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Please pray: I am taking DH to ER for possible stroke

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Update. DH will be in the hospital for at least 2 days. Neurologist coming from Pittsburgh tomorrow -- plus MRI. Doc wants him to retire. DH wants me to bring his work to the hospital. Fat chance. I've already got a plan on how to deal with all this, and I told it to the kids so they won't worry. Basically, DH and I share the same profession, so I can do that job and the kids and I can run the book biz. DH can work part-time, if he will. He's a workaholic, so I'm not sure he will settle down to a life of semi-leisure.


Meanwhile, I'm home b/c in all the hurry, kids left DH's duffel bag with his stuff in it behind. So I've got DS1 at hospital and DS3 is coming with me to deliver duffel and retrieve DS1.


This stroke situation can recur and lead to stroke-caused dementia, so I hope DH does what the doctor tells him.


DH is very grumpy; he hasn't been hospitalized in nearly 40 years and he isn't taking it very well. He especially hates the blood pressure cuff that stays on all the time. Plus, you know he has to be worried.


He's had these stroke symptoms since yesterday but refused to believe me and go to hospital or doctor. Then he lost a book sale today because the caller couldn't understand him and probably thought he was drunk (slurred words), so he came home. That's when I said either ambulance or me driving, you are going to the hospital no matter what. I should have done that yesterday, called an ambulance, but DH was so adamant that the problem was due to his latest root canal and that I was being dumb, basically.


Thanks for your prayers.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Hey, thanks for all of the support, everyone. :) I can't give updates or anything 'cause I'm staying home to take care of the puppy while my mom, dad, and brothers are at the hospital, but apparently, lifestyle changes are in order, 'cause my mother has heart problems and my dad's current conditon,( It's lovely. The diet thing is. Not the stroke....I like salad....).

Anywhoo, thank you all!




(I assume I'm the 15year old DD :D)

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Hey, thanks for all of the support, everyone. :) I can't give updates or anything 'cause I'm staying home to take care of the puppy while my mom, dad, and brothers are at the hospital, but apparently, lifestyle changes are in order, 'cause my mother has heart problems and my dad's current conditon,( It's lovely. The diet thing is. Not the stroke....I like salad....).

Anywhoo, thank you all!




(I assume I'm the 15year old DD :D)




Oh my goodness! I read this and at first I thought I must be losing it because I didn't remember writing it! When I got to the puppy part, I realized it wasn't me after all.


When I got back to the hospital, the RN was taking DH's medical history, and he was busy lying like a rug. DS1 was busy correcting DH so the nurse would have correct information. The nurse asked me to stay for awhile so she could be sure she had the correct information. DH was not happy about that.


He is going to have a lot of tests tonight and tomorrow morning. The RN and nurses aides are all real nice and cheerful, luckily.


I had a hard time persuading DH to let me bring home his Rolex watch, his wallet, his penknife ... he didn't believe that they could be stolen. I told him I'd take his pants, too, if he didn't shut up, so he did. :D He was really upset that I took his car keys, until I pointed out that his car is at home. There is no taxi service in town, so he is stuck at the hospital.


I just hope he cooperates with the new lifestyle the docs have already told him he has to do because if he doesn't, he will have a lot more of these little strokes and get dementia from it. He is not a cooperative person, especially when it comes to working fewer hours (he is gone 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and is a workaholic), not eating at fast food places (he eats 2 meals a day at BK or McD), eating a heart healthy diet (his heart is fine, but the diet is the same), walking daily for exercise.


This is a man who firmly believes, despite all evidence to the contrary, that a high fat, high salt, high sugar, simple carb diet is healthy. Mind you, he doesn't eat like that at home -- but he only eats dinner at home.


If he does cooperate, that will be good (no one wants to have more strokes or dementia, do they?) because for the first time ever, we will be on the same page regarding diet and exercise and maybe even work hours.


On May 5, I will have 2 stents put in because my aorta is blocked (at the place where it branches to the legs -- 90% on one side of the arch, and 60% on the other). After that, I will be able to walk without being in extreme pain, and hopefully I will feel a lot better on a daily basis. We have a new puppy and live out in the country, so there are lots of places to walk, and little Aidan will enjoy it too.


I have high hopes for DH's complete recovery. The kids and I have watched DH's health deteriorate during the last several years, a time of great stress for our family, and I hope he turns it around. I was looking at pictures from 5 years ago the other day, and DH looks like a different person now, that's how greatly the bad times have affected him.


Thank you very much for all your prayers. It really lifted my spirits to read this thread and see that so many of you are praying and sending hugs.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Oh my goodness! I read this and at first I thought I must be losing it because I didn't remember writing it! When I got to the puppy part, I realized it wasn't me after all.


When I got back to the hospital, the RN was taking DH's medical history, and he was busy lying like a rug. DS1 was busy correcting DH so the nurse would have correct information. The nurse asked me to stay for awhile so she could be sure she had the correct information. DH was not happy about that.


He is going to have a lot of tests tonight and tomorrow morning. The RN and nurses aides are all real nice and cheerful, luckily.


