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How would you explain this?

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"No, you may NOT wear those pants because you are advertising that you are sexually aroused, lubricated and ready for intercourse." :001_huh:


For me, just hearing the word 'intercourse' would be enough to deter. :lol:






This was my favorite. I about fell out of my chair.

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Ummm, NO. "That's not what it means?" What the heck does it mean, then, pray tell? I can't think of anything else it *could* mean! My pants are juicy? Is there any such thing as juicy pants, unless you've spilled on them? Would that be cool to advertise? I'm a slob and spilled stuff all over my pants and now they're juicy. No.


I only have boys, but I still fight with them about saying certain things that "everyone says" because of the sexual conotations. And they know they are not going to wear clothing that says sexually explicit things, because if I ever caught them with such a thing, I would rip it to shreds in the twinkling of an eye and have warned them.....


My children also know not to start me down the path of "everyone does it" because I can go on and ON for YEARS about that old saw....

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Why don't you just wear those sweats to one of her soccer games. Maybe wear them to the school to volunteer in the library. Go ahead and wear them shopping and ..... pretty much everywhere you go for a week.


I bet she would be able to pretty quickly articulate why she doesn't like that!

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That's perfect! I've started complaining to stores where I shop if they put up lingerie as outerwear on their mannequins during back to school sales. It's ridiculous! And during colder weather, it can NOT even be comfortable! Forget about the bra tops, would you even be comfortable dressed in a mini and flats with no hose, etc. during the middle of winter weather? I'd be dead in under 30 minutes and can't imagine myself ever having wanted to dress that way at any time in my life! Of course I'm old, very old.....

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"No, you may NOT wear those pants because you are advertising that you are sexually aroused, lubricated and ready for intercourse." :001_huh:



:iagree: Especially with the bolded. A young girl who is not sexual active may not actually realize this connotation. I would further elaborate that not only will hot young men be thinking this but so will creepy old men.

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I agree, any pants with writing on the butt is tacky and suggestive. And to add to that they are usually very short shorts or overly tight pants! But I can see where it may be possible your dd really doesn't know what it means. It is a brand name -"Juicy Couture" and a good portion of their clothing, if not all, has "Juicy" written on it somewhere. It is WAY overpriced and in my opinion pretty tacky stuff for the most part, but it seems to be a brand that a lot of teen girls aspire to wear. So to a naive teen it could be all about the brand and nothing at all to do with a sexual connotation. But of course there are tons of men and teen boys in the world that would have no idea of the brand! What are they thinking of ? Maybe pointing out what an adult male she knows (like a friend's father) might be thinking when they "read" her butt would raise the "ewwwww" factor!




ETA: I really think that many young girls are clueless about what young men (and old men) are thinking when they see young women dressed in a sexually suggestive way. Many girls think they are looking trendy, or cute, and they are thinking "romance" with boys. They don't realized that men are "wired" differently then women and sex is never far from their thoughts. If there is a trusted male who can explain to them how young men think it can help.

Edited by Mary in VA
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I prefer the shame route, myself. I'd be saying, "Ewwww! Your butt is juicy? Do you mean that you have diarrhea? Dude, I would NOT be advertising a juicy butt to the world!"


And then if I got the, "That's not what it means!!" reply, I'd say, "No, really? You mean it doesn't mean diarrhea? Ohhhhh, OK, well advertising your butt in general is pretty pathetic, don't you think? Very, very sad that you don't have more self-respect than that. Good luck with your reputation!"




:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :ack2: :eek:

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My children also know not to start me down the path of "everyone does it" because I can go on and ON for YEARS about that old saw....


I once posted here on the forum about why my dd generally knows better than to say anything about what anyone/everyone else gets to do. My favorite highlights:


In our house the conversation goes something like this:


DD: "All my friends at school get to watch This Show Is Really Violent And Sexually Inappropriate. I'm the only one who's not allowed."


Me: "Too bad you don't live with them."




Me: "Oh."




we have made it very plain to our dd that we don't give a rat's @$$ (as my dad would say) what her friends are or aren't allowed to do, and when she first started school and started complaining about these things, we bored her to tears with our long, long, long monologues about how we don't give a rat's @$$ about these things


Upon reflection, it's been a long time since she busted out the "everyone else" thing.


I am copying and pasting y'all's responses into a word document that I will print out and leave on her bed. :D



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I get really tired of hearing that the girls don't realize what they are doing to the guys when they dress and act suggestively. Come on, get real!


