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How big is your 8 year old?

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Our middle dd is so small. She was an average birth weight (7lb 10oz) and was just a little on the small side until around age 2 when her growing really really slowed down. She just seems so tiny, and she is only about an inch taller than my 5 year old (who is at the 50% for height/weight), and I'm betting she weighs about the same. My guess is she is around 44-45 inches tall and around 43-44 lbs. She is smaller than every other 8 year old we know. She eats well and doesn't have any health problems. I am around 5'7", and dh is around 5'10". I don't take my kids in for well checks every year so Emma hasn't been in a couple of years (her ped hasn't ever had concerns about her size in the past). But I thought I would go ahead and take her in this year. She will be 8 in a week, and we have a check-up scheduled for the next week.


Just wondering how she compares to other WTM kiddos. :)

Edited by Nakia
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Mine is on the other end of the spectrum. He's a little over 5' tall and wears a size 7 men's shoe. He weighs 85-90 lbs. Maybe we can swap some genes with your DD; I'm ready for him to STOP growing!


LOL! My best friend's 7.5 year old is like your son. She weighs 88 lbs and a bra already. She is just a big kid. Of course, bff's husband is 6'4". I don't mind a bit because bff passes down all of her dd's clothes to us.

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My younger son progressed like your daughter in growth. It turned out he was growth hormone deficient. The endocrinologist said he was producing about 5% of the required growth hormone needed. And it's not just about height. When you are growth hormone deficient, you are at a very high risk for brittle bone disease. With growth hormone therapy (shots daily for 8-9 years), he is now 5'10", and there is no longer a risk for bone issues. The end. said he'd likely have only reached 4'5 without.

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Mine is on the other end of the spectrum. He's a little over 5' tall and wears a size 7 men's shoe. He weighs 85-90 lbs. Maybe we can swap some genes with your DD; I'm ready for him to STOP growing!


WHOA! My ELEVEN year old is 5'1 and weighs 85 pounds...and that puts him at 90% for height for his age. Your ds must be off the charts at just 8 years old!

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My dd will be 8 in May. I just took her this week for her checkup (2 years late :o) she is 50" tall and I think she weighed just under 50 lbs. I don't really remember that one. However, my 2 yr old son is a little peanut. He weighs just a little over 20 lbs. He only weighed 6.1 lbs at birth and was 18.5" long. I told my dh NO football for him. Not to worry though, everyone is different.

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WHOA! My ELEVEN year old is 5'1 and weighs 85 pounds...and that puts him at 90% for height for his age. Your ds must be off the charts at just 8 years old!


I KNOW!!! I have a 10 yo who is 5' tall!!!!! He just hit 90 pounds and wears a size 5 shoe. Wow!!!!


I have a tiny dd. She's only 5, but she's smaller than the average 3 yo. Our doc is NOT worried based on her activity level and the fact that she is following a curve. (Well, below the curve, but on her own curve.) :grouphug:

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My 9yr old DS is about 54in and 46lbs. I had no idea he was small but I guess he is compared to most people here. He was just weighed last weekend for a taekwondo tournament and was 46lbs fully dressed with his belt. He does look skinny but doesn't seem much shorter than his peers. His Dr has never said anything to me about his weight or growth. He's actually my biggest for his age child by far.

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Dd will be 9 in June. She's 48in tall and 48lb. She has recently had a growth spurt. She finally got out of size 5 pants though size 6 still has to be rolled a bit and thank goodness for those pants with the little buttons on the inside to tighten the waist.:001_smile:

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My youngest turned 8 at the end of December. She was 51.5" on her birthday. I just had her weigh herself and she says she's 56 pounds. I'm 5'4" and dh likes to say he's 6'0. She is likely to be our tallest kid. Oldest is growth hormone deficient and at almost 14 she's about the same size as the 8 yo. Middle dd is growing like a weed, but still shortish and I'm guessing won't be as tall as I am. I'm guessing youngest might pass me by an inch or two.

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Our middle dd is so small. She was an average birth weight (7lb 10oz) and was just a little on the small side until around age 2 when her growing really really slowed down. She just seems so tiny, and she is only about an inch taller than my 5 year old (who is at the 50% for height/weight), and I'm betting she weighs about the same. My guess is she is around 44-45 inches tall and around 43-44 lbs. She is smaller than every other 8 year old we know. She eats well and doesn't have any health problems. I am around 5'7", and dh is around 5'10". I don't take my kids in for well checks every year so Emma hasn't been in a couple of years (her ped hasn't ever had concerns about her size in the past). But I thought I would go ahead and take her in this year. She will be 8 in a week, and we have a check-up scheduled for the next week.