I had a hard time persuading DH to let me bring home his Rolex watch, his wallet, his penknife ... he didn't believe that they could be stolen. I told him I'd take his pants, too, if he didn't shut up, so he did. :D He was really upset that I took his car keys, until I pointed out that his car is at home. There is no taxi service in town, so he is stuck at the hospital.


I just hope he cooperates with the new lifestyle the docs have already told him he has to do because if he doesn't, he will have a lot more of these little strokes and get dementia from it. He is not a cooperative person, especially when it comes to working fewer hours (he is gone 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and is a workaholic), not eating at fast food places (he eats 2 meals a day at BK or McD), eating a heart healthy diet (his heart is fine, but the diet is the same), walking daily for exercise.


This is a man who firmly believes, despite all evidence to the contrary, that a high fat, high salt, high sugar, simple carb diet is healthy. Mind you, he doesn't eat like that at home -- but he only eats dinner at home.


If he does cooperate, that will be good (no one wants to have more strokes or dementia, do they?) because for the first time ever, we will be on the same page regarding diet and exercise and maybe even work hours.


On May 5, I will have 2 stents put in because my aorta is blocked (at the place where it branches to the legs -- 90% on one side of the arch, and 60% on the other). After that, I will be able to walk without being in extreme pain, and hopefully I will feel a lot better on a daily basis. We have a new puppy and live out in the country, so there are lots of places to walk, and little Aidan will enjoy it too.


I have high hopes for DH's complete recovery. The kids and I have watched DH's health deteriorate during the last several years, a time of great stress for our family, and I hope he turns it around. I was looking at pictures from 5 years ago the other day, and DH looks like a different person now, that's how greatly the bad times have affected him.


Thank you very much for all your prayers. It really lifted my spirits to read this thread and see that so many of you are praying and sending hugs.


:grouphug: Hopefully your dh will listen and the health issues that you guys have had will result in a less stressful life. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Praying for your dh to have a quick recovery and to have that little lightbulb go off in in his head, realizing the changes he needs to make in his life. Change is a hard and slow process. :grouphug:



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Oh RC,


We can always work your dh over Jersey-style if he won't cooperate.



"Listen pal. We said EAT THE LETTUCE and NO ONE WILL GET HURT." :tongue_smilie:


:grouphug: and prayers!


:lol: Love this!


Praying for a change of heart for him and a complete recovery.


It's been a tough year for your family, but hopefully the health concerns that have been revealed and are being addressed will mean a long and happy life together :)

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Praying again.


And wanted to add--a tack that might work with him re. lifestyle changes is setting a good example for the kids. (That is what made my DH finally quit smoking for good and all.) They have serious heart issues, probably hereditary tendencies, on both sides of the family. They can make lifestyle choices and medical monitoring choices that can make a significant difference in the quality and length of their lives. They are FAR more likely to both do this and respect their dad if he leads by example in this regard.

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And totally unrelated, but that is the cutest puppy I've ever seen!


Thank you. I took him to our groomer to have his claws clipped, and his ears and eyes cleaned, if needed. She shaved his little face. I was shocked. I think in groomer-speak, to her, eyes cleaned meant clipping the hair around the eyes. I didn't mean that.


Now, when he is dry, he looks like an owl. When he has just dipped his entire face in the water bowl, he looks like a possum. Plus, since he will turn oatmeal colored, the hair she cut off was brown, and the hair left over is white.


It's a good thing hair grows fast!

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I'm posting the updates on my original post, too.


Wednesday Morning Update: None yet this morning. He away from his room having an MRI, and MRA (I think it's called), a swallow test, and whatever else the docs can think up. Since he couldn't go to sleep until at least 2 a.m. (5.5 hours past his usual bedtime), I didn't want to call him too early.


We are going over there in a couple of hours. You should see the rooms at this hospital. They are all single rooms, and have a long couch that goes across the considerable width of the room, against the far wall. There is a tv remote thing on the wall next to the couch. The walls are pretty pastel colors and the rooms have big windows behind the couch. They also have large bathrooms and lots of storage. This is a new patient tower. I'm used to the old hospitals in Boston, so this is really impressive to me.


I will keep calling his room until we leave. Hopefully they will have fed DH by then (no food or drink after midnight). He is a quiet, reserved guy who is always calm, so it's kind of like he suddenly turned into a Bear.


DS2 has a netbook, so I can post from the hospital once I get there.


Bigger problem: My mother (age 75) wants me to text updates to her. Text! I can't believe she knows how to do that, and I don't!


Thank you all for praying!

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Bigger problem: My mother (age 75) wants me to text updates to her. Text! I can't believe she knows how to do that, and I don't!


Thank you all for praying!



:lol: I love that you can keep your sense of humor during all this! I bet one of your dc can fill you in on everything you need to know to text!

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I just talked with DH. The neurologist said he thinks DH is a tiny bit better than he was yesterday. DH had 2 MRIs (1 with contrast stuff), and is now on his way to have an echocardiogram.


The physical therapist tested him and said he doesn't need physical therapy.


The doc decided he doesn't need a swallow test, so now he can drink water.


They gave him breakfast: "a microscopic bit of egg" and 2 pieces of dry toast -- quite a change from BK.


He is looking forward to lunch. He has had next to no sleep. He broke his reading glasses, so I have to buy him another pair before we go there.

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