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Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie???

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A shame, really. They're beautiful young ladies under the hats & skeletonesque eye make-up.


Can someone link a pic. I do NOT want to go to the networks but like to see crazy hats. After all the Brits are famous for that. :lol:

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I'm wondering how she managed to keep it on her head. It looks like it should be falling forward. There must be some great weight on the head-piece in order to keep the center of gravity low and on her head.


Golly! Her sister's blue affair is remarkable enough but nothing beats this "thing."

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Well, my take on this is that they are two party girls determined to remain single. This just had to be an attempt at keeping serious pursuers at bay and I would have to conclude that it might work.


The other thing it could be is that they are two very damaged little girls inside womansize bodies who are so desperate for attention having spent their childhood dealing with a ridiculous situation, in the shadow of Harry and William, too many eyes on them and not enough attention from the right people - Fergie does not appear to have been the kind of mother that Diana was - and just generally unhappy. If one cannot get attention in a positive manner, one will get it in a negative manner and this worked. There will be more photograph and talk about them for their gaudy attire than there ever would have been if they'd shown up beautiful and appropriate.


Maybe it is a combo of the two.



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Well, my take on this is that they are two party girls determined to remain single. This just had to be an attempt at keeping serious pursuers at bay and I would have to conclude that it might work.


The other thing it could be is that they are two very damaged little girls inside womansize bodies who are so desperate for attention having spent their childhood dealing with a ridiculous situation, in the shadow of Harry and William, too many eyes on them and not enough attention from the right people - Fergie does not appear to have been the kind of mother that Diana was - and just generally unhappy.


Hmm. Or maybe they just thought they were fun hats?


My daughter loved the blue one, by the way. And I think I'm actually a pretty good mom.

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That hat is awful!! She desperately needs to hire a stylist.


I promise I'm not trying to be either dense or snarky, but I have to ask, "Why?"


She clearly thought the hat was fun or attractive or appealing. It's not my style, but I don't think a hat is actually terribly important.


Why would something like this be important enough to merit spending money hiring someone to tell her how to dress?

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There will be more photograph and talk about them for their gaudy attire than there ever would have been if they'd shown up beautiful and appropriate.


Maybe it is a combo of the two.




It looks like Beatrice enjoys hats of this type. Check out the one she wore to her cousin's (?) wedding:

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It looks like Beatrice enjoys hats of this type. Check out the one she wore to her cousin's (?) wedding:


:lol: She looks like she's being attacked!


I think they're not any different than young American celebrities who do/wear this kind of thing. The hats and makeup are hideous, but so what? I agree with whoever said above that they're party girls, and they're probably grateful not to have the kind of scrutiny on them that William and Harry do. They can just be rich and ridiculous. (I admit, though, that every time I see a picture of Eugenie, the mom in me has to fight the urge to say, "Stand up straight already!")

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I'm going to a wedding and I'll have to wear a hat... hmmm....I've got it.... I think I'll staple a giant soft pretzel to my forehead. I think that should draw attention, and I can snack on it in case the queen eats too quickly at dinner.


You are so practical! :D

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I'm going to a wedding and I'll have to wear a hat... hmmm....I've got it.... I think I'll staple a giant soft pretzel to my forehead. I think that should draw attention, and I can snack on it in case the queen eats too quickly at dinner.



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Well, first of all, my girls thought that the pinkish hat was cool--although I can't figure out why. It's definitely horrendous! :glare:


However, my thought was that they probably inherited Fergie's bratty sense of humor and wore obnoxious hats on purpose (like the butterfly hat linked a few posts back).


I really don't think it's that serious of a matter, or that we can garner a good psycho-analysis based on the ridiculous hats. You'd have to sweep half of London into your *bad childhood/attention-grabbing* dust bin. :tongue_smilie:

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She said at least the princesses wore hats whereas Beckham's hat looked like a unicorn horn. Anyway,aren't hats worn for such events meant to be fashion statements rather than practical? Though I think I'd have worn a hat with a brim wide enough so that no one would know I was faking singing or how bored I might have been.

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I didn't think their hats were that bad. British hats are pretty crazy in general. And they seemed to act respectful, despite their mother being snubbed, so what's the big deal?


I agree with a previous poster that Victoria Beckham looked worse, though her hubby looked quite dashing IMO!

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My crew voted Beatrice's Worst Hat of the Day.

And the eye makeup - ghastly.


I fear we have seen Patient Zero. World War Z will really start in England.


Ack, I just saw a photo of the Beckhams. Is there still rationing of fabric for slips in UK? I'd be willing to take up a collection so she wouldn't have to go without anymore.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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I didn't think their hats were that bad. British hats are pretty crazy in general. And they seemed to act respectful, despite their mother being snubbed, so what's the big deal?





While the hats (and maybe the makeup) were a bit wacky and perhaps a bit unusual for a royal wedding, I think it's reading too much into their choice of attire to say they are acting out or have an ulterior motive.


And, speaking of hats, my teen (who collects and wears vintage hats) and I had so much fun looking at all the gorgeous (and even those that were not, in our opinion ;)) hats this morning.


I say hats off to milliners! :001_smile:


I'm wondering if millinery will be making more of a comeback after this?

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