Just wondering how she compares to other WTM kiddos. :)


My almost-9-year-old weighs the same as your dd and is only a few inches taller.

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I KNOW!!! I have a 10 yo who is 5' tall!!!!! He just hit 90 pounds and wears a size 5 shoe. Wow!!!!


I have a tiny dd. She's only 5, but she's smaller than the average 3 yo. Our doc is NOT worried based on her activity level and the fact that she is following a curve. (Well, below the curve, but on her own curve.) :grouphug:


My just turned 10yo (last Friday) is the same size as yours, except he is 97 pounds and wears a size 7 shoe. I have never met another 9-10yo his size. I'll have to tell him that several other moms have tall boys, too, because he feels slightly freakish. (He's also in the 3rd grade, so he feels particularly freakish at school!:tongue_smilie:)

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You have got to be kidding me. Of course, all of the people with small children are posting to show support to the OP. I will be the first one to admit that my daughter is large.


My daughter is 9 this summer. She is 4' 6 1/2" and somewhere very close to 100 lbs.


She wears a child's large in dance clothes, a woman's xtra small in bras. A women's 6 1/2 in shoes, a Girls 16 slim in jeans.... and is very strong. She was 9 lbs 11 1/2 oz at birth and was holding her head up all by herself.


My son will be 4 this spring and he is the size of most of your 7 to 9 year olds.


I am 5' 7" and have been a very good looking size 12 or 14 most of my adult life. (I am talking wives and girlfriends thumping their guys heads.) My husband is 6' 3" and weighs over 200 lbs and is HOT HOT HOT. (all of this to point out that our family is just naturally large)

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Thanks everyone. I don't know if I feel better or worse. I just always worry about my kids. ARGH! I wish I wasn't a worry wart. I will be glad to go to the doctor and find out if she is concerned as well. I am curious to see where Emma is on the growth chart now compared to where she has been. She has always been below 25%.

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Thanks everyone. I don't know if I feel better or worse. I just always worry about my kids. ARGH! I wish I wasn't a worry wart. I will be glad to go to the doctor and find out if she is concerned as well. I am curious to see where Emma is on the growth chart now compared to where she has been. She has always been below 25%.



This might make you feel better. It always makes me laugh to remember it. When dd was 1, I think. The dr still measured head circumference. Anyway, dd was in the 50% percentile for height, 5% for weight and 95% for head circumference! She did sort of resemble one of those sci-fi "little green men." Now that was a funny lookin child. She grew into her head eventually :tongue_smilie:.


I am sure your child will spring up in no time :001_smile:.


Dd is currently 56lbs and 52 inches at 8.75 yrs old.

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This might make you feel better. It always makes me laugh to remember it. When dd was 1, I think. The dr still measured head circumference. Anyway, dd was in the 50% percentile for height, 5% for weight and 95% for head circumference! She did sort of resemble one of those sci-fi "little green men." Now that was a funny lookin child. She grew into her head eventually :tongue_smilie:.


I am sure your child will spring up in no time :001_smile:.


Dd is currently 56lbs and 52 inches at 8.75 yrs old.


That made me :lol: Thank you.

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My 8 year old (won't be 9 until the end of July) is about 4 feet tall and weighs 42 pounds. She looks like she's made of knobby toothpicks. She was just under 6 pounds when she was born and has always been on the small side. But then, I remember being the smallest kids in my class all the way through 4th grade, and then in 5th grade I shot up like a weed until there was only one boy in the whole school taller than me. Then I was awkwardly tall in 6th and 7th grades while the rest of the girls caught up with me. I've grown all of about an inch since fifth grade (I'm 5'4"). I wonder if dd will follow the same growth pattern. If so, I'd better start saving up $$ for that shoot up through the clothing sizes.

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You have got to be kidding me. Of course, all of the people with small children are posting to show support to the OP. I will be the first one to admit that my daughter is large.


My daughter is 9 this summer. She is 4' 6 1/2" and somewhere very close to 100 lbs.


She wears a child's large in dance clothes, a woman's xtra small in bras. A women's 6 1/2 in shoes, a Girls 16 slim in jeans.... and is very strong. She was 9 lbs 11 1/2 oz at birth and was holding her head up all by herself.


My son will be 4 this spring and he is the size of most of your 7 to 9 year olds.


