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Do you think it's okay to have a glass of wine once a day?

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I was drinking a glass a day for heart benefits. BUT, it raises your breast cancer risk. So, I only have a glass now and then because my breast cancer risk is quite high.


Thanks! I don't know of anyone in my family with heart disease or breast cancer. I do usually drink red and much less sweet than I used to drink. I have my mom's low blood pressure (96/64 ish).

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I don't mean religiously or morally. I mean health-wise?


But it is my "not ideal" of choice:)


I have it on reasonably good authority that women who drink should limit it to a couple of drinks a week.


So that's another thing that I should do but am probably not going to do. Like exercising, scrapbooking, and reading Moby Dick.

Edited by Danestress
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No, not really.

I mean, I don't think its going to do a lot of harm, but I also don't think its ideal and I believe it would be healthier not to drink a glass a day, than to drink a glass a day, all things considered (including apparent health benefits of tannins etc).

I know the general government regulations say its ok, but I don't think it's true. Alcohol is acutally a poison and not something your body needs, ever.

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No, not really.

I mean, I don't think its going to do a lot of harm, but I also don't think its ideal and I believe it would be healthier not to drink a glass a day, than to drink a glass a day, all things considered (including apparent health benefits of tannins etc).

I know the general government regulations say its ok, but I don't think it's true. Alcohol is acutally a poison and not something your body needs, ever.


Can you get whatever benefits there are supposed to be in wine from drinking the same amount of pure grape juice? If so, do you know if grape juice increases your risk of breast cancer?

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Think of the children.


By that I mean the children of grape growers. Everyone has to eat. :D


Here is what our classical friend Plato had to say about the fermented grape:




"In Vino Veritas (In wine is truth)".


Proverb quoted by PLATO - Symposium 217







:lol: LOVE this.


And I say Yes.

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Think of the children.


By that I mean the children of grape growers. Everyone has to eat. :D


Here is what our classical friend Plato had to say about the fermented grape:




"In Vino Veritas (In wine is truth)".



Proverb quoted by PLATO - Symposium 217







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Can you get whatever benefits there are supposed to be in wine from drinking the same amount of pure grape juice? If so, do you know if grape juice increases your risk of breast cancer?


Really, the benefits from the reserveratrol in the red grape skin are very limited in those quantities, and you would be far better off eating more fruit and vegetables (including red grapes), drinking water and getting exercise. The benefits of drinking red wine are overstated, IMO, and really only used to justify drinking the alcohol.

However, I don't want to be a party pooper. I like wine sometimes.


Here in Australia (a land of alcoholics IMO) it is recommended that people take at least 2 days a week off from drinking alcohol. 1 drink a day for women, plus 2 days a week alcohol free.

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What size glass, LOL? (Yes....)




Think of the children.


By that I mean the children of grape growers. Everyone has to eat. :D


Here is what our classical friend Plato had to say about the fermented grape:




"In Vino Veritas (In wine is truth)".


Proverb quoted by PLATO - Symposium 217





How very classical of you. :D


I sometimes have a wine cooler before bed. This week I bought wine. I've slept wonderfully this week. Other health benefits? IDK, but no insomnia has been wonderful.

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Thanks all, including Peela for scaring the dickens out of me. ;)


I wish I were so noble as to drink it for its health benefits, but I drink it for the same reason I drink coffee. I enjoy it.


And, Peela -- I do eat lots of fruits and vegetables, eat nuts daily (okay, they're not poison are they?), drink water, either exercise or move a lot each day (if I clean and organize all day, I count that as exercise LOL). I take a probiotic daily too. :D


But, yes, I know I could do better. Like I didn't have to make more snickerdoodles when my husband asked who ate the last two (me).

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I do what I can. ;)


I didn't quote the bit about Jesus turning the water into wine for the wedding. So I do get points there.







How very classical of you. :D


I sometimes have a wine cooler before bed. This week I bought wine. I've slept wonderfully this week. Other health benefits? IDK, but no insomnia has been wonderful.

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I think it's fine and healthy too. This probably sounds tacky, but my husband and I like ice in our wine----it obviously cools it but also waters it down. So we add a couple of ice cubes per glass and fill them half full...every day. One glass of wine every day I'm sure won't kill your liver if you are healthy.

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Wait, Plato spoke Latin?


:D Sorry. Either way, though, it wasn't Plato who first said it. Wikipedia gives the most concise explanation, but I looked it up elsewhere too--


In vino veritas is a Latin phrase that translates, “in wine [there is the] truth". It is also known as a Greek phrase “Ἐν οἴνῳ ἀλήθεια†En oino álétheia, which has the same meaning. The author of the Latin phrase is Pliny the Elder; the Greek phrase is attributed to the Greek poet Alcaeus.
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The benefits of drinking red wine are a bit overstated, you know - you can obtain the same effect by eating more grapes and fruit in general - BUT, a few glasses a week are usually fine (barring a tendency to liver / heart / etc. problems, keeping in mind some unique "limitations" of your own organism, rather than an abstraction).


It is not recommended, however, to drink wine literally seven days a week - take a day or two of a weekly "break", and take a bit longer break every now and then just for the sake of it. Otherwise, if you are healthy, there should be no problems.

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Wait, Plato spoke Latin?


:D Sorry. Either way, though, it wasn't Plato who first said it. Wikipedia gives the most concise explanation, but I looked it up elsewhere too--



LOL Good catch. But still, we wouldn't even know what those Greeks had to say without Latin translations. One must always be clear here. :)


Those ancient Greeks & Romans were always stealing each other's ideas. :D


I say Zeus, you say Jupiter. I say Demeter, you say Ceres.

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  • 1 year later...

There isn't anything wrong with it medically. First of all, having a glass of wine once a day is less bad on your liver than many medications, including acetaminophen, which really is quite harsh on the liver. Second of all, while it might slightly increase your breast cancer risk, and that isn't certain at all, it does decrease your risk of heart disease and many, many more women die of heart disease than breast cancer. I wish I could do this but because of the medications I am on, I can only have a glass very occasionally.

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Interesting. Modern research said the same re: the use of olive oil.


And the reason it is interesting to me ***personally*** is that my Church prescribes abstinence two days a week from several foods, including wine and olive oil.


I also find it interesting (and often more of a relief than I can tell you!)( that the first two foods we are given back on festal days are wine and olive oil.





What's the rationale for limiting olive oil?? Interesting, I've never heard that.

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