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Guess what I got for Mother's Day!

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Jesse Elijah was born at home today on Mother's Day at 5:06 am weighing in at 8lbs and 8 oz and measuring 22 in. long. It was a short labor and delivery, thankfully. We had a scare, though, when my midwife couldn't find a strong heartbeat and I started losing a lot of blood before delivery! We called an ambulance just in case, but Jesse was born w/in minutes of the ambulance's arrival. He is very healthy and there were no complications after the delivery. No need for transfer to the hospital! I just wanted to let you all know that you are honorary aunts/uncles because you put up with my whining and complaining for soooo long! :D I'll post more later..off to feed the cute little guy!



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Oh, Sue! I cannot even express how enormously happy I am for you!!!!




I am smiling from ear to ear for you! I'm in shock too! It FINALLY happened! Do you attribute it to the castor oil?


Oh! I'm just so...happy! :hurray:



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Yaaaay!!! Congratulations, Sue! What a great kid - he came at exactly the right time! I was very worried about you, having to make that long drive today and get all exhausted.


He's cute, too. Glad everything went well (although it sounds a little scary!)


Whew! I'm so relieved. I was wondering when that little guy was going to show up. He looks like he was worth the wait.



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What a sweet Mother's Day present! He's precious, and I love his name! Congratulations! :001_smile:


I was born 32 years ago on the day before Mother's Day and was 8 weeks early...my mom always says that I just wanted to make her a mom for Mother's Day!

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