With what is on TV now-a-days, they know what is sexually suggestive. I think the only "innocence" you can attribute to a girl regarding this issue is that she thinks sex is all romance and a boy views it as a bodily function.


I didn't let my step daughter dress suggestively and she knew why. She even agreed with it.


Now, I have to explain to my son that girls that dress suggestively do it because they are trying to get someone to love them. I ask him if that's what he's thinking about a girl who dresses suggestively. He's only thinking about a bodily function.


I heard a Pastor say once, "Women, please help your Christian brothers out and don't dress suggestively." I know I certainly wasn't taught that. I was taught "sluts" dress a certain way. I was not taught that by dressing suggestively I was leading young men astray. I say women have a responsibility to dress appropriately and that we should teach our daughters so. I know appropriately is different for different folks, but most people agree that cleavage down to the nipples in too much, as well as other more graphic examples.

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Dh suggested I look for the pants to make sure they had been returned.


Hmmm, they just happened to be wadded up and stuffed under a blanket in her closet.


They are now hanging out in mom's closet ...




I think you should take them to the girl's parents and tell them, "Your dd left these at my house. I thought she might be missing them, so I am returning them."

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I just wanted to post to say that, while I agree heartily with all of the above posts (although Mrs. Mungo's first response is still my favorite) ... that nevertheless I wholeheartedly support the wearing of adorable ruffles across the bottom of a chubby baby girl.


The message they always send is, "Don't you think you need another baby soon?"

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I made it 1/2 way through the replies; please forgive me if this is a repeat. In total agreement that the pants are inappropriate for all of the reasons stated; however, they are also current and a trendy part of popular culture. Perhaps your daugther is just reluctant to give up something that makes her feel contemporary, so she doesn't want to admit that there is any additional meaning to the message. Would you be willing to replace the pants with something else equally cool but less offensive?


It seems this would be a great conversation starter and fun relationship building experiment; head out to the mall together and examine what's available that meets mutual criteria for what it means to be well-dressed.

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You could wear the juicy bottom sweats and your husband could wear a pair with the words "hot and hard" taped across the crotch.


Ask her what she'd think of a boy with "hot and hard" sweats.


Sadly, you could probably make a mint if you decided to manufacture these.

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This thread makes me think that this conversation (which is no doubt in my family's future also) might also be a good time to talk about the more general issue of making assumptions about people based on appearances. Your daughter has someone to help her avoid sending unintended messages with her clothing (whether she likes it or not!), but it also brings up the issue of tolerance for other people's choices.


I certainly don't want my daughters to wear clothing labeled "Juicy" on their bottoms, and I want them to understand why not. However, I also don't want them to call girls who do so "sluts" or other names. I hope I can teach them the difference between thinking someone has made a bad choice vs condemning that person.


There are way too many examples out there of girls/women being judged and treated horribly because they didn't dress in whatever way those around them happened to believe was "modest."

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This thread makes me think that this conversation (which is no doubt in my family's future also) might also be a good time to talk about the more general issue of making assumptions about people based on appearances. Your daughter has someone to help her avoid sending unintended messages with her clothing (whether she likes it or not!), but it also brings up the issue of tolerance for other people's choices.


I certainly don't want my daughters to wear clothing labeled "Juicy" on their bottoms, and I want them to understand why not. However, I also don't want them to call girls who do so "sluts" or other names. I hope I can teach them the difference between thinking someone has made a bad choice vs condemning that person.


There are way too many examples out there of girls/women being judged and treated horribly because they didn't dress in whatever way those around them happened to believe was "modest."


Well said. Thank you.

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What I told dd is that it's not appropriate to have sexually suggestive words on her clothing because she is suggesting that she's sexually available. I also said, "Considering that you complain A LOT about getting attention from boys [she's gorgeous, if I do say so myself], I don't think you want to give them the message that you want to have sex with them."


Her response? "That's not what it means, mom. Everyone wears this stuff."


To which I replied, "That's exactly what it means, and you don't." I also told her that I was very surprised that the friend-who-owns-the-sweats' father, who is a teacher, allowed her to own/wear those pants. And here's why I think dd was deliberately being obtuse about "not understanding" why this is not ok: She replied, "I don't think he knows she has them."




I also told her, "So if it's ok to wear that, you would think it's also ok for your little sister to wear that?" She admitted that it wasn't, but couldn't come up with a reason why.




