on that locally, and one of them involved a woman who was helping her boyfriend create the photos, and she even used her nieces whom she was babysitting as "subjects!" Thankfully she got 30 years...)


Porn was simply not as widely available 20-30 years ago as it is now. Now you can hardly avoid it unless you buy internet filters, monitor your kids' Ipods and phones, AND monitor the devices of the kids your kids are playing with etc.


I don't think they set out to kill a child, though. I think they simply conclude they MUST do away with the evidence.


Really, our whole culture needs prayer. Badly.

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