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What curricula have you stuck with long-term?


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Just curious: What programs have you found that you were able to stick with happily for years? I see a lot of curriculum jumping going on, and I don't want to do that anymore.


I've found AAS, which I think is a keeper. We're only on level 2, but I plan on finishing the series.


Anyone else?

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We've only ever used Saxon Math.


We used Story of the World 1-4, and are using them again with Sonlight 6 & 7.


We've used Rod & Staff English off and on for 3 years, but we are not jumping anymore. I've got levels 2-8 on my shelf to reinforce this decision.


We've been using Sequential Spelling since last year and I have no intentions of looking at any other spelling program.


We will complete the Elementary Greek series.

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CLE math& reading & LA


Ambleside online which I have used in one way or another for over 10 years


WTM type notebooks, and many of their rec.s for books in history, literature, etc.


Apologia upper level sciences...from general through chemistry with 4 kids so far


Story of the World with the ag and audios for years 1&2


Can't seem to find a science for the grammar and logic stages or a writing curriculum I can stick with...sigh.

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A reason for handwriting & Abeka health. I don't have much schooling under my belt but the years we have schooled these where always keepers. I don't have these things now but hopefully I wil aquire them and not be tempted by other programs when I know I love these already.

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Math U See - Beginning through Algebra 2

Rod & Staff Grammar 3-8th grades

Reason for Handwriting

Wordly Wise 2-8th grades

Apologia Sciences General through Physics


seems the history and literature/writing I'm alway piece mealing together and tweaking, even after 2 graduates, thought this last one would be a breeze but I'm still tweaking and fine tuning - reformed curriculum junkie


Emily in IL

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Singapore Math: preK-7th

Getty-Dubay penmanship: whole series

Sequential Spelling


For elementary, I made up my own history and science, so consistent but I've got no curriculum to list for that. For middle school, I'm pretty sure we're sticking with CPO and K12 HO as spines for those topics.


We used LOF as a supplement for Fractions, Dec/Perc and Pre-Alg/Bio, but will probably not continue past that.

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We've only been doing this three years, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt ;) But for me, I can't imagine switching from Singapore until at least 6B is completed; then we might switch, as I know nothing about NEM.


We'll be doing WWE through 4; it works, my son enjoys it, and my younger son enjoys it. Nuff said.


History: SOTW. We'll complete this, using AGs.

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RightStart Math: A through E, now working through Geometry

Growing With Grammar: did 3 & 4, working on 5, will continue with series

All About Spelling: did 1 through 4, working on 5, will do 6 next year

History: used SOTW for 1st through 4th, are & will be using K12 Human Odyssey 5th through 8th

Handwriting: used HWOT all the way through cursive

Latin: finishing Latin Prep 1 this year, will continue with 2 & 3 plus SYRWTL Latin 3


My curriculum hopping has been primarily in writing and science. We've tried several different ones for writing but nothing quite worked for her. We're back to WTM methods now and it is working, so we'll be sticking with that. Science gets changed around based on what branch we're covering for the year.

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We haven't been schooling for a long time, but keepers for us are:


AAS for older two (they will have gone through entire series)


R&S grammar (we're sticking with this after several grammar hops)




SOTW for grammar stage


Math Mammoth (we switched math once, but never again!)


HWOT (older two have completed cursive... still have younger two to go and I'll use it for them too)


I'm thinking Elemental Science will rank up here now too... definitely for grammar stage. She's just starting her Logic stage books so I'm hoping we can continue to use them!

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We did Weaver for 5 years back in the day!


CLE Math, LA & Reading - finishing 4th year with my middle one - all along for youngest.


Meaningful Composition - 3 years now.


God's Design for Science - 2 years.


Just started AAS and WWE - but think they are keeps for the long haul slowly alongside CLE - not totally necessary, but youngest is not the natural speller or writer that my other two are and I think this will be helpful...

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OPGTR (We don't use it long term, but have used it with 3 now.:)

Elemental Science

Singapore Math


I am not a big curriculum jumper. Mainly because we have a small homeschool budget, but I like to stick with things. Most of what we have chosen is from TWTM. We are moving into logic stage so we will see how that goes. Lots of choices to make right now. :)

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I have never been a jumper. I have stuck w/Rod and Staff from the beginning for core subjects since the beginning. Of course my oldest is only in 3rd grade :)


SOTW since the beginning. We are in vol. 3, WTM science plans since the beginning.