I am 5' 7" and have been a very good looking size 12 or 14 most of my adult life. (I am talking wives and girlfriends thumping their guys heads.) My husband is 6' 3" and weighs over 200 lbs and is HOT HOT HOT. (all of this to point out that our family is just naturally large)


No worries - my oldest was about that size at 8/9. She's in a woman's 14 now. :D

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When dd10 was 8, she weighed about 45lbs and wore a size 6. She has just always been a tiny little thing. (She does not get that from her mother:glare:, though I have aunts who are tiny). I am a whopping 5'2, size 6/8. Dh is about 5'11, maybe 190. We are considered tall for our families. Dd was 7lbs2oz at birth. She has just always been tiny, though she eats like a 16yo boy. I've never been worried. They will grow when they grow.

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Small kids usually go with small parents.

Tall/large kids usually go with tall/large parents.

Mine are tall. (So are we.)


Dd (who was 8 until last week) is 70 lbs and about 4'6". She has about 20 lbs and 6 inches on a friend she saw last night and they're only 3 months apart in age. So she's tall. But then, so are her parents. :tongue_smilie:


If this child is substantially smaller than her siblings and/or her parents, I'd talk to the doctor about it. Otherwise, it's normal. :001_smile:

8 year olds come in all shapes and sizes.

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Small kids usually go with small parents.

Tall/large kids usually go with tall/large parents.

Mine are tall. (So are we.)

I was always short, and I was fairly small weight-wise until I was about 10 years old. I grew 6 inches over one summer. Anyway, just saying my daughter is not following my growth pattern from when I was her age.

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I was always short, and I was fairly small weight-wise until I was about 10 years old. I grew 6 inches over one summer. Anyway, just saying my daughter is not following my growth pattern from when I was her age.


Ds has a friend who grew 8 inches this year! 8! Amazing! (He was tall before. Now he's REALLY tall.) He has tall parents.


Of course not ALL tall parents have tall children and not all small parents have small children. But it usually follows.

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This might make you feel better. It always makes me laugh to remember it. When dd was 1, I think. The dr still measured head circumference. Anyway, dd was in the 50% percentile for height, 5% for weight and 95% for head circumference! She did sort of resemble one of those sci-fi "little green men." Now that was a funny lookin child. She grew into her head eventually :tongue_smilie:.


I am sure your child will spring up in no time :001_smile:.


Dd is currently 56lbs and 52 inches at 8.75 yrs old.



My DS was about 85% for height, 95% for weight and his head circumference was 1.5 cm ABOVE the chart. He's now about 70% for both height/weight and his head is still large but I think it's more 'normal' now.

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My 8 yo is 40 lbs and I don't know how tall (or should I say short :tongue_smilie:), an inch or so shorter than her 6 yo sister. Last spring she was in T-ball and the only child that was shorter than her was in preK. At her last well child check I did have them do blood work to make sure she truly was just small, everything was normal so that finally eased my mind.:) She has been under the charts since she was 1 but they say it's fine because she follows the curve. :confused: :grouphug:

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My 7.5 year old dd is SUPER tiny too. She is about the same size as your 8 year old and my 5 year old DS is the same size as she is. My older DD's are pretty short too so that is likely why I don't panic too much but it's funny because she was my biggest baby out of all 6 of them and growth-wise she is the smallest.

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Small kids usually go with small parents.

Tall/large kids usually go with tall/large parents.

Mine are tall. (So are we.)


Dd (who was 8 until last week) is 70 lbs and about 4'6". She has about 20 lbs and 6 inches on a friend she saw last night and they're only 3 months apart in age. So she's tall. But then, so are her parents. :tongue_smilie:


If this child is substantially smaller than her siblings and/or her parents, I'd talk to the doctor about it. Otherwise, it's normal. :001_smile:

8 year olds come in all shapes and sizes.

Of course not ALL tall parents have tall children and not all small parents have small children. But it usually follows.
Oh, I thought this was a good post and I agree with you!


I was just clarifying because I was not large as a child, but DD is.


My growth spurt was actually the summer before I turned 15. I started my periods after I was 15. I was a premature baby and always slow to develop. I also grew more after I was married. I just have a male growth pattern :001_huh:.


I look emaciated at a size 10. If I get to a size 8 people in my congregation are "concerned".

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My youngest dd is almost 8 and she's about that same size. My ds, who is 3 years younger than she is, is about the same size. He's a little shorter, but weighs the same. It's just genetics. I was the same way. She eats more than all my other kids put together most days.

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My 8 year old (turned 8 in Dec) is 55 inches tall and weighs 82 pounds, according to him. (He's pretty accurate so I'll go with it.) I am 5'10" and dh is 6'6" so we make huge children. We are on the opposite end of the size spectrum, where no one ever seems to be too concerned. I'll bet your dd is just petite. She is about the size of my 5 year old, but my 5 yo is also really, really tall. Genetics accounts for so much of this. You and dh are hovering around average, give or take a bit.

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