Oh, snap. You are totally getting your message across. She just doesn't want to admit it :D

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A few months ago, we were leaving Universal Studios in the middle of a big crowd. Two girls a bit in front of us were wearing those. Two college-age guys walking next to us had the following conversation about it:


"Do you think that's s#xy?"


"No way."


"Why do girls wear those?"


"I don't know, Man."


Maybe you could relay that conversation to her...:lol:

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I think she knows why.


Remind her that it turns her into a piece of meat and that women who see her it will think her loose and see her as a threat and that men who see her in it will think her loose and see her as an opportunity for a little sexual fun.

Blunt, but true. If only more parents were willing to teach their daughters responsibility for their sexuality.


:iagree: Also that the moms of the nice boys that she would like to spend time with will be advising their sons that she is flirty, not to be taken seriously and potentially trouble. They will be finding ways to dissuade their sons from spending time with her. (Yes, this is harsh.)

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It might help to ask her to imagine how a strange adult man might interpret an outfit, rather than what teenage boys she actually knows might be thinking. In my memory at least, nothing is more creepy to a teenager than an adult. :-)


Descriptors courtesy of Buffy.

I saw this totally played out with girl. I was a chaparone on a swim team trip, the girl had her shorts rolled down , middrif showing, and since we weren't the only people at the hotel, the young construction guy coming in from a hard day's work really enjoyed the view. She noticed too and I didn't have to say anything, She was creeped out and right there pulled her shirt and unrolled the shorts.

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Well, from a different point of view... let her know that Juicy is now considered "out of style" by some fashionistas. ;) Sort of like now that everyone knows about it, it isn't that great. So, does she still want to wear it to be like everyone else or be an individual and find her own style? HTH

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And it's kind of gross too.


Juicy? Like what? Farts? The runs? A fat bum?


Why insult yourself?:D

our neighborhood swim team got shorts for the girls. the team name is 10 letters long.


AND SOMEONE WONDERED WHY I DIDn't WANT that LONG WORD ACROSS MY HINEY. What like I need to point out that a 10 letter word will fit across it.

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I prefer the shame route, myself. I'd be saying, "Ewwww! Your butt is juicy? Do you mean that you have diarrhea? Dude, I would NOT be advertising a juicy butt to the world!"


And then if I got the, "That's not what it means!!" reply, I'd say, "No, really? You mean it doesn't mean diarrhea? Ohhhhh, OK, well advertising your butt in general is pretty pathetic, don't you think? Very, very sad that you don't have more self-respect than that. Good luck with your reputation!"



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I certainly don't want my daughters to wear clothing labeled "Juicy" on their bottoms, and I want them to understand why not. However, I also don't want them to call girls who do so "sluts" or other names. I hope I can teach them the difference between thinking someone has made a bad choice vs condemning that person.


There are way too many examples out there of girls/women being judged and treated horribly because they didn't dress in whatever way those around them happened to believe was "modest."



I have to agree with this too, I am afraid. I don't even think I have ever actually said the word slut, I was completely taken aback to see it here.


And I strongly disagree that all of those girls know what they are doing. They think it is harmless fun until they get put in a bad position. Haven't you seen American Beauty? That is *exactly* the sort of situation (and not necessarily with an adult and/or someone who is basically a good guy and knows when to back off) many girls get into *because* they are naive about what they are putting out there.

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This thread makes me think that this conversation (which is no doubt in my family's future also) might also be a good time to talk about the more general issue of making assumptions about people based on appearances. Your daughter has someone to help her avoid sending unintended messages with her clothing (whether she likes it or not!), but it also brings up the issue of tolerance for other people's choices.


I certainly don't want my daughters to wear clothing labeled "Juicy" on their bottoms, and I want them to understand why not. However, I also don't want them to call girls who do so "sluts" or other names. I hope I can teach them the difference between thinking someone has made a bad choice vs condemning that person.


There are way too many examples out there of girls/women being judged and treated horribly because they didn't dress in whatever way those around them happened to believe was "modest."


Thank you, I agree. No person is "a piece of trash," and there's no need to call other shaming names for a girl who dresses less modestly than you prefer.

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Dh suggested I look for the pants to make sure they had been returned.


Hmmm, they just happened to be wadded up and stuffed under a blanket in her closet.


They are now hanging out in mom's closet ...




Maybe you should personally return them to the girl's father who does not know she has them ;).