We have added new things this year like Prima Latina and Drawing with Children, and will just keep going up a level in them too as long as it works.

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We haven't been schooling for a long time, but keepers for us are:


AAS for older two (they will have gone through entire series)


R&S grammar (we're sticking with this after several grammar hops)




SOTW for grammar stage


Math Mammoth (we switched math once, but never again!)


HWOT (older two have completed cursive... still have younger two to go and I'll use it for them too)


I'm thinking Elemental Science will rank up here now too... definitely for grammar stage. She's just starting her Logic stage books so I'm hoping we can continue to use them!


I just pre-ordered her Logic Stage Biology for DD. Will let you know what I think.


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The only thing I've ever curriculum-hopped on is science, so everything else we have stuck with from K - now. We are doing some 1st grade materials and some 2nd grade currently. We pretty much follow TWTM rec's.


Reading - can't beat OPGTR!


Spelling - We use both AAS and SWO


Grammar - First Language Lessons and Rod & Staff English (we are using English 2 right now and love it as a review of FLL1 since we finished that early and didn't want to start FLL2 until fall)


Math - Saxon - we plan on staying with this through high school, love it!


History - Story of the World!


Science - WTM rec's


Art - Artistic Pursuits

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Very little. To be fair, we have only been doing this for a few years, but I've struggled to find curricula for any subject that I think I'll love forever and ever. I'm pretty sure we will use Dancing Bears all the way through, and Apples & Pears. I bought all the levels for both so I would have an incentive. We will also likely finish the WWE series and La Clase Divertida. We used the Zaner-Bloser manuscript series, but I'm undecided about what to use for cursive.

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100EZ Lessons-- Worked great!!



Stuck with MUS for several years and then switched to CLE Math (and LA as well). I wish we had known about CLE from the beginning. I don't plan to switch Math or LA again, at least until we run out of Sunrise Editions.


Sequential Spelling-- I don't plan to use any other spelling program.

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I don't hop around. The only subject where I didn't stick with a program has been science and that is because I haven't found one we can stick with for all four years of the cycle.


Let's see:

Math: Singapore and Miquon for both kids.

Langage arts: WWE, FLL, spelling power (finished all of those with one and am starting with another)

History: SOTW all four years. My 5th grader is sticking with TWTM method for logic stage history.

Latin: Lively Latin

Handwriting: HWT

Reading: Reading Reflex. I have added in some ETC for my second but I kept RR.



With science, all subjects really, if I have pieced together stuff I always stick with TWTM method.

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I have used either consistently or repeatedly (in my few short years of HSing):


Right Start math A-C with Becca

Handwriting Without Tears used for Becca and then Sylvia, print only

WWE used 1 with Becca, left it, came back for 2, using 1 with Sylvia in the fall


Will be continuing with CLE math for both girls in the fall.

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I don't plan on changing from any of these, except the Saxon for my dd5. I'm going to see if something else is a better fit for her. If so, we'll stick with it.

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Rightstart Math A-E, and doing RS Geo w/ my oldest. My middle son has done RS A-C and is in D. My oldest did WWE1-3 and is in WWE4. My middle son has done WWE1-2 and is in WWE3. We did SWR initially and now 2yrs later will go through it again starting w/ list M for both boys. I'm certain we'll do all four volumes of SOTW. We will also do all 6 levels of SM CWP. My oldest has done SM CWP1-3 and is going in SM CWP4. My middle son has done CWP 1 and is in CWP2 now.

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All of these are curricula I used with first dd, and we're on to second or even third dd with them ... so, 10+ years for each. I've never seen anything in any of the categories that I think is more effective (for my dds).


Artes Latinae

Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek



Key To....

Art of Problem Solving

Standard Service Arithmetics


Reader Rabbit Learn to Read With Phonics (if you can get the antique CD to work on your computer....)/ Reader Rabbit's Reading Journey (ditto)


TOPS Science

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I'm so happy to see so many folks enjoying Horizons Math!


Horizons Math

Life of Fred

Character Quality Language Arts www.tfths.com



We have tried so many curricula. Some we have used for a couple of years, others just for one year. It seems hard to find items that are awesome both on the elementary level AND upper levels.

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SM since age 4, moving into the homestretch of 3B.

GWG, just finishing level 3, started at the beginning 1.5 years ago.

WWE, in level 3, started a little over a year ago at the beginning

RSO, finished all there are. :(

Z-B handwriting, just finished 3.

We only did Warm Ups and started A1, but I think we will stick with Mind Benders.

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