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Perhaps the mystery disappearance of OB tampons has been solved!

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Guest CarolineUK

Amazing. Truly amazing. Don't think I'll be ordering one for the dining room any time soon ... though it might distract people enough they don't notice my cooking ...

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On a side note, I've noticed OB supplies coming back to my store in the last few weeks. No ultras, as I believe those have been discontinued, but the other sizes were available.


It's funny, I finally ran out of my large supply of OBs because there was a time I couldn't find any and bought a bunch (not enough for a chandelier). I went to HEB to find something else and after deliberating on that isle for 15 minutes, dd said, "I thought you used these?" pointing to a good selection of OBs. I honestly didn't see them.


There's an entire blog devoted to crafting with tampons. Srsly.


They need to leave my OBs alone! :D

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That is soooo......... strange.:001_huh:



I keep thinking how it would attract dust and there really wouldn't be any way to clean it. I mean it's not like you could wipe it down with a wet rag.:tongue_smilie:


Then you'd just have a much bigger chandelier.

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Neat, but I don't think it would work in my house. It wouldn't flow with the rest of the decor.


Not to mention, I'd have to pull quite a few strings to get someone to deliver it...


THANK YOU!! I am in just the mood for this kind of humor tonight. I am getting more delirious by the moment. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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This is an art piece done by a friend of mine working on her masters in art right now. It is titled "Coming of Age". She did a series of cakes out of different materials that conveyed the message. I thought it was rather interesting.


I thought it an appropriate addition to this thread. :)

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