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ETA: I really think that many young girls are clueless about what young men (and old men) are thinking when they see young women dressed in a sexually suggestive way. Many girls think they are looking trendy, or cute, and they are thinking "romance" with boys. They don't realized that men are "wired" differently then women and sex is never far from their thoughts. If there is a trusted male who can explain to them how young men think it can help.


So true. As the group my son hangs around with gets older, it's interesting to me, to see the changes. Some of the girls (12-13 years old) dress in ways they think are cute or trendy. I know these girls, have known them since they were little, and know their families well. I know they are only thinking cute and stylish, nothing more. I also know the boys, including my own. And I know cute and stylish are not the descriptive words they'd use.

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I told my DD that if she wore pants with anything written across the bottom, it would make her look like she dances on tables for a living.


Luckily, after hearing about that for years as new fashions came out, she chooses her clothes wisely. If she didn't, she would not leave the house!


I do not care about or comment on what other girls wear.

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Thank you, I agree. No person is "a piece of trash," and there's no need to call other shaming names for a girl who dresses less modestly than you prefer.




I am sure I will get flamed for this but, it's also not my daughters jobs to make males think pure thoughts. They will have enough to deal with growing up. It kind of reminds me of what a Toronto Police representative said a few months back to a personal security class.

"In January, Toronto Police Const. Michael Sanguinetti told a personal security class at York University that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized." This was the result.

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Have a pair of tight sweats made with this written across the seat. I guess you could either threaten her with making her wear them, or better yet, you let her wear the "juicy" pants to the mall along with her mother wearing the "look at my a**, I'm begging you, I am desperate for the attention!!!" pants. You must wear a tight shirt with words across your breasts as well, maybe "Boobs!" or "Got Milk!" (It doesn't matter if you really have milk, the point is just to freak out said youngun)

:lol: Whether or not anyone else finds this humorous is no matter...I have cracked myself up...


No, you cracked me up, too! :lol:


I think the "Got Milk?" trip to the mall is a great idea.

Edited by ocelotmom
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I am sure I will get flamed for this but, it's also not my daughters jobs to make males think pure thoughts. They will have enough to deal with growing up. It kind of reminds me of what a Toronto Police representative said a few months back to a personal security class.

"In January, Toronto Police Const. Michael Sanguinetti told a personal security class at York University that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized." This was the result.



While I do agree with you that it's not their responsibility to make males think pure thoughts, I also think that there's just certain associations that society makes, that young girls might want to avoid. I also think it's very hard to expect a 15 year old boy to NOT have sexual thoughts when he sees certain things.


And while I think the wording might have been wrong, I tend to agree with the officer's statement. If you dress in a way that sexually arouses males that are at the peak of their sexuality, you are potentially asking for trouble.


It's not the best example, but set a plate of brownies in front of a group of women and tell them they can't eat them. What will they focus on? What will they stare at? What will they want? :D

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Dh suggested I look for the pants to make sure they had been returned.


Hmmm, they just happened to be wadded up and stuffed under a blanket in her closet.


They are now hanging out in mom's closet ...




I think you should return them directly to the dad that doesn't know his daughter has them. . .

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I'm still reading all the replies, but if I don't type out my thought right now, I'll forget it!!


One thing I asked my dd18 is if she read the words when she saw them on other girls' hineys. She admitted that she did. I asked her if she thought it was weird that she was staring at a girl's hiney? She admitted it was. It made her think twice about the situation. FWIW, I've never allowed her or her sister to wear clothing with words that bring attention to body parts. Thank goodness it was never a heated debate.

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I am sure I will get flamed for this but, it's also not my daughters jobs to make males think pure thoughts. They will have enough to deal with growing up. It kind of reminds me of what a Toronto Police representative said a few months back to a personal security class.

"In January, Toronto Police Const. Michael Sanguinetti told a personal security class at York University that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized." This was the result.


FTR, that's not really what I said. I said young girls should strive to not be stumbling blocks. Would you have something to say and keep your girls away from men walking around with their "junk" hanging out? Or in form fitting pants? What about the "hot and hard" pants we were joking about in this thread. Now see, the thought is pretty disgusting. Aren't your young girls naturally embarrassed when they see a man without a shirt, even if he's ripped? If he's ripped, are YOU thinking pure thoughts? We all have a responsibility to help each other not stumble. We were created to be a community of loving people. That can't happen if the attitude is: "I can do whatever I want and I don't care how it affects others." Which is what the "wear whatever you want, regardless of the sexuality it espouses" causes.


While I do agree with you that it's not their responsibility to make males think pure thoughts, I also think that there's just certain associations that society makes, that young girls might want to avoid. I also think it's very hard to expect a 15 year old boy to NOT have sexual thoughts when he sees certain things.


And while I think the wording might have been wrong, I tend to agree with the officer's statement. If you dress in a way that sexually arouses males that are at the peak of their sexuality, you are potentially asking for trouble.


It's not the best example, but set a plate of brownies in front of a group of women and tell them they can't eat them. What will they focus on? What will they stare at? What will they want? :D


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FTR, that's not really what I said. I said young girls should strive to not be stumbling blocks. Would you have something to say and keep your girls away from men walking around with their "junk" hanging out? Or in form fitting pants? What about the "hot and hard" pants we were joking about in this thread. Now see, the thought is pretty disgusting. Aren't your young girls naturally embarrassed when they see a man without a shirt, even if he's ripped? If he's ripped, are YOU thinking pure thoughts? We all have a responsibility to help each other not stumble. We were created to be a community of loving people. That can't happen if the attitude is: "I can do whatever I want and I don't care how it affects others." Which is what the "wear whatever you want, regardless of the sexuality it espouses" causes.


:iagree: Wholeheartedly. And with what cin said. We as women need to realize and understand that while we are not responsible for keeping mens' thoughts pure (because we can't control another's thoughts), we do share the world with them, and intentionally making their lives more difficult (in this case, by dressing provocatively under the guise of fashion) is childish and unacceptable, and we need to be teaching that to our daughters. We would be HORRIFIED if men treated us like pieces of meat. Yet, we dress like we want them to, then get offended when they do? It's a no win for guys when we send mixed signals like that. I really, truly worry about my boys as they grow up.

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While I do agree with you that it's not their responsibility to make males think pure thoughts, I also think that there's just certain associations that society makes, that young girls might want to avoid. I also think it's very hard to expect a 15 year old boy to NOT have sexual thoughts when he sees certain things.


And while I think the wording might have been wrong, I tend to agree with the officer's statement. If you dress in a way that sexually arouses males that are at the peak of their sexuality, you are potentially asking for trouble.


It's not the best example, but set a plate of brownies in front of a group of women and tell them they can't eat them. What will they focus on? What will they stare at? What will they want? :D


Really? When I was 17 I worked at Tim Hortons which is a massive Canadian coffee chain. I used to get rude inappropriate comments, propositions all the time and my butt grabbed/slapped in more than one occasion. This was from men/boys of varying ages. Was it because I was wearing something that said "please say something rude and disgusting to me so my self esteem decreases and then top it off with a grope"? If you think that, then you really haven't seen a Tim Hortons uniform, they don't scream sexy.:tongue_smilie:

Edited by sarawatsonim
spelling mistake
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we adult women agree it is in bad form so as the mother of 2 teen boys I decided to ask their opinion


17yo says all the girls wear them to be "in you face" and advertise their sex appeal. He wants a girl that has more self esteem. He doesn't understand why they are all exhibitionist. He would not ask one of these girls out.

( this is my more worldly looking son wears hair long, has a few piercing) I know you would think he wouldn't care.)


14yo also says that all the girls wear them but he doesn't think all the girls are "asking for it" He said they just want to fit in. He says if she is the only one in her group of friends wearing the pants then he would think she was more loose. (He is more all American clean cut)


I thought maybe your daughter may listen to what teenage boys think more than a bunch of moms

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Really? When I was 17 I worked at Tim Hortons which is a massive Canadian coffee chain. I used to get rude inappropriate comments, propositions all the time and my butt grabbed/slapped in more than one occasion. This was from men/boys of varying ages. Was it because I was wearing something that said "please say something rude and disgusting to me so my self esteem decreases and then top it off with a grope"? If you think that, then you really haven't seen a Tim Hortons uniform, they don't scream sexy.:tongue_smilie:


I am bothered by the idea that women are responsible for men's thoughts, but don't you think it would have been even worse if you had been dressed like a Hooters waitress?

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And I strongly disagree that all of those girls know what they are doing. They think it is harmless fun until they get put in a bad position.



I have to admit that my first thought was not "sexually aroused, lubricated and ready for intercourse", although I am admittedly dense.


Now it makes me wonder what males are thinking when they see these yoga pants:



I've never seen the "Juicy" pants, but I see girls wearing "Pink" pants all the time (with a shirt, not a bra). What's your opinion, slutty or not? Is "Pink" more than just a brand